SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2011

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2011


Meeting Minutes – June 1, 2011


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Sugar House Community Council was held on Wednesday, June 1, 2011, at 7:01 P.M., in the meeting room of the Sprague Branch Library, Chairman Cabot Nelson in the Chair and Secretary, Philip Carlson being present. Trustees in Attendance: Grace Sperry, Ruth Price, Michael G. Kavanagh, Barbara Green, Sally Barraclough, Shelia O’Driscoll, Rawlins Young, Christopher Thomas, Carlyle Harris, Amy Barry, Larry Migliaccio, Sarah Carlson, David Mulder, Scott Kisling, Laurie Bray, Judi Short, Pattie DeNunzio, Robin Bastar, Topher Holman, Benny Keele, Elaine Brown, Jim Brown. Excused: Derek Payne, Lynne Olson, Dolores Donohoo, Sandra Walsh. Absent: Russell Callister, Travis Pearce, Ron Molen, Jason Bradley, Annalisa Holcombe.

The minutes were approved without amendment. Chair’s report was given by Cabot Nelson, Secretary’s report, by Philip Carlson, Treasurer’s report by Robin Bastar (bank balance $2607.79).

Public Comment by: Joyce Cheney of the SLC Police Department Mobile Watch. Graffiti Hotline 801-972-7855

Committee Reports: LU&Z by Judi Short, POST by Sally Barraclough, Transportation by Larry Migliaccio, Sustainability by Amy Barry, Affordable Housing by Pattie DeNunzio, Safety by Carlyle Harris, 4th of July & Farmers’ Market report by Judi Short, Arts & Culture by Laurie Bray

Arts & Culture Moved:
Whereas: Article III (d) of the Sugar House Community Council Articles of Incorporation states the purpose and the scope of the Corporation is “To preserve and improve the business, residential, recreational areas and facilities within its boundaries,”

and whereas: Article III (e) of those Articles states the purpose and scope “to receive, invest and disburse funds and to hold property for its purposes,”

and whereas: Article I of the Sugar House Community Council Bylaws states the Purpose of the Corporation is “to involve citizens in identifying issues, plans, and projects that enhance the beauty, safety, health, welfare, vibrancy, and human-scale character of all Sugar House area neighborhoods, businesses, and historical and natural resources,”

and whereas: Article 1 of those Bylaws states that the Council will engage in the activities of “preserving and improving the business, residential, and recreational areas and facilities of the Sugar House area” and “receiving, investing, and disbursing funds for the accomplishment of its stated purposes.”

Be it resolved that: the activity of receiving and disbursing funds for the publication and distribution of Sugar House Community maps is recognized to fall within its charter and that the Council shall maintain an accounting of funds received and disbursed for that purpose. Any funds received in excess of disbursements shall be accounted for separate from other funds and available for future updates. Passed

Motion by Christopher Thomas: Create a fundraising committee that:
1) will meet by the next regular meeting of the SHCC,
2) will consider email appeals, postal mail appeals, website payment fulfillment, and other means to rais funds equal to budgeted expenses
3) will leverage the SHCC’s 501(c)3 status and will apply for proper state charity status,
4) will expire at the end of this year, December 31, 2011,
5) is comprised of Christopher Thomas, Cabot Nelson, and other interested trustees,
6) seeks help from trustees who can or who know people who can contribute time to design and write fundraising campaigns, and
7) will seek nominations for help following adoption of this motion. Passed
Membership Nominations: Helen Peters, Topher Horman

Rinaldo Hunt presented the Vista Strata project to replace Sugar House Village, followed by comments and questions. A Positive Recommendation for the project was moved by Ruth Price Passed 14-7

SHCC Representation in Other Organizations Approved
-City Study Groups
*Phase I of Current Streetcar Construction -Helen Peters
*Phase II of Alternatives Analysis/Circulation -by committee
*Jordan & Salt Lake Canal Trail -by committee
-Advisory Board
*Transportation Board under Tim Harpst -by committee
-Civic Groups
*SHMA -Barbara Green w/ Michael G. Kavanagh
*Salt Lake Community Network -Judi Short

Monthly Presentations: Business Spotlight by Michael G. Kavanagh: Expressive Bungalow, 2903 Highland. Crime Update by Detective Boelter. SHMA by Barbara Green. Mayor’s Office by Shawn McDonough

Meeting Adjourned at 09:03

Landon Clark
[email protected]