SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2000


Trustees: Alice Edvalson, Ty McCartney, Ray Pugsley, Dorothy Tuddenham, Rich Bennett, Rawlins Young, Judi Short; Ruth Price, Sheila O’Driscoll, Dolores Donohoo, Phillip Carlson, Su Armitage, Lynne Olson . (13) Excused: Helen Peters, Gayen Wharton, Cheri Carleson, Tiffany Starbuck (4:)City/State Representatives: Keith Christensen, City Council; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Sgt. B. Kirkwood, Police Dept.; Linda Ward; Police Dept.; Kathy Black, School Board (5) Others: Edward Glashien, Charlene Allert, Trent Dunn, Melissa Lichtenstein, Mike Hodson, Nyman Brooks, Marv Tuddenham, Melodie Holz, Jen Omiste, Alvaro Omiste, Agnes Greenhall, Stephen Crain, Wanda Gayle, Jim Sabodski, Jerry Schmidt (15) Total Attending – 33 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ty McCartney. The June minutes were approved with one correction. In the Public Input, Mike Hodson was commenting on traffic problems on 170QEast. Near the end of that section it stated, “The Transportation Dept. should be encouraged to complete the study over the summer with installation of any plans to occur just prior to the start of the school year in Sept.” Mike Hodson indicated he wanted the study to not be done until the school year has started so the statistics will reflect the school activity. Chair Report: Ty reported on a public hearing to be held on July 13 at 5:20 PM regarding the proposed rezone of three areas in the Sugar House area.Treasurers Report: A check for $17.53 has been made to Helen Peters to cover the gift to Bill Allayaud leaving a balance of $1,493.28. New Trustee Petition: A petition has been received from Trent Dunn of the Westminster neighborhood. The motion was made and seconded to accept his petition with 11 in favor.Trustee Petition Renewal: Helen Peters petition for renewal was presented with the motion to accept. The voting was 11 in favor. City Council Update: Keith reported that the two homes on the East side of l0th East that are in the area proposed for the zone change do not meet the size requirements for the change so have been deleted from the proposal. He has suggested that these two properties also be removed from the moratorium because of this.  Alice Edvalson asked if Keith would check again on the progress of the Hollywood traffic calming.  Reports from the neighborhood committee indicated that Craig Timothy is stalling again. The committee feels that the proposed calming measures on Hollywood and 10th East have been approved and would like to move ahead with them. The proposal to close the South part of McClelland still needs some work, but it was felt this should not hold up the start of the other work. Keith reported that the Mayor’s budget asked for zero dollars for street repair and the council would like to see 1.5 million set aside for repairs. They are trying to see what could be done to get this. There is still a question on the “Grand Mall”. Keith would like to see this put on hold for at least 5 years. This has become a very difficult issue to deal with.Public Input: Rawlins Young asked if it would be possible to put sidewalks on both sides of the street under the bridges on I-80 when they are repairing these bridges. It was noted that the city and the state would need to discuss this issue since the sidewalks are city property and the freeway is a state project. Jerry Schmidt thanked Councilman Christensen for his support on the parking strip ordinance that requires less vegetation.Crime Update: Liinda Ward reported that car prowls are really bad. Often they are breaking the windows and taking CD’s and stereos. She asked us to pay attention to car alarms when they are going off and report them. She is still working on the problem at 2480 Dearborn St. that was reported at the last meeting. Police officers looked into the truck traffic problem from 27th· South onto Elizabeth St. that had been reported at the last meeting. They did not see a problem, at least during the time they were investigating this issue. Linda is still working with Diane Taylor, a resident living on21st So. near Highland High School, and UTA in an effort to work out the problems with the students waiting for buses in this area.  The school doesn’t accept responsibility for the kids since they are not on school property.. Dorothy Tuddenham reported a problem of the son of Gayen Wharton being abducted from the Smith’s parking lot on 21stSouth. Linda will check into this. Linda also encouraged parents to talk to their children about how they should react to strangers that approach them so they will know what to do when faced with that situation. There continue to be problems with strangers trying to harm children. Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham noted the dates and times of meetings scheduled to meet with the Mayor that were printed on the back of the July agenda. Planning Dept. Update: No report. Bill Allayaud has accepted employment out of the state and he has not yet been replaced. School Board, Dist. 5 Candidate: Nyman brooks introduced himself to the audience. He grew up in this area, being a 4th generation living in this area. He attended Forest School as well as lrving Jr. High, South High and the U of U. He majored in Mandarin Chinese, History and Economics. He worked for some years as an East Asian agent for the CIA. He has taught at Weber State, in Ogden schools, and at Waterford school. He supports moral virtues which he defined as good habits and intellectual virtues which he defined as knowing things well and thinking things well. He would focus on those virtues as well as working to make the schools a place of learning. School Board Update: Kathy Black, of the school board, addressed the boundary issues they are working with in their efforts to better utilize the schools in the district. The population on the East side is declining and the families are getting smaller. The population on the West side is growing. They are trying to consider the impact on the families and the community as they make these decisions. Before decisions are made, they will provide for public input, especially from the parents. They have determined that the ideal number of schools for the district is 25 and there are currently 28. They want to provide equal opportunities for all kids. They are also trying to make it so that the kids will go through the entire school system with the same group of kids. There was a concern among those in attendance at the meeting that the closed schools be kept for public use since there is such a need for public facilities in the city. AT&T Communication:  Steve Crane from AT&T presented two more locations proposed for the ground mounted centralized power supply boxes. These were 1632 So. 1500 East and 2360 East Parleys Way. We have discussed these boxes on several occasions in the past and have written two letters to the Planning Commission regarding our concerns. A motion was made that we accept these two proposed sites, but there was no second so the motion failed. Another motion was made that we are happy with the information that has been presented to us on all occasions, but there will be no action taken by the Sugar House Community Council. We will leave the decisions up to the Planning Commission. This motion passed with 8 in favor and 2 opposed. Conditional Use for Daycare at 1870 East Redondo: This was canceled prior to the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM HELP!!What do you do with the Chippendale furniture, Monet paintings, Tiffany lamps and designer clothing left over from fall cleaning, feng shui redecorating, or when one· of the chicks leaves the nest for college?You donate it to the Sugar House Community Council!The First AnnualSugar House Community Council Rummage Salewill take·place this fall.BUT WE NEED RUMMAGE TO SELL and that’s where you come in …Please save your leftovers for us, and we will cook up an entree’ of parking-lot size proportions!(More information to follow.)

Landon Clark
[email protected]