SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2002


WEDNESDAY July 3, 2002


PLACE: SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:10            Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Chair                                Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:20            Public Input7:20 – 7:25            Police Update7:25 – 7:30            Mayor’s Office Update7:30 – 7:40            Planning Dept. Update7:40 – 7:55            Demolition of 2 homes and Proposed Office/Light Retail 2816 So. Highland Drive – Charles Moore7:55 – 8:25            Fairmont Park Skateboard Park Update – Blindside8:25 – 8:40            Utah Power & Light Community Involvement-Greg Rutledge8:40 – 9:10            Organizational Issues:                                                Tote Bags                                                Speaking System Information                                                SHCC Exec. Election Update                                                4th of July Update                                                Approval of Amended by-laws9:10                       Adjourn                FUTURE MEETINGS:August Agenda Deadline – July 19, 2002 – Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – July 15 2002 – 7:00 PM – Contact Alice for    placeNext Community Council Meeting – August 7, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Sprague   Library THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library                 Questions: Call        Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181                 Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160                Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708                Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340                Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663                Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352                Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153                Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************  Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for July 3, 2002 Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Chris Bowler, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Justin Jones, Ty McCartney, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Susan Petheram, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Rawlins Young (13) Trustees Excused: Fred Conlon, Alice Edvalson, Helen Peters City/State Representatives: Debbie Gabrenas, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Officer Brendan Kirkwood, SLC Police; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Kathy Black, SLC School Board (5) Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, Don Zarkou, Karl Bennion, Dorothy Bintz, C. T. Bintz, Chad Nelson, Hollie Jones, Carrie Francis, Greg Rutledge, Tom Nitzkowski, Charles Moore, John Arrington, Greg Wrotniak (13)  Total Attending: 31 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley.  Kevan Adams noted that the minutes from the June meeting did not indicate that a vote to send a letter regarding the importance of community policing came at the end of the meeting.  This had been included with the report from Joyce Cheney regarding the Mobil Watch program.  The minutes were approved with this correction. Public Input:  Wm. Karl Bennion reported on a fund-raiser for the Utah Aids Foundation selling Gay Pride Olympic pins for $12.Kathy Black from the SLC School Board explained the new school boundary changes in the southeast portion of the district.  Rosslyn Heights will be closed in 2003.  Next year, Dilworth students will go to Rosslyn Heights, and Dilworth and Beacon Heights will be rebuilt. In 2004, children from both Dilworth and Rosslyn Heights will move into the new Dilworth school.  Kathy also announced that she will be a Republican candidate for the Dist. 28 house seat and Roz McGee will be the Democratic candidate.Lynne Olson invited everyone to the July 4th Arts and Street Festival tomorrow from noon until dusk.  She asked for volunteers to help clean up after the festival. Chair Report:  Gary Bengtzen, trustee from the Wilford neighborhood has resigned.  There will be an open house to view recommendations for changes to the City’s zoning ordinances on July 31, 5-6:30 PM in Room 126 in the City & County Building.  Descriptions for flag lots and PUD’s are included in these recommendations.  These changes can also be viewed on the City’s website:                     6 will be the annual Night Out Against Crime. Neighborhoods are encouraged to plan events in their own neighborhoods. If anyone wants police or fire dept. personnel to drop by, contact Barry Esham.  Global Artways is offering an arts program every Sat. in August at their building in Fairmont Park.  Mark Hansen, Assoc. City Prosecutor is asking assistance to fill out a survey to increase the understanding and perception of community action taken in our neighborhoods by the Prosecutor’s office.  The SLC Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is completed and is available at It will be reviewed on Aug. 12 by the Transportation Advisory Board and then go to the Planning Commission and City Council. Call Dan Bergenthal 535-7106 for questions or comments. The neighborhood garbage pickup will finish in the Sugar House area this month. Treasurer’s Report: The June beginning balance was $5,900.68, with $122.57 expended for a canopy and table leaving an ending balance of $5,778.11. Police Update:  Officer Kirkwood reported on a growing number of complaints of transients in Sugar House. He said they frequent this area because residents are giving them money which they use to buy liquor.  He advised us not to them money.  He said that an individual cannot be arrested for panhandling, but if a victim feels he has been threatened into giving the money, the panhandler can be arrested for robbery. Rawlins Young asked if the transient population was the same as the homeless population and Officer Kirkwood said they are different, that many transients are local people and many are alcoholics. The homeless people generally stay in the shelters.  He reported that Diane Olsen has moved to Phoenix. He suggested that citizens don’t set off personal fireworks because of the extreme fire danger, but that we enjoy those at the park.  Debbie Gabrenas reported that someone used bolt cutters to cut locks on two bikes at the Library. Su Armitage asked about the Governor’s ban on campfires in the mountains and was told that fires are only allowed in the camp stoves.  Ray Pugsley reported that the Mobile Watch coordinator’s position had been saved in the recent budget negotiations with the City Council. Mayor’s Office Update: Barry indicated the next Saturday Morning with the Mayor will be Sat. July 13 from 10-11 AM at Pioneer park.  His next community conference will be Wed. July 10 at the East Central Community Council from 7-8:30 PM at Rowland Hall school. Planning Dept. Update:  Melissa Anderson talked about the street lighting for the residential and business areas of Sugar House.  She is presenting a briefing on the citywide lighting master plan to the Planning Commission next week. The trustees who were present, preferred the style of lights they had seen before, the pedestrian tear drop style for 21st South between 7th and 13th East and on Highland Drive from Ramona to I-80.  These would replace the old cobra lights that presently are there. Melissa asked if we wanted a medallion on the light pole base, with the legend “vision, courage, industry”, and a picture of the sugar beet in the medallion.  The trustees in attendance approved of that idea. Demolition of 2 homes and Proposed Office/Light Retail – 2816 So. Highland Drive: Charles Moore presented a petition to demolish two homes at this address on Highland Drive in order to build a light retail building. John Arrington, the owner of the land said he would be willing to talk about mitigating the loss of homes, by replacing them or put up money for other homes to be built in the Sugar House area. Trustees felt that the proposal, as presented, did not give enough detail for what was being proposed and there were still many questions and concerns regarding this proposal. It was recommended that the developer read the Sugar House Master Plan and look specifically at the guidelines for design for rebuild, so that their proposal meets the criteria of our master plan. Mr. Moore said he would be happy to work with a subcommittee to see if the questions and concerns can be answered and taken into consideration and then come back when the subcommittee feels that the questions and concerns have been addressed. Justin made a motion to withdraw his motion against approving the proposal with voting 10 in favor and 1 opposed. Fairmont Park Skateboard Park Update:  It was felt that the skateboard park in Jordan Park is too small, the park in Sandy is very beautiful and the parks at Gorgoza ski resort and in Logan are excellent examples of what the park should be like. Chad Nelson and Greg Wrotniak from Blindside commented on some of the things that should be included in a good skateboard park. It was suggested that a subcommittee should be formed to work with the City on the design of the park in Fairmont so that we could be assured of having one that would be usable and liked by the young people who will be skating there. Blindside offered to be involved in the design of the park. Ray suggested that the parks subcommittee be responsible to work on this project. Judi Short volunteered her stepson, Dan Jones to work on the committee and suggested that those who will use the park should be involved in its design. Kevan Adams made a motion that a committee be formed from experts in our community and they would put together a proposal that can be sent to Dell Cook. Rawlins expressed concern with the design/build concept. Su Armitage added to the motion that the committee include someone who would be involved in writing the report and on the selection committee so that the community is involved through the whole process. Su also suggested that the purpose of the motion was to put together a proposal in a formal letter.  The motion was approved 11 in favor and 0 opposed. The subcommittee will include Dan Jones, Justin Jones, Ray Pugsley, Rawlins Young, Julie Nitzkowski and Kevan Adams as chair. Utah Power & Light Community Involvement: Greg Rutledge from Utah Power addressed questions from the audience. Ray Pugsley was concerned with the graffiti on the roof of the substation on Highland Drive under the I-80 overpass and he felt that the landscaping and maintenance was usually not the best. Rawlins Young noted that this substation is an important historic site in our neighborhood. He also noted that Elizabeth Sherman park was built in cooperation with Utah Power. Justin Jones noted that he liked the Utah Power program where they sent people, free of charge, the energy saving fluorescent bulbs. Greg said that Utah Power has a responsibility to educate consumers to conserve energy and noted that energy consumption continues to increase and is due in part to the larger homes that are being built that require considerably more energy to maintain. Other questions and comments were discussed regarding the use of electric power. This was a good opportunity to share neighborhood questions and concerns with Utah Power. Organizational Issues: Ray reminded the trustees who have taken tote bags to sell that we need to collect the money from these as quickly as possible so we can wind up this project. Justin Jones will get a sound system for us to try out at our next meeting. Ray asked those who want to run for one of the executive offices for the coming year to declare their intentions at the August meeting and to have a biography ready for the Sept. meeting with information that will tell us who they are and why they want to run for office.  He also asked for volunteers for the election committee. Ray read the schedule for the volunteers at our booth for the 4th of July Street Festival. Kevan Adams reported that he has added the purpose statement to the bylaws as a subsection under the existing purpose to combat neighborhood and community deterioration. All trustees should have received a copy of this revision prior to this meeting. Lynne Olson made a motion that we accept the amendment, but she suggested that this section be moved to the beginning of the bylaws and renumber all the following sections. Rawlins Young objected to that suggestion and wanted to stay with the original suggestion.  The revised motion is to incorporate the new purpose statement into the bylaws as section number 1 and renumber the remaining sections. The vote on the revised motion was 9 in favor and 0 opposed. Adjourned at 9:13 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]