SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2001


DATE:  TUESDAY, July 10, 2001    ***** NOTE CHANGE IN DATE *****PLACE:            SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East                NEW MEETING ROOMTIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting             7:00 – 7:10         Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval                                    Chair Report, Treasurers Report            7:10 – 7:20         Public Input            7:20 – 7:25         Rummage Sale Update – Su Armitage            7:25 – 7:30         Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham            7:30 – 7:35         Police Update            7:35 – 7:40         LDS Fairmont Chapel – 2465 South 8th East                                     Adding Relief Society & baptismal font on                                      southeast corner of building            7:40 – 7:50        Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson            7:50 – 8:00         Unit Legalization – 2886 So. 9th East –                                                                                     Ashin Fard            8:00 – 8:20         Rezone & Ordinance Amendment for SH Business                                                District – Melissa Anderson                                   Expanding the business district/eliminating 10                                    story building in Granite block            8:20 – 9:30         Master Plan Update – Scott Kisling            9:30                  Adjourn FUTURE MEETINGS:            August Agenda Deadline – July 13, 2001 –                                                            Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            SHCC Executive Meeting – July 16, 2001 – 7:00 PM –                                                            Contact Alice for place            Next Community Council Meeting – August 1, 2001 – 7:00 PM –                                                                         Sprague Library                        THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library   Questions: Call  Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181                         Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170                        Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708                        Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663                        Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352                        Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153                        Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************                                     SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMINUTES FOR July 10, 2001 Trustees:  Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Paddington Campos, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Justin Jones, Scott Kisling, Ty McCartney, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll,  Claudia O’Grady, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (19) Excused: Tiffany Starbuck City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Diane Olsen, Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police Dept.; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office (5) Others: Charlene Allert, Tom Nitzkowski, Melissa Lichtenstein, Sherry Baranowski, Jerry Schmidt, Milton Braselton, Wayne K. Despain, Joey R. Clegg, Sean Foley, Brian Schaetz, Brian Meadows, Wm. Chapman, John Barrus, Kathy Campbell, Beth Bauman, Amy Price, Amedee Moran, Fred Fairclough Jr., Bill Wirthlin, Hilary Pembroke, Barb Tucker, Kent Andersen, JoAnn Andersen, Jerry Davey, Sherry Davey, Polly Cornelison, Tab Cornelison, Kathy C. Hale, Dane Boyce, Julie Boyce, Curtis Ward, Matt Evens, Lynn Silver, Corinne Cannon, Shannon Christiansen, Michael Burbank, Don Zarkou, Dennis Glass, Ken Emery, Holly Jones, Ashin Fard, James Marchant, Ronald Weber, Susumu Kasai, Jan Haug, Paul Benton, Suzanne Weaver, Joe Rich, Tony Romney, Marsha Egan, Mark Hall, Dave Wilson, Floyd Anderson, James Jardine, Tom Mulcock, Kathy Mulcock, Jeff Mendall, Jane Jones, Suzie Lyons   (59) Total Attending – 83 Meeting called to order at 7:07 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. Corrections were made to the minutes as follows:            Jerry Schmidt corrected the public input report regarding his comments about a presentation to the council from Envirocare suggested by Sheila O’Driscoll.  Jerry indicated the part of the minutes stating he was opposed to bringing the nuclear waste to Utah was correct, but instead of expressing “concern”, he had actually thanked Ms. O’Driscoll for asking that the council allow a group called Support Alliance For the Environment to come to a meeting to give us their side of the nuclear waste issue (they are in favor).              Claudia O’Grady corrected the motion made regarding the Hollywood traffic.  The minutes stated a motion was made that we continue to support the closure of McClelland and the other traffic calming measures with a vote of 10 in favor, 4 opposed, and 1 abstaining.  That motion was actually never acted upon, but another motion was made that we table the issue until next month and the vote on that motion was 10 in favor, 4 opposed, and 1 abstaining.            The minutes were approved with the two noted corrections. Ruth Price took issue with the way the renewal of a trustee petition had been done at the previous meeting.  The renewal allowed one more trustee than allowed for the Garfield neighborhood and this was not pointed out at the time the renewal was presented for approval.  Chair Ray Pugsley apologized for this oversight. CHAIR REPORT:             Applications for CDBG grant funding must be in to the City by August 3.            Ray reported that the demolition work on the proposed Park Plaza II destroyed some of the vegetation in the Hidden Hollow area.  The City has placed a “stop work” on that project and the City is working with the various people involved to determine what the consequences of this will be.  Hidden Hollow is protected from such destruction by a Conservation Easement.            Ray indicated that the vandalism recently to the Bed, Bath, and Beyond business had been classified as an act of domestic terrorism.  The FBI has not been able to identify who is responsible for this vandalism and would appreciate any information anyone may have concerning this issue.  Anyone who may have information may call the FBI.            Ray announced a meeting to be held tomorrow, July 11 at 7:00 PM at the SLC Main Library Auditorium.  The speaker will be Ben Hamilton-Baillie of British Transport & Urban Design.  He will be speaking on the safe integration of people, traffic and social places.  Anyone interested was invited to attend.            There will be many activities taking place in the city in celebration of the 24th of July.  There will be a Native American Celebration as well as other activities in Liberty Park. There will also be the annual marathons, rodeo and parade. TREASURER’S REPORT:            There is a balance of $1,865.57 in the account.  Dolores has received $125.00 for deposit from the sale of T-shirts at the 4th celebration.  There will be additional expenses and income for the tote bags we had for sale as well. Thanks go to Justin Jones for his help in making the bags available for us.  Anyone interested in a bag, there are still some available. They have the Community Council logo as well as our web site addresses.  Cost of the bag is $5.  Contact Alice Edvalson. PUBLIC INPUT:            Tom Nitzkowski indicated that it is very difficult crossing 9th East to Fairmont Park and wondered if it would be possible to have the orange flags at the crosswalk at Ashton Ave. and 9th East.  Barry Esham from the Mayor’s office responded that this would require a neighborhood sponsor and that the sponsor is responsible to replace flags if lost. Contact Dan Bergenthal of the Transportation Dept. for details.  Rawlins Young suggested getting a business sponsor.            Sean Foley from the Millcreek Coffee & Bagel objected to the closing of McClelland St., claiming that their sales went down 40% during the time of the closing of McClelland St. testing period.            Brian Schaetz, also from the Millcreek Coffee & Bagel, claimed that they lost $150-$250 per day during the closing of McClelland St. testing period. He suggested looking at speed bumps or some other method of traffic calming.  He said that most of their customers came from the neighborhood. He was also concerned with the right turn only from McClelland onto 21st South.            John Barrus of Barrus Pianos was also concerned with the possible closing of McClelland St.  He felt the traffic problems in the Hollywood neighborhood were not on McClelland St.            Dennis Glass who owns the apartment house on McClelland St. was also concerned with the closing of McClelland St.  He suggested that since Lifestyles 2000 created the new parking lot with the exit on 10th East, there were now fewer cars exiting onto McClelland St.            Trustee Gayen Wharton suggested that the Master Plan issues of shared parking and traffic calming are tied together and affect this traffic problem in the neighborhood.            Trustee Scott Kisling suggested looking at a closure of McClelland St. at only certain times of the day.            Trustee Rawlins Young referred to the old & new Master Plans suggesting the closure of streets to the North & South of the business district and pointing out that this is not a new problem.            Trustee Justin Jones suggested looking at other alternatives. RUMMAGE SALE UPDATE:            Su Armitage reported that she has had a problem contacting the person responsible for renting the Garden Club.  She has mailed a letter in an effort to contact them.  Plans are to have the sale on Sept. 8th with persons bringing items for sale on the 6th and 7th.  Trustees not helping during the sale will be expected to help in the receiving of items and the clean up after. MAYOR’S OFFICE UPDATE:            Barry Esham from the Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs reported that they are still looking for volunteers for the various boards and commissions in the city.  Persons interested can call Diane Karrenburg at 535-7931.  He also gave dates for the big neighborhood cleanup in the various Sugar House neighborhoods.  Notice of these dates should be sent to all persons prior to their cleanup. POLICE REPORT:            Brendon Kirkwood reported that the 4th of July activities all went quite smoothly.  He asked for the help of all citizens in an effort to solve the problems with undesirable activities in Fairmont Park. He said we need to use this park more!!!!!  Plan activities there and be more visible there.  The park is open from 6 AM to 11 PM.  He also said that car prowls and burglaries are still a problem in the area. LDS FAIRMONT CHAPEL ADDITION – 2465 South 8th East.            Plans are to add a Relief Society Room and a baptismal font.  The addition would be an additional 1200 sq. ft. in an area that is currently grass.  The local authorities have visited with neighbors and found no problems from any of them.  Rawlins Young thanked them for the courtesy of presenting their plans for our information. PLANNING DEPARTMENT UPDATE:            Melissa Anderson from the Planning Dept. said that the public hearing with the Planning Commission for the partial street closure of McClelland Street at approximately 2010 South is scheduled for July 19 at 5:50 PM.  Planning Commission reviews for the Sugar House Master plan are as follows: (1) initial briefing 7/19, (2) Public Hearing and possible final recommendation 8/2, (3) Final recommendation 8/16 (if not done on 8/2).  Melissa is working on text changes to the CN zone description that could allow the Pet Store/Clinic/Kennel proposal that we have heard in previous meetings.  Melissa has had lots of questions on the closure of Rosslyn Heights school.  Many are concerning the re-use of that school. The school board hasn’t done anything yet regarding its re-use.  The school probably won’t be closed for another 1-2 years.  It is currently zoned as public lands and Melissa is suggesting it be kept that way since that zone has very limited uses. She did indicate that the City can’t really tell the school board what they can do. UNIT LEGALIZATION – 2886 SO. 9TH EAST            Information was presented by Brian Meadows, the Real Estate representative working with Ashin Fard who is negotiating to buy the property.  Brian indicated that the “mother-in-law” apartment was added in 1976.  This property was sold and sub-divided into two parcels in 1995.  This property has been an eyesore in the neighborhood. There has been some confusion as to the correct addresses involved with this property. Ashin is planning on living in the front residence and renting the back.  This legalization is only dealing with the front part of the property that was sub-divided in 1995.  Brian stated that Ashin’s original intent was to make this a single family home, but when he found that there was a possibility of renting the apartment, he felt this could help him financially in making the major upgrades that are necessary to make this home livable. Trustee Gayen Wharton reminded us of the goal as stated in our Master Plan to return the older homes to their original single-family status whenever possible.  The motion was made that we deny this unit legalization. Voting 12 in favor, 5 opposed, 1 abstaining. RE-ZONE COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR (CC) to COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS (CB) ON 21ST SOUTH BETWEEN 7TH AND 9TH EAST:            Melissa Anderson of the Planning Dept. indicated this issue would go to the Planning Commission for hearing on Aug. 16.  This does not affect any residential property and is only dealing with parcels in the Business District. She handed out a map describing the proposed changes. Melissa is also working on text changes that would make the Sugar House Business District zone agree with the Master Plan update.  This would mainly be clarifying the height limits and making the zone description agree with the Master Plan.  A motion was made that we adopt the text amendment.  The motion was amended to encourage 2 stories with 3-4 stories when used for residential use rather than the proposed 6 stories. Voting on the amendment was 4 in favor, 12 opposed, and 1 abstaining. Voting on the original motion was 11 in favor, 4 opposed, and 0 abstaining.  The motion was them made to approve the proposed rezone for the Sugar House Business District.  That was amended to include the CC parcel on 9th East and the CB parcel on 13th East. There was then a motion to end the debate.  The voting on that motion was 13 in favor, 3 opposed, and 0 abstaining.  Voting on the amendment was 4 in favor, 13 opposed and 1 abstaining.  Voting on the original motion was 12 in favor, 5 opposed and 0 abstaining. MASTER PLAN UPDATE:            Scott Kisling indicated he has received many comments from people during the past weeks.  Scott had made an effort to include these comments into the text of the Master Plan.  Some general comments included: (1) needs to have a better Table of Contents, (2) needs to show the raw public comments, (3) needs to be a vision statement, (4) needs to be citations (why we want/need something), (5) there were a lot of comments about affordable housing and housing density, (6) the contact groups in the implementation section need to be better identified, (7) needs to have miscellaneous comments. Scott then reviewed the major suggested modifications to the document.  During this review process, there was much discussion on various sections.  There was a motion made that we strike any reference to consideration for additional on/off ramps at 23rd East and I-80 and include a statement of opposition.  An amendment was made to that, stating that efforts to reduce traffic on 13th East be redoubled. Then a motion was made that we postpone any motions until the review had been completed.  Voting on that motion was 13 in favor, 4 opposed, and 0 abstaining.  As a result of this motion, the previous motion and amendment were not acted on. The discussion was abruptly interrupted by a motion to adjourn at approximately 10:15 PM.  Voting was 6 in favor, 5 opposed, and 1 abstaining.  At this point most people left, leaving the few to determine where we go next.  It was determined we would continue the meeting and discussion on the Master Plan on Sat. July 14 at 10:00 AM at the Library. Continuation Sugar House Community Council Meeting-July 14, 10:00 AM, Sprague Library Trustees Present: Ray Pugsley, Dolores A. Donohoo, Rawlins Young, E.P. Campos, Julie Nitzkowski, Gayen Wharton, Lynne Olson, Alice Edvalson, Kevan Adams, Jefferson Burgess, Su Armitage, Helen M. Peters, Claudia O’Grady, Ruth Price, Scott Kisling (15) City Representatives Present: Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning (1) Others Present: L.Summers, Edward Glashien, Beth N. Zufall, Loren B. Robinson, Beth H. Sadler, Harv Foulks, Jean Foulks, Mark Stackhouse, Amy Price, Gary McDonough, Jerry Schmidt, Barbara Tucker, Christopher Tucker, Ronald Weber, Robert Madsen, Robert Zufall, Bill McClennen, Glen Decker (18)  Total Present (34) Meeting began at 10:00 AM with Chair Ray Pugsley conducting. Before the business of the meeting could even begin, several attempts at motions to adjourn were made followed by much discussion regarding the whole master plan review process.  Finally, a valid motion was made to adjourn this meeting and reconvene on July 26 at 7:00 PM at the Forest Dale Golf Club House.  That motion was amended to Aug. 1 at our regular community council meeting.  Voting on the amended motion was 4 in favor, 11 opposed, 0 abstaining.  A motion was made that the executive committee set a date at our executive meeting on Monday, July 16 for the vote on the master plan.  That motion was amended to also include a rational reason for why that date is selected.  Voting on the amended motion was 7 in favor, 6 opposed, 0 abstaining. Discussion followed regarding the need to complete the approval process as soon as possible since several CDBG grant applications are dependent on the master plan, one of these being the Westminster Small Area Master Plan.  A motion was made that we consider that section now so that the CDBG process can move forward.  Voting on that motion was 2 in favor, 10 opposed, and 2 abstaining. Finally at 11:03 AM we were able to begin the continuation of the review process.  A motion was made that we continue until 12:30 PM.  Voting on this motion was 2 in favor, 5 opposed, and 5 abstaining.  Scott pointed out the many comments and changes that have been submitted to the sub-committee over the past several months. Scott made note of those areas that were controversial, noting the controversial areas will be pointed out to the Planning Commission for their consideration. At 12:20 PM a motion was again made to adjourn until Aug. 1 when we ould continue this discussion.  Voting was 2 in favor, 6 opposed, 0 abstaining. Ruth Price made a special point to object that the majority of the trustees at the meeting were those who had been involved in the master plan process, and she felt that others have not had adequate time to review the document and that others in the neighborhood were not being properly represented. The review of the document was completed by approximately 2:45 PM at which time, Scott indicated he had not received very many comments on the implementation section and was concerned that this area is not as complete as it should be.  A meeting has been scheduled for July 26 at 7:00 PM at the Forest Dale Club House where the draft document with proposed changes will be available for review.  The Master Plan will also be included on the agenda for the August 1 regular community council meeting. Meeting adjourned at 2:50 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]