SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2005

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2005


July 6, 2005


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Cabot Nelson, Mark Holland, Julie Nitzkowski, Dolores Donohoo, L. Rex Sears, Judy Short, Grace Sperry, Ray Pugsley, Emil Kmet, Rawlins Young, Art Haddow, Derek Payne, Russ Callister, Lynne Olson, Phil Carlson, Barbara Green, Sarah Carlson (17)

Trustees Excused

Su Armitage, Tina Ottesen (2)

City/State Representatives

Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s office; JR Smith, SLPD; Jason Hathaway SLPD; (3)


Jennie Thueson, Kent Chartrand, Dian Chartrand, Linda Forrest, Chris Olsen, Sarah Woolsey, Melinda Lyons, A. J. Galway, E. Smith, Ranae Pierce, Jon Campbell, Robert Austin, Melissa Lichtenstein, Malcolm Campbell, Jason Bultman, Robert Williams, Tom Ellison (17)

Meeting Minutes

Call to order at 7:03. Mark Holland, conducting. Minutes of the June meeting were amended to change the “Trustees Excused” listing to Lynne Olson and Scott Kisling. The original list was actually May’s excused list. Also, David Mulder reported on the Highland Drive striping and the transportation subcommittee. The minutes should read “north from Crystal Avenue”. Minutes approved as corrected, 17-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Dolores Donohoo reported that the SHCC cleared $218.50 from the 4th of July Street Fest. For the month, the starting balance was $4709.37. We raised $293.50 from the sale of water at the Street Fest and $15.00 from Sesquecentennial pins. Final balance is $5017.87 total.

Chair Announcements

The SH Farmers’ Market will be held in the parking lot of Granite Furniture starting July 8th. There were discussions to hold the remaining, donated water at Tina Ottesen’s. SHCC will continue selling the water at the SH Farmers’ Market or sell the water by the case. There was a suggestion to put decals on water bottles. Regarding SH Farmers’ Market participation, could we get a table? Volunteers? We should borrow a canopy from Michael G. Kavanagh.

The SLC council will hold a Tuesday, July 12 evening meeting to discuss an ordinance on amending the zoning for the Yalecrest overlay district. It starts at 7:15pm. On July 19th from 4:30-6:00pm, SLC will discuss creating a zoning district for open space for property North Salt Lake owns in SLC. Also, SLC planning commission will discuss ordinances for fences as partitions.

Public Input

Application for Crystal Heights neighborhood lighting, from Spencer Jenkins. Motion to approve by acclamtion by Helen Peters with her _expression of thanks. Sarah Woolsey of 1027 Hollywood noticed graffiti on an area frame business. She called the graffiti hotline and wanted to know if there was any committee to handle this. Judi Short related her good experience from the graffiti hotline. The hotline number is 535-3443. Helen Peters remembered a graffiti checklist/worksheet from her chair reports. Ray Pugsley also encouraged the attendees to contact neighborhood watch.

Crime update

By JR Smith and a new partner, Jason Hathaway who has recently returned from Afghanistan where he served as an Apache helicopter pilot. Crime stats: there were 38 break-ins, the lowest number on record, only 25% of last June. We might start to see increases in house break-ins. Usually younger people who are not in school. As a rule, don’t leave valuables in your car. With aggravated assaults, there was only one person who didn’t know the perpetrator. With a sexual assault, the victim knew perpetrator.

David Lawver inquired about new type of graffiti. Jason Hathaway said the graffiti was not gang activity, just taggers. The community’s goal should be to remove graffiti quickly. When one sees something suspicious, call. One example: a tag on 1100 East symbolizing the PATRIOT act with a bomb in middle. JR Smith’s phone number is 799-4640. Jason Hathaway’s is 799-4642.

As a supplement, Sgt. Gruber, who is part of the bike patrol with an office near Petco, attended to hear from what’s on the community’s mind. Lynne Olson talked about volunteering at Hidden Hollow and finding dogs off their leashes, which killed ducklings. What can we do? Annette Daley said that one should contact animal control. Jason Hathaway reminded everyone that it should be reported to help the SLPD get statistics. Sgt. Gruber is also patrolling Fairmont Park, issuing citations for “disorderly behavior” with guys there. Russ Callister and Phil Carlson mentioned panhandlers. This is also one of the officer’s projects.

Mayor’s office report

By Annette Daley. She distributed a two-month calendar for downtown activity. There will be a “Care fair” with shots for children, health screenings, etc. The Leonardo is almost complete, having raised $10mil. There is a web site celebrating the pending Olympic Winter Games in Turino, Italy: On July 10 – 12, the US Mayors conference will be held. Mayor Anderson was in a US conference in Chicago last month, where he won a livability award, etc.

City Council update

Dale Lambert could not attend.

Merchant Association

By Barbara Green. She talked about the 4th Street Fest, administered by Jacks Drum & Guitar and all merchants. This fest was the largest attendence, cleanest, and with the most variety. Fest t-shirts are still on sale for $7 ea. Also, each Friday from 5-9pm, there will be Farmers’ Market. A booth will run $15 each week. The market is especially for local gardeners.

Sugar House Business Spotlight

Presented by Helen Peters. Pazzo Vita, with owner Frank Petrone. The deli is located at 2000 E 2700 S. Mr. Petrone is from Connecticut and New York. He grew up in a family that specialized in delis. He is a meat cutter by trade. He was attracted to SH by reminders of his home, viz., closeness and a neighborhood feel. Pazzo Vita is open 6:30am for breakfast and closes at 7pm. It offers a kids menu, imported prociutto, and provolone. It is great for families. They do catering and frozen prepared meals. Also noted is their chocolate selection. Mr. Petrone brought sandwiches and treats for all the attendees.

Highland Drive restriping project

By Dan Berganthal, a traffic engineer with SLC. Chair Mark Holland offered special thanks to Dave Mulder for running the transportation committee. Mr. Berganthal gave a presentation with computer featuring SimTraffic and Synco programs. It showed what peak hour 5-6pm on Friday evening would look like. It presented scenarios with synchronized lights and various lane configurations.

Proposed schedule for the lane restriping: July 22nd mailer. Two weeks public comment period by phone, mail, and email. Aug 8-19, there would be a city decision. If it’s approved (possibly by Aug 22) the restriping would begin shortly after.

Attendee Sheryl Sandberg noted that Highland Drive is historic and doesn’t see where a bike path is needed. What is the possibility that Highland Drive residents petition for trees? It could create shade and barriers. Ms. Sandberg is opposed to narrowing the road but supports traffic slowing and trees. Grace Sperry offered her thanks to Dan for accommodating the SHCC and his presentation. Sarah Carlson noted that the adjustment for a similar change on 2700 took a week. Trees won’t serve as much for a buffer. Other comments included that it would not safe to park there and whether there is any testing on how it reduces accidents. Dan Berganthal said that there are fewer accidents on 2-lane roads than 4-lane. Russ Callister asked about whether the new striping would hand a 400% increase in traffic. Dan Berganthal said it wouldn’t work, even with the existing configuration. An attendee mentioned how he likes 7th East but drives on 9th East because feels safer with two lanes. Barbara Green asked whether would it divert traffic & business.

Malcolm Campbell, a member of the mayor’s committee on bicycles, said that 2700 S. is a great benefit to cyclists. Regarding Highland arterials for cars, one should also consider it an arterial for bicycles. Rawlins Young reminded the group of the master plan for public trans and also wanted more pedestrian crosswalks, especially between Parkway Avenue and 2700 South.

Dave Mulder moved to continue the survey of residents for the plan that Mr. Berganthal outlined and for the SHCC to send letter to SLC Transportation Director Tim Harpst to thank him for allowing the SHCC input. Dave Lawver seconded the motion. Grace Sperry offered an amendment for a follow-up survey 6 months after the project to review the effectiveness. Art Haddow seconded the amendment. It was determined that this is actually two motions, one for the plan and the other to thank the city.

Sarah Carlson sought clarification. Six months after project completed (restriping)? Yes. An attendee asked if merchants could be included in the survey. Mr. Berganthal said, yes, the can be included. There was another amendment to the amendment for such a survey to encompass the road to the post office, i.e. N to Hollywood, S to 2700. Russ Callister seconded. Phil Carlson asked Dave Mulder if he’d agree to accept these as friendly amendments. Dave accepted.

The motion: To continue the survey of residents for the plan that Dan Berganthal outlined, with a 6-month follow-up survey and review, and this survey will encompass from north at Hollywood Avenue to south at 2700 South. A motion to end debate failed, 9-5-2, as it needs 2/3rds. Art Haddow asked more about the survey. What should it include? Dan Berganthal said the main question would be either the road restriping works or not. Such a survey might ask whether business has been affected.

Phil Carlson moved to call the question with Dave Lawver seconding. It passed, 14-1-3. The main motion passed, 13-5-1.

Second motion: To send letter to Tim Harpst to thank him for allowing the SHCC input. Dave Mulder made the motion. Helen Peters, 17-0-0 to call question. It passed by acclamation.

Land Use & Zoning update

By Helen Peters. Helen distributed a handout. Helen also proposed to review the book “Suburban Nation” the near 20th of August. Helen invited a guest to explain the Chabad Lubavitch purchase of Vintage Square in August. Helen moved to send a letter in support of the conditional use permit, with a 2nd by Grace. 12-1-0 to call the question, motion passed, 9-3-2.

Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Benny Zippel offered more explanation. The conditional use permit goes with the user, not with the property.

Chair Mark Holland invited Mr. Zippel to offer an introduction of him and his organization. Born in Milan, Italy, Mr. Zippel is part of Chabad Lubavitch. The sect purchased a place at 1433 S. 1100 E. to start, then eventually bought 1435 South and 1429 South. For a new facility, it would cost $200 sq. ft. vs $80 for a typical LDS facility. Chabad Lubavitch also has a relationship with Sugar House Bakery for special chala bread. Mr. Zippel also received a lot of help from LDS church and its leadership under Gordon Hinkley who helped Mr. Zippel get his green card.

Parliamentary Postmortem

By Ray Pugsley. He offered a handout regarding points of order and the role of a parliamentarian.


Adjourned 9:40pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]