SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 1999


July 7, 1999

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes for July 7, 1999 Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Sheila O’Driscoll, Cheri Carleson, Dolores Donohoo, Sandy Hiskey, Ty McCartney, Ruth Robbins, Tiffany Starbuck, Gene Davis, John Richards, Phil Carlson (15) Excused: Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Ray PugsleyCity/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Rick Graham, Pete Baumgart, Val Pope (6) Others: Evam Fox, Joan F. Teasdale, Bill Cupit, Sharon Cupit, Amy Johnson, Odis R. Aaron, Heather Tritten. Jason Youngstrom. Ruth Price, Jerry Schmidt, Milton Braselton, Jeff Little, Jill Little, Paul Jaime, Kevan Adams, Steve Scott, Diane Stratford, Leonard Fong, B.E. Gegily, Richard Sheugtouessy, Craig Mecham, Claudia Pack, Marion Willey, Larry Wiley, Robert Marsh, Tad Gaarder, Tamera Baggett, Jodi Scott, Bill Jefferies, Jim Johnson, Mo Myers, Jim Cannon, Sarah Carlson, Karen Wiley, Fred Babcock, Dave Jones, Cindy Jones (37) Total- 58 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the June meeting were approved. Chair Report: Helen asked for volunteers for the nominating committee for the October Community Council Executive elections. Dolores Donohoo volunteered to work on the committee so she was appointed as chair. We reviewed the status of the trustees petitions. Many of the trustees petitions have passed the 3 year period. A trustee can remain even though the petition has expired unless someone else in their neighborhood wants to become a trustee and there are no more available positions in that neighborhood. Helen encouraged all trustees to take an active part in the council activities:-Helen indicated that the application document for capital improvement funds was available for-anyone interested. Helen had received a letter from Everett Joyce of the Planning Dept. indicating that there will probably be no reimbursement for the trees that were removed on Highland Drive in front of Wild Oats. Helen reported that the cities Recognition Ordinance has been put on hold again. She read a notice from Utah State University Extension offering a free water check. This is designed to determine the most efficient means of watering the lawn and garden, helping to conserve water and save residents money. This is a free service and anyone interested can call 487-2291 between 8AM and 5PM to set up an appointment. The public hearing for the zone change request by Reaveley Engineering will be July 15 at 7:30 PM. Matching grant applications are available from the Capital Planning Dept. or the Mayor’s office. There is a need for volunteers to help with the 2000 census. Anyone interested can call Sherry Hansen at 535-6150. The city is making an effort to get the light rail operating by the holiday season. Helen is placing many of the reference materials she receives in the Sprague library. Check with the librarians for these items. Petition Renewal: A petition renewal request has been received from John Richards. The motion was made to accept the petition renewal. All were in favor. Treasurers Report: There is a balance in our account of $1,831.98. Public Input: Gene Davis gave us copies of letters he had written and received regarding the salt storage in Fairmont Park. This item had been discussed at our June meeting. Gene had been concerned with the seepage of the salt into the ground. This is a special concern because of the springs and irrigation water that are in that area. Val Pope of the SLC Parks Dept. responded indicating they are trying to find another place for the salt storage. It is felt that the damage to the trees in the area is probably more from age and bugs than from contaminated ground water. A resident living on Elizabeth St. north of 27th So. expressed a concern with the truck traffic on that street. This street is being used to avoid the Highland Drive/27th So. intersection. He also indicated that the garbage trucks are picking up garbage before 7:00 AM which causes undo noise early in the morning. There was a problem reported with undesirable tenants living at 2174 Lake St.  A petition signed by the neighbors was given to Barry Esham of the Mayor’s office to look into. Zone Change From Open Space to RMF35 – 2673 South Preston Place: Karen Wiley of the Division of Housing and Development presented a proposal to develop a parking lot on a vacant lot next to the Preston Place Apts. for their use. These are apartments for senior citizens. The property is owned by the city and has been designated for future expansion of Stratford Park. The neighbors have complained because of the poor condition of the vacant lot. There was some concern that the city is continually getting rid of open space in the Sugar House area. We need to increase the open space and not eliminate it. Because of the concerns and complexity of the proposal, Helen suggested we appoint a sub-committee to look into the issues and report back at our next meeting Phil Carlson will chair the sub-committee. UTA Bus Stops: Pete Baumgart from UTA reported things they are doing to improve the bus service in the city. They are working on new signage to better identify the stops. He indicated that they must have an 8 X 5 ft. landing pad and a 36″ wide path for bus stops. They must be in a safe location, away from pedestrian crossings etc. They have a computerized program that is helping them better determine the best places to put stops based on criteria and use. Questions regarding these issues can be addressed to Pete at 262-5626 Ext. 2382. Civilian Review Board: Due to the lateness of the hour, Dorothy agreed to wait until next month. 9th East/25th So. Development: Jim Johnson, owner, and Bill Jefferies, developer, presented their plans for a planned development consisting of a sub-division into 4 townhouses. We initially heard this plan a month ago, but because it had not been included on the June agenda, we needed to again review these plans as an agenda item this month. This plan was basically well received by those in attendance. One neighbor commented that it would be a wonderful improvement in the neighborhood. A motion was made to approve this proposal. The vote was 7 in favor and 2 abstaining. Demolition of home/subdivide for 9 townhouses – 2725/2733 So. 7th East: We initially heard this proposal last month, but because of the concerns and questions that were raised, it was suggested we take the time to review the issue. Ty McCartney worked with the neighbors and the city to try to resolve the issues. He reported that the home that was proposed to be demolished was not on the historical register as some wondered about last month. The neighbors mostly were in favor of the development, but 3-4 were opposed to it. They liked the upscale design. They were concerned with the height of the building and felt that it was imposing to the adjoining properties. Some were concerned with the increased density in the area. A motion was made to support the proposal, but failed with the lack of a second. The suggestion was made that we write a letter to the city requesting that they place a moratorium on any development involving a flag lot until the city has completed their study and report of how to deal with flag lots. There were 9 in favor of doing this. A motion was made that we not approve this proposal. That motion was seconded and the vote was 6 in favor and 3 abstaining. 13th East – Mecham Development: Craig Mecham, owner, and Fred Babcock, Architect, presented modified plans for a new office building on 13th East, North of the blue building. They have decreased the size of the building down to 89+ thousand sq. ft. They have incorporated more brick into the building and reduced the amount of glass. They have reduced the parking from 5 levels with 420 car spaces to 4 levels and 212 car spaces. This plan is utilizing only the property Mecham owns and not including any of the property to the North of this. It is expected that 2-300 people would be working in the building. There is still the issue with UDOT and the access from 13th East. They are hopeful of presenting this to the Planning Commission on Aug. 5th or 19th. Boyer is in support of the new proposal. One resident living on Westminster Ave. spoke in favor of the new design. Another individual expressed still a concern with the height of the building, wishing it could be still less. The motion was made that we accept this proposal. It was seconded and the voting was 7 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Bill Allayaud reported that the city will be installing a traffic light at the 13th East/Wilmington Ave. intersection. Dave Jones – Mayor Candidate: Dave complimented the Sugar House Community Council and our activities and likes what he has seen done in our community since he came to SLC. He likes the small town feel but the advantages of the big city that we have here in SLC. He has been the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives during the past session. He feels that the city is going through some major changes and with change comes challenges. Some of them being crime, traffic accidents, loss of open space, neglect of infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, parks etc.). He has had 10 years of experience in the political process in SLC. He has had management experience and has a masters degree in Public Administration. He feels that if those in leadership positions in our city plan carefully and spend wisely, we can have the best of the two worlds, the small town feel and the big city advantages. Dave spent much time responding to various questions from those in attendance. Fairmont Bowling: This business is being sold to a 24 Hour Fitness business. Representatives from the new organization explained somewhat of their plans for the business. It was suggested we have an additional presentation scheduled on our agenda for August to address this issue because of the lateness of the hour. Adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]