SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1997


July 2, 1997

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMinutes for July 2, 1997 Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Julina P. Parker, Sandy Hiskey, Dorothy Tuddenham, Tree Brown Hayes (9) Excused – NONE City Representatives: Michele Hutchins, Everett Joyce, Kathy Daly, Steve Domino, Kris Naser, Diane Stover (6) Others: Nick Edwards. Ethan Loveless, Karen Matthews, Helen M. Peters, Suanna Armitage, Ray Pugsley, Grace Sperry, Ed Sperry, Christine Winslow, Margaret Ganyo, Eddie Bennett (ll)Total- 26

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. Scott introduced the executive committee. The minutes for the June meeting were approved. Chair Report: Applications for the Key Bank “Good Neighbor Award” are available. The deadline for submission is Sept. 27. Call Scott for information. Treasurers Report: $42.00 was collected for the Night Out Against Crime 2 months ago and $12.50 was collected last month. There is a balance of $1,369.00 in the account. Mayor’s Office Report: Michele Hutchins was representing the Mayor’s office tonight. She did not have any business, but indicated she and Pauline would welcome any questions from the neighborhood. School Board Update: No report. City Council Update: No report. Crime Report: Dorothy Tuddenham reported that her LDS Ward was going to clean up their neighborhood for the Church wide Service project to be held on Sat. July 19 and encouraged all persons to take pride in their neighborhood and keep it cleaned up. She had posters available for advertising the “National Night Out Against Crime”. Ray Pugsley reported on the recent DUI saturation that was conducted by the Police Dept. and Mobil Watch people. There were 20 DUI arrests made on that one night as well as many other violations for a total of 75 arrests for this single activity. Diane Stover reported that the crime statistics for this area are down a bit from previous months and contributed a lot of the improvement to the work being done by Officer R. Fred Ross. She reported on a problem in the 1500 block of Westminster and encouraged if anyone sees a good looking Black/Hispanic 18-19 yrs. old, usually brown/black dress that appears to be a possible problem or if there is any suspected gang activity to notify police immediately.  Kathy Daly reported that Officer Ross came to the Library to talk with a group of children. He told them some stories about police officers. This activity was very successful and did much to help the children become acquainted with the police officer and the work of the police in the area. Parks Committee Report: Cheri Carleson reported that The Sear-Brown Group are·the consultants for UDOT for the Major Investment study for I-80. This study is also looking at possible bicycle routes along this corridor. Cheri had copies of several reports relating to vehicular traffic. She also has a public comment form to communicate your views to the Sear-Brown Group. Anyone who is interested in this activity is welcome to call Cheri. A meeting is planned for later this month with the Canyon Rim Citizens Assoc. to study the financial aspects of the interface with theParley’s Crossing Project, the two bridges and the tunnel under I-215. On July 31st at 7:00 PM at the Forest Dale Club House they are planning a workshop to look at all possibilities for implementing a rails-to-trails project for the Union Pacific spurline West from Sugar House. The city has received notice from Union Pacific that they are planning to vacate that rail spur. Unless people make known the desire to use this corridor for this trail system, it could revert to adjacent property owners.  Cheri also reported the City Public Services Director John Hiskey, has resigned his position and is being replaced by Rick Graham, who has been the deputy director. Rick’s position is being filled by Kevin Berkstrom. Cheri also reported on some possible land swaps involving Tanner Park and Hansen’s Hollow in a trade for property around Raging Waters. She raised concerns with this because it eliminates park property from the Sugar House area and there is already a shortage of park facilities in this area. She encouraged those interested to be aware of decisions the city is making on these issues. She recommends that Rick Graham be invited to meet with us at a future council meeting to explain what the city is planning and to hear feed back from the community. Capitol Improvement Planning (CIP) Report: Tree Brown Hayes reported that the CIP funding is used for things like streets, parks, street lights, etc.  Sept. 5 is the deadline for applications for new projects. These funds are not matching fund type grants. This money comes from the city Capital Improvement funds. SLC Housing Policy Plan: Rawlins Young indicated that Karen Wikstrom has been hired to do the study to look at the city’s vision for housing for the future. There will be a workshop on July 17 from 6-8 PM at the Horizonte School to discuss this issue. It is hoped that the plan will be completed by Sept. 15. This plan is being sponsored by the Futures Commission. Future Airport Plans: Steve Domino from the Airport Authority indicated that activity at the airport has been increasing rapidly over the past few years and that growth of the facilities has not kept up with the growth of passenger activity. He explained the 5-10-20 year plans for expansion of the facilities to accommodate the larger volumes. He said it is expected to cost $1.7 billion for the 20 year plan. He also indicated that no tax dollars would be used, but that the revenue is generated at the airport from things such as food concessions, parking, shops, airline rental fees, etc. In other words, the upgrade costs would be covered by those who use the facilities. Trustee Petition: Helen Peters of the Highland Park neighborhood presented a petition to become a trustee. The motion was made and approved to accept her petition. Historic Preservation Ideas for the Mclntyre/Hygiea Block: Karen Matthews presented some historic information on the early attempts at producing sugar in the Sugar House area. She has a book full of information on the subject and has talked with school children and various groups in the area in an attempt to preserve this history. She is suggesting some sort of 3 dimensional plaques to tell this story be included in the landscape design of the McIntyre Center development. She suggests some of the funding for such a project could be done through private fund raising activities. She is a cousin in the DeLaMare family. Phillip DeLaMare was one of the pioneers that went to France to learn how to make sugar from sugar beets. McIntyre/Hygiea Development Update: Everett Joyce reported that the Hygiea development is ready to go before the City Council but the McIntyre development is still working on some of the boundary changes. The development at the old Discriminator Music property is going to the Planning Commission on July 17.Westminster Volunteer Center: Margaret Ganyo and Eddie Bennett, representing the college told about the volunteer program at the college and offered their services to anyone in need. They have worked some with Lynne Olson and Hidden Hollow. Vandalism at the Park View Plaza Parking Garage: Ed Sperry reported on vandalism that has taken place with swallow nests in the parking plaza. The swallows build nests in the South West area of the plaza. He reported there had been major damage to the nests and the baby birds in the past week and had pictures to show some of the damage. He encouraged us to be aware of this and consider this in our review of plans for the adjacent building that is being proposed. If you have any questions regarding this issue, call Ed at 581-1051.

Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]