SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1993

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1993


July 7, 1993

Bring ByLaws for Aug. Meeting  Present: Scott Kisling, Kathleen Luck, Linda Collins, Helen Hopes, Evelyn Hunter, Bob and Tanny Stayner, Jim and Connie Cannon, Charles Wilson, Marv Peguillan, Roger Miller, Suzanne Weaver, Dottie and C.T. Bintz, Mary Carlson, Wayne Halverson, Thomas and Jean Spearton, Berdella Burton, Lynn Woodbury Ned Stephenson, Jim Jensen, Fritz Wolfgramm, Bruce Brown, Rich Bennett, Hank Bradbury, Jan and Peter Haug, Mele Wolfgramm, Afton Kyriopoulos, Jerry Romero, Arline and Dave Holbrook, Doug Chin, Judi Short, Miriam Murphy, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Ruth Jensen, Dorothy Tuddenham, Mark Fetzer, Francis and Gretta McPhie, Diana Hart, Gary Thorup.Excused: Hope Hilton, Steve LesterI-80 Telephone Update: Miriam Murphy reported U.S. West will install a pay telephone at the exit of I-80 on 13th East. It will cost $7-8 per month power charge to make the site visible at night. It will begin making a profit in 3-6 months. One hundred dollars will guarantee the power for 1 year. Judi Short moved that a letter to the residents of Driggs Ave., 13th East, and Parkway loop be drafted asking for contributions and that we write a letter contacting the Dept. of Transportation to see whether or not the power  could be funded. Any excess contributions collected would be turned over to the Council for distribution to worthy causes. Seconded by Miriam Murphy. Unanimous vote. Later Miriam reported collecting $44 for the light bill which she gave to Rawlins. Mr. Haslam can be approached but we will give formal approval on the light bill responsibility next month after the neighbors have been contacted.Chair Report: Any hazardous ·Any hazardous waste from households will be collected free of charge on July 10 at 2855 South 3600 West between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. There will be a transit study by the Wasatch Front Regional Council . Public meetings will be held for areas of congestion, increased transit usage, pedestrian and bicycle routes.Transportation Update: Tim Harpst·reported that congestion and accidents on 1300 East is at a critical level. They talked of reversible lanes, but had opposition to that. He also reported that they have funding for a city-wide master plan for transportation. Sugar House traffic problems will be studied. Tim also reported that the school route on Stringham Ave between 2100 -2300 East meets the criteria for a narrow school route. They will prepare a stripe for a sidewalk and put in no parking signs. Jan Haug reported that there are still 200 children walking that way and that 7 properties have violated the public right of way by building cement walls and hedges. Eastland Regency Development company proposed modifications to intersections at Wilshire and parley’s Way, 2100 East and Parley’s Terrace and 2300 East and Parley’s Way. They said if neighbors were interested in improvements they would have to fund all the intersections except at Wilshire and Parley’s Way. Each intersection would cost between $8000-$15,OOO. Mr. Woodbury stated that Rich Adams said he would try to get improvements on the 2100 East and Parleys Terrace intersection by asking whether or not the LDS Church would give some of its corner property to improving the intersection.Sugar House Boys’ And Girls’ Club Development: Jim Jenson said they plan on adding 5000 square feet to the west of the facility. Wayne Halverson, said there were parties sometimes until 1-2 a.m. Other neighbors complained about early a.m. trash pick-up, gang activity increasing in the last 1 1/2 years, and about high school kids being brought in for counseling. Mr. Jenson said he will see that the trash is picked up at a different time and that trash is not thrown into yards. He said the facility closed at 9 p.m. He said he would rectify the problems with the neighbors. This will be a $250,000 expansion. In response to Gary Thorup, Mr. Jenson said it was possible to expand east and have parking on the west. Jerry Romero moved that a subcommittee meet with the Boys and Girls Club consisting of no, more than 3 trustees, 3 from the neighborhood and someone from the Club. They should report back in August. Rich Bennett seconded. Unanimous vote. Gary appointed Jim Jenson, Rawlins, Gene Davis and the former neighbor committee headed by Mr. Halverson. Note: Rawlins Young said we lack representation on CDAC. Night Out Against Crime: Dorothy Tuddenham and Jerry Romero reported that the night will be Aug. 3 at Fairmont Park. Thanks to Don Hale for the flyers. Trustees are requested to pass out flyers in their areas and publish it in any neighborhood bulletins or at churches. Dorothy was commended for the great job she is doing.Eastland Regency Update: Lynn Woodbury and Ned Stevenson said they would appear before the Board of Adjustments July 12 with their proposed designs of intersections. They said they had talked to the home office of K Mart and they are all in favor to this point at the local and regional levels. They have addressed circulation within the project. K Mart plans to resurface the parking area. It is best to manage and channel traffic and not reduce it according to Mr. Stevenson.  Mary Carlson suggested that Mr. Woodbury does not now have something concrete from K Mart and should wait before they go before the Board of Adjustments. UDOT has not given approval of signs to make people aware of an impending light since Mr. Woodbury has not yet approached them. Walter Samuels in New York is the new owner of the K Mart property. This property was in foreclosure and was released 30 days ago. Woodbury said he met with Tab Cornelison, Rich Adams, Tom Cannon, Skip Christenson and Gil Warner. Jerry Romero suggested the Community Council still did not feel the safety and neighborhood issues had been met.  Gary Thorup said the neighbors want a down sizing of the project, stop signs on Lynwood and Maywood, and are not convinced that this increased traffic will not affect the residential areas.Park Update: Bruce Brown talked about renovation of the restrooms, making the playground more accessible and moving the maintenance facilities closer to the caretakers house.  Hillcrest Park needs funds raised by J.C.s.Dorothy Tuddenham moved we adjourn. Seconded by several people.

Landon Clark
[email protected]