SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2006

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2006


June 7, 2006

 From Sugar House


Trustees present

Su ArmitageDolores A. DonohooBarbara GreenArt HaddowMark HollandMichael G. KavanaghEmil KmetAndrea Moesser,David MulderCabot NelsonTina OttesenDerek PayneHelen PetersRuth PriceL. Rex SearsJudi ShortGrace SperrySteve WilsonRawlins Young (19)

Trustees excused

Susan PetheramRay Pugsley (2)

City/State Representatives

Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s Office; Ben Johnson, SLPD (2)


Sean Thompson, Dave Egelund, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Melissa Lichtenstein, Ranae Pierce, Matt Snow, Andrea Snow, Mrina Vialtsina, David Holbrook, Marni B. Litvack, Laura Martinez, Patrice Davis, Bill Clark, Jennie Thueson, Mike Boughton, Sheila O’Driscoll (17)

Meeting Minutes

Call to order, Minutes approval

Minutes Approval

Ruth Price moved to amend last month’s minutes to read: “Ruth Price asked about the E.C.H.O. petition and the city’s intention with 1100E-1500E regarding open space a trails. Mayor Anderson said ‘Allen Park Creek Corridor is not on our cross hairs'” The amendment passed. The minutes were approved, 13-0-4.

Chair’s report

In a note from Lynne Olson, there will be an open space campaign on Saturday, the 10th at 15th & 15th neighborhood, 10am – 4pm. They seek open-space funding to preserve 1.96 acres of land. There will also be a kids day fair.

There is an open house for infill ordinance on June 15.

In a letter from SLC on May 23rd, the city seeks help with the housing and appeals board. They will 1) recommend process and ordinances, and 2) appeals from citizens in violation while maintaining practicability. Contact Diana Karenburg at 535-7931 for more information.

Public Input

Resident Sean Thompson of 1451 E. Redondo said there is a proposal to develop the NW corner of 2100 S 1400 E. Some would face an alley, some to 2100 S. A developer intends to put in a 3-story condo. There is currently CN zoning. Mr. Thompson is concerned about encroaching in his neighborhood. He didn’t present many facts and figures, but the neighborhood assoc. will address it. There is no formal proposal to act against the proposal. The deals are still being made. Mark Holland said some land has been sold by Garretts and Marshalls.

Helen will check into this. The developers could conform and get an over-the-counter permit. Any changes might come to the SHCC. Helen and Mr. Thompson will stay in contact. Ruth Price offered to attend the meetings. Su Armitage and Ruth Price are both in the Garfield neighborhood. Su won’t be able to attend.

Treasurer’s report

Dolores Donohoo reported a starting balance of $4805.03. With a check to the SH Merchants Association for $85, there is now a balance of $4720.03.

Donations to Search and Rescue Dog Fund

Presented by Dolores Donohoo. Dog handler Vicky King has Jamie, an 8 yr. old border collie mix. Jamie is the number one scent dog in US. She finds living and dead people. Vicky lives in Ogden. She published a book about leaving ways of finding you if you’re going out. Member American Search & Rescue Dog Association. Recipient of state and US Points Of Light awards. More info at

Dolores Donohoo move to donate some amount,to fund and be generous. Judi Short moved to donate $500. Ruth seconded.

In discussion, Rex Sears said this doesn’t work to SH. $500 is too much. Tina Otteson echoed his point. We need to keep in focused. Maybe pass around a plate. Michael G asked for info on other donors. Ruth Price said she was personally willing to give money and asked that we tie it to the Liberty Patrol for SH area. In face, these are dogs for the mountains, etc. Cabot Nelson was very much opposed. It could set a precedent. Rawlins Young said it was not appropriate use of our money for this particular cause.

Ruth Price moved to amend the amount to $100. David Muler moved to end debate, with Judy Short seconding. Passed 17-0. The final vote on the original motion was 4-12-1.

Art Haddow moved to have a display in the July 4th booth and the ability to accept donations for the dog. Dolores seconded.

Rex Sears said it’ll set more precedent. Cabot Nelson said it’ll compete against our own fund raising. Rawlins Young said if the S&R dog fund wants money, they can get their own. Ruth Price supported the motion to accommodate the space. Rawlins continued, asking if it’s for the S&R dog fund, are they interested? Barbara Green suggested that perhaps we have something next to our booth. It’s great story, maybe a great thing, if Vicky can be there.

Art and Judi called to end discussion. It passed, 18-0-0. The motion failed, 5-11-2.

Barbara Green and Mark Holland will work this out.

Crime Update

By Ben Johnson. Issues: warm weather, increase in crime, esp. property crime. Take extra protection. Open windows are a problem. Keep garage doors closed. SH Park and another sex related assault. The victim was a man in 40s who fought back. The suspect ran off. David Mulder asked if there were any follow-up on the 14-year-old assault some time ago? Officer Johnson didn’t know. With fear of crime, perception is reality. Ruth Price asked about proper self defense. Officer Johnson can’t advise legal matter. That’s a criminal and civil matter.

In District 7, there were a 5 aggravated assaults. Of those, 2 were domestic violence. 2 were drug deals gone bad. The last was a severe mental illness. A man created a list of fellow eponyms. He looked for “father”, beat on doors. No answer, then shot a crossbow.

Officer Johnson said there were substantial hand-to-hand and car-to-car drug deals. Recognize things that are out of ordinary. Call the police anyway. Get a neighborhood watch.

An attendee asked about motorized longboards, etc., in the street and if they’re legal. Officer Johnson didn’t know. He’ll find out. Another attendee commented that mini scooters are not legal anywhere.

Long board that are not motorized are okay, but not in biz district. Barbara Greed asked Officer Johnson to please talk to the riders.

Mayor’s Office Update

By Annette Daley. On June 10, the Farmers market opens. Also, People Helping People is having their garden tour. On June 21, the first free Gallivan concern opens, 7pm. On June 23rd is the Utah Arts Fest. They Still need volunteers. Call Downtown Alliance at 333-1102 to volunteer.

July 7th-9th is the SLC Jazz Fest. This will feature Arturo Sandoval on July 6. Also visit for more info.

City Council Update

Soren Simonsen couldn’t make it.

Sugar House Merchants Association

By Barbara Green. For the 4th of July Street Fest, there are many sponsors. It’ll great this year. There will be one stage, a children’s area. There was a competition at Highland High for posters available to post. The t-shirts are $12 ea.

Regarding transit proposals, SL Tribune requested info. Also, City Weekly, Catalyst, and Deseret News. DJ Baxter was asked about the ballot proposal, but not SH? Mr Baxter attended that morning’s meeting. He explained a way to have it happen. Probability for another tax is not likely for another 30 years. Dave Mulder, Ruth Price, and Helen Peters made comments.

Barbara also was concerned that NAC will no longer deliver to the porch. Dolores Donohoo said that canceled her subscription. Dave Mulder moved that we write a letter of concern to oppose the change in the delivery of newspapers for citizen reasons. Dolores seconded.

According to some NAC survey, tests showed the public liked having the paper in the driveway. There is concern for the safety for delivery, even from assault.

Rex Sears illustrated how light and transient this motion is. He moved to amend the motion to request that Diet 7Up change back to its old formula. Cabot Nelson seconded. Grace Sperry called the question for amendment. 18-0-0. The amendment failed, 4-12-2.

Grace Sperry and Art Haddow called the question, 17-1-0. The main motion failed, 6-10-2. The chair admonished the trustees that we do not make light of the motion.

Ruth Price wanted to show that we are concerned for commercial and citizen concerns. Grace pointed out that the merchants have a great concern and so seconded.

Cabot moved to continue the meeting and table the motion. Barbara said she’ll talk to the association. Ruth Price dropped her motion.

Project EncourAge

By Marni Litvak. This a follow up from 6 months ago. EncourAge gets a sense of what senior people need. 2 primary groups: Healthy aging adults, and those frail. EncourAge conducted foot clinics and in-home assessments.

Art Haddow expressed his graditude for the work that EncourAge has done.

Discussion about the July 4th Booth and summer party

We need table, chairs, canopy, signs, easels, map of districts, agenda, minutes, fliers, meetings. Michael G. Kavanagh offered the canopy and table in his possession. Need coolers, ice. The SHCC will offer water for a donation. Smith’s and Albertson’s might donate ice. Tina had a barrel and may approach to Sam’s Club or Costco.

Cabot wanted professionally designed printed brochures, cards, etc. Grace suggested merely photocopying documents at Kinko’s. Cabot disagreed, but admitted that we couldn’t get these professionally designed documents in time.

Sign-up sheet was distributed. Discussion about the trustee party was deferred until July.

Land Use & Zoning Committee

By Helen Peters. She provided a thorough handout.

For the SH Monument, the bus stop was moved to the west a few feet. For the Garfield school, negotiation between school district and the city. There is a month before it goes public. On Trax into Sugar House, we should talk to DJ Baxter to speak about the effort to get the bond on ballot. It was to be included, per WFRC. Luna’s can have tables and chairs out.

FY 2007 Local Government Planning Assistance. A group of area residents want $2,500 for Local Planning Section and Quality Growth Commission. Colleagues of Soren Simonsen discussed Nibley Park area. They need a vision in the area.

(Side note: remaining active trustee from Nibley, Julie Nitzkowski, has formally resigned.)

The rough boundaries are south of I-80 to the city limits, and 500 East to 1300 East. Rawlins Young talked about a past area plan. The LU&Z Committee moved that the SHCC go in as an applicant of record for the residents of the Nibley neighborhood for a small planning grant request for $2500 to do planning in the Nibley neighborhood. (No second as it’s a committee.)

Grace Sperry said this is another proposal where it is very general and very vague and acted in the last minute. We need to know more. Su Armitage pointed out that we don’t have time. Judi Short agreed with Su. Just apply for the application. We ought not to miss the deadline. Ruth echoes Grace’s concern that this at the last minute. The chair reminded the trustees to leave personality out.

Rex Sears shared Grace’s concern about procedure, finding it uncomfortable with last minute matter with no notice or background. However, this sounds like a no-lose proposition. Since no downside, he’ll vote for it. This has concerns with compatible infill; they needed studies for the houses. Derek Payne added that Simonsen will get his benefit of the doubt.

Cabot Nelson and Su Armitage called the question. It passed, 15-0-0. The motion carried, 9-2-4.


Adjourned, 9:19pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]