SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1998


July 1, 1998

Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Rich Bennett, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, John Richards, Dorothy Tuddenham , Doris Williams, Philip Carlson, Ruth Robbins, Sheila O’Driscoll, Ray Pugsley, Sandy Hiskey (13) Excused: Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling (2) City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Diane Olsen, Dan Andrus, Barry Esham, B. 1. Simpson, Dave Lambert, R Fred Ross, Dave Jones (8) Others: Lynne Olson, Barbara Lovejoy, Claudia Pack, Shelly Powell, Lee Cotter, C. T. Bintz, D. C. Bintz, Donna H. Rigby, Kent Hyde (9)Total- 30 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the June meeting were approved. Chair Report: Helen reported that the request for development of the Park View Plaza 2, as presented, was denied by the Planning Commission. Barry Esham was introduced as the new representative to the Mayor’s Office. Helen indicated that Jim Jensen of the Boys & Girls Club had contacted her and indicated they are looking to do some more expansion. We need to have a trustee in that area that could represent the needs and concerns of the neighbors. She also indicated there was an open house for the Fairmont Swimming Pool plans a couple of weeks ago and another one is scheduled in the future. Notification of this meeting should be done by a mailed notice. Plans and drawings for this pool are available if you are interested in seeing them, contact Helen Peters. Treasurers Report: No activity in the past month. Balance of $2,237.39 in account. Public Safety and Education Report: Byron Simpson, Dave Lambert, and Dave Jones of the Fire Dept. indicated the dept. will be patrolling the city over the 4th and 24th holidays looking for illegal fireworks. Dave spoke about the Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. He indicated there is a real need for more volunteers to be involved with this program. Trustee, Doris Williams is the coordinator in her area and will report on her experience with this program at our next meeting. Officer Fred Ross of the Police Dept. reminded us of the “Night Out Against Crime” to be held on Aug. 4 from4 – 9 PM at Fairmont Park. He also reminded us of the Merchants meeting that is held in the basement of the Library on the 3rd Wed. of each month at 9:00 AM. Renee Tanner from the Mayor’s Office reported on what the Sugar House area can expect during the Olympics at the last meeting. City Council/Mayor’s Office Report: Barry introduced himself as the new representative from the Mayor’s Office and indicated he is available for assistance the same as our representatives have been in the past. Trustee, John Richards spoke favorably for the rest room that has been installed by the city in Stratford Park.Empowerment Zones: The Federal Government has made available money to help in poverty areas in cities around the country. Salt Lake has been designated as one of the cities where this will be available. The city can designate 20 sq. miles of poverty area. This bill helps provide money to help provide jobs and other ways to help combat poverty. This could include helping small business, Boys & Girls Clubs, Recreation activities, the library, etc. The city is asking for proposals by the 31st of July. A motion was made and approved that the executive committee explore possibilities of including the Sugar House area as part of the Empowerment Zone. Westminster Neighborhood Report: Shelly Powell, representing the Westminster neighborhood reported on the development that is being done at Westminster College. The wall and landscaping between the new dormitories and the neighborhood that was agreed upon has not been done as yet, but will be done. Work has fallen behind schedule due to the wet weather we had in June. Now, dust has been a big problem. Work hours have been longer than was agreed on, but has been necessary because of the delays. Gas, phone, and water lines were cut one day, but this was due to an error with the blue stake process. The trees between the project and the neighborhood that were to have been preserved have been destroyed because of the construction and lack of water. They will be replaced. Work crews have been as cooperative as possible considering the pressure of the deadlines they are under to complete this project. Steve Morgan, from the college, is going to meet with the neighbors tomorrow. The neighbors reported that Steve has been very helpful in working through all these problems. Planning Dept. Report: Bill reported there have been some delays on the Boyer development because of the water problems. Meacham’s plans for the Parkview Plaza II were denied by a 4 – 1 vote by the Planning Commission. He is looking at what he can do now on only the land that he owns and not including the land he was going to lease to the North. The proposed parking lot on 11th East, by the Sinclair station was approved with the stipulation that there be limited access to Hollywood. The Planning Dept. wants the neighborhood on Hollywood to get together and work on traffic calming measures for that area. Richard Mendenhall wants to develop the Redman property into residential living quarters. They want to present their proposal at the Aug. Sugar House Community Council meeting. He reported that the discussions on a skateboard ordinance have been modified to include 8th to 13th East on 21st So. and Hollywood to Sugarmont on 11th East. It is expected that this will come before the City Council in November. The traffic study in conjunction with the proposed Fairmont Swimming Pool has not been started yet. They have not done the goo-technical study either. These plans will not go before the Planning Commission until these studies are completed. Bill is still looking at the Commercial/Busmess and Neighborhood/Commercial zoning issues. There will be an open house on July 20 from 5-7 PM to discuss these issues. He is trying to have proposals on these issues ready to go before the Planning Commission by the first Thursday in August. US West Wireless Antenna: A proposal was presented by Kent Hyde for a new antenna at the 721 Plaza. He indicated this would be lower than the ones that are presently there. A question was asked, what benefit are these to the community. Kent indicated that they are necessary to meet the communication needs in the area and that US West also pays rent to the land owner for these antenna. A motion was made and approved with 9 in favor and 2 abstaining to recommend approval of this request.Trustee Petition Renewal: A renewal petition has been received from Ruth Robbins of the Nibley neighborhood. This was accepted by unanimous vote. Public Input: Rich Bennett asked Barry Esham to convey to the City Council the need to allow for overlapping boundaries in considering the city’s recognition ordinance issues. A question was asked, why the amendments to the Articles of Incorporation for the Sugar House Park Authority have not been approved by the City Council/Mayor’s office. Other questions were raised regarding the Sugar House Park Authority and how it operates. It was suggested that we have a report on the Sugar House Authority, including some of the history of it and who they are responsible to. Ray Pugsley and Cheri Carleson were asked to prepare this report for the August meeting.Adjourned at 9:30 PM.


Landon Clark
[email protected]