SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2005

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2005


June 1, 2005


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Ruth Price, Sarah Carlson, Phil Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Julie Nitzkowski, Andrea Moesser, Judi Short, Art Haddow, Paul Nash, Tina Ottesen, Grace Sperry, Su Armitage, Cabot Nelson, Mark Holland, L. Rex Sears, Emil Kmet, Ray Pugsley, Janice Anderl, Rawlins Young, Barbara Green, Russell Callister, Helen Peters, Dave Mulder, Michael G. Kavanagh, Derek Payne (25)

Trustees Excused

Art Haddow, Scott Kisling, Ray Pugsley, Derek Payne (4)

City/State Representatives

Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s office; JR Smith, SLPD; (2)


Jennie Thueson, Melissa Lichtenstein, Tom Nitzkowski, Whitni Webb, Karen Lloyd, Lex Hemphill, Members of the Mobile Watch group (6+)

Meeting minutes

Call to order at 7:07. Mark Holland, conducting. The trustees recognized Boy Scoot Troop 451. Minutes from the April meeting were amended to include a correction to the “Lights On” activity and to reflect Dolores Donohoo’s excused absence. Dave Mulder moved to approve the minutes with a second from Art Haddow. Approved without objection.

Treasurer’s Report

Dolores Donohoo reported that the funds started at $4,784.37. With a check for the Independence Day booth, the ending balance is $4,709.37.

Chair Announcements

The SLC Planning Commission will hold an “issues-only” hearing—the first of about three hearings—regarding the SH business district rezoning on Wednesday, June 8, at 5:45pm at the City-County Building. The SHCC letter regarding the trustees’ motion has been submitted. Lynne Olson noted the progress and help in maintaining Hidden Hollow. On Saturday, June 18, there will be a celebration for the Fairmont skate park. The chair noted that Dan Berganthal will not be present this evening. It will be postponed. Instead, Dave Mulder will give a report. Also, Utah DOT will present information about the resurface project for 1300 E from 2100 S. to 500 S.

Secretary Cabot Nelson asked for clarification for Phil Carlson’s trustee petition. Phil petitioned to be an at-large trustee, but the vote at the time was for a standard trustee status. His trustee was approved again as an at-large trustee. Also noted that due to the June 8 planning commission meeting, the executive committee will meet on June 15.

Public Input

Kathryn Nygaard, of Hawthorne Elementary requested that buildings adjacent to Hidden Hollow should be kept small. Library concert series “Sounds of Summer” will be held each Thursday at 7:30 starting Jun. 23. Michael G. Kavanagh noted that the SL Tribune had an article on SH and the controversy of whether “Sugar House/Sugarhouse” should be one word or two. He moved that it is two words. Tina Ottesen seconded. The motion was adopted by acclamation.

Crime update

JR Smith offered new maps for crime report, making it easier to read. He updated things to be aware of, especially burglar-proofing house, and ways to keep one’s car from being stolen. There was a recent drug bust consisting of a methamphetamine lab and stolen vehicles. The “crime bear” award went to Gary Findley of the Mobile Watch for that drug bust. In district 7, there were 6 aggravated assaults with arrests made in 4 of those. The remaining 2 suspects have been identified. Of the car robberies all had arrests made or suspects identified. One bank was robbed; that remains under investigation. There were burglaries in garages. Typically, the doors were pried open, possibly by youths, with mini scooter trinkets that young adults like that were stolen. With some car break-ins, the license plates were removed. In following up on April’s car prowls near Movies 10, Janice Anderl spoke to the owner of Westvale properties. The owners noted that the biggest problem is drunkards across street. Officer Smith said that all data and reports filed help to solve crimes.

Mayor’s office report

Annette Daley could not attend.

City Council update

By Councilman Dale Lambert with Dell Cook of SLC Engineering. For the Olympic legacy project,

Dale Lambert advocates a skating oval in Fairmont Park where skaters can do a continuous loop, a 3/10-mile circuit. The sidewalk should be as seamless as possible. There may also be benches with plaques mentioning 2002 games. Each council district received $100K. Tina Ottesen asked about having a joggers’ path. Liberty Park has a bark-layered jogging path.

Mr. Lambert spoke of his endorsements. These concepts are “gelling” into a master plan. SLC has conducted two studies for the park in years past. Helen Peters moved to endorse this idea with a second by Su Armitage. Rawlins Young inquired if there would be separation between skaters and pedestrians. Liberty Park showed no problem. Barbara Green inquired whether this could affect a possible future farmers’ market. Mr. Lambert hoped that whatever happens, it wouldn’t hurt any farmers’ market. Ruth Price asked if the aquatics building was it a part of the plan. It was funded by ZAP tax under purview of the county. Grace Sperry suggested that plaques be placed on benches from donations. Mr. Lambert said that might be possible. Ruth Price suggested plaques for trees in SH Park. Motion to call the question passed, 21-0-0. Helen and Su’s motion passed, 24-1-0. Helen will draft a letter of thanks.

Water Conservation

By Stephanie Duer. We receive 14 inches of water each year, yet our typical landscapes require 30 inches. Ruth Price asked whether the parking strip was included in that figure. Ms. Duer noted that the water usage is 55% residential, 45% businesses. Last year, SLC reduced its water consumption by 16.4%. Mark Holland asked what the city is doing. The city’s parks have turf. Dave Mulder pointed out the lush landscape for westbound I-80 access to 1300 East. Ms. Duer continued that the reduced water consumption meant a reduced flow to the sewer, enough to save from building a second sewer plant. Ray Pugsley asked about the recent rate increase. Ms. Duer corrected that, saying the rate was restructured, not merely increased. That met the “Point of the Mountain” projects funding. For a bit of trivia, it takes 1.5 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of gasoline.

Sugar House Business Spotlight

Presented by Grace Sperry. Sharon and Glen Humpries own the Dutch Store, located at 2700 South Highland Drive. The store started in 1968. The store had been around for 30 years before the Humphries bought it. They sell bratwurst, licorice, and other special foods and treats. The presenters distributed licorice and cookies. The Dutch Store is open M-F 10-6, Sat 9-5.

Land Use & Zoning update

Helen Peters provided handouts. Key points included information on planning commission meetings and hearings on the housing development and land use proposals. The Parley’s Trail committee got an award from Envision Utah. Sheri Lyn Sohm asked that all lots that abut open space be limited to 30 feet in height. Motion from the LU&Z Committee: Buildings on lots near open spaces should be limited to 30 ft. and should follow the landscape buffer guidelines. Further, for every 3ft in height, there should be 1ft. setback. Grace Sperry moved to table this motion. Dave Mulder asked for any prediction when such a building near the Hidden Hollow would be built. Motion to table failed, 8-16-2. Tina Ottesen called the question, suddenly cutting off discussion. Debate stopped on a vote of 14-8-4. Mark Holland, with the chair’s prerogative, decided to hold open the discussions. Russ Callister wanted more details. Art Haddow demanded a point of order, noting that the chair could not hold open discussion beyond the move to end discussion. Main motion passed, 12-10-4.

United Way

By Rebecca Dutson. Ms. Dutson offered a brochure listing the executive summary containing the research, analysis, issues, and recommendations for the United Way.

Utah Department of Transportation

By Leah Jaramillo, a contractor with UDOT. She explained the schedule for the grinding and replacement of the asphalt on 1300 East. This will start at 2100 South and proceed north to 500 South. It will start in mid-June and continue until the end of August. In certain sections, traffic will be reduced to one lane at a time.

Parliamentary Procedure

By Ray Pugsley. With Ray’s presentation and handout, we discovered that there was no 2/3rds vote to suspend the vote earlier in the meeting. This sparked a continued discussion on the buildings near Hidden Hollow. Russ Callister brought up his concern that we didn’t have a full set of facts. Other trustees noted that such a discussion ought to be listed as a separate agenda item.

Highland Drive restriping project

As Dan Berganthal couldn’t attend, Dave Mulder presented a couple of brief points. The subcommittee, which met on May 12th, was to find facts, not to take a side in the matter. The subcommittee determined four criteria for discussion: pedestrian friendliness, traffic flow, bicycle accommodation, and business access. In the prior meeting with the subcommittee, Dan Berganthal noted that some of these issues won’t work on the “road diet”. Also, there were continuing measurements of traffic capacity. One idea is to put parking north of 2700 South to about Crystal Avenue. Mr. Berganthal will return with a specific proposal. The consensus from commercial concern were that the project should not be similar to 1100 East north of 2100 South. This will be revisited again later.


Adjourned 9:00pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]