SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2012

SHCC Meeting Minutes – June 2012


Meeting Minutes – June 6, 2012

Minutes of the Sugar House Community Council

June 6, 2012

The regular meeting of the Sugar House Community Council was held on Wednesday, June 6, 2012, at 7:00pm, at the Sprague Library. Trustees in attendance were Laurie Bray, Shelia O’Driscoll, Benny Keele, Dolores Donohoo, Robin Bastar, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Joedy Lister, Scott Kisling, Cabot Nelson, Amy Barry, Judi Short, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young, Grace Sperry, Russ Callister, Sarah Carlson, Michael G. Kavanagh. Christopher Thomas served as chair and Cabot Nelson as secretary. The trustees noted as excused were Sally Barraclough and Topher Horman.

Call to order at 7:02pm. The minutes of the May meeting were approved with the following amendment: Michael G. Kavanagh properly listed as excused and should not have been listed as introducing the Jason Burt of Burt Brothers Tires.

Cabot Nelson gave his secretary report, noting that the following trustee petitions will expire: Jim Brown (July), Robin Bastar and Ruth Price (August).

Robin Bastar gave his treasurer report.

Motion to update trustee neighborhood allocations based on census passed on a voice vote. See Appendix to these minutes.

Christopher Thomas as chair made announcements.

Motion to cancel July meeting passed on a voice vote.

Motion to have the Land Use and Zoning committee speak on behalf of the SHCC for LU&Z projects in the month of July passed on a voice vote.

Police and Fire reports

Capt. Chris Milne, SLCFD, gave a report about Fire Station #3.

Det. Tyler Boelter, SLPD, gave a report on area crime.

Public comments for items not on the agenda

Shelly Waters expressed long term plans for arts in the DI building and short term places for Hidden Hollow.

Wendy Broadwater mentioned an emergency preparedness program sponsored by the Church of Scientology.

Committee Reports

Judi Short reported for the Land Use and Zoning committee.

Laurie Bray reported for the Arts and Cultural committee.

Community groups and projects

Nothing reported.

Special presentations

Dan Lofgren of Cowboy Partners presented his plans for Liberty Heights of Sugar House Apartments at the existing parking lots across McClelland Street from the former Granite Furniture store.

Project manager Mark Issac of Boulder Ventures presented his plans for 2121 South McClelland Street which is the former Granite Furniture store.

SLC Councilmember Soren Simonsen gave updates on various actions and projects from the SLC Council.

Community and City Presentations

Michael G. Kavanagh introduced Brittany Reese, Executive Director & Founder of Sugar Space, 616 E. Wilmington Avenue, 801-558-3522

Cynthia Stringham gave a report for the Mayor’s Office.

Lisa Grant reported on library events.
Adjourned at 9:08pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]