SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2008

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2008


June 4, 2008


Trustees Present: Andrea Wargula, Sarah Carlson, Gary Johnson, Grace Sperry, Cabot Nelson, Derek Payne, Rawlins Young, Maggie Shaw, Michael G Kavanagh, Philip Carlson, Judi Short, Dolores Donohoo, Sheila O’Driscoll, Ray Pugsley, Barbara Green, Laurie Bray, Russ Callister, Steve Wilson, David Mulder Trustees Excused: David Holbrook

Call to Order: 7:00pm, Grace Sperry, Chair. Motion to adhere to the June Agenda as printed. Motion Passed.

Public Comment: None.Approval of May Minutes: Motion to approve May Minutes with noted corrections: SHCC will send the Parley’s Way Motion and Recommendation to the Planning Department and Mayor, Earthquake Preparedness Booklet- 610 South 200 East, or 3690 So. XXXXX, Michael G. Kavanagh. Motion Passed

Treasury Report: Motion to approve report: Corrected Balance of $4488.01 given by Treasurer. Bank statement rec’d with noted bank error/ correction. Motion Passed

Chair Report, Grace Sperry: Distributed

Crime update, G. Sperry for Officer Smart: No. 1 crime in May was car prowls. Keep your doors locked and windows up at night. National Night Out Against Crime scheduled for August 5th, call 799-3669 for information on setting up your related block party (K-9, motors bike squad appearances, etc.)

New Business: Tom Ward presented SLC Department of Utilities new plan for participation, as requested, with trial/Jordan-Salt Lake Canal shared uses. R. Young stated his desire to see DPU continue to support a related money-matching program. Harrison Smithwick read his letter sent to Trustee A. Haddow relating to bike-trail considerations on Elizabeth Street.

Property Owner of 1500 E 2480 S requested SHCC support for a legalizing a home as a duplex. Motion to approve: P Carlson, 2nd: S. Wilson, Motion Passed (1 opposed)

Dan Richards, Developer & Builder presented plans for his proposed development of 3 duplex homes located at 1000 E 2734 S. G. Sperry asked if 1878 Carriage House can be used or saved. Developer has contacted the Church and Utah State History Office (Rio Grande) but has found no interest. G. Sperry suggested This is the Place State Park and Utah Heritage Foundation might have interest. S. Carlson asked how these homes integrate with the neighborhood. Front doors will face 1000 East.

Boy Scout Troop 73 present for community merit badge.

Land Use and Zoning Committee (LU&ZC), D. Payne: LU&ZC met with Redman Building developers to discuss reversion to former scheme with 3 levels of office/ retail space + 3 levels of residential space, which translates to the deletion of on-site parking structure. LU&ZC recommended approval of plan submitted to Planning Department. Steve Perry representing Redman Building distributed former plan. D Mulder remarked that the bike path will be on the south side of the bldg and stop at Woodbury property. R. Young started to comment, but was cut short. S. Carlson objected. G. Sperry stated thatJune Agenda was approved without modification of time allotment.

Mayor’s Report, Hank Welsh: Distributions (Update on Planning Division Audit, City Parking pamphlets 535-6628, Mayor’s Office City Event Calendar 535-7238, CERT (Community ER Response Team; Rick Soltis 355-1664), Emergency Preparedness; Michael Stever 535-6030, and Neighborhood and Mobile Watch programs; Det. Rick Wall 799-3332).

City Council voted- not to change current parking meter times & days. Motion to Rescind Motion to adopt June Agenda: and to allow sufficient time for questions and discussion: S. Carlson, 2nd: P Carlson. 8 in favor, 6 opposed. Motion Failed. L Bray stated that we need to be trustworthy trustees, and that limiting discussion does not support this objective.

Granite Block: Mecham will allow banners to be placed on fence during July 4th festival. L Bray inquired about landscaping schedule and plan. Mecham has requested a time extension from Planning Commission for landscaping requirements for the Hole-In-The –Ground. R Young concerned about traffic plan.

Merchant Report, B.Green: Call Tina at 809-4971 or Debbie at Sterling Furniture to have a booth for the July 4th Festival. Call Barbara at Crown & Smith to have you business added to list of businesses printed on T-shirts. SHCC booth to be located in front of Sprague Library. Thank You to Kirkhams’s Outdoor Products (3125 So State) for their generous donation of canvases (to be painted by your kids… to be displayed on the chain-link fence surrounding the Granite Block Hole-in-the-Ground. Thank you to Albertson’s at 2300 East & 2100 South for their donation of drinking water and ice. Exotic Bakery is planning on moving out of current space. New location unknown. Ester Hunter at city working to get exception to city ordinance to allow businesses to place advertising banners on above noted fence

Parks and Open Space Report (P&OSC), M. Shaw: Mayor Becker has proposed that a Trail Coordinator position be created to evaluate and coordinate bike/pedestrian trial plans and actions. In light of this, the P&OSC believes it reasonable to wait to recommend a change or support the current bike path plan for 2700 South.

Business Focus: Blue Plate Diner: 2100 East 2041 South. Voted best breakfast 8 yrs in a row. (Folks rave about the salmon benedict.) Come in and check out the recycled stuff, memorabilia, rockin’ jukebox, old Salina Drug’s refurbished soda bar and occasional live performances Open 7:00 am – 9:00 pm Sun-Th, 7:00 am – 10:00 pm Fri &Sat.

Announcements: WAL-MART REZONE petition heard by Planning Commission on June 25! Replacement of (7) I-80 Bridges will begin on the eve of June 21, starting with the Highland Drive structures. Call 290-5798 to get a current schedule. This replacement technique is really progressive & if you or anyone you know has aspirations for bridge engineering or construction, YOU WON’T WANT TOMISS these bridge moves. Traffic re-routes involved, but WICKED-COOL big pay-off!

Free Family 1st Mondays of the Month at Utah Museum of Natural History 581-6927 DNA exhibit opens June 14! World Refugee Day Celebration June 21 at Granite High School 500 E 3300 S 4:00 to 8:00 Wheel Chair Tennis Camp at Liberty Park June 20-22 call Larry 585-2228

Art Haddow resigned. Renee Richards resigned. Thanks to both of these Trustees for their volunteer service.!

Trustee App. for Greg Carter (Forestdale) approved. Trustee app. for D. Mulder approved Volunteers needed for 5k/10k Challenge event, call Jessica 316-5628

Adjourned 8:53 p.m

Landon Clark
[email protected]