SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2000


Trustees: Helen Peters, Ray Pugsley, Dorothy Tuddenham, Gayen Wharton, Rich Bennett, Rawlins Young, Robert Marsh, Cheri Carleson, Judi Short, Tiffany Starbuck, Ruth Price, Sheila O’Driscoll, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling (14) Excused: Alice Edvalson, Ty McCartney (2) City/State Representatives: Bill A11auad, Planning Office; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Sgt Dave Ward, Police Dept.; Craig Hinckley, Planning Office; Rocky Anderson, Mayor; Deeda Seed, Chief of Staff (6) Others: Edward Glashien, Dorothy Bintz, Thomas Bintz, Darlene Allert, Diane Taylor, Beverly Takos, Prank Romano, Ruth Cannon, Cindy Cromer, Trent Dunn, Melissa Lichtenstein, Roger Black, Donna Mirabelli, Mike Hodson, Rachel White, Tom Wharton, anda Gayle, Nyman Brooks, Suzanne Weaver, Kevin Morgan, Don Ashcraft, Michael Hanson, Claudia Pack (23) Total Attending – 43

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Scott Kisling. Minutes of the May meeting were approved.Chair Report: Scott reported that the Lone Star Steakhouse on 2100 So. would be opening within the next five to six weeks. Treasurers Report: There was no financial activity during the month of May leaving a balance of $1,510.81. Public Input: Donna Mirabelli asked about the status of the Class 2 Bike Lane that is slated for 1700 E. between 2100 So. and 2700 So. Helen Peters indicated she would contact Dan Bergenthal at 535-7106. Frank Romano and Ruth Cannon were concerned about a drug house they had reported on over a year ago located at 2480 Dearborne St. Barry Esham and Sgt. David Ward will follow-up with Frank and Ruth to let them know the current status and the ongoing investigation. Diane Taylor expressed concern about damage being done by students from Highland High School along 2100 South between approximately 1700 East and Imperial St.  While students are waiting for either UTA Bus Route 6 or 30 the students are destroying the front yards and park strips of adjacent private properties. Diane Taylor suggested that UTA might consider moving the bus stop to Highland High so that students do not spend so much time around private residences while waiting for the bus. Additionally, Ms. Taylor indicated that other destruction of property was occurring by Highland High students that included using private hot tubs of nearby neighbors and leaving pizza boxes lying around the yard. Barry Esham will follow-up with Scott Peck the Resource Officer at Highland High on both issues  Mike Hodson asked the Sugar House Community Council Trustees to work with him on having stop signs installed on 1700.E. at Ramona Ave. and Garfield Ave. to slow the traffic. After some amount ofdiscussion, Rawlins Young made a motion (seconded by Sheila O’Driscoll) to send a letter to Tim Harpst of the SLC Transportation Dept. to ask that a traffic study could be completed along 1700 E. between 1700 So. to 2700 So. to assess perceived traffic speeds and traffic patterns to determine if the stop signs or some other traffic calming measure should be installed. Further direction from the Trustees to the Transportation Dept. should include a comment that there is serious concern during the academic school year with traffic problems because of all the students driving to and from Highland High with little regard for pedestrians or posted speed limit. The Transportation Dept. should be encouraged to complete the study over the summer with installation of any plans to occur just prior to the start of the school year in Sept. Sgt. Dave Ward and Barry Esham were asked to direct the Police Dept. to start speed enforcement actions along 1700 E. Blaine Avenue Traffic Update: Steve Graham reported that as part of the approval by the Planning Commission for the Westminster College third level addition to the parking structure in the NW comer of the Westminster campus, Westminster has agreed to work with the neighbors on Blaine Ave. regarding traffic issues. Steve reported that 30 days prior to the Westminster College Parking Structure hearing before the Planning Commission a test closure was conducted by Sear Brown and they will be issuing a report on the results of the test to SLC Transportation (Kevin Young). Steve reported he has distributed an informal survey that is due back to him by Monday, June 12 that will indicate what preference neighbors have in response to his survey. SLC Transportation Division will also be completing a more formal survey via Sear Brown of owners and renters to determine the best option for the residents of Blaine Ave. Steve indicated that at this time there seem to be four options that are workable for Westminster, SLC Transportation and the Blaine Ave. residents: 1) install an island to divert traffic leaving the Westminster Campus; 2) cuI de sac Blaine Ave. at 12th E.; 3) have the residents of Blaine Ave. participate in the traffic calming program that is administered by SLC, and, 4) do nothing to control traffic flow from Westminster College. Steve reported that he has informally talked to several neighbors and indicated that he believes he has 70 % approval to support closure (cul de sac) of Blaine Ave. Crime Update: Sgt. Dave Ward reported on behalf of Linda Ward for the SLC Police Department. Sugar House has a large number of car prowls. There are many residential burglaries occurring when people are working in their yards, but not locking the front and side doors of their homes. The number of reports of stolen vehicles are down, but jeeps and suburbans are still very popular since they sell well in Mexico. Sgt. Ward indicated that the hate crime that occurred in the Highland Park neighborhood is still under investigation. There was one drive-by shooting in the area of 700 E. and 2700 So. Sgt. Ward believes there is a gang house close to the drive-by shooting location.Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham reminded people that if they want to talk with.the mayor they can either call him at 535-7704 or attend a Saturday Morning witlh the Mayor.-The next meeting is Sat., .June 0th at Cinegrill (344 So 300 E.) from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Next month’s Saturday Morning with the mayor will be held at King’s English Books from 10:00 – 12:00 Noon on Sat., July 15.  Barry then introduced Mayor Rocky Anderson who came to talk about the Grand Mall proposal that is before the City Council. The mall would be located at 5600 W. and 1-80 and would have national chain stores as tenants. The Mayor expressed concern that the Grand Mall will have a negative impact on the current downtown businesses and projects making it harder to revitalize downtown. The Grand Mall does not foster the development of neighborhood retail on the west side of the City nor does it invigorate west-side neighborhoods. The Grand Mall will require a large investment by taxpayers of $20.5 million, with $14.5 million coming from SLC and $6 million from the State of Utah. The Grand Mall is expected to generate 71,600 new auto trips per day and the developers plan 11,000 parking stalls. Mayor Anderson indicated that he is committed to building a sustainable community with a focus on transit-oriented development, support for locally owned business and the protection of open space. The Mayor reminded the Community Council to share their opinions with the City Council on June 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Individuals can e-mail the mayor at [email protected] with input. After much discussion, a motion was made by Gayen Wharton, seconded by Rawlins Young that the Sugar House Community Council oppose the Grand Mall. After further discussion, Helen Peters made a motion to table the first motion as there is not sufficient information presently available to the SHCC Trustees to make a reasonable decision. The vote to table the motion was 7 in favor, 6 opposed, and 1 abstention. Suzanne Weaver concluded the discussion by indicating that the Transportation Advisory Board of SLC had voted in opposition to the Grand Mall proposal since it does not fit with the current Transportation Master Plan for the City. Rawlins Young indicated that the proposed Grand Mall is in opposition to sustainable communities principles. Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud reported on the recent activity on the Herzog property located at 2100 So. and 1500 E. Bill indicated that a developer had obtained a building permit to build retail space. A tenant has not rented the property as of June 7. Chasebrook Properties is the developer of the property. It appears that the building will be close to the sidewalk with parking in the rear. Bill then introduced Wayne Mills of the Planning Department (535-6173.)  Wayne has been working on the Legislative Action requested by Council Member Keith Christensen rezone four areas in Sugar House. AREA I: Rezone 47 lots from RMF-35 to R-1-5000.  The area is between Downington Ave, 1100 E. Hollywood Ave., and 1000 E.  The purpose of the RMF-35 district is to “provide an environment suitable for a variety of moderate density housing types, including multi-family dwellings”. Current Land Use:.29 singIe-family homes. 2 duplex and 12 lots of 3 or more units. The lot sizes range from just under 4,000 sq. ft. to just over 11,000 sq. ft. All multi-family uses of 3 or more units that currently exist are non-conforming. Duplexes that were legal uses prior to April 12, 1995 are legal conforming. The purpose of the R -1-5000 zone is to “provide for conventional single-family residential neighborhoods on lots not less than five thousand sq. ft. in size”. Planning Dept. representatives met with numerous community members and everyone is in agreement that the single-family residential character needs to be preserved. ,AREA 2: Rezone 7 lots from the CB (Community Business) to RB (Residential/Business). The area is located between Ramona Ave., 1100 E., Hollywood Ave., and McClelland St. The purpose of the CB zone is to “provide for the close integration of moderately sized commercial areas with adjacent residential neighborhoods”. The current land use is 1 single-family home,  2 retail conversions (business in a single-family home,) 3 office and 1 retail mixed property. Lot sizes range from 5,000 sq. ft. to 19,000 sq. ft. The purpose of the RB zone is to “provide for limited commercial use opportunities within existing residential areas located along higher volume streets while preserving the attractiveness of the area for single-family residential use”. Stricter design guidelines in the RB zone are in place to preserve single-family character. All properties would be legal with the proposed zoning change. AREA 3: Rezone 20 lots from RMF-35 to R-I-5000. The area is located between Hollywood Ave., 1100 E., 2100 So., and Lincoln St. The current land use is 14 single –family homes, 1 duplex, 3 multi-family, and small business (non-conforming).All multi-family uses of 3 or more units are non-conforming and will remain so after the proposed rezone. Duplexes that were legal uses prior to April 12, 1995 are legal conforming. AREA 4: Rezone 3 properties from C-SHBD (Commercial-Sugar House Business District) to RB (Residential/Business). The properties are located on 1000 E. between Hollywood Ave. and 2100 So. The purpose of the C-SHBD is to provide for commercial, office and high density residential use opportunities in a manner compatible with the existing form and function of the Sugar House master plan and the Sugar House Business District. The current land use is 2 single-family homes on the east side of 1000 E. and 1 office located in an old single-family home. Single family homes are non-conforming under the C-SHBD zone. The problem that has arisen is that under the current regulations of the RB zone and pursuant to Chapter 21A.38.10, the two lots under 5,000 square feet would not be permitted to change use from residential to commercial. A motion was made by Rawlins Young and seconded by Gayen Wharton that we accept the recommendations of the Planning Dept. The vote was 7 in favor, 0 opposed, and 4 abstentions, Bill indicated that he would have a rough draft of the Sugar House Master Plan Update within the next two weeks for review and editing. Gilgal Garden Update: Cindy Cromer indicated that the Gilgal Garden Tour held on Sat., June 3rd was a success. Over 1,200 tickets were sold and the tour raised over $13,600 to help with the renovation of Gilgal Garden. At this time, the Friends of Gilgal Garden have sufficient funds to purchase the property in the amount of $600,000. The garden is scheduled to be gifted by the Friends of Gilgal Garden to SLC by the end of June. SLC Corp. will make Gilgal Garden a city park and will be responsible for maintaining the garden on an ongoing basis. The Utah Heritage Foundation will hold the easement on the garden to make sure that it remains open space and that the monuments are protected. An inventory of the monuments is presently being completed. Friends of Gilgal Garden are working to renovate the property as soon as possible-funds permitting, The renovation will include such things as security fencing, lighting, installation of a sprinkler system, electrical upgrades to meet code requirements and a new front gate to be designed and installed by a local artist. Immediate improvements are estimated at $50,000 for which $13,000 has been raised from the Garden Tour. Restoration of the monuments has been estimated at $500,000 to $800,000. Cindy thanked those members of the Sugar House Community Council who helped make the garden tour a success, Helen Peters, Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Alice Edvalson and all the gardeners who opened their gardens to the public on Hollywood Ave., 10th E. and Lincoln St. Smith’s Food & Drug Garbage Problem: George Jacobsen, the Store Manager of the Smith’s on 2100 So. and 900 E. indicated that he has assessed the situation and agrees with the Sugar House Community Council that the garbage bins at the north end of the property are a mess. He is in the process of obtaining two bids to enlarge the area where the bins are enclosed and will make sure the Community Council reviews the design prior to installation. Judi Short asked if George was aware of any drug activity occurring on the corner of the parking lot closest to 2100 So. and Lincoln St.  George indicated he would check into the matter and solicit police help if needed. Parking Strip Ordinance Information: Craig Hinckley from SLC Planning talked about the changes in the park strip ordinance. Craig provided the Trustees with a copy of the new ordinance while he verbally highlighted the changes. Craig also provided a number of copies for interested individuals of the brochure entitled Water Conserving Plants for Salt Lake City that was prepared by The Planning Division of SLC Community and Economic Development Dept. Unit Legalizations:  1810 So. 800 E. (Brent and Pam Tangren) and 2160 So. Texas St. (Nicole Youkstretter). Shelia O’Driscoll reported on the investigation that she and Su Armitage completed on each of the properties proposed for legalization. Sheila recommended that the Sugar House Community Council approve each location for legalization as requested by the applicant. Ray Pugsley made a motion to legalize the home at 1810 So. 800 E. and Tiffany Starbuck seconded the motion. The vote was 8 in favor, 1 opposed, 2 abstentions. Ruth Price made a motion to approve the legalization of the home at 2160 So. Texas St. and Tiffany Starbuck seconded the motion. The vote was 7 in favor, 3 opposed and 1 abstained. AT&T Communication: Brad Grove from AT&T came to obtain approval for the placement of three Central Power Units within the boundaries of the Sugar House Community Council One central power unit is to be located at 2260 So, Foothill Blvd. and the other at 1953 So. 1100 E, and the third one at 919 E. Wilson Ave. Mr. Grove provided technical information to the Sugar House Community Council about the units. Helen Peters made a motion (and it was seconded) to approve the locations for the central power units. The vote was 3 in favor, 4 opposed, and 5 abstaining. Conditional Use Permit for Chiropractor Office located at 2010 So. 1000 E.: Mr. Kevin Morgan requested a special use permit to locate his chiropractor office at the old Albion Management Building. He did not have any plans to create more parking for his patients and would only be making minor changes in the interior of the structure. Helen Peters made a motion to approve the request to support Kevin Morgan’s chiropractic office as a conditional use in the RB zone that is proposed in the Legislative Action by Councilman Christensen, the motion was seconded by Tiffany Starbuck. The Community Council further understand that the use would be permitted under the current zone district (C-SHBD), but would be a conditional use if the zone is changed to RB. The Council supports the applicant’s proposal with the understanding that he is making internal changes only and will keep the exterior of the house intact and signage will be kept low profile. Request for Rezone at the Intersection of 1300 East and Highland Drive: Mr. Jim Taylor was not present and so a discussion was not held regarding this matter.Meeting adjourned at 8:56 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]