SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1995


July 5, 1995

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Kathy Daly, Afton Kyriopoulos, Rich Bennett, Judi Short, Samuel Piazza, Dorothy Tuddenham, Sharon Ashcraft, Katina S. Ventura, Tree Brown Hayes, Veronica Crandall, Donna H. Rigby, B. L. Smith, Cheri Carleson, Nelsa Feliciano, Ben Merkley, Susan Greene, David Maxfield, Justin D. Bell, Wayne Halverson, John Richards, Mary Carlson, Dick Alexander, Ron Weenig, Anne Weenig, John H Richards, Dolores A. Donohoo Excused: Allen Johnson Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the June meeting were approved with the exception that Dolores Donohoo was excused. Sprague Branch Library and Internet:Kathy Daly, Librarian, presented information on services available at the Sprague Branch. The library now has access to the Internet. The library has their own customized menu for easier access to information. She suggests we put our SHCC minutes and agenda on it. She encouraged everyone to come and learn what the internet can offer. She also discussed other programs that are available at the library during the summer, There is a booklet at the library listing all of the activities. Forest Dale Golf Club House: Dick Alexander, Golf Director, reported on the progress of the club house restoration. The history of this club house goes back a long ways. At one time it was a part of the country club. He indicated there were 535,000 rounds of golf played on this course last year. It is anticipated it will be another 10 days – 2 weeks before they will be able to move back into the club house. It will be another 10 days – 2 weeks after that before they will be ready for an open house. There will be a community meeting room which will be available for use by community groups. This room will hold from 70-80 persons. The building will also include a snack bar, pro shop, golf offices, and a secure cart storage area. The cart storage area will be a welcomed addition since there has been problems with vandalism in the past. Western Foods will manage the snack shop and could also be available for catering food for meetings if needed. Contact Chris Grow at 972-7815 for meeting room reservations. House Representative Report: Mary Carlson reported there has been some delay on the building of the sound walls in our area. She indicated they should be starting the middle of Sept. on the 20th-23rd East area. The 20th-17th East area is being scheduled. Sustainable Communities Report:. Sharon Ashcraft made a motion that the SHCC support the programs the city has for crime prevention. The motion was seconded and approved. B. L. Smith reported they are holding meetings to train block leaders for the Neighborhood Watch program. He will notify us of the date and time. The city is looking for someone to be a community leader in the CERT (Certified Emergency Response Team) program The city would like to have 20-25 persons in each community council trained in these program. We need to have at least 2 persons from each of our neighborhoods. Dorothy Tuddenham encouraged all trustees to organize activities in our neighborhoods for the National Night Out Against Crime on August 1st. Volunteers are also needed for Neighborhood Watch block leaders and Mobil Watch. Nilsa Feliciano representing the Boys & Girls club was introduced. B. L reported 2 17 year old girls were caught prowling cars at a parking lot during a Buzz game. It was found they had also run up $5,000 on stolen credit cards. He again cautioned us of marketing scams from door to door salesmen in our neighborhood. Parks & Recreation Report: No report

Traffic Report: The city is continuing to create bike paths throughout the city. They are currently working in the area of 20th and 17th East from 21st – 27th South. They are also looking at an East/West route on 17th South. The stop signs that were being tried out on 15th East have now been implemented on a permanent basis. Housing, Zoning. Land Use Report:Two Unit Legalization’s were presented, 1) Mr. Merkley with a duplex at 1887 East 2700 So. He indicated this has been rented as a duplex since 1961, He bought it in 1989. 2) Mr. Maxfield with a triplex at 919 Wilson Ave. He indicated it has been a triplex since 1975 and was a duplex prior to that since 1964. He also indicted there are 5 off street parking spaces. Since neither of these were noted on the agenda, trustees felt they should have time to visit the site and check them out before approving them. These will be brought before the trustees for a vote at the council meeting in August. Lorraine Miller, owner of Cactus & Tropical, at the corner of23rd East and 27th South is asking for a conditional use permit which will allow her to sell plants at that location. The current zoning will allow the sale of used automobiles but not plants. Those in the neighborhood expressed high praise for the work Lorraine has done to make this business an attractive area in their neighborhood. The motion was made to support the conditional use. Motion was seconded and approved with 2 opposing votes. Chairman Report: Rawlins discussed the issue of the number of trustees allowed for each neighborhood. The by-laws indicate the number of trustees is dictated by the population based on the last census. Presently, the number of trustees in each neighborhood is not distributed accurately based on the 1990 census. Some neighborhoods have many more trustees than population would warrant and some less. Rawlins asked the Sustainable Community committee to look at this issue and come back to the council with recommendations by the Sept. meeting. Mayors Office Report: Veronica Crandall, representing the Mayor’s office, reported on a cleanup activity sponsored by the Mayor’s office which was very successful. Youth groups went to different areas to clean them up. There were several in the Sugar House area that were cleaned up. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M.

Landon Clark
[email protected]