SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1998


June 3, 1998

Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Rich Bennett, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, John Richards, Dorothy Tuddenham , Doris Williams, Philip Carlson, Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo (11)Excused: Ruth Robbins, Sandy Hiskey (2) City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Bill Allayaud, Diane Olsen, Dan Andrus, Veronica Crandall (5) Others: Ray Pugsley, Gary Ott, Lynne Olson, Alicia Korf, Jessie Wochter, Jackie Biskupski, Louis Ulrich, Tyson Carbaugh-Mason, Mary Cole, James Cole, Russ Bachmeir, Josh Crawford (12) Total- 28 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the May meeting were approved. Chair Report: Helen reported on the proposed skate board ordinance for the Sugar House area. She indicated she had suggested to the City Council that they include the Youth City Government and other interested youth in the decision making process. She felt that the youth need to be a part of this decision since it has an effect on them and they also need to see how the democratic process works. Helen also reported that an East Valley newspaper is being published and distributed in this area and encouraged anyone interested to submit articles concerning activities of the Sugar House Community Council. Treasurers Report: No activity in the past month. Public Safety and Education Report: Dan Andrus of the Fire Dept. handed out a couple of sheets of information regarding general fire safety and juvenile fire safety. Diane Olsen of the Community Police indicated that crime reports were available for those interested. She indicated that Officer Fred Ross is still working in the Sugar House area and works approximately an 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM shift. Officer Bruce Evans works approximately a 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM shift. She said the national ”Night Out Against Crime” will be held on August 4 and will be similar to last year’s activity. City Council/Mayor’s Office Report: It was reported that Pauline Zvonkovic will no longer be our representative to the Mayor’s office. She has transferred back to the Grant office where she previously worked. Our new representative will be Barry Esham. Planning Dept. Report: Bill Allayaud indicated that their department is recommending a smaller area than was previously suggested for the proposed skate board ordinance. They are recommending it just be the cross section in the main Sugar House Business district. They are also suggesting the need to address property abuse as well as legitimate use of the skate board and roller blades. Bill explained some of the zoning issues in the city that he has been looking at. He is specifically looking at some of the CB and CN zones. He will have recommendations ready to present to the City Council later this summer. He reported that the proposed plan for the Mecham office building on 13th East is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission for a hearing on June 18, but there is a possibility it will be postponed again if some legal matters cannot be worked out between them and the Westfield properties. Bill is also working on the update of the Sugar House Master Plan. He indicated that this is about a 1 1/2 year project. He wants to set up an advisory committee and neighborhood groups to work with the Planning Dept. on this. If you are interested in working on this project, call Bill at 535-6184 or Email: [email protected] . He can give you the schedule and time commitments that will be involved. The redo of the Sugar House Master Plan will not redo the Business District plan, but could include some global issues that would include some of the business area. Bill addressed some of the issues regarding the construction in the Sugar House business district. Specific mention was made to the issue of the ground water and well problems that exist in this area. Fairmont ParkSwimming Pool: Louis Ulrich explained there are 3 issues remaining that he wanted to make sure we all understood and he wanted motions to reflect our acceptance or rejection of these issues. These were: 1) the height of the building at two points, 2) set back issues, 3) parking issues. Building Height: The height at the top of the two wings exceeds the allowable height (30 ft. allowed, 50 ft. at highest point). Set Back Issues: City code does not address the issue of the step up in height of the building. Parking Issues:   There are 102 parking spaces in the existing parking lot and they need 190. They are suggesting a small expansion to the existing parking lot as well as the addition of a parking area in the area of part of the existing tennis courts, and the addition of parking along the street on the South side of Sugarmont. Those present, in general, felt comfortable with the height of the building and the setback issue. A motion was made, seconded, and approved with 9 in favor and 1 abstaining to “accept the setback and the variance in height from 35 feet to 50 feet”  The parking issues were discussed at length and finally decided to call for three motions to address the separate parking issues. The three motions are as follows: 1) To allow parking along the South side of the street on Sugarmont and to include at least a 6 ft. walk way along Sugarmont to connect with the existing walk way on Simpson and to incorporate a public transportation drop off point on Sugarmont where feasible. (9 in favor, 1 opposed) 2) To reject the proposal for parking in the tennis court area because of the impact on the neighborhood. (9 in favor, 1 abstaining) 3) That we accept the expanded parking near the pool. (8 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstaining).

Youth City Government Report: Veronica Crandall, of the Mayor’s office and coordinator for the Youth City Government program presented a copy of “The Youth State Of The City Report”. She introduced Tyson Carbaugh-Mason, one of the youth participating in this program. Tyson indicated that they had been working on the skateboarding issue and they feel that an ordinance can be worked out that will allow the use of the skateboards and roller blades but will be able to control the abuse by them. Veronica also introduced James Cole who is working on a program that should help educate those using these things and provide proper training on their use. Their program is “Wasatch Skate and In line Camp”. He indicated they could open their facilities to the public in the evenings and weekends and when the camp is over. They are still looking for a location for their camp, but it is scheduled to start on July 5. They are hoping they can help the community solve the problems that have been present with the skateboards and roller blades. They are in hopes that they can get the kids to go to this park instead of using the public areas for their activities. They are also working with the D.A.R.E. program on this. Recognition Ordinance: Helen indicated that the following issues are being addressed in the proposed new city recognition ordinance: 1) 501C-3 status, 2) organization by-laws, 3) organization articles of incorporation, 4) overlapping boundaries, 5) voting issues. She indicated we will discuss these issues in relation to their effect on our council at future meetings. New Trustee Petition: A petition has been received from Ray Pugsley, living at 2171 Hannibal St., to serve as a trustee “At Large”. This was accepted by unanimous vote. Adjourned at 9: 15 PM. Small attendance at this meeting was due to the NBA Championship game between the Utah JAZZ and the Chicago BULLS being played at the same time. THE JAZZ WON – BARELY!!!!

Landon Clark
[email protected]