SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2009

SHCC Meeting Minutes – July 2009


July 1, 2009

~ Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes – July 1, 2009 ~Trustees Present – Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Elaine Brown, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Pattie DeNunzio, Dolores Donohoo,  Michael G. Kavanagh, Pat Kilroy, Larry Migliaccio, Cabot Nelson, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lindsey Oswald, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Ed Sperry, Grace Sperry, and Rawlins YoungTrustees Absent Excused – Jason Bradley, Laurie Bray, Greg Carter, Dave Mulder, Lynne Olson, and Derek Payne

Trustees Absent Unexcused – Russ Callister, Barbara Green, Benny Keele, and Susie Petheram

Others Present – Traci Marsing, Jaelene V. Myrup, Adriane Juarez, Uinise Langi, J. Havey, Soren Simonsen, Melissa Lichtenstein, and Maureen Kent 

Call to Order – Maggie Shaw, Chair 7:01 pm.Approval of Minutes –   Cabot Nelson’s motion to approve minutes passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Dolores Donohoo reports checks written to Judi $108 (for signs) and Cabot $95) website with an ending balance of $3,705.96.   

Public Comments – None               

Detective Mark Cryder – Crime Report – Handout with firework safety tips was given.  Last month car prowls were slightly up, which is not abnormal for summer.  Reminder to keep vehicles locked and remove valuables to reduce opportunties.  There has been mobile drug dealer incidents where arrests were made in a couple cases.  Citizen tips have led to the arrest of 4 people in one case so if the public sees anything suspicious they are encouraged to call police.  Police have a special group that are targeting mobile drug dealers. Questions were asked about recent graffiti on the Salt Lake Costume building.  Graffiti vandals are difficult to catch in the act so if you see any suspicious activity call police immediately.  Costs to repair and remove graffiti has escalated so the police take this seriously as a felony charge.  Salt Lake City has a graffiti hotline 801-972-7885.  Another question was raised about the new law that bans texting while driving.  Police have to witness this act occurring in order to cite the individual, however if you are involved in an accident and texting is involved you will automatically be cited.  Any questions call Detective Cryder 799- 3669. 

Sugar House Merchants’ Report – Barbara Green – Barbara not present.  Michael G. Kavanagh reports the meeting was canceled.  An update for the 4th of July Arts Festival has approximately 65 booths and Bob Evans of Sugar House Coffee is booking talent. 

Business Spotlight – Michael G. Kavanagh introduced Bob Watson of Technique, Recovering and Repair, 2023 S 1100 E, 484-4419.  Bob does furniture upholstery and repair for retail stores, decorators, street business, and word of mouth.  He has fabric to choose from in the shop and does the work himself.  Been in business for 20 years in the Sugar House area and 8 years in his current location.   

Presentations –      Del Cook – Dell not present.

Mayor’s Report – Shawn McDonough 535-6338 is replacing Lisa Harrison as Mayor’s representative.  Mayor Becker is now highlighting hot topics that can be found at the following website  There is a campaign kick off for the proposed public safety complex taking place in the next couple of weeks.  Mayor Becker announced progress of SLC gang reduction program.  Not too late to sign up for the Clean Air Challenge issued by Huntsman, Becker and Corroon to cut down on emissions, etc.  July 4th fireworks coming, please pay attention to restrictions on where you can light fireworks, when, what type, and how many days in advance and after the holiday you can light firworks usually 3 days before and after.  New mobile cart vending advisory flyer that lists the requirements that must be met to vend food in Salt Lake City, more info visit   Council Report – Soren Simonsen – City Council adopted the annual budget on July 16th.  High points – revenue down in building permits and sales tax, pay cuts and benefit changes, retirement positions and vacant positions left unfilled, added 3 new positions (new preservation planner, new trails coordinator, and new positions for road strippers to implement safety and bicycle master plan).  Cut .9% on CIP budget to balance the budget, but federal programs energy efficiency block program and CDBG grants helped offset that reduction in CIP.  Created new fund $225,000 go toward special events – allocated $15,000 specifically for Sugar House Park fireworks.  The city council is trying to create a more equitable way to allocate the special events fund.  County has not stepped up to match those funds so it seems that the fireworks will not be continuing next year.  Let Sugar House Park Authority board and City Council know if you feel strongly about that.  Write to your county council representative to let them know of your interest in fireworks and that city has already contributed and you want them to match those funds.  There is a small tax increase to fund operations for libraries that have experienced an increase in operation costs.  This increase will be $7-8 per home and $50 per business and will be deferred for about a year until the current budget for library projects runs out.  A portion of the new tax increase will go to help build a new library in the Glendale and West Capitol Hill area.Question raised about the allocation of funds for the expansion of the Gallivan Center.  Gallivan Center project is paid out of RDA funds and that is separate from the general fund.  RDA funds are generated in specific areas and those funds are allocated to be spent within that project area.  This project will build new facilities to enhance stage and upgrade the ice skating rink by relocating it.  This should create more usable space to host larger events and create additional indoor event space.  The Gallivan Center hosts events about 300 days out of the year and they need more space to create more flexible ice skating rink in the winter and a plaza in the summer.  There are plans for a lot of the city parks to host smaller events and plans in the works (not funded) at Pioneer Park to create small venue.  RDA money would have to be used in the 10 block area of downtown and this is a high priority project.

Upcoming city council issues – Tentatively scheduled Health Fact finding meeting (swine flu and air quality) for July or later in the summer.  August meeting to allocate funds from CIP to specific projects  (if you have projects that you’re involved with or have applications contact Soren).  Decision to put a potential bond issue for the public safety building on the November ballot.  The RDA board is meeting July 14th at 3:00pm to discuss the RDA property on Wilmington – send emails to council [email protected] to get comments to all members and come and speak at meeting.

Council Business

     Chair Report – Last month there were questions about Red Mountain parcels for sale.  Eric Nelson responded that this is normal and the development plans are moving forward.  They are the major developer and they sell parts of the project to smaller developers.  Plans will change because of Sugarmont/Wilmington Ave realignment and he will come back and talk to us.  Agenda mailings – nothing has changed and a lot of questions remain.  Salt Lake Symphonic Winds is playing at 7:30 pm at Sugar House Park.

New Trustee Petitions – Jim Brown trustee petition for Dilworth – wants to represent local businesses.  Goals to establish communication with business entities and to ensure they understand our goals, voice in neighborhood issues.  Ray Pugsley’s motion to approve petition passed unanimously.    

Committee Reports – View committee reports on               

Sustainability (Amy Barry) –  reported on Wilmington Ave project and a preferred temporary use of this property for a farmers market.  Asked for other suggestions from trustees and encouraged people to attend the RDA meeting on July 14th.

Ed Sperry’s motion that Sheila O’Driscoll, Cabot Nelson, Michael G Kavanagh bring a plan back to the SHCC for the August meeting on 1) identify properties that are to be recognized as well maintained, nicely remodeled properties on monthly basis.  Houses can be nominated on its website. 2) criteria for an annual best of Sugar House passed on voice vote.

Land Use (Judi Short) – To email all city council members [email protected] .  The City has tested and treated the standing water located on the Mecham property.  For mosquito abatement questions or concerns call 801-255-9221.  There have been reports of mosquitoes in the Westminster neighborhoods with West Nile virus.  Foothill Stake and Westminster had open houses regarding utility boxes to assess community responses.  Melbourne St DSL issue has been resolved to move the boxes to an alternate site.  View of Valley on 21st is still on hold – no new information.  Urbana construction has started and there has been concern about the length of time the sidewalk will be removed.  Redman building is open and occupied by the Pacific group (a hard money broker) and the developer.  The first 3 floors are offices and the rest are pricey condos.  There is some parking in the back and then spaces across the street behind Carl’s.

Parks & Open Space (Lynne Olson) – Lynne is not present – see previous minutes on website.  Cabot commented on transients increasing in Fairmont Park as he has witnessed people in the park past midnight, with alcohol, or being loud.  Troy Bateman is responsible for parks and laments the fact that the liquor store is so close to the park, but feels the Elizabeth/Sherman park has reduced transient population.

Transportation (Rawlins Young) – July 9th planning commission is going to look at a citywide Historic Preservation Plan before they send it to the City Council.  Rawlins reports they have utilized some past plans, look at the 1986 Sugar House Master Plan that lists these significant homes.  Rawlins is still concerned about the Wilmington/Sugarmont realignment and RDA’s involvement to coordinate with city transportation and the city master plan and fears they may not have all appropriate parties talking.  RDA may not have considered all the proposed uses along Sugarmont with the trolley proposal and Fairmont Park proposal to rebuild the tennis courts.  Next meeting July 21st at 6:00 pm encourages trustees to come to these meetings and they hope to expand committee focus beyond business district and deal with neighborhood issues.

Old/New Business – Elaine Brown’s motion, “whereas the Bylaws of the Sugar House Community Council have not been reviewed since August, 2004 and whereas there have been significant changes to the Board of Trustees, therefore be it resolved that a Bylaws Committee be reactivated for the purpose of reviewing and updating said Bylaws” passed unanimously.

Grace Sperry’s motion to have old/new business at the beginning of the meeting after Treasurer’s Report fails 8-10.

Cabot Nelson’s motion to adjourn passed unanimously. 

Adjournment 9:00 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]