SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2010

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2010


June 2, 2010

Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes SHCC  June 2, 2010Trustees Present –  Jason Bradley, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Elaine Brown, Jim Brown, Phillip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Pattie DeNunzio, Barbara Greene, Michael G. Kavanaugh, Benny Keele, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Sheila O’ Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Derek Payne, Travis Pearce, Carlyle Harris, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Susie, Petheram, Grace Sperry, Christopher Thomas, and Rawlins Young.Trustees Absent Excused – Robin Bastar, Ruth Price, Sally Barraclough, Maggie Shaw, Ed Sperry and Sandy Walsh.

Trustees Absent Unexcused – Greg Carter and Russ Callister

Others Present – Mayor Ralph Becker, Councilman Soren Simonsen.

Call to Order –  Philip Carlson, Chair 7:00 pmApproval of Minutes – Philip Carlson’s motion to approve minutes passed unanimously.

Mayor’s Presentation – Mayor Ralph Becker

Mayor Becker discussed City activity during the past year.

High priority to create vibrance in downtown as in pictures from the early part of the 20th century and as demonstrated in the Olympics.  Everyone wanted to be there and because they were, it was very fun to be there.  Mayor will devote energy to carrying out Downtown Rising Plan.  Utah Performance Center on Main…Designer and Developer have now been brought on board for this project…..Consultant to do analysis and steps going forward.  Thanks to the Redevelopment Agency, the City acquired the Utah Theater last year.  Currently in early stages of activating front of theater  (1/3 of a block).   City to invest in structure.  Then in a longer period of time to redevelop theater into another use…..housing, movies, or digital media.

City Creek Center, LDS Church redesigned portions to open over next 1 ½ years with 700 housing units, it is seen as a huge activity generator

Intermodal hub will hopefully be in next yr or two to connect east-west downtown.

Salt Lake City currently has more mass transit projects being built than rest of country.   This is drawing great attention to SLC as ridership exceeds projections.  Next, streetcars are planned.  (25-30 years)
Hopefully, construction will begin next year on the Sugar House streetcar system.  City will hear on Urban Circulator Grant next week.  If unsuccessful, then Tiger Two Program (stimulus money) will be applied for later this year.  The excellent relationship between the City, South Salt Lake and the UTA will be a catalyst in getting the program started.

The City has devoted significant attention given to bike lanes and doubled bike lane capacity this year after this year’s construction.  Mayor want to know reaction to changes on 13th E and 9th E(striping not done yet on 9th).  Most people like changes on 1300 E.

Social Justice…..Domestic Partnership and also Non Discrimination Ordinances passed by the City.  Logan and West Valley City have followed suit.

The new proposed SLC Regional Sports complex is getting lots of attention, (at north end of City at Davis Co. line) 160 acres were negotiated from State of Utah.  Construction will likely begin this year.   13 soccer fields will be constructed along with other additions. Bonds and design are moving and construction will begin this year.  The Restoration Plan will be done this year.

Parleys Historic Nature Park… City Council will be taking this up when budget is done as early as Tuesday night.  The Plan will determine how to manage resources and uses.

NW Quadrant plan 19,000 acres private ground on shores of GSL.  Plan moving forward in later half of this year.

The City is looking comprehensively at City Ordinances to free obstacles to make easier for sustainable future for the City.  Last year the City reviewed renewable energy improvements, water use on private property, building design/orientation and energy consumption, also density issues, i.e., accessory structures.  Mayor expects City to bring forward at least three packages to make changes for sustainable future in later half of this year.

Will the draw at SH ever be built?
Short answer is yes but the City is close to working out negotiations for the Pratt Trail  Route with property owners. Very difficult negotiations.

Will the Mayor please provide feedback on Survey done on how City communicates with residents?  Approximately 60 respndents on the survey and 50 interviews.  Good response and great reaction with strong mix of ideas on how the City is doing and how the City can reach out on the decision making process in a better way.  Completion of the survey compilation will be in the next few weeks and information will then be shared.

What is the status of Street car for Sugar House?
Many challenges exist………i.e., federal money access:  $25M federal grant sought.  $40 M estimated for total project cost.  Assuming this doesn’t happen, City, UTA, et. al. are working on alternate plan to bridge funding gap. Everyone is very determined to make this happen.   City will do a Corridor Plan where street car is going…Council, RDA, and Mayor plan to put money into the City budget for this study.  Judy Short mentioned the Sugar House Master Plan calls for a small area plan in the Sugar House business district.  Concern is that so many parcels are ready for development and the Small Area Plan has not been done to define route, termination, etc.  RDA may have made a motion to add more money to study this.  Mayor will support this.  Councilman Simon Simonsen is leading the way on this.

Better zoning, i.e. eliminate drive-through restaurants in certain areas for better air quality?  City may consider an Idle-free ordinance.  Big campaign to Clear the air challenge……much progress already, more coming.  EPA gave City a three year grant to expand this campaign.

How about your big Emphasis on business?……. How do we support with only so much money going around?
Bob Farrington joined the City and has had major focus on small business.  Small Business Conference  a few months ago identifying help to businesses.  To get started, the City has a program……..$10,000  total sum grant in $2,000increments.
City will provide a good atmosphere for supporting business.
Even during this recession we have seen 39 new street-front businesses open during the worst of times.  There is more attention for local businesses.
Question to Mayor, Why the big push to put alcohol businesses in residential areas?..where to park?…bus service has been cut.
Mayor says mish mash of land use in ordinances needed to be worked on.  No more than two alcohol establishments on a block face……..didn’t make sense for visitors.  This has been cleaned up…”neighborhood specific”…most communities provide permitted and also as conditional use.  City is following this pattern…….Where?, what kind?, and under what conditions?……..In neighborhood area, make all as conditional uses,  allow for high % service of food while serving liquor instead of  “alcohol only bar”.  This has passed the planning board and now at city council for their action.  What does conditional use look like?  Ordinance was crafted for all areas of city……..much disagreement has been expressed.  City has draft that passed the planning commission with some very specific conditions.  It will be up to the Planning Commission to decide what those conditions are. Such things as light, hours, noise, etc. must be considered.
Mayor visited small towns.  He noted bars are right next to residences which is true of many neighborhoods today.  We need this allowed, or 9th and 9th wouldn’t exist.  City to look at case  by case basis with strict set of controls.  Mayor Becker stated “existing ordinances do not work for City, neighborhood, etc”.  Mayor feels existing ordinances do not work.
The Westminster neighborhood small area completed in 2002.  It provided for transition between business and residences north of 2100 So, creating pedestrian paths system connecting to business district and suggestions for preserving character of the neighborhood.    What are suggestions for improving this plan?  This plan is not on the planning priority list.  The Mayor did not know about this plan.  City has backlog of plans that are started or need to get finished.  Mayor wants to update plans quickly but economy hasn’t helped.  Michael Bassis has asked if the neighborhood plan can be resurrected and worked with Westminster’s plan per Judy Short.  With new W’s development, how does that interface with this plan?  Mayor not  too familiar with this.
Mayor stated “Planning function was dysfunctional when I came into office”.  The Mayor says the City is still dealing with backlog that was neglected.  The Mayor will look at the neighborhood plan.

Question was asked as to intention of recognition ordinance as it relates to role of Community Councils?  We feel you may want to get rid of community councils and that our input is not valuable.
Mayor stated the City stepped back and looked at the ordinance.  It is out of date and isn’t close to being followed by anyone.  How can City have the best interaction with City and community councils?  The Mayor has heard absolutely nothing on elimination of community councils.  Budget is impacting degree of ability to reach out.  Sarah Carlson stated she gets questions as a community council member from public, people are intimidated in getting with city and they are more comfortable with speaking to a community council member.  This also gives residents a way of communicating without attending all meetings. Concern is that with a large area, residents are left out of the decision process.  The Mayor feels Community Councils play a very important role. The Mayor mentioned his administration has an open government program with websites etc. that brings together the best thinking on any particular issue.

Question:  Any chance McClelland Canal will be studied?  Mayor says Public Utilities has been focused on preserving this corridor and providing a pedestrian/bike trail.  This includes removing obstacles where people have encroached.  Is it in the budget?  Not yet according to Mayor.  The Sugar House Council can make recommendations.
Mayor congratulated Scott Workman on finding money for fireworks display.  Mayor cites this as an example of creative good work.

Public comments:
Scott Workman Sugar House fireworks:  Progress moving ahead….met initial goal minimum of $60K up $5K from this morning.  Going for a little more for entertainment, and non-profit org, plus reserve in case SLC can’t get more next year.  City contribution was $15000 this year.  Thanks fro SW  Individuals have contributed $3 to $4 K.  Michael G Kavanaugh asked how did X-96 effectiveness work out? Scott replied several hundred dollars were received from that  plus email and checks in a few days.  Media such as Deseret News, Channel 2, Channel 5, Fox 13 also helped.  Vendors are signed up (12 ea)  Entertainment depends on money raised the next few weeks.

Gene McIntyre, Fairmont Aquatic Center
He passed out brochure to attendees…….lots added besides indoor swimming pool, such as swim camp, art camp, water aerobics, movie star camp..  Please visit and see the facilities.  Try exercise, swimming, etc.

Lydia Martinez,  Sugar House Farmers Market With Whole Foods Mkt and chair of farmers mkt.
Basics:  dates July 9-Oct 15  Friday nites   3:00pm to dusk  at 2100 so.
Permit received from City…selection completed for vendors…more applied than space available.  Ten produce/farm, one vendor for organic grass fed beef, food vendors for dinner Four each, Four crafts vendors, humus and cheese vendors as well. Also providing space for Sugar House non profits.
This location was chosen because of high visibility instead of a location such as Fairmont Park.  Also, it would draw people to this business location to support businesses…….heart of business district.
Facebook and website are being worked on for publicity.  Vendor profiles will be shown, sponsors will be listed, recipes, and other pertinent things to market plus what to expect.  Media sponsors have great response.  Council encouraged to let people know about the market.  (grass roots advertising)
Flyers and posters in the works with blogs, etc.  Emphasis being provided on long term existence and working with other farmers markets.  Goal will be to move to a park when the event becomes better known.
M J Kavanaugh, “are musicians procured?”  Four or five bands so far.  Children entertainment being worked on.
4-5 crafts (alternate every other week)
Heart of the market is produce
$25 for a booth/day
$15/wk for season ….affordable to vendors
Parking?  Vendors can park in underground parking below Bed Bath and Beyond.  They can unload in side street then move.
Customers…………encourage walking but bicycle valets will be provided.
Volunteers needed?  List of needs being prepared.  Sugar Hourse Council has  an application in for a booth and has been selected.

Committee Reports

Parks and Open Space –  Lynne Olson
Minutes of previous meeting on line.
Art Sale for Imperial Park this Saturday.  Please support.
Hidden Hollow..Whole foods spread bark chips.  On the 22nd, volunteers from Living Aquarium will work
June 8, 6:00 pm Sprague Library tour in Hidden Hollow. (Plant exploration and habitat)
The Mayor’s budget did not include provision for Parleys Way Park, Imperial Park or the Canal Study.  Letters are recommended to the Mayor,s office to encourage consideration of these projects.
There are actually three natural spaces in Sugar House…Hidden Hollow, Wasatch and Parleys.  City’s Open Space Manager will be moved to the Parks Department and coordination should be improved.

Land Use and Zoning
On May 16 Woodbury, presented changes made since the Sugar House Council presentation on the Westminster development in the Central Business District.  Some of those include:
15 ft wide Hidden Hollow access on west side of Redmond property
162 bed housing
Retail space is now 2 stories
Residences are facing “watching” hollow on south side.
14 spaces on north side.
Stairway will go to draw at 1300 E.  City may have to work on this to provide better access.
This is on the Planning Commission agenda on June 16 as a briefing
Texas Street development was approved as an urban farm on May 5.
Chik fil A development not yet scheduled before planning commission
Some negative emails have been received from neighbors south and west of development that will have privacy disturbed by tall structures on Nielson property.
972 Garfield Property, 4 units is currently not a legal rental property.  The fourth apartment is 500 square feet.  The owner is going to plead his case to the Land Use Committee.  Next meeting is Monday June 21.

Sustainability Committee- Jason Bradley – Household hazardous materials disposal program starts June 24 then each fourth Thursday of every month in Sugar House Park in the Big Field Pavilion.

Michael G Kavanaugh, “Park City Television wants to do a segment on Sugar House.” He made a
Motion to write a check for $187.50 for a ninety minute program  Michael G and Susan Petharam will talk about S-House.  Sponsors will be selected .  DVD will be provided  for uploading to our website.
Cabot:  Does Park City  have their own website?  If so people can link to that website to view the DVD.
Michael G Kavanaugh,s motion was seconded by Judy Short.  There are already several sponsors for this program.
Much debate occurred….concern over spending, message should be positive, the program should support business, etc. Camera will go into businesses and ask questions.

Can DVD be used by the council to raise money?  Probably not, but will be checked out.
Vote:  18 in favor
4 opposed
Motion passes and the Council will contribute a check of $187.50.

Motion by Jim Brown for each council representative to contribute $7.50.  Motion discouraged by Chair but Chair encouraged contributions.

Police Report – Jan Diederich
Statistics unavailable for police report.  Jan Deiderich
Cabot asked if transients are currently allowed to sleep in the parks?  Ms. Diederich responded tickets will not be issued again for camping!  Cabot Nelson mentioned he would strongly protest this policy with the City.  Does this apply to Sugar House Park?  The officer will ask Detective Cryder.

Sugarhouse Merchants Association.  Barbara Greene
Mayor’s small business conference was excellent.  Ideas flowed.
Fireworks on July 3 and council has applied for a booth.
Booth space is still available but may go fast.
Taste of Sugarhouse idea has been proposed.  Possibly doing the Farmer’s Market.
New merchants website.

Councilman Soren Simonsen – SLC Council Report
Most recent effort focused on SLC budget.
$16 million dollar shortfall in revenue…priority is to keep essential services in tact.
Use City Artways…Mayor recommends dissolving current program and providing individual grants through non-profit organizations..
Park Maintenance.  Peace Gardens and Jordan River Park, concern of closing greenhouse including Sugar House Monument Plaza.  Keep Peace Garden, Sugar House Monument and Main Street flowers because strong sentiment exists.
Streets mergency response team … City is trying to maintain three people dedicated to this overnight emergency service.
The biggest hit is in capital improvements budget.  Most of what is in the CIP is debt service on bonded projects…..not a lot of funds left.  It will be extremely competitive, even for the small amount of money left.
Westminster neighborhood and Westminster plan coupling is a good idea.
Euclid Small Area Plan , West Salt Lake, Northwest  Quadrant, North Temple and
Down town Master Plan are currently on the priority list.  Mr. Simonsen wants three planners in the planning department to work on community plans in the future.  He hopes for support in this approach.
Historic Preservation Plan to be  reviewed in July by the Council
Highland Park and Forest Dale are designated on the national historic register.
Applications for new historic districts ban has been lifted….. Mr. Simonsen can provide information on this.
Streetcar is highest priority in Sugar House for the Redevelopment Agency.
There is $50K in budget for Sugar House Sugar House District Small Area Plan initiative
City is reviewing how the Redevelopment Agency can create opportunities for the McClelland Trail…..possibly through the Small Area Plan.

Library Report-
Glendale and Marmalade Branch developments are underway.
Getting feedback on “what do kids want?”  Website  for input is:
July 1 at Sprague, 7:00 – 9:00 A representative  from U fine arts speaking on how to enjoy fine arts.

Pick up library newsletter for many other activities!

Conflict of interest policy proposed by Robin Bastar and handed out by the Chairman.  This will be on the agenda next meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 9:04

Landon Clark
[email protected]