SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1994

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1994


July 6, 1994

Present: Joyce D. Low, Miriam Murphy, Del Brewster, Kate Deiss, Barry Eagan, Everett Joyce, Mark S. Fetzer, Sharon Ashcraft, Suzanne H. Weaver, Steve Jones, Judi Short, Dorothy Tuddenham, Diana Hart, Wes Groesbeck, Craig A. Bohn, Jan Haug, Maureen James, Dave Buhler, Doug Jackson, Mary Carlson, Brent Mabey, Mary Mabey, Craig Smith, Anneli Smith, Ron Snarr, Lt. Mark Zelig (Fire Dept.), Allen G. Johnson, Rawlins Young, Jerry Romero, Roger Miller, Alice Edvalson, Lynn Chatwin, Jeff Chapman, Martel Steckler, Tree Brown Hayes, Barbara P. Kleiner, Charlotte R. Howe, Gene Davis, Sheila O’Driscoll, Devin Villa, Sid Baucom, Keith S. Christensen, Rich Bennett, Kathy Mulcock, Jane K. Jensen, David Holbrook, Kathleen Kingston, Martha Farney Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Vice Chairman Jerry Romero. Minutes of June 1, 1994 were approved as submitted. Thanks were extended to all who planned and attended the trustee workshop and pot luck dinner on June 15. Judi Short made a motion to reimburse Alice Edvalson for expenses incurred ($65.40) for the workshop and stamps for council correspondence. Motion was seconded and passed. Announcements:Public workshops to receive input for a long range plan for the Gateway district of Salt Lake City (North Temple to 1000 South, between 1-15 and 300 West) to be held July 11, August 1, and August 15 from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M at the Centro Civico Community Center, 155 South 600 West. The Salt Lake City Council is holding a public hearing for a petition requesting a change to a zoning ordinance regarding child care facilities to be held at 6:20 P.M. on July 12 in room 315 of the City and County Building.’ A request before the Board of Adjustment on Zoning by Thomas and Deborah Bay at 2485 So. Glenmare St. for a variance to allow a garage addition to a single family dwelling without the required front yard setback in an R- 2 zone. This will be presented at a meeting on July 11 at 4:00 P.M. in room 126 of the City and County building. Salt Lake City is in the process of updating the Sugar House Business District Strategies and Recommendations Plan. There will be a community open house to provide information and elicit public input regarding the future of this area on Wed. July 13 from 5:00 – 8:00 P.M. at the Sprague Library. Petitions: Petitions were received from Del Brewster (pres. of the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce) to become a trustee at large and from Katharine Deiss of 966 E. Bryan Ave. to become a trustee of the Emerson neighborhood. Both petitions were accepted. Committee Reports: Westminster – Martel Steckler was assigned to find out what was required to appeal the request to build the parking terrace because it was found that the suggested closure of 12th East was not going to be a permanent closure. He found that there is a $100 fee to appeal this request. The Executive committee will discuss this issue and determine what needs to be done. Night Out against Crime – Dorothy Tuddenharn reminded all trustees of their responsibility to hold some kind of activity in their neighborhoods. She had samples of flyers that can be used for advertisement for the Night Out Against Crime. She also had flyers advertising the Night Before Night Out activity and information on graffiti removal. Anyone interested in getting permission for closing the streets for the Night Out activities must make application at the Transportation Dept. 333 So. 200 East Room 201.USWest Property – Sharon Ashcraft reported that the Planning Commission approved the zoning change from an R5 to an R2A at the public hearing on June 16.                  Urban Tree House – Jeff Chapman reported for the sub-committee that was appointed to work with this project. The committee has met with Rick Graham and the architect several times. Their suggestion is that this tree house be built in Fairmont Park in an area in front of the care takers home by the rose garden and that the design be in the shape of the state of Utah instead of the map of the US. There is a concern that there be adequate support from the schools in the area. The project would require a full time staff person and the city would be required to maintain the area. There will be a meeting on July 11 at 2:30 P.M. in room 318 of the City and County building to further discuss this project. A motion was made that the SHCC supports the creation of the Urban Tree House in Fairmont Park. The SHCC endorses the conceptual drawings presented and asks that the Elementary and Secondary Education System be included in future discussions. The motion passed. HillcrestPark – Roger Miller reported that the park lawn has now been seeded and the sprinkler system adjusted and everything is looking great. Hopefully, there will be a dedication planned for sometime in the fall. City Council Update: Keith Christensen reported that the city is under contract with Legacy . Corp. for the Irving properly and hopes to have a contract with a developer in the next week or so. We should soon begin to see the removal of asbestos and then proceeding with the partial demolition of the existing frame. At the present time, the plans as presented to the .Council a few months ago are the plans that are being worked on. When the plans are more completed, the developer will present them to the SHCC. Keith also reported that the police sub-station will remain in the old post office. He also reported that there may be a slight increase in the water fees, but there will be no new taxes this year. . Gene Davis reported that the Forest Dale Club house restoration is progressing well. The contract for the project came in: under budget. Some of the tennis courts may be saved; Keith commented on the recent release of the Sugar House Park Authority saying the release was made was because the long time these persons had been serving and because some of them had never had valid appointments. He encouraged us not to read anything more into that action. Others will be appointed to the park authority and we· were assured they would have the same care and interest in preserving the park as the past group has done. Bob Doidge will be retained as a member of the Park Authority to maintain the continuity. Naturescape presentation: Wes Groesbeck presented ideas on ways we can conserve energy and resources by the way we landscape. He showed slides of what he has done in his yard as an example. Eastland. Regency Development: Since they had not been able To meet with the neighbors, they did not come to make their presentation. There were a large number of neighbors in attendance at the meeting expecting to see this presentation. The neighbors suggested the S.HCC should have a penalty for persons who are on the agenda and don’t show up. This is apparently not the first time this group has done this. There is much concern among the neighbors with what the do in this area. A motion was made that the developer be required to hold a meeting with persons in the Beacon Heights. Country Club, .and Arcadia Heights areas before they be scheduled to present their plans before the council again and that we notify them of this action in writing. The motion passed. A motion Was also made that at least a month’s notice must be given of this meeting. This motion passed 14 – 6. Community Survey Funding: Questions were raised regarding sources for funding to pay the costs of the community survey that was taken in April. The council voted to be the supporting organization in getting funding for the survey wherever it is possible. SHCC Committees: A question was raised regarding the committees of the SHCC. Jerry explained the discussion that was held at the trustee workshop. It has been suggested that we have 4 major Standing committees with sub-committees under those. The Executive committee will discuss this further at their next meeting, . Trustees were encouraged to volunteer to work with the committees as they have been outlined. It was also mentioned that we need more representatives to serve on the SLACCC Council. We presently have 8 positions on that council and only 4 are filled. Jan Haug, Jerry Romero, and Rich Bennett volunteered to fill 3 more of those positions.The meeting was adjourned at  8:45 P.M.  

Landon Clark
[email protected]