SHCC Meeting Minutes January 7, 2015

SHCC Meeting Minutes January 7, 2015

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Meeting

Meeting Minutes – January 7, 2015

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Baster, Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Deb Henry, Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Susan Koelliker, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, David Read, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused Absent: Lucy Hawes, Steve Kirkegaard, Joedy Lister

Trustees Absent:  Jack Perry

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Approval of the December minutes: Michael G moved to approve, Teddy seconded. The motion passed with no corrections to the December meeting minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

Due to a very full agenda, subcommittee reports were circulated for the trustees to read rather than the committee chairs giving oral reports.

The only petition up for renewal was from Sally who has represented the Wilford area for six years.  After making comments regarding Sally’s activities on the SHCC, Amy moved to accept the petition, Topher seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Robin Bastar

There were $300 in donations collected this month.  After some expenses for internet service and printing costs, the council has an account balance of $3945.00.

Judi made a request that the SHCC pay $199.00 to join the SH Chamber of Commerce.  On January 8th the cost to join will increase to $250.oo.  The SHCC was a member of the Chamber of Commerce last year.  No trustees opposed the request and Robin will write the check this evening to keep our membership active.

Judi, Michael G. and Laurie attend all of the SH Chamber of Commerce meetings.

Amy reminded us that it is a good time to make our 2015 donations to the SHCC.  Donations can be made via the website by clicking on donate under the “Your Council” tab, or by giving a check to Robin.  Suggested donation is $60.00. Donations are tax deductible.

Chair Report: Amy Barry

The Monument Plaza:  Lisa Adams reported to Amy that construction is delayed while they await the delivery of tile pavers that are held up somewhere in the shipping area of Los Angeles.  The longshoreman are on strike so there is no estimated date of delivery for the tiles.  The monument sidewalks and the surrounding roads are open, and now we just waiting on the tiles in order to complete the project.

Streetcar Corridor: This will be an agenda item for the city council on January 20th.  The meeting is open to the public or you can watch it on SLCTV.

Mayor’s Update:  Shawn McDonough gave Amy a written report of topics concerning the mayor’s office and the city.  Amy passed the report around the room for trustees to review.

Midas Whale CD Release:  Amy read an email she received from Ryan Hayes, a performer with the Midas Whale band.  It said that the band has so much affection for our area that they named their debut album Sugar House.  The songs are a reflection of the life they experienced while living in a house on 9th East. They wanted the thank the community for providing an environment that inspires music and the arts.  They will soon be leaving the area, and as a parting gift they gave copies of their CD to trustees on the council. Judi will send a thank you note from the council.

Fire Department Report: Jeff Cunningham

The fire department has a monthly community newsletter on their website  They also have a weekly fire prevention tip that can be found on the website. This month’s tips were regarding space heaters and frozen pipes.

Station #3 had approximately 2000 calls in 2014.  The total included medical and fire calls.  There is a comprehensive year-end report on the website.

Police Report: Detective Tyler Lowe

This is a new position for Detective Lowe.  Eight years ago he was a patrol officer in Sugar House, and he has  been working on the K-9 squad for the past seven years.  He can be contacted by calling (801) 799-3127 or email [email protected].

  • Amy said that a member of her Westminster area contacted her to complain about drug paraphernalia scattered around on the lawn and other areas near her apartment.  She lives in an apartment located off of 9th East at 1950 South.  The building can be accessed from Whitlock St. right behind the Midas store.  Amy wanted Detective Lowe to know there are problems in that area.
  • Amy also wanted to Detective Lowe to be aware that there is an ongoing issue with Club Karamba regarding noise and litter complaints from the neighborhood.  He said he was aware that there was going to be a meeting between the owners and the neighbors to discuss the problems.
  • Topher made Detective Lowe aware of the ongoing problems in Fairmont Park.  He will be scheduling a meeting with Detective Lowe to discuss last summer’s successful bust of a spice operation that was taking place in the park.  The neighborhood is working with Detective Wilking to form a crime watch group in preparation for the summer when there is more drug activity in the park.
  • Michael G asked about an incident regarding a UTA bus in the area of 33rd South and 30th East.  This was Detective Lowe’s first day on the job, so he had no information about the event.

Public Comments for Items Not On The Agenda:

Victoria Saley-Highland High Area Neighborhood Watch

This is a new neighborhood watch that will cover the area of 15th East to 19th East and 17th South to Parley’s Way.  Part of their goal is to make those living in the neighborhood aware that there is crime happening in their area,  and to take a proactive role in crime prevention.   The group is working with SLC Detective Greg Wilking to sponsor a training session that will be held on Tuesday, January 20th at 7pm at Highland High School in room D106.  The meeting is open to anyone interested in receiving training.  Victoria distributed flyers with more information including the graffiti removal phone number.  The watch group can also be found on Facebook under Highland High Area Neighborhood Watch Group.

Committee Reports

Due to the full agenda for tonight’s meeting the following committee reports were submitted in writing and distributed to the trustees.

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

Sugar House Land Use and Zoning Report 2014 December

    • Parley’s Meetinghouse – there was an Open House January 4 and the new Meetinghouse was dedicated on January 5.
    • Sugar House Streetcar Corridor Master Plan and Zoning Amendments  will be coming up soon at the City Council.  This is the rezoning project (form-based code) that will run along the streetcar corridor..  You can find the latest draft on the City Council website agenda for November 25, 2014.  Changes that are new are pages 1-3 and 74-81.  I hope to have a map of what has been changed and this will be on the Land Use and Zoning Meeting Jan 12 at 6 p.m. Sprague Library.  City Council will schedule a public hearing later this month.
    • 2855 Highland Drive This property consists of two parcels.  One along Highland Drive is zoned CB and is 106 acres, and the other, on the east side along Crandall Avenue is .35 acres and currently zoned R1/7000.  It is difficult to develop a parcel within two different zones.  They are requesting to rezone the R 1/7000 parcel to CB.  This will be presented to the SHCC on January 7 and should be at the Planning Commission soon.
    • Proposed New Sugar House Fire Station The Salt Lake City Mayor’s office and Salt Lake City Fire Department are recommending a new fire station be built in the southern parking lot area of Forest Dale golf course. Currently the section is used to store salt for the winter.  The SHCC wants to make sure you know where to get accurate information on this proposal and learn how you can participate in the process.  This proposal is at the very beginning of the public engagement process.The city council is considering a budget amendment soon, designed to transfer identified parcels of land currently owned by the golf enterprise fund to the city’s open space inventory. These parcels will be purchased by the general fund and give the golf fund some needed revenue. None of the parcels identified are part of any working golf course. A separate issue is the recommendation by the Mayor’s administration and Fire Chief that this location be the site for a new fire station #3. This is a different process that will have ample opportunity for public input. Currently the west side of Sugar House is served by fire station #3 located at Sugarmont Dr. The east side of Sugar House is served by fire station #13 located on Parley’s Way directly adjacent to residential homes.  Read more details about this proposal at our website
    • Home 2 Suites  We are invited to the groundbreaking of the new Home 2 Suites Wednesday January 14 at 2:30 pm at 2350 Foothill Drive.  Refreshments afterward.

January Land Use and Zoning Committee Agenda

Proposal for a CVS pharmacy on NW corner of 2100 South and 1300 East (Matt Wirthlin)

Sugar House Streetcar Corridor Master Plan and Zoning Amendments (Hopefully we will have a map of the proposed changes by the meeting)

Parks, Open Space and Trails: Sally Barraclough

Parks, Open Space, and Trails Meeting December 2014

The meeting was held at 5:00pm on December 15th in the Sprague Library and was well attended.

  •  Review of the SL County flood control project in Parley’s Historic Nature Park: I brought photos of the current work being done at the west end of the park in Parley’s Creek The photos show more extensive road work than we realized was being done based on the presentation at last month’s SHCC meeting.  This new road will be permanent as it provides access not only to the debris gate but to the near-by electrical substation. We are going to monitor this work closely as there are plans to conduct some similar flood control work in Hidden Hollow starting in the spring.
  • Imperial Park Update: Work continues on the construction of the park located at 1580 E Atkin Ave.  The work schedule has construction stopping in late December and commencing again in the spring.  However, if the weather is mild, they will continue work.  Many truckloads of fill have been removed from the site to lower the property to street level.  Concrete has been poured for the sidewalks and pavillion.  Construction of the pavillion and water runnel will continue as weather permits.  The park is due to be completed by April.
  • I-80 Ramp Area at 1300 East: The POST Committee is still looking at options for landscape improvements for this area.  George Chapman contacted Jan Johnson and Steve Poulsen from UDOT regarding our concerns about this area.  At the time of the I-80 construction there were some agreements made between UDOT, Salt Lake City, and Sugar House Park Authority regarding who would be responsible for maintaining the area.  Sally will be contacting the SLC Parks Department and Joedy Lister, Sugar House Park Authority President to find out where we stand as far as commitments to maintain and improve this area.


No Report

Transportation: Deb Henry

Arts and Cultural: Laurie Bray

Communications and Outreach: Christopher Thomas

Salt Lake Community Network: Judi Short



Development proposal 2855 Highland Dr

Wayne Reaves – Strategic Builders, Daniel Echeverria SLC Planning Commission

This project is in the initial stages of asking for a rezone of part of a parking lot located at 2855 South Highland Dr.  This is a commercially zoned (CB) parcel but the western strip of the parking lot (.35 acres) is zoned residential (R1/7000).  The property is the location of the old Campos Furniture Store.  The commercial building has been empty for years.   Prior to purchasing and redeveloping the property, the developer wants the whole parcel zoned CB.

Until the rezone is approved, the developer has not pursued architectural renderings of what might be built there.  Wayne confirmed that it would be something that conforms to the CB zone.  Daniel distributed a copy of the city’s Standards for Design Review 21A.59.060 for the CB zone.  That could include such things as low intensity commercial uses like restaurants, offices, or retail.  It also includes mixed use such as residential and retail, work/live units,  or strictly residential.

  • Laurie asked how close the building(s) would come to the existing homes located on the same block.  Daniel said that the zone requires a seven foot buffer which has to be landscaped with trees or shrubs.
  • An audience member who lives in Crandall Cove asked if no development could happen on the strip of land in question wouldn’t that in essence be a larger buffer from his neighborhood.  Daniel said the lot is large enough and zoned for a single family home which could be built on the property.
  • Benny asked if it could be continued to use as a parking lot.  It can stay parking lot but no improvements could be make to it.
  • Dave Mulder commented that it seems unrealistic for Wayne to ask for support for the rezone from SHCC when he can’t tell us what they intend to build on the property.  Amy stated that this, and any other trustee comments need to be sent to Judi so that she can forward them to the Planning Commission.
  • Daniel confirmed for Laurie that the CB zone allows for a 30ft tall building.  Judi pointed out that while there is only a 7 foot setback from the property line, this particular parcel sits 6 feet lower than the existing adjacent Crandall Cove housing development.  That would make the height of the new building 24 feet high in comparison to the neighboring homes.
  • An audience member who lives across the street from the parcel stated that they are ready for property to be cleaned up.  They are tired of the weeds, graffiti, and litter and shingles blowing around the neighborhood.
  • Rawlins stated that he feels the whole area should be zoned residential not commercial.  That comment will be added to Judi’s report to the Planning Commission.

Wayne stated that without the rezone of the .35 acre parcel, his company would not be interested in buying and developing the rest of the parcel.

Daniel stated that the rezone will be on the agenda for the Planning Commission on January 28th at the City County Building.  After that it will go to the city council, which could take up to three months.

Amy said that Sally (Wilford Trustee) distributed flyers to the homeowners and businesses in the surrounding neighborhood  inviting them to the LUZ and tonight’s SHCC meeting.  Everyone has the opportunity to get their comments to Judi, Daniel, or the Planning Commission before January 28th.

If the rezone is approved by the city, the developer can move forward with anything that fits in the CB zone.  They will be required to do a conditional site design review only if the ground floor of the development exceeds 15,000 square feet or the overall total size is over 20,000 square feet.  In that case, the proposal will come back before the SHCC and go through the public process.


Relocation Fire Station #3

Mike Akerlow – Director of Housing and Neighborhood Development SLC

James Rich – Capital Asset Development Manager SLC

Ryan McFarland – Property Manager for SLC

Rick Graham – Public Services Department Director SLC

Dave Gellner – Public Planning SLC

Brian Dale – SLC Fire Department

Rusty McLincoln – SLC Fire Department

This is a proposal to move Fire Station #3 from it’s current location on Simpson Ave to the salt storage parking lot, just south of the main Forest Dale Golf Course parking lot, which is currently owned by the city.

James Rich lead the discussion by showing photographs of the existing parcel that is owned by the city and is considered surplus property.  This parcel would have to be rezoned from “open space” to “public lands”.  They need .85 acres to build a 12,000-14,000 square foot fire station.

David Gellner, who will be the planner for the project, stated that this is the start of a long robust discussion regarding this proposal.  It will require the following steps:

  1. rezone from open space to public lands which does allow for a governmental facility
  2. master plan amendment to the 2005 Sugar House Master Plan
  3. subdivision of the parcel to carve out the .85 acre from the total 61.1 acre parcel
  4. conditional use site design review process (public process)
  5. city council action required by city ordinance to remove the parcel from the open space inventory

There is a six month waiting period required for public input regarding removing the property from the open space inventory.  The six month period starts at the time the city council holds the first public hearing.  Because of the required waiting period, the city wants to get it before the city council as soon as possible while they work simultaneously on the other parts of the process.

James explained that the reason they are looking for a new location is that the old fire station is obsolete and too small for modern fire fighting vehicles such as the ladder trucks which are 60 ft long.  Station #3 is the second oldest station in SLC and was built in 1974.  If they can acquire the site, the new station will be the only fire station that the city has located south of I-80.

Brian spoke of the need for larger equipment to protect the new high density buildings being built in Sugar House.  The current location will not accommodate a larger station.

  • Amy asked for clarification regarding staffing and response time.  The SLC Fire Department staffs every truck with four fire fighters.  Currently Station #3 can only hold one truck and four staff members, and is termed a single company house.  Those stations with multiple vehicles are called dual company stations like Station 5 at 9th South and 9th East. He went on to explain that the department has a 4 minute response circle set down by the National Fire Protection Agency.  This means that they can have a water equipped apparatus to the site of a fire within four minutes of getting a call.  Because Station #3 is located to the south, they sometimes work in conjunction with UFA and South Salt Lake fire departments.  The boundaries for Station #3 is 17th South to the south city limits (3000 South) and 5th East to 17th East.
  • Deb asked about traffic congestion in regards to the fire station location.  The current location is less than desirable now that the S-Line and some high density housing have been added to the area.  It is challenging to get the large equipment in and out of the area.  Most of their calls are to the north or east of the station.  The new location has better egress, which would lower response times to most areas.  It is located .6 miles from the old location.
  • Topher asked if the transfer of funds by moving the property from open space to public facilities would be a financial gain for the golf course fund.  James stated that the funds would go from the general fund into the enterprise fund (the golf fund) which would help Forest Dale.
  • Amy noted that there were 2000 fire department call outs last year.  There were 1645 medical calls and 455 fire calls for an average of one call every 4 hrs, 5.6 runs per day.
  • David Read asked how those involved with the enterprise fund, Forest Dale Golf Course in particular, feel about the transfer of the property.  James stated that they are in favor of the property being used for this purpose and the transfer of  funds to the golf fund. Rick Graham stated that money going to the golf fund would be a good way for them to recapture some badly needed funds.
  • Benny expressed concerns about losing overflow parking for the golf course and inquired about public parking at the proposed fire station.  Rick said that the .85 acres will mostly be taken by the footprint of the building but they anticipate being able to carve out a few spaces for public parking on the north edge adjacent to the existing Forest Dale parking lot.
  • Amy asked Rick if this parcel was included in the group of parcels that are located on or near golf courses and determined to be surplus property.  The city council is looking at having them purchased by the general fund to help the golf fund.  This parcel is on the list of surplus property.  If the city council approves the purchase by the general fund, it will be sold regardless of whether the fire station is moved there.  If it is determined to not be the appropriate site for a fire station, the city council would have to make a decision on how to best utilize the property.
  • Topher noted that the Neptune Divers shop has been signing a year-to-year lease with the city which makes them hesitant to expand or make improvements to their facility.  Rick confirmed that if the fire station is relocated to this parcel, it will not leave room for expansion of their building.  It would not however, prevent them from making improvements.  For the time being, the city intends to continue the relationship with Neptune utilizing year-to-year leases.
  • Rawlins commented that the Forest Dale Club House is historic landmark and that the fire station could take away from the historic nature of the building.
  • A member of the audience who lives directly across the street from the parcel is concerned about the disruption to the area during construction and the increase operational noise of having a fire station across the street.  She also feels that a fire station would detract from the golf course.  She wanted to know why they don’t use the old DI property to expand.  Mike Akerlow responded that the DI property is owned by the RDA and they have plans for it’s development.  The future alignment of the streetcar will also likely impact that parcel. Brian addressed the noise issue stating that Station #3 is a leader in the state for the nonuse of their lights and sirens. In 2014 Station #3 used their lights and sirens only 50% of the time.  Half of the fire stations in SL are located in neighborhoods with houses next door.  Because of that, the fire department is very sensitive to the noise they make.  They only turn on their lights/sirens after leaving the station.  They would ask the city to install traffic control lights, allowing them to leave the station without turning on lights/sirens.  They have an excellent safety record of never having an injury occur while they are leaving the station. During the night time, their lights are very effective for warning people they are responding to an emergency.  But during the daytime people don’t always see the lights, so they must use the sirens.
  • An audience member asked if any other sites were considered.  Ryan McFarland showed a map of the various parcels that were considered.  They have been looking for about 18 months and considered 10-12 parcels.  This one seems to have the most opportunities for the department.  Sugar House is very built out so there are not a lot of available spaces.  They do not want to have to relocate a business or private homes.  This parcel is the right size, undeveloped, and would provide much needed money to the golf enterprise fund.
  • Another audience member asked why they didn’t consider the old tennis court property.  The tennis court parcel was determined to be too narrow to house the large equipment.
  • An audience member asked what equipment would be located in the larger station.  They anticipate having two heavy vehicles such as engines or ladder trucks, and one light vehicle such as an ambulance.  Those may not be placed immediately, but as Sugar House grows they predict more calls and the need for more equipment and staff.

Amy clarified the next steps in the public process will include more public meetings.  There will be an open house for the neighborhood.  Written comments should be forwarded to Dave Gellner in the Public Planning Department.  There is a comment form on the SHCC website which can be filled out online. Emails can be sent to Judi Short  [email protected] who will forward them to planning.  Amy invited those with questions to get them to us so that they can be forwarded to the proper department.

Deb, Benny, and Christopher (Forest Dale Trustees) and Amy (Westminster Trustee) distributed flyers throughout the area to inform the neighborhood about tonight’s meeting.  Comments posted on the SHCC website will be forwarded to the SLC Administration and the SLC Council.

2015 Legislative Update- Representative Brian King District 28

Brian is the newly elected Minority Leader for the Utah House of Representatives.  District 28 consists of the neighborhoods north of I-80, and east of 13th East.  It also includes the University of Utah, Emigration Canyon Summit Park, and parts of Pinebrook in Summit County.

Healthy Utah / Medicaid ExpansionBrian stated that aside from passing a budget, which they are mandated to do each session, this is probably the most important issue facing this year’s Legislature.  As part of the Affordable Care Act, there is a provision that would expand Medicaid to provide healthcare coverage for individuals that are within 138% of the federal poverty line or below.  Currently Medicaid covers many individuals who are at 100% of the poverty level and below, but this would expand Medicaid to cover those living up to 138%.

Politically, it is unrealistic to think that the mostly republican legislature will agree to the full Medicaid expansion.  Brian and most of the other democratic legislators feel that is unfortunate because our federal taxes are already going into the provision and that getting those dollars back to Utah would provide the greatest coverage for the largest number of people living near the poverty line. Two consulting firms, one from Boston and one from BYU, confirmed that full expansion makes the most financial and healthcare sense for the state.  It is supported by the Utah Health Association and the Utah Medical Association.

Governor Herbert would like to see Medicaid expanded to as many eligible people in the state as is politically feasible.  His Healthy Utah plan would put some stipulations on individuals making the plan more palatable to legislators who oppose any expansion of Medicaid.  The Obama administration would have to approve the plan, and they prefer Utah accept the full Medicaid expansion.  The Obama administration and the state of Utah have been in negotiations for several months to work out a plan.

The Legislature has had a task force called the Health Reform Task Force in place for several years.  They met in December and announced that they have two plans, neither of which is Health Utah.  Both plans are lower level plans that will only cover the 12,000 Utahans deemed “medically frail”, or 19,000 citizens if they approve a more generous definition of “medically frail”.  For either of these plans, the state of Utah would have to pay 30% of the cost.  Healthy Utah would cover 40,000-60,000 and full expansion would cover 50,000-100,000.  Full expansion would be  entirely paid for with federal funds for all of 2015 and 2016 and we are already paying for it with our federal taxes.  The amount the state would have to contribute would go up to 10% with the federal government covering 90% every year after the first two years.

Incoming Speaker of the House, Greg Hughes, has stated that doing nothing is not an option. The state has to make a decision.  Representative King feels that the only way to get Healthy Utah passed is to make our voices heard.  The plan also needs the backing of major players like business owners, Chamber of Commerce, healthcare providers, and religious coalitions.  Not covering the poor is costing us more because they use emergency rooms which are often not compensated for their service after the patient’s condition becomes acute from not getting routine medical care.  Deb pointed out that that fact is supported by the number of medical calls made to the fire department.

We were very strongly encouraged to make our voices heard.  Healthy Utah (if not the full expansion) is the best thing we can do economically and for the health of our poorer citizens. An audience member asked if former governor Mike Leavitt has any influence over our current legislators. Leavitt has set up a private consulting firm which advises people of the Affordable Care Act. Brian doesn’t know how much he is working behind the scenes in Utah.  Brian wishes that large players such as Intermountain Healthcare would take a stronger stand to support Healthy Utah but the insurance arm of their business is concerned about what it would do to their small business accounts.

State Prison Relocation / Criminal Justice Reform- The Prison Relocation Commission originally asked the question “should we move the prison”?  After studies were conducted, it was presented to the 2014 Legislature which voted yes.  Now that six potential sites have been selected, the public is expressing concern and  asking why not rebuild the prison at it’s current location. Brian thinks there are several legislators starting to talk about rebuilding it where it is and the feeling is that it would be a lot cheaper, even if it were built in stages.

The Pew Charitable Trust has done a large study of the criminal justice systems across the country.They are making suggestions to state legislatures on ways to revise the criminal justice system.  In Utah, the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) is excited about many of the suggestions.  Some ideas include providing more community based mental health services so that those that need help are getting it outside of the jail system.  While some of these programs would be expense in the beginning, it would be cheaper in the long run because it is so expensive to incarcerate people.

Amy thanked Representative King for meeting with us, and congratulated him on his new position as Minority Leader.

Spotlight on Business: Michael G Kavanagh

The Lamp Company LLC – Bill Hatfield – Owner                  

1443 South, 700 East

Bill is a member of the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce.  The Lamp Company has been in existence for 30 yrs.  Bill distributed a flyer which highlighted some of the services they provide. They not only have an inventory of lamps and lampshades, but they repair and rewire old lamps and create custom shades and light fixtures.  They are the only U.L. qualified repair shop in Utah. They also have fabricated custom light fixtures for large facilities such as the University Mall and the Hotel Park City.

Salt Lake City Council:  Lisa Adams District 7



Sprague Library – Dolly Rauh

No Report


Meeting Adjourned at 9:00pm


Landon Clark
[email protected]