SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2001


DATE: WEDNESDAY June 6, 2001PLACE:          SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East NEW MEETING ROOMTIME:  7:00 PM PRIOR TO COUNCIL MEETING:6:00 – 7:00       Meet with the Mayor and his staff                        EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND – TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:10       Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval                                    Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:20       Public Input7:20 – 7:25       Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:25 – 7:35       Police Update7:35 – 7:45       Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson7:45 – 7:55       Organizational Issues                        4th of July celebration booth                        New Trustees7:55 – 8:00       Master Plan Update8:00 – 8:05       Hollywood Traffic Update – Derek Payne8:05 – 8:15       9th East Re-striping – Melissa Anderson8:15 – 8:30       Rezone Commercial Corridor (CC) to Commercial/Business (CB) on 21st South between 7th & 9th – Melissa Anderson8:30 – 8:45       Proposed Pet Store/Clinic/Kennel at old Wild Oats on 7th East and Freeway exit – Heather Franc8:45 – 9:00       Rezone request for 1917 So. 11th East – Donna Elmquist9:00                 Adjourn FUTURE MEETINGS:Trustee Summer Social – June 12 – 6:00 PM – Ty McCartney’s homeJuly Agenda Deadline – June 15, 2001 –        Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1664SHCC Executive Meeting – June 18, 2001 – 7:00 PM -Contact Alice for placeSugar House 4th of July Celebration – Sugar House- Highland Dr. between Wilmington & 21st So.Next Community Council Meeting – July 10, 2001 – 7:00 PM –         Sprague LibraryNOTE THE CHANGE DUE TO THE 4TH OF JULY HOLIDAY THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library          Questions: Call            Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181                         Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170                        Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708                        Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663                        Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352                        Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153                        Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180See us also on: *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the Internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************ SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMINUTES FOR June 6, 2001 Trustees:  Alice Edvalson, Rawlins Young, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Lynne Olson, Kevan Adams, Justin Jones, Julie Nitzkowski, Gary Bengtzen, E. Paddington Campos, Judi Short, Helen Peters, Tiffany Starbuck, Rich Bennett, Susan Petheram, Todd Slack, Su Armitage, Fred Conlon, Scott Kisling, Ty McCartney (20) Excused:  Sheila O’Driscoll, Dolores Donohoo City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Diane Olsen, Officer C. Lougy, SLC Police Dept.; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Roger Thompson, City Council (6) Others: Charlene Allert, Derek Payne, Tom Nitzkowski, Edward Glashien,  Melissa Lichtenstein, Claudia O’Grady, Donna Elmquist, Andy Cushing, Ross Eveson, Bruce Sigvardt, Dorothy Sigvardt, Beth N. Zufall, Bob Zufall, Brent Applonie, Harvard Foulks, Jean Foulks, Erin Jackson, Hollie Jones, Sherry Baranowski, Stephanie Nakamura, Bona Jo Gudmundson, Jerry Schmidt, Milton Braselton, Heather Franc, Michelle Walk, Craig Anderson, Mike Holman, Shane Franz, Sharon Franz, Paul Jackson, Hazen Conlon (31) Total Attending – 57 Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley.  The meeting was late starting due the length of the meeting with the Mayor prior to this meeting.  The minutes were approved.   TREASURER’S REPORT:            May 16 Statement – beginning balance of $1,915.57, expenditure of $50.00 for booth at 4th of July Celebration – balance – $1,865.57. CHAIR REPORT: Julie Nitzkowski indicated that a list would be passed around for volunteers to help at our booth for the 4th of July celebration.  Ray announced the Summer Social and Annual meeting to be held June 12 at 6:00 PM at the home of Ty McCartney.  A sign up list was circulated for those planning to attend to sign and indicate a potluck dish they would bring.  Ray asked for a motion to move the Master Plan agenda item after the public input rather than the scheduled time later in the meeting.  The motion was made and approved.  Kathy Daly of the Sprague Library announced three discussions regarding Growing Communities to be held at the Library on Aug. 16, Sept. 20, and Oct. 18.  Ray reminded us that since the first Wednesday of July is the 4th of July, our July meeting will be held on July 10 instead. PUBLIC INPUT:            Fred Conlon reminded us of the 4th of July Celebration to be held in the Sugar House Business District from 9 AM to 5 PM on the 4th.  Highland Drive will be closed to traffic between 21st South and Wilmington.  There are 50 booths requested at the present time.            Melissa Lichtenstein asked if we could send a letter to the SL School Board indicating the Council’s plea to not close any of the schools in the Central Quadrant.  A motion was made that we do this, but was amended to include the Eastern quadrant as well since there are schools in both areas in our Council boundaries.  This motion passed with a unanimous approval.            Susan Petheram announced that the next meeting of the Sugar House Historical Society will be held June 19 at 6:30 PM at the Sprague Library.  They are looking for people who grew up in the area or anyone who has memories of the “old days” in Sugar House.  They have received a grant to do oral histories and this will be the subject of the June meeting.  Everyone is invited to attend this meeting.            Ross Eveson expressed the concern of he and his neighbors with the blighted condition of the area surrounding the old Wild Oats building on 7th East just South of the freeway.  It seems that the same person that owns the Wild Oats building also owns a lot of other real estate in the area and the neighbors wondered if anything could be done to get the owner to clean up the area.  Barry Esham from the Mayor’s office will look into that.  They generally are not opposed to the idea of a pet store going in that building if it would help clean up the environment in the area, but they are not in favor of a zone change for fear of what could be put there when the Pet Store was no longer there.            Craig Anderson had a question regarding the housing density as indicated on the Future Land Use map in the new Master Plan Update document.  Melissa Anderson from the Planning Dept. explained that the map was only representing the housing density that is currently allowed by the zoning in each of the areas.            Jerry Schmidt expressed his concern with the request of Sheila O’Driscoll at a previous meeting to have a group representing the other side of the nuclear waste issue come to one of our meetings.  Jerry is not in favor of having the nuclear waste disposal facility as proposed.   MASTER PLAN UPDATE:            Scott Kisling, Chair of the Master Plan sub-committee, reported that he is impressed with the spirit of the plan, but perhaps has some questions on the letter of it.  He suggested that all trustees get a draft copy of the plan and review it and get any comments or questions to him as soon as possible.  The draft will be presented to the Planning Commission as it currently stands along with any additional comments received.  Scott is recommending that we not vote on our acceptance of the plan at this meeting, but that we be prepared to take a vote at the July meeting.  A motion was made that we be prepared to vote on the plan at the July meeting.  The motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 3 abstaining. MAYOR’S OFFICE UPDATE:            Barry Esham from the Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs reported that a District 7 Resource Book was now available and copies were there for people to pick up at the meeting.  He encouraged people to contact him with any problems in their neighborhood. POLICE REPORT:           Officer Lougy encouraged people to keep cars and garages locked as this is the time of year when there are a lot of break-ins.  He cautioned parents about letting their children go into the restrooms at Sugar House Park by themselves.  There is still a lot of undesirable activity going on there as well as in Fairmont Park.  The Police are working those areas as much as possible.  Jerry Schmidt complained that he had called dispatch to report suspicious persons in his neighborhood but had not received good response.  He wondered if this type of complaint is really filtering down to the officers.  Officer Lougy assured him that it was but that their response is based on prioritizing the urgency of problems, and perhaps his case got caught up in that situation.  Ruth Price complimented the Police on their response in her neighborhood.  A question was asked if there was anything that could be done about the speeding vehicles on northbound Imperial St. coming out of Sugar House Park.  Diane Olsen said she would look into getting a speed monitor in that area. PLANNING DEPARTMENT UPDATE:            Melissa Anderson from the Planning Dept. had an architectural drawing of the proposed stairway from the west side of the proposed Parkview Plaza II down into Hidden Hollow.  She said the Planning Commission has approved this proposal.  There is still a concern regarding a utility easement between this development and Hidden Hollow.  Roger Thompson expressed a concern with the size of some of the weeds in Hidden Hollow. It was explained that there are groups who have volunteered to weed the area, but sometimes they do not come as planned.  Some suggestions were made of other sources for help with this.  These included Scouts, Master Gardener program participants, developing a “Friends of Hidden Hollow” group or an “Adopt a spot” program similar to that done on the highways.June 23 will be a first year celebration of the Conservation Easement on Hidden Hollow.  It was felt that the validity of this easement would be tested by the encroachment of the Parkview II development. ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES:            A trustee petition for renewal was presented by Su Armitage of the Garfield neighborhood.  New trustee petitions were presented by Paul Jackson of the Sugar House Park neighborhood and Claudia O’Grady of the Westminster neighborhood.  A motion was unanimously approved to accept all of these petitions.            The question was asked if we wanted to do another rummage sale this fall.  A motion was made that we do a sale in September with 12 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining.  Su Armitage will chair this activity again this year. HOLLYWOOD TRAFFIC UPDATE:            Derek Payne reported that the progress is very slow on this.  The question still seems to be the closure of McClelland St.  There was again a lot of discussion regarding the closing of this street.  It seems that each time this issue comes up, a new group of people are present and are not aware of all the effort that has already gone into resolving it.  There were concerns that the businesses were not properly notified of this issue.  It was indicated that notification has been given by the City on many occasions in the past, and surveys have been taken on several occasions.  In general, the businesses are opposed to the closure, but the neighborhood is much in favor since the testing that was done with the street blocked indicated a drastic decrease in the volume of traffic through the neighborhood. Since the purpose of traffic calming is to calm traffic in the neighborhood, and since this area is particularly impacted because of its proximity to the business district, it is felt that these measures are necessary to create a safe environment in the neighborhood.  Rawlins Young reminded us that we have on several occasions voted to support the neighborhood in their proposal.  A motion was made that we continue to support the closure of McClelland and the other proposed calming measures.  The voting was 10 in favor, 4 opposed, 1 abstaining. 9th EAST RE-STRIPING:            Melissa Anderson of the Planning Dept. indicated that the current striping pattern with one lane in each direction and parking on each side is how it will remain on 9th East between 13th and 21st South.  It was felt that there was not enough room for marked bike lanes in this area with the deep gutters on the sides. RE-ZONE COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR (CC) to COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS (CB) ON 21ST SOUTH BETWEEN 7TH AND 9TH EAST:            Melissa Anderson of the Planning Dept. indicated that the CB zone is not as intense as the CC and that the CB zone is more in line with the “walkable” community guidelines.  She was a bit concerned that there could be an impact on this if the Walkable Communities ordinance is not passed.  A motion was made that we support the proposal for the zone change from CC to CB with the voting 7 in favor, 0 opposed, and 4 abstaining. PROPOSED PET STORE/CLINIC/KENNEL AT THE OLD WILD OATS ON 7TH EAST & FREEWAY EXIT:            Heather Franc is still working on the proposal to put a pet store at this location.  This would require a zone change from CN to CB since a kennel is not allowed in the CN zone.  Trustee Julie Nitzkowski had personally talked with neighbors in that area and found that 19 of them were ok with the idea of a kennel. It seems that a majority of those talked with as well as those neighbors in attendance at the meeting are opposed to a zone change because of the types of businesses that the CB zone would allow if the pet store closed.  It was suggested that a more practical solution would be to explore the possibility of changing the CN zone definition to allow a kennel.  A motion was made that we write a letter in support of a kennel as a permitted use in a CN zone, and ask for consideration of changing the zone requirements.  The motion was amended that we do not support a change in the zone from CN to CB.  Voting on the amendment was 13 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining and voting on the initial motion was 12 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining. REZONE REQUEST FOR 1917 SO. 11TH EAST:            Donna Elmquist presented this request.  She bought this house in 1996 in hopes of renting it as a single-family home.  She has not had much luck in doing this because of its location.  The previous owner had a naturopath business in the back portion for many years.  When the area was zoned R1-5000, this was a legal non-conforming use of the property.  This non-conforming use is still in effect as long as there is a resident/tenant in the house.  Donna has a non-profit educational business there currently.  She would like to have the zoning changed to RB, similar to the zoning across the street to the south and across the street to the west.  Since our Master Plan suggests that our goal is to maintain the single-family nature of our area, and since we have continued to experience a “creep” of the business district into the residential neighborhood, we felt that, in spite of the situation, we could not support a change in the zone.  A motion was made that we not recommend a change in the zoning from R1-5000 to RB with the voting 9 in favor, 2 opposed, and 1 abstaining. Meeting adjourned at 9:38 PM 

Landon Clark
[email protected]