SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1996


July 3, 1996

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Jeff Straley, Tree Brown Hayes, Dave Butler, Veronica Crandall, Katina Ventura, Julina P. Parker, Matthew B. Belman DVM, George Economides,Joan Proctor, John Richards, Ivana Thomas, Steve Jones, Pamela Donaldson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Cheri Carlson, Judi Short, Wade Jones, Jeff Woodbury, 1. Miller, F. Miller, Verda Kessler, Ivy W. Spencer, Marie Johnson, Doris Williams, Christe N. Corlen, Sandy Hiskey, Ruth Robbins, Mary Carlson, Richard Mendenhall, Barbara Kleiner, Randy Ricks, B. L. Smith, Gene Davis, Paul Crabtree, Douglas Kirkman, Jan Haug, Christie Baker, Kathy Daly, Rich Bennett, Lew Swain, Sabrina Imig, Kurt Imig, Joe Beesley, Bruce Talbot, Armand Johansen, Lynne Olson Excused: Elizabeth Braymen Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. The minutes for the June meeting were approved. Mary Carlson reported the sound walls from 20th to 23rd East have been completed. Committee Reports: Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham reported that crime was down 40% last month, but that there have been 22 drive by shootings in the last 2 weeks. It was suggested that Dorothy ask Redman Van Van & Storage for permission to put the “Night Out Against Crime” sign on their building. The ”Night Out Against Crime” will be held August 6. Dorothy again encouraged all trustees and any others that would like to have a block party on that night. It is feared that the summer season will see an increase in crime activity. The SLC Police Dept. has added a new unit S.N.A.G. (Secure Our Neighborhoods Against Gangs), to deal directly with gang problems. Residents can play a big part in the effort to curb gang problems by reporting suspected gang activities to the Police Gang Unit 799-3667 or by calling Veronica Crandall 535-7918 (Dist. 7) or Michele Hutchins 535-7931 (Dist. 6). She also encouraged us all to talk with those running for elected office and emphasize to them the need for more jail space for juveniles. The “Peer Court” program is going to be expanded in the school systems this coming year to help deal with first time youth offenders. There is a need for volunteers to work with this program. Contact Kathleen Zeitlin ­322-1802. Dorothy stressed that “Public Safety is not an option. Lack of jail space for adults and youth is not allowing the police to do their job. The ballot box is our “Big Stick””. Cheri Carlson reported on her experiences with the Mobil Watch training program. She spoke very highly and excited about this program. There is still a great need for volunteers for this program. The next training session will begin the middle of Aug. Parks & Recreation: The Park Authority has heard no response back from either U.S. West for their request to install a service box on park property nor the application for a special 3 day Polynesian Festival. The Park Authority had responded to both of them with some concerns. A request has been made for a rollerblade event in the park, but there are concerns regarding this event. Tentative approval was given providing the race took place on a week day early morning and that a full-scale demonstration of safety equipment would be a mandatory part of the activity. The Master Plan for the Park was discussed. They decided to hire off-duty patrol officers for security in the park for a temporary period to see if it improves the security in the park. The non-profit group “Friends of Sugar House Park” have donated a giant Sequoia tree to the Park Authority as a replacement for one that was accidentally cut down a few years ago. The tree is planted West of the Garden Center Bldg. A title company is going to assist in resolving a problem with the park property ownership. In 1957 the Park Authority was set up as a non-profit private corporation holding title to the parkland in order to keep it in trust for the public at large. It has been determined that possibly the document granting this title was inadequate since the State never issued a legal title transfer when it dismantled the prison. The next Park Authority meeting will be July 18th. Traffic: The decision has been made to go ahead with the traffic signal at 15th East and 21st South. A letter has been received from the city traffic engineer indicating that the one-way traffic restriction on Parkway will be removed the week of July 8th. Appropriate truck restriction and speed limit signs will be placed on Parkway Ave. A survey will be conducted regarding the closure of the frontage road on 13th East in that area. Any comments may be directed to Scott Vaterlaus at 535-6630. Chairman Rawlins Young had copies of the Sugar House Master Plan for all in attendance. The proposal of $31-36,000 to update the Master Plan has been approved. Rawlins is concerned that the amount that was approved will not allow for community input and participation in this process. He feels that additional grant money will be needed to allow for more community input. He asked us all to support this effort. We all need to become familiar with the current Master Plan and see how much has actually been implemented of the current plan. He hopes that all trustees with actively participate in the Master Plan update process. Housing, Land Use,Zoning: Woodbury Development at KMart – Jan Haug reported that this proposal was approved by the Planning Commission. The SH Community Council sub-committee has decided to appeal this decision based on the traffic problems involved as well as concerns regarding the storm drain run off and control design. This should give the neighbors an opportunity to work out more of their problems. The city is forming a sub-committee to deal with the traffic issues and it is hoped that community input and participation will be a part of that. Veterinary Clinic at 1760 So. 11th East – Joe Beesley presented this request in behalf of Matthew Belman, D.V.M. The current zoning requires a conditional use permit for this request. This would be in the West Center portion of the existing Heritage Square bldg. The space is currently vacant. It has been used for storage. There are an expected 10-12 clients expected per day. There is plenty of parking space available for this addition. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept this request. Columbus School – Bruce Talbot from South Salt Lake indicated that South Salt Lake has purchased this school and are going through the process of annexing it into South Salt Lake. They are anticipating using it for a multi-use facility for community events, practice hall for symphony, chorus, community council meeting, senior center, police office, etc. There are no :firm plans yet, just lots of ideas. They will not tear it down, but will make it a facility for use by the community. Any questions regarding this project can call Bruce at 483-6011. Unit Legalization – 1623 So. 12th East: Kurt & Sabrina Imig requested approval for legalization ofa basement apt. at this address. The basement apt. and garage entry is from 12th East and the entry for the upstairs in on Logan Ave. The apt. has been continually rented since 1957. The necessary signatures have been obtained from the neighbors. A motion was made, seconded, and approval given for this request. A presentation was made for development of the Hygiea property. The presentation was made by Paul Crabtree from CLC Assoc., Richard Mendenhall, Westfield Properties, Jeff Woodbury, Woodbury Development, and Doug Kirkman from Homestead Village. The proposed development includes a residence style hotel with between 130-140 rooms and a restaurant of approx. 6000 sq. ft. The proposal fits within the zoning requirements and is consistent with the Sugar House Master Plan and the Sugar House Business District plan. It meets the required off street parking for the proposed uses. The proposal also includes open space along the Hidden Hollow-Parley’s Creek corridor No action was taken on this item as Chairman Rawlins Young felt there were issues that need to be addressed further. It was suggested that a separate meeting be scheduled to discuss these issues. A presentation was also made for proposed development of the McIntyre property. Previous concerns regarding this development were the proposed straight access from 21st S. to Wilmington. The plans have been altered so there is more landscaping in this area and not a straight access between these points. There are still concerns with regard to the kinds of retail planned for the area. The Master Plan calls for small businesses and shops. The plan is designed for larger chain type businesses, although no definite businesses have been defined as yet. There are still many concerns regarding traffic with both of these developments. It was suggested that this development be included in the same meeting as was requested for the Hygiea property. Meeting adjourned approximately 10:05 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]