SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1995


June 7, 1995

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Kathy Daly, Ruth A. Robbins, Sheila O’Driscoll, Afton Kyriopoulos, Terri Reinders, Rich Bennett, Judi Short, Wade ???, Greg Brooks, Del Brewster, Stephen Morgan, Dick Van Klaveren, Ronald E. Simmons, Richard A. Brockmyer, Everett Joyce, Scott L. Kisling, Samuel Piazza, Julina P. Parker, Dorothy Tuddenham, Sharon Ashcraft, Katina S. Ventura, Joe Clark:, Allen C. Johnson, Justin Bell, Tree Brown Hayes, Veronica Crandall, Donna H. Rigby, Marvin Stewart, Kristi M. Johnson, B. L. Smith, Marv Tuddenham, Roger Miller, Cheri Carleson, Mike Grimes, Ronald G. Davia, Joe Garcia, Rod M. Mills, Steven McFarland Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman· Rawlins Young. Minutes of the May meeting were approved. New Trustee Petition: A new petition was received from Julina P. Parker living at 1158 East 2700 South #72, Forest Dale Neighborhood. Motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously to accept her as a trustee. Salt Lake City Comprehensive Community Program: Veronica Crandall has been assigned as the liaison with the Mayor’s office for Dist. 7. There are 35-40 persons working with this program and are divided into teams to work with each of the districts in the city. They will be working with the citizens in each area to help solve problems, especially juvenile crime problems. This program has been set up as a result of a $2.2 million dollar grant received from the Dept. of Justice. Veronica may be reached at 535-7918. New Zoning Procedures for Community Councils: Everett Joyce presented information from the city Planning Dept. regarding the responsibilities of Community Councils and the new zoning ordinances. This applies to conditional use permits and zoning changes going to the Board of Adjustments. He presented copies of a document titled “Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code” in which is indicted that applications for Conditional Use permits or zoning changes must include a signed statement from the appropriate neighborhood organization indicating the applicant has met with the organization and explained the development proposal. He also presented a document detailing who is notified by the city for public hearings on special exception permits, variances and appeals of zoning administrator decisions. Everett indicated the city is working on amending a section of the SLC Policy Manual regarding the Notification of recognized and registered organizations. Everett presented a document describing what is required for neighborhood-based organizations to be recognized by SLACC. Everett explained that the community council has no decision making power, but is a valuable source of recommendations from the neighborhood and these recommendations play an important part in the decisions made by the city  departments. 900 East StreetImprovements: Mike Grimes, Site Representative, presented plans for street improvements on 9th East between 2100 South and Elgin Ave. (3000 So.). This will include restoration of the roadway surface and addition of storm drain from Elgin Ave. to Elm Ave. (2160 So.) Some defective concrete on sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and driveway aprons in the public right-of way will be replaced. There will be an addition of some sidewalk ramps where none currently exist. This project will also include a reconstruction of the 500 East and 2700 South intersection. It is anticipated that through traffic will be maintained with some temporary delays through the construction process. Irrigation canal water will be maintained at all times. After the construction completion, road conditions and storm drainage will be greatly improved with improved handicap access throughout the area. It is anticipated the project will be opened for bids by June 14 and hopefully starting by mid July. The project is projected to take 180 days. Contact Mike at 535-6374 for any special needs regarding this project.

Traffic Report: It is anticipated there will be a report next month on the 15th East study. Parks & Recreation Report:Roger Miller indicated they are looking for some grant money to help in installing some sidewalks in the Hillcrest Park from Stratford Ave. to the pioneer monument. Rawlins indicated there is suppose to be some funds available through the Mayor’s office starting 1 July for such projects. Sustainable Communities Report: The Mayor’s office has information regarding Emergency Preparedness. For information call535-6030. Call 799-4168 for information on the Certified Emergency Training program. Dorothy Tuddenham and Katina Ventura have information on the National Night Out Against Crime which is scheduled for August 1. Katina indicated that anyone wanting assistance from the city for the 1 August activities should contact her or Dorothy as quickly as possible. Katina indicated they are trying to get a shop watch program going in the Sugar House Shopping Center. They are also trying to get more street lighting in the area of Highland Drive and the Shop-Ko center. We were again warned about solicitors wanting to do home repairs. There are persons in the area operating this kind of scam. The older people are especially vulnerable. The city is conducting training for Neighborhood Watch block leaders. There is a real need for more of these. RL. Smith reported that crime prevention information is being distributed to Senior Citizens along with the Meals On Wheels program. He indicated they have just finished painting 20 sites with graffiti but are still unable to keep ahead of this. He encouraged everyone to “Adopt-A-Spot” or “Adopt-A-Block in an effort to get control of the graffiti problem. He indicated the city would provide 2 persons to work with those who would be willing to get involved with these “Adopt” programs. For information – call 799-3443. RL. also handed out several crime reports for the area. Officer Joe Clark indicated the recent graffiti paint out activity was very successful. He also indicated they are still trying to catch the persons responsible for the recent shooting in Sugar House Park. They are increasing police surveillance over the coming weekend. He also reported a problem with a rabid dog biting 6 children in the area and warned us to be on the lookout for animals with signs of rabies. Housing. Land Use, Zoning Report: Steve Morgan, Exec. VP of Westminster, and Ronald Simmons, of Edwards & Daniels Architects presented plans for a new library proposed for the college. They are asking for a conditional use permit because the height of the building exceeds the height allowed in that zone. It is projected to begin construction in the Spring of 1996 with completion sometime in ’97. This building i part of the Westminster College master plan that was previously approved by the city. The design is similar to the old existing buildings and would be 3 stories on the West and 2 on the East. Their design allows for more front and side open space that is required for a building of this height. These plans were presented to the sub-committee a week ago. The sub-committee recommended acceptance of the proposal. A motion was made to support the requested conditional use permit, seconded, and ” approved unanimously. Ron Davia, representing Circuit City, Joe Garcia, representing the architects, Rod Mills, representing the engineering firm, and Steven McFarland, the traffic consultant presented plans for a Circuit City business to be built on the property at 21st So. and 7th East where Fred Meyer now is. They are asking for a conditional use permit because the size of the building would exceed the size allowed by the new zoning. It has been found impractical to use the existing building. The new building would be smaller than the existing building, but would exceed the new zoning requirements. They have coordinated this project very well with the Sugar House master plan, trying to optimize street and parking landscaping. The entrance to the building is on the South side. The main drive in entry is from 7th East and 21st So. with a secondary entry on 8th East. Lake Street would have very limited entry. The delivery dock would be on the East side. A motion was made to support the plan and design, seconded and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.

Landon Clark
[email protected]