SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2004

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2004


July 7, 2004


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Alice Edvalson, Doug Green, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, David Lawver, Cabot Nelson, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Tina Ottesen, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, L. Rex Sears, Judi Short, Martin Smith,Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young (18)

Trustees Excused

Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo

City/State Representatives

Liz Rank, Tracy Aviary; Alicia Orgill, SLC Police; Dale Lambert, SL City Council; Roz McGee, State Legislature; Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Richard Johnston, SLC Engineering; Annette Daley, Mayor’s Office; Cheri Coffey, SLC Planning, Kevin Young, SLC Transportation (9) Others: C. T. Bintz, Dottie Bintz, Vince McQuire, Sam Smith, Gabriel Atkinson, Chris ?????, Dexter Forbush, Lane Andersen, Will Horne, Mary Norwood, Carrie Francis, Emil Kmet, Jon Gunnip, Katie Treiber, Joyce Cheney, Robert Cheney, Tom Nitzkowski, Mike McBride, Lisa McBride, Nate Jeppson, Jennie Thueson, Bob Plumb, Cara Lingstuyl, Marc C. McDonald, Thomas Q. Bailey, Melissa Lichtenstein, Duncan J. Willimson, Maurine Smith-Scott, Jim Johnson, Barbara Green, Jerry Green, Sharon Abegglen, Karen ??? (village program), Willie Johnson, Jerome Gourley, Nancy Stark, Derek Payne, Lois Tucker (38) Total – 65

Meeting Minutes

The meeting began at 7:00 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. The minutes of the June meeting were approved.

Treasurers Report

There was a beginning balance of $3,830.77 with deposits of $388.00 and expenditures of $80.00 leaving a balance of $4,138.77.

Sesquicentennial items report

We still haven’t quite recovered expenses on these items. There are only 5 plates and 11 large t-shirts left, but there are lots of pins left.

Trustee Petition Renewal

Su Armitage’s petition renewal was approved unanimously.

Chair Report

Helen reported that a Farmer’s Market will start being held at the Monument in Sugar House on July 30 from 5 – 10 PM. Helen noted several items of information including upcoming public hearings. There are several opportunities for public service to work with various committees. Helen asked Doug Green to serve on the Community Council Ordinance Committee, Mark Holland to serve on the Community Council Overlapping Boundary Committee, Judi Short to serve on the Communication and Notification Committee, and Tina Ottesen to serve on the Community Housing Conference Planning Committee. The Transportation Advisory Board is in need of a representative from the Sugar House area as Suzanne Weaver’s term will end in Sept. Anyone interested in serving on this board should contact Annette Daley at 535-7976. Helen handed out other miscellaneous information regarding an historic Sugar House presentation at the Sprague Library on July 19th at 7 PM, building service fee increases, ice cream truck regulations, a schedule for channel 17 (City Council cable channel) presentations, and some information on environmental quality. Lynne Olson talked about a project to study the air quality in the Salt Lake valley. Those interested should call 544-2365. Helen noted that Cabot Nelson is going to work on the project to rename 21st South to Sugar Avenue. Helen asked all trustees to nominate candidates for the upcoming executive committee election.

Public Input

Lisa McBride – 1922 Atkin Ave. was concerned about the power outages they have had in their neighborhood. She is concerned with the size of the trees in the neighborhood and their interference with the power lines and would like to suggest that power lines be buried. The cost of tree trimming and damage to trees is a concern to her. Helen suggested that Lisa could work with the community councils in Salt Lake to see if an initiative could be put on the ballot to bury the lines. It had been on the ballot previously but was defeated some years ago. RawlinsYoung said that the UTOPIA project was supposed to bury communications lines and wondered if the burying of utility lines could be combined with that. Dale Lambert said that the UTOPIA project is no longer being considered. It was suggested that burying the utility lines on the whole street could be less costly than just on individual properties. Thomas Q. Bailey was concerned about the security and loss of signs in Hidden Hollow. Helen suggested he contact Lynne Olson regarding these issues.

Crime Update

Alicia Orgill reported an increase in car prowls and burglaries in the Sugar House area. The area where a crime watch program was done a month or so ago has had a big decrease in the amount of crime. She is suggesting that neighborhoods should have neighborhood watch programs where crime is the highest. Requests for police participation for the “Night Out Against Crime” are due Aug. 20. Alicia cautioned those who are ignoring the “no trespassing” signs at the skateboard park in Fairmont Park. The skate park has not been accepted by the City as completed because there are some structural problems with it, and it is dangerous until the contractor gets things fixed.

Night Out Against Crime Report

Julie Nitzkowski and Robert & Joyce Cheney explained what was done for the “Night Out Against Crime” last year in the Cheney’s area. Several handouts were available to tell us how to make our neighborhoods safer. There will be a structured activity in district 6 for the “Night Out”. Ray encouraged others to do an activity on a small neighborhood level. The “Night Out” activity at the Boys & Girls club will be on Aug. 3 from 5 – 8 PM. Carrie Francis, of the Boys & Girls Club said everyone is invited to attend.

Mayor’s Office Update

Annette Daley noted that if persons are found on the Fairmont skateboard property, they will be fined. There will be a Jazz Festival this weekend. There are “Lunch Box” concerts in the downtown area at noon. Annette gave Helen information regarding the Ice Cream Trucks policy. Tina Ottesen asked how long we need to wait for a resolution when a complaint has been registered. Annette indicated about 30 days from when a notice has been given. Call Annette if there are problems. City Council Update: Dale Lambert – Helen told Dale about several developments that have occurred in the area that have resulted in demolishing ten homes. Some of these have been “Over the Counter” permits that have not come to the Community Council for review. Helen suggested that the Housing Mitigation Ordinance needs to be looked at to see how it addresses this. Helen asked Tina Ottesen to work with Dale on this issue. Dale reported that the City has adopted the budget and that the CIP funding was cut some. The Traffic Calming program is still there. The Parley’s Bike/Pedestrian trail path through the Sugar House business district to Fairmont Park is still in the process. Signage to designate this trail path is part of the project. The Westminster alley closure that we reviewed some time ago is going before the City Council. Dale would like to see more coordination between the College and the community. Dale asked for volunteers for the Transportation and Housing advisory boards. Dale said that when they put in the street lighting, he is hoping they will consider burying the lines. A new Sugar House business, Luna Italian Ice had samples for all at the meeting. Luna is located just across the street from the library.

Legislature Report

Roz McGee of Legislative District 28, which includes the entire length of Parley’s Way from Sunnyside to I-215 and west to 17th East reported that the web site is a good place to look to see what was done at the 2004 Legislature. She noted that during the special session, the Stream-line sales tax was delayed for one year.

Plaza & Monument discussion

Cheri Coffey from the SLC Planning Division reported that the plan that was presented to the City caused some issues with the Transportation Division. They felt that the crosswalk by the Salt Lake Pizza & Pasta on McClelland and 21st South would cause too much congestion, and they were concerned with the general design of the monument configuration. Cheri presented two options that were suggested by the Planning Division. Rawlins Young suggested that a trail along the canal that runs under the monument needs to be considered. Jim Johnson representing the Rockwood property noted that the parking that is currently between the plaza and the businesses to the south is needed for his business. Susan Petheram asked about the traffic around the monument. Kevin Young spoke of the importance of having curb & gutter around the monument and the importance of keeping the right turn lane on 21st South. Lynne Olson spoke of the importance of restoring the monument as soon as possible because of the deterioration of the monument. There was a suggestion to move the monument about 20 ft. to the south. It was noted that the location of the monument is historic in its current location. The pavers that are currently being replaced in the area will not be replaced in this area until the monument work is done. Barbara Green feels it is too early to consider moving the monument until there is more knowledge of what will later be happening on the Granite block. The general feeling was that the monument should not be moved. The currently proposed plan is not acceptable to Transportation and Engineering divisions. Cabot Nelson made the motion that no precipitous changes and redevelopment of the Sugar House monument be undertaken. It is historic at its current location. No final decision should be made before the changes to the Granite block are known because the small businesses on that section of 21st South and Highland Drive would be irreparably hurt. Voting was 8 in favor, 7 opposed, and 1 abstention.

Community Action Program

Sharon Abegglen explained that this program is a non-profit agency that works with Community Councils and other organizations to provide a direct link to neighborhood communities to prevent homelessness. They can’t always help but they can refer people to other programs that can. Their emphasis is on prevention and in helping people get stabilized until they can get on their own.

Village Project Mentoring Program

Karen ???? explained that their program is a volunteer mentor program sponsored by the Third District Juvenile Court and serves court involved youth in SL County. Mentors are volunteers from the community willing to work with troubled youth over the age of 12 years. There are currently 150 children in the program. They need male mentors, 21 years of age. Volunteers have a background check done and must make a 6 month commitment for 1 hour a week. A question was asked about the difference between this program and the Big Brothers/Sisters program. This program deals with kids that are in the juvenile court system and Big Brothers/Sisters kids are not in the court system.

T-Mobile Monopole at Highland Park Elementary

Jerome Gourley presented the plans for a 60 ft. monopole at Highland Park Elementary. He said they could possibly look at a roof mount on the new school when it is built. What he wants to do would benefit those that do business with T-Mobile. Ray made the motion that we approve this on condition that it be designed into a flag pole so it would fit the aesthetics of the area. Voting was 11 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstention.

Tracy Aviary Improvements

Liz Rank noted that the aviary has not been renovated for 20-30 years. She showed the design of a new outdoor Argentine exhibit for birds. The new exhibit will be started in September and opening the summer of 2005. They will probably end up having fewer different kinds of birds but there will be a better environment for the species they do have. Sugar House Business

District Rezone

Nancy Stark representing the Sugar House stakeholders made a presentation describing the desires of some business owners regarding the proposed rezone. She explained that the Stakeholders are individuals who own property and/or businesses in the business district. They want to work with the Community Council, the City, and the Planning Division on what is to be done with the zoning in this area. They want to preserve the historic nature of the area. Nancy presented the goals and objectives of the Stakeholders in the master planning and zoning process. She noted that the height limits and density in the master plan do not match the current zoning. This is the main issue that needs to be resolved to the satisfaction of those involved. The City is recommending a reduction from 5 zones, as proposed, to 2 zones. Helen suggested a sub-committee work on the resolution of these issues. Members of the sub-committee could include, Judi Short, Susan Petheram, Derek Payne, Mark Vlasic, Scott Kisling, Grace Sperry, Soren Simonsen, some merchants, some stakeholders. Helen would work with them. Ruth Price wanted to be included on the committee. Helen will work with the group to set up the first meeting. Miscellaneous Business: Helen asked Ray Pugsley to contact Larry Butcher at the City to see if we could get better communication from them regarding development in our area. Helen reported that the new developments at 8th East/21st South and 8th East/Ramona are currently in a holding pattern. The development at 1395 East/21st South is still in the planning process. She noted that the proposed development at 12th East, north of the Jiffy Lube and the Chevron redevelopment are over the counter permits. She noted that so many developers work very hard to qualify for the over the counter permits rather than come to the community council because the developers look at us as an obstacle. She also reported that the mirror-image development at 10th East and 21st South is going forward. Helen described the role we have in the approval process for developments. Helen found that the alley north of 21st South and west of 9th East, referred to by Mr. McDonough at a previous meeting, is not really classified as a city street. Mark Holland noted that our annual picnic will be held Aug. 28th at Judi Short’s home at 6 PM.

By-law discussion

At this point in the meeting, the following trustees were still present at the meeting: Julie Nitzkowski, Mark Holland, Doug Green, Tina Ottesen, Susan Petheram, Judi Short, Lynne Olson, Alice Edvalson, Helen Peters, Rex Sears, David Lawver, Grace Sperry, Cabot Nelson, Ray Pugsley, Michael G. Kavanagh, Rawlins Young, and Ruth Price. Helen reviewed the comments regarding the by-laws received from Gary Thorpe. At the next meeting Ray Pugsley will be prepared to address the at-large issues for 3.4.


Adjourned at 10:55 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]