SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1994

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1994


June 1, 1994

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by SHCC Chairman Roger Miller.  Present: Roger Miller, Jerry Romero, Alice Edvalson, Craig BohnMark S. Fetzer, Susan Crook, Krystal Pease, Bryan Clifton, Randall L. Ridd, Rick Graham, Allen G. Johnson, Wayne Halverson, Jeff Chapman, Hazel M.Bullough, IreneDaw, Steve Jones, Tom O’’Toole, David L. Halling, Ruth Pepescu, Kaye Terry, Rawlins Young, Ruth Robbins, Morna Winkelman, Armand Johanson, Geoffrey S. Kaessner, Barbara Kleiner, Martel Steckler, Joe Clark, Christine Hopkins, Karen Wikstrom, Richard Turpin, Tilly Van Egmond, Dolores A. Donohoo, David O’Leary, Julie m. O’Leary, Sharon Ashcraft, Pam Grimes, Wes Groesbeck, Tree Brown. Hayes, Keith S. Christensen, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Rich Bennett, Mary Carlson, Gene Davis, Roselyn KirK. Excused: Miriam Murphy, Jim Powell    Approval of Minutes:  May minutes, KOPE Kids, the motion to support the “Urban tree House” activity was passed without calling for discussion. It. was requested that the statement “The motion passed.” Be deleted. May minutes, Tax Exempt Status, the motion should have included a statement that the executive committee be authorized to spend the amount of money required to make the application for tax exempt status. With these corrections, the minutes were approved.  US West Property:  Sharon Ashcraft reported that the hearing to re-zone the property at 27th So. and Highland from R5 to R2A would be held tomorrow, June 2, at 5:45 PM at the City/County Building, 451 S. State St., Room 126.  SLACC Budget Cuts:Roger Miller read a letter from the SLACC office indicating their budgets were cut for this year by the City Council. This will have an effect on some of the services SLACC will be able to provide for the Community Councils. The area specifically mentioned is mailing of materials other than the regular minutes and agenda. Westminster Parking Plaza: A letter has been sent to Westminster College which identified the concerns of Westminster College and the concerns of the neighborhood, and expressing the concerns and recommendations of the SHCC.  The request from the college – to build the plaza has been approved even though there was strong opposition from the neighborhood. The neighbors were informed at the hearing that the12th East entrance would be temporarily blocked, but could be opened in case of emergency and the traffic issue would be re-evaluated after a year to determine whether to leave it closed or to re-open· it. The neighbors felt there was a good possibility that it would be re-opened at that time. There was a question as to whether the neighbors had any options to appeal the decision. Martel Steckler will check to see what can be done. Trustee Workshop:  Alice Edvalson announced a trustee workshop and pot luck dinner to be held June 15 at 6:00 PM at the Forest Glenn Recreation Center (Approximately 2592 Elizabeth St.). A sign-up sheet was passed to the trustees to sign up to bring a casserole, salad, or dessert. An invitation with more details will be sent to all trustees within the week.  SHCC Neighborhood Boundaries/Trustees: Jerry Romero explained that a current map describing the SHCC neighborhood boundaries and distribution of trustees along with an updated trustee name and address list will be ready for the workshop on the 15th of June, It appears that there is a pretty good distribution of trustees for the entire SHCC area. This will be discussed at greater detail at the workshop on the 15th. New Trustee Petition: A petition for a new trustee was presented by Tree Brown Hayes, 2915 Filmore St, Wilford neighborhood. It was determined there was a vacancy in this area since Dale Chalmers had moved a few months ago. Her petition was accepted.  City Council Update: Keith Christenson reported the City Council is currently in the budget session which will conclude on June 14th. He indicated that extra money is being put into police programs and that there is a shortage of approximately $1 million dollars. There are three areas where this needed money will  probably come from: (1) a franchise tax added to Mountain Fuel users who use the gas at the well head, (2) A hotel tax of 1 %, and (3) an increase in the overnight parking fees at the airport .•. Keith reported that the RDA  hopes to have a contract signed by the end of  the week with a developer for the Irving property. This could mean that demolition could start as early as July 9 .. He also complimented those involved with the “Park in a Day” project at Hillcrest Park and indicated this will be an example that could be followed throughout the city. Keith indicated that homeowners in the Stringham Ave. (Roselyn Heights) area that have created barriers (hedges, walls, etc.) out onto the public access will be required to remove them to provide a safe walking area for school children walking to and from school. A question was asked regarding the raising of the water rates. Keith indicated they would probably not be raised at this time, but that there may be a lowering of the minimum usage and more· encouragement to conserve the water and possibly a more even charge for the amount of water actually used. Utah Centennial Fund: Roger read a letter indicating the availability of grant money available for centennial related projects and suggested we think of possible projects we could do. Unit Legalization: Tom O’Toole requested a unit legalization for the home at 2337 Windsor St. It has been a 4 plex for many years and he is being required to legalize it as such. In order to do this, he must provide at least 4 off street parking stalls. He will tear down an old garage and green house at the back of the property. The executive committee has visited the property with Mr. O’Toole and recommended approval be given with the assurance that he would provide adequate fencing to replace the buildings that are being removed and that the flow of the irrigation water be maintained. A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve this petition. Hillcrest Park: Susan Crook, the landscape architect for this project, reported on a very successful “Park In A Day” activity that was held on May 7. She indicated that topsoil should be delivered by the “end of the week and the grass seed should be sown next week. An Eagle Scout project is going to plant some additional plants. There was $9,500 raised for this project including the $1,000 from the Community Council. A trust fund has been established for the maintenance of the park. Special thanks was given to Ruth Robbins for initially setting aside the property for the park some years ago. Community Survey: Alice Edvalson reported the results of the community survey have been completed with the exception of extracting the comments. Dorothy Tuddenham made a motion that the SHCC pursue any source of funding available to pay for the expenses of the survey. The motion was seconded by Rich Bennett and motion passed. Crime Report: Pam Grimes reported on the city’s plans for the Night Before the Night Out Against Crime. This will be held in the Gallivan Center. Officer Joe Clark reported that Mobil Watch groups from the Rose Park and West Side areas had volunteered to come to our area and assist in catching some of the gangs that are doing the graffiti. They were successful in catching some of the gang members. Officer Clark is anxious to get a Mobil Watch program functioning in our area. Persons interested in being involved with this will participate in four 3 hour training sessions starting next Thursday and for the following 3 weeks. Business man Bryan Clifton from the Redman Storage building reported especially bad graffiti near the top of his building. He called the mayor which prompted the action to get the help from the Rose Park and West side Mobile Watch groups. National Night Out Against Crime: Dorothy Tuddenham reminded us that this will take place on August 2 and that each trustee is responsible to have small neighborhood activities in their own areas. The purpose of these activities is to send a message to the offenders and make everyone aware of the problems. It should also be an effort to get neighbors acquainted with each other and working together to wipe out crime. Urban Tree House: Rick Graham, Director of Parks and Public Services, and Lynne Olson told us that this program is designed to be built in a city park and it should serve as a base for a community program to provide environmental,’ social, and educational opportunities for youth. The Fairmont Park has been suggested for our area. The Fairmont Park neighborhood trustees have concerns with the location. Trustees Wayne Halverson and Jeff Chapman want to be involved in plans for this activity. A sub­committee made up of Wayne Halverson (Chair:), Jeff Chapman, Gene Davis, Sharon Ashcraft, Rawlins Young, and Rich Bennett were appointed to work with Rick and Lynne.Sugar House Master Plan: Karen Wikstrom of Wikstrom & Associates reported that progress is being made on the update of the Master Plan for the Sugar House Business District. They are looking at land use, transportation, and traffic issues. This includes the area from 21st So. to the freeway and from 9th to 13th East. Traffic issues are a major issue being considered. They hope to have this completed in 3 months. There will be an open house to review the plans in the Sprague Library, July 13 from 5 – 8 PM. Eastland Regency Development: Lynn Woodbury and Ned Stevenson of Woodbury Corp. talked briefly about new plans for this area. Previous plans had not been approved by either the Sugar House Community Council or the city. Their new proposal would: (1) make a single building with some underground parking, (2) reduce the planned retail areas, (3) Create access off the NE comer off of Foothill Blvd. Because of the late hour, they agreed to come back next month and answer questions regarding the new plans. Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]