SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 1999


June 2, 1999

Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Su Armitage, Judi Short, Sheila O’Driscoll, Ray Pugsley, Cheri Carleson, Dolores Donohoo, Sandy Hiskey, Del Brewster. Ty McCartney (13)

Excused: John Richards, Ruth Robbins

City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Keith Christensen (4) Others: Tiffany Platis Starbuck, Tom Judd, Odis R. Aaron, Tim Ramey, Amy Johnson, Chris Rickseltzer, Laura Peterson, Karalee Kinnersley, John Hopkins, Chris Candelaria, Zuleika Moncada, Kaston Ellington, Sarah Heck, Ruthanne DeLaMare, Michelle Barlow, Ruth Price, Tod Gaarder, Claudia Pack, Janet Hopkins, Travis Hopkins, Julie Carolan, Melissa Lichtenstein, Danny Schmidt, Collin Lotts, Bob Neff, Larry Bailey, Armand Johanson, Bill Jeffries, Jim Johnson (29) Total – 46

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the May meeting were approved.Chair Report: Helen had an inquiry regarding the dying Carolina Poplar trees in Fairmont Park near the parking area on 9th East. There was a concern that perhaps the damage was due to the salt storage that is kept there in the winter time. We were assured that tests have been made to determine if this is the cause. Samples show no leakage from the salt. It has been determined that they are probably dying from insect damage. Helen has talked with Scott Vaterlaus of the Traffic Dept. regarding the citizen petition for traffic calming measures on 17th East. She was told that 17th East is a collector street so would-remain at 30 MPH. The neighbors need to talk with the city about other traffic-calming measures that could be taken. The neighbors in the area of 21st East and 23rd So. are trying the temporary traffic humps in an attempt to calm the traffic in that area. The Traffic Dept. indicated that they are waiting to hear from the Hollywood neighborhood group regarding the traffic calming on that street. The Fairmont Pool project has been opened for the bidding process. There are 4 pine trees that need to be moved to a different area, about 1/4 mile away. There is aneed for a crane to help in moving them. Rawlins questioned if these trees were some that had originally been donated by someone. He will check to see if that is the case. Helen has called the Lone Star corporate headquarters to find out why the restaurant has never opened. She found that after the building was started, they found they were expanding too rapidly. They chose to complete the building rather than leave it in an unfinished condition. Plans are to open it near the end of the year. The work in Hidden Hollow is nearly completed and there was a celebration held there on May 21st to celebrate that occasion. There is getting tobe graffiti in the area again – call 972-7885 for removal. There will be a Healthy Communities seminar on June 17. Anyone interested should contact Helen. The Sugar House Park Authority has endorsed our letter in support of the KOPE KIDS proposed tunnel to connect Hidden Hollow and Sugar House Park. Treasurers Report: A check for $1,412 was written to cover the cost of the trees planted on 13th East between the freeway and 27th So. $1,200 of that will be reimbursed by GE Financial as a donation from them. The remaining $212 of that is a donation from our funds. Public Input: Tom Judd asked if anything had been done about the crosswalk in front of the Library. The city has indicated that due to all the changes that are taking place in the Sugar House Commons block, the crosswalk will probably not be re-installed. A question was asked about the trees that were cut down in front of Wild Oats. We had requested a reimbursement to the city for the cost of the trees. It was indicated that the developer probably would not pay for them. Ty McCartney asked about budget cuts for bike path development.  Keith Christensen explained how the Capital Improvement funds will be allocated and assured us that the final funding proposals would address the development of bike paths.  Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham reported that a Meth Lab had been closed by the police at a duplex at 1290 East 27th So. Sugar House Survey Results: Su Armitage reported on the results of the survey that has been taken in the Sugar House area. Approximately 145 surveys were returned. If anyone is interested in the details of these results, call Su at 487-2321. National Night Out Against Crime: Ty McCartney reported that a community activity will be held on Aug. 3 at the Lake Pavilion in Sugar House Park from 5 – 10 PM for those interested. Volunteers for this activity are needed. Anyone interested call Ty at 466-3558. It was also noted that those who want, are encouraged to have neighborhood parties. Notify Dorothy Tuddenham of any neighborhood parties. Unit Legalization – 524 East Elm Ave.: Julie Carolan presented a request for a unit legalization for the duplex at this address. When she purchased the property in 1988, it was sold as a duplex and has been used as duplex since 1968. She is desirous of doing much needed upgrading to the property and the legalization is required by the city in order to do that. She plans to upgrade the electrical system, add new windows, doors, heating system, and seal the foundation. She also plans to repaint and re-roof it and redo the sidewalks. She would also like to rebuild the upstairs entry as well as the suspended deck. The motion was made that we recommend the request. The vote was 7 in favor, 2 opposed. Unit Legalization – 2228 So. 2300 East: No one attended the meeting to present this request.

Demolition of home/subdivide for 9 townhouses – 2725/2733 So. 7th East: This request was presented by Odis Aaron, contractor, Tim Ramey, construction company rep., and Amy Johnson, property owner. They are asking for a permit to demolish the home at 2725 So. 7th East and then proposing a Planned Unit Development (PUD) on that property and the back part behind the apartments at 2733 So. The land behind the apts. is being donated in trade for one of the homes in the PUD. Tod Gaarder, living at 2741 So. 7th East was concerned that this would prevent future development on his property which is a long narrow piece of property. He likes the open space and is concerned with a big development next to his property. Barry Esham, from the Mayor’s office wants to meet with them regarding some security issues. Ty McCartney will work with the developers and the neighbors and report back at the July meeting. Tanner Park Trade: SL County owns part of the block where the main library is located. SL City wants to trade Tanner Park for that property for the proposed new Library expansion. The following concerns were raised: 1) the exact parcels to be traded need to be identified, the acreage involved, how far North it goes, does it go down in the gulch? 2) the city is trading open space land and is receiving urban land that may become housing or retail. This means the City is losing open space land. 3) The new owner, the County of Salt Lake, may not participate in a trail system to come through Tanner Park and connect to the East. 4) What would stop the County from converting open space to a parking lot if they deemed it necessary?  5) Is this land trade inconsistent with, or would it cause an inability to implement the City’s annexation policy as expressed in the Sugar House Master Plan (extend City boundary to 3300 South? The motion was made that we not approve the proposal because of the concerns. The vote was 8 in favor. It was suggested that the Executive Committee work with Bill Allayaud to get answers to the concerns.Bailey Property Planned Unit Development – 1936 So .. 17th East: This proposal is to subdivide this lot into4 sections with each expected to have a single family residence. The proposal is that each home would be brick about 1500 sq. ft. with one level and a basement. This was presented at last month’s meeting and there were some concerns that needed to be worked out. The main concern was with the road, fence, and buffer zone proposed on the South of the property. Trustee, Sheila O’Driscoll was asked to contact the neighbors to get their comments. None of the adjoining property owners were openly opposed with the development. Some of their concerns included: 1) the property at the back was concerned that the view and setbacks of the house close to that property not “crowd” the back yard. 2) Concerned that the construction would create a drainage problem with adjoining properties. 3) one was curious about the distance (setbacks of the homes and their yards) from adjoining property lines. It was suggested that the contractor be very diligent and conscientious in not damaging the fence between the Hummel and Bailey property and keep the neighbors appraised of what is planned etc. After much discussion of these issues with the developer, a motion was made that we approve the plan subject to the definition of the plans for the fence. The voting was 6 in favor and 2 opposed. Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud reported that there will be a hearing for a rezone at 11th East and 27th South on June 17. He also indicated that Mecham will probably be resubmitting their plans for an 80,000 sq. ft building on just their property. Sugar House Commons Update: Armand Johanson, of Thackeray/Johanson, reported that the development is progressing well. Construction costs are running high because of the fancier design of the buildings and the many water problems they have had to deal with. The status of the buildings are: 1) the building between the library and Barnes & Noble – Not leased yet 2) East of EyeMasters – US West Retail 3) North of Old Navy – Not leased yet 4) South of Old Navy – Wasatch Broiler 5) small building East of Barnes & Noble – Panda Express (restaurant) and a child’s clothing store 6) between Guild Hall & Wild Oats – possibly 2 ice cream stores 7) behind Guild Hall- a beauty salon on the 2nd floor and an architect 8) 3 story office building by Hidden Hollow – TCI Cable on top floor, Johanson/Thackeray, Community Police on lower level, main floor ­Sweet Tomatoes (soup & salad) 9) on top of the parking (not built yet) – Bed, Bath & Beyond. In the center of the plaza as part of the landscaping, a new stream will be built, Parleys Creek will not be brought to the surface. The project is scheduled to be completed by mid July except for the Bed, Bath & Beyond that is not started yet. Town Houses at 9th East and 25th So.: Bill Jeffries, developer, and Jim Johnson, owner, presented plans for building 4 town houses next to the Forest Park complex on 9th East and 2600 So. This was presented as information only since they were not on the agenda. The plans were pretty well received by those present. They will be officially placed on the agenda for the July meeting. New Trustee Petition: Tiffany Platis Starbuck presented a petition to become a trustee representing the Forest Dale neighborhood. This was unanimously accepted.

Adjourned at 9: 15 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]