SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1993

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1993


March 3, 1993

PRESENT: Marge Harvey, Billie C. Campbell, Everett L. Joyce, Ned Stephenson, Carl O. Allred, Del Brewster, Mark Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Judd, Douglas C. Campbell, Rich Bennett, Miriam Murphy, Jerry Romero, Hope Hilton, Dorothy Tuddenham, Rawlins Young, Sid Baucom, Dale Chalmers, Brian K. Bintz, Linda Roberts, Jerald Roberts, Al Hollingshaus, Steve Lester, Don Hale. Excused: Gary Thorup was attending final session of the Legislature, Diana Hart was on vacation.Vice chair Steve Lester conducted the meeting in G. Thorup’s absence. Minutes of February 1993 meeting approved by trustees. Hollywood A venue traffic report was updated by Jerry Romero. A committee of residents and business owners met several times in February and will continue to meet in March. Business representatives are Steve Richards, Ralph Barrus, and Bill Wood; representing residents are Ruth Jensen, Barbara Faigle, and Kara Hendrickson. The committee wants to find a solution within the larger context of Sugar House traffic problems. They do not want to push traffic from the Hollywood area onto other streets. They want to address the concerns of people living in the area and also protect businesses. Traffic surveys and counts are underway under the direction of city traffic engineer Jerry Blair. Canyon Rim Park (Hansen’s Hollow, east of Tanner Park) situation was updated by Hope Hilton. Rawlins Young noted that Canyon Rim name is confusing, but Hope says residents don’t like “Hollow”. Hope said a large informational sign will be installed in April. She will let us know the date and also when a clean-up of the area will be held. The old aqueduct has been stabilized with concrete, and residents are trying to raise money to cap it and to coat it with a graffiti-resistant paint. A spring will be diverted to create a wetlands area, and a retaining basin at the east end will be dug out this summer and the dirt used as fill in “grand canyon.” Remains of Dudler’s wine cellar have been preserved. Ruth Robbins said illegal camping and shooting of firearms occurred in the area last year, and volunteers are needed to “patrol” informally and report illegal activity and prevent vandalism. For any additional information on this park call Alex Morris (phone: ).Highland Drive sidewalk/road project was reported on by Mark Morrison of SL City Engineering. The area includes that stretch of Highland Drive south of the I-80 freeway to the north side of 2700 South. The city hopes to remove the “roller coaster” effect of the road. The SL City Council has voted to set up an improvement district that encompasses this area of Sugar House as well as other locations outside of Sugar House. Mailings to property owners in these areas will go out within a week. Property owners will be asked to pay for the cost of new sidewalks, and the city will pay for curb, gutter, and road work. The repair work would take place this summer. The question of speeding on this stretch of road was raised, as a smoother road would encourage it. Mark said it will be posted. Rawlins asked about planning issues since this area is eligible for a historic district designation. Mark said the drawings are being reviewed by city planning and other agencies. Duplex legalization. Carl Allred, owner of a house at 1374 Downington, stated that he has documented use of the home as a duplex since 1950 in Polk’s city directories. He wants to legalize it as such. He is getting bids for extensive repairs to the structure that will also improve its outside appearance. He is obtaining the signatures of neighbors. Several trustees asked about parking. The Executive Committee will check it out before signing off on it. SLACC reception. Marge Harvey invited trustees to a reception to be held from 5 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 17, in the City Council Chambers, City and County Building. She also announced that the annual Neighborhood Conference will be held on April 24 and will include youth workshops. Good Neighbor award nomination forms were offered to those interested. Thank you! Roger Miller read a letter from Mayor Corradini to Gary Thorup thanking him and the SHCC for making the snow rake available to homeowners during the snow emergency. Well head survey. A check for $2,200 from the city was turned over to treasurer Rawlins Young to deposit. It represents many hours of effort on the part of several trustees to complete this important survey. Night Out Against Crime. Dorothy Tuddenham reported on a meeting she attended February 19 to begin planning for the 1993 NOAC. She wants to set up a committee to mastermind the event which will be held on August 3 this year. Fairmont Park was mentioned as a location in view of the large number who attended last year. Businesses in the area expect to be very much involved in it. Another planning meeting is set for 4 p.m., March 19 at Neighborhood Housing Service, 1268 W. 500 North.Copies of the Community Calendar and curbside recycling information were made available. UDOT letter. In response to a letter from UDOT, Jerry Romero will represent the SHCC at a traffic meeting on March 23. Paul Allred has resigned as SLACC executive coordinator to accept a position with the city of Centerville. Steve Lester moved to make a resolution thanking him for his dedication and service. It was passed unanimously.Luff Motor property. A letter to Gary Thorup from Losee Architects inviting him to a meeting held on February 16 re disposition of the Luff property was read. Outcome of meeting not known in GT’s absence. Eastland Regency project on Parley’s Way was discussed by Ned Stevenson who apologized for his inadvertent absence from the February SHCC meeting. Eastland has hired Jess Agraz to do a traffic study. The study was delayed by snow, but the counters are now in place. Rawlins said that pedestrian traffic was of even greater concern than automotive traffic. He also asked about K-Mart’s plans or what could be worked out with K-Mart. Jerry said the gymnastics academy attracted many kids and expressed concern about their safety on foot in the area. Ruth Robbins said that the left turn into the Parley’s Way access needs to be moved farther east. Stevenson proposed a neighborhood meeting to be held in two weeks–a date other than March 17–and Sid Baucom promised to help circulate an announcement of that meeting. Stevenson also discussed landscaping plans and the apparent interest of K-Mart to landscape the store’s area in a manner similar to the Regency landscaping.Sugar House Chamber of Commerce has scheduled an annual clean-up of Sugar House for April 24. Elderly and others we may know of that need assistance can get help (including paint) through the Chamber. Call him for details. He also pointed out that Sugar House is officially two words. The Chamber has been trying to promote the correct usage for many years and he expressed hope that SHCC would use that spelling! Here! Here! In Diana Hart’s absence the Minutes were recorded by Miriam Murphy.

Landon Clark
[email protected]