SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1997


June 4, 1997

Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young. Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Ivana Thomas, Sheila O’Driscoll, Judi Short, Doris Williams, Ruth Robbins, Julina P. Parker, Sandy Hiskey, John Richards, DorothyTuddenham. (14) Excused – Tree Brown Hayes, Sam Piazza, Elizabeth Brayman. (3) City Representatives: Pauline Zvonkovic, Everett Joyce, R Fred Ross. Kathy Daly (4) Others: Lorna Jones, Doug Hattery, Suanna Annitage,·Shree N. Sharma, Jim Godnick, Craig Mecham (6)  Total- 24 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. Scott introduced the executive committee. The minutes for the May meeting were approved. Chair Report: Scott indicated there was a flyer on the table with information on a Compost Bin that is available from the city. Copies of the final funding for CDBG grant money are available for those interested. The Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee will meet on the second Wed. of each month at 5:00 PM in room 325 of the City/County Bldg. Treasurers Report: Expenditures of $43.20 were made to the secretary for stamps and copies leaving a balance of $1,398. There was $42.00 collected at our last council meeting to help with expenses for the “Night Out Against Crime.” Mayor’s Office Report: Pauline Zvonkovic is replacing Veronica Crandall as the representative to the Mayor’s office for Distr. 3, 6. & 7. She introduced herself and indicated she can be reached at 535-6338. School Board Update: No report. Someone asked a question about Beacon Heights School closing. No one knew about it.City Council Update: No report. Crime Report: Dorothy reported there have been quite a few random shootings in the city. They don’t feel that the one the other night in our area was gang related. We still need more volunteers for Mobil Watch, especially the area West of 11th East. The bike patrol is covering the area of approximately 7th to 13th East and the south City limits to somewhere North of the Sugar House Business District. The Merchants meeting for this month (3rd Wed. 9:00 AM-Sprague Library) will hear from Michelle Arciaga of the Gang Task force. Gang activity is still growing in the area. The National Night Out Against Crime celebration in our area this year will be a community activity at Fairmont Park on Aug. 5. Trustee Petition Update: Dorothy Tuddenham presented a new petition for renewal of her term as trustee. This was approved. Community Council Chairs’ Meeting with the Mayor: Rawlins indicated that comments on the transportation documents that Scott gave out a few weeks ago are needed as quickly as possible.McIntyre/Hygiea Development Update: Judi Short reported that the Planning Commission sub-committee has completed their part of the review for these projects and the Planning Commission, City Council, and various permit issuing agencies will follow through the rest of the development. She had a huge blue print of the development area for the McIntyre portion on the wall that showed more detail of the landscaping. She indicated that there is a requirement for 5% of the area to be landscaped and the McIntyre portion of the development has 26%. Unit Legalization: Shree Sharma presented a request for a unit legalization at 2293 So. Windsor St. This is an apartment complex with 4 apartments on the ground level and requesting the legalization of a 5th apt. in the basement. The motion was made to support this request. The motion passed with 3 abstaining (Cheri Carleson, Rawlins Young. Ruth Robbins). Jim Godnick presented a request for a unit legalization at 2796 So 9th East. This is an old home that has been converted to apartments with two apartments upstairs and two downstairs. Jim did not have the appropriate paperwork to complete this request. The motion was made that we defer the decision to the executive committee. Jim will meet with them on June 12. The motion passed with 1 abstaining. Parks Committee Report: Cheri Carleson reported that they have been working on the Parley’s Creek Corridor of the Salt Lake City Open Space Master Plan. This corridor is envisioned to serve as a greenway trail for pedestrian and bicycle linkages with the parks throughout our community. Hidden Hollow is in the middle of this corridor. They are beginning to work with UDOT on this project. UDOT is doing a study of the I-80 corridor and are including a bicycle corridor in this study. You can call Sear-Brown at 486-8787 for more information on this study. Renee Tanner of the Environmental and Intergovernmental Affairs office is being very helpful with this project. If you have comments or concerns regarding the Open Space Master Plan. call the City Council office at 535-7600. There is a field trip planned for June 9th to evaluate some of the areas for this trail. If you have questions on this project. call Cheri Carleson at 521-2794 East/West Light Rail Proposal: Doug Hattery presented information on the study that is being made of the East/West Light Rail connect from the airport, through downtown. and to the university. Light rail is more cost effective as ridership increases, but the initial cost is greater. They are looking at all the alternatives to providing the best method of easing the transportation problems in the valley. Park View PlazaII Development: Craig Mecham, owner of the property, presented some of the plans for this development. Craig has owned property in Sugar House for many years and is very pro-Sugar House. This plan is for a multi story structure north of the present Parkview Plaza Bldg. This is currently a gully north of the present building and has been a major problem for dumping of garbage and various other problems. Fred Babcock is the architect on the project. The hope is that this development will eliminate the problems that currently exist in this area as well as fit in well with the other development that is going on in this block. Fred showed some possible suggestions for design of the building. One suggestion was a 6 story building. Another was a building with 9 stories on the North side and terraced down lower on the East side which opens up the middle area more. The code allows for 6 stories, so there would need to be variances for the 9 stories. Sandy Hiskey read a comment from Rich Bennett who was unable to attend the meeting. He feels that even a one story building would restrict the view from either the East or the West. He feels this proposal is not consistent with what the group of designers that were here last January recommended, that is, that we not block off or wall of 13th East with any more buildings. He is suggesting that the developer not try to develop this area, but concentrate on developing the block West of this area that Mecham also owns. This presentation was for information only and an opportunity to receive comments on some of the ideas that were presented. Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 9:30 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]