SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1995


March 1, 1995

Present: Jerry Romero, Alice Edvalson, Steve Cheever, Allen Johnson, Ron Arcadian, Leland Myers, Scott Vaderlast, Ruth Robbins, Keith Christensen, Susan Greene, Becky Nielsen, James Divver, Rawlins Young, Brian Belamy, Katie Eskelson” Bob Jacoby, Ed Clissold, Randall Ridd, Craig Peterson, Joe Clark” Russ Naylor, Scott L. Kisling, Wayne Halverson, Jeff Chapman, Dolores A. Donohoo, Sharon Ashcraft, Ronda Stayner, Jan Haug, Stephen E. W. Habe, Russell Felt, Ken Felt, Sheila O’Driscoll, Kathy Daly, Craig Bohn, Donna Ribgy, James 1. Lund, Kate Deiss, Barry Eagan, Kraig Erickson, Wendy Merrill Excused: Dorothy Tuddenham Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Jerry Romero. Minutes of the February meeting were approved. Announcements:: A special thanks to Pam Grimes who has been our liaison with the Police Dept. and has worked very hard on crime prevention programs in our area for many years. Steve Cheever will be replacing her for a short time. He can be reached at 799*3680. Land Use and Zoning Report: Property Manager Ron Arcadian reported on a home at 1827 So. 9th East and asked for approval from the council for unit legalization as a tri-plex. This home was originally built as a single family unit, but was converted to a tri-plex in 1977. Leland Myers made the motion that we support this action. Motion was seconded and approved with 2 abstentions. Traffic Report: Scott Vaderlast from the Traffic Dept. reported there will be a meeting in our area for public review and comments on the city’s traffic plan on March 20 from 7-9 PM at Highland High School. He also reported on the traffic problems on Parkway Ave. between Highland Drive and 13th East, South of the freeway. The Traffic Dept. has had signs up in that area for about 2 weeks indicating the desire to make this a I way street going East. They have received 48 calls in response to the signs, 46 did not like the proposal, 2 were from outside of the area, 19 lived West of Highland, 27 lived on Stratford, Douglas, and 13th East. The city wants to try the 1 way from Douglas St. East on parkway to 13th East for a while to see what the impact will be. They will begin the test in a couple of weeks and will continue the test for at least a couple of weeks. The committee is also working with Kevin Young to set up a speed watch program in several neighborhoods. They are still working with the neighbors in the area of Laurelhurst and 26th East in putting a cul-de-sac in that area. There is going to be a grassroots conference on critical Wasatch Front transportation issues at the Salt Palace Convention Center on March 25th from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Forest Dale Neighborhood: Ruth Robbins reported on some duplexes being built in a cul-de-sac of Gregson and Lincoln off 9th East. The neighbors are upset with the style of the buildings, they do not fit win with the rest of the neighborhood. They are also concerned that the cement that was poured was not given an adequate time to cure. City Council Update:Keith Christensen reported that the City Council accepted the Sugar House Business District Master Plan with a modification to allow a conditional use 10 stories on the Granite Furniture block. A question was raised regarding the problems this could cause with the already existing traffic problems in the area. Keith assured us that this would be addressed if application was made for a conditional use permit. He indicated the Irving School plans will be presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting tomorrow at 6:15 in room 12 of the City/County building. He also encouraged each of us to attend the planning Division open houses on the new zoning ordinance and particularly look at the zoning in our own areas. The zoning plan will be presented to the City Council for their approval on Apri14th. Questions can be addressed to the Salt Lake City Zoning Rewrite Project Telephone Hotline – 535-6262. Trustee Petitions:Motions were made, seconded, and approved to accept the following new trustees: Susan Greene (Forest Dale), Becky Nielsen (Dilworth), James Divver (Dilworth), and Katie Eskelson (Beacon Heights). Renewal petitions were also received from: Rawlins Young (Sugar House), Ruth Robbins (Nibley), and Brian Belamy (Grandview). Chairman Resignation: Jerry Romero announced he is resigning as chairman of the council since he is moving from the area. Vice Chairman Rawlins Young will assume the role of chairman for the remainder of the term. Elections will be held next month for a Vice Chair to replace Rawlins. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to thank Jerry for the work he has done for the council. Sustainable Communities Report: The committee is continuing to work on crime issues.

Stark Steering Building, 11th East & Ramona Ave.: Bob Jacoby, representing an architectural firm reported they have purchased this building and plan to remodel it as their architecture office. City ordinance requires 13 off street parking spaces and there are not that many available. He is asking for a variance on this issue. He indicated their current office staff consists of 6-8 persons. The neighborhood is much in favor of this proposal. They feel there will be considerably less on street parking than there has been in the past with the automotive business. Property at 1975 So. 2100 East: Ed Clissold presented plans to build apartment units on a 1 acre piece of property which includes 1 single family home. The zoning ordinances for that area will be RM35 which limits building heights to 35 feet. They want to go 4 stories which would exceed that height. They are asking for a variance of zoning to RM45 which would allow the extra height. The extra floor would increase the density of population and traffic in the area. The neighbors are concerned with these issues. The Planning Commission has not approved this change in zoning at this time. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to table this issue until we have had time to get more input from the neighbors. Mr. Clissold was encouraged to work with the Land Use Committee. Harmon’s Property at 13th East & 33rd So.: Randall Ridd indicated that Harmon’s wants to redo the parking lot and sidewalks in this area. They have purchased the convenience store on the comer and the vacant house next to it. They want to demolish these in preparation for the work on the parking lot. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to support this action.Olympic Bid Report: Craig Peterson, Vice President of the bid committee reported on some of the activities of the bid committee and answered questions from those present. He indicated the final selection will be made on June 16, 1995. There will be 60 bid committee members in the city in the next few weeks. Some of the places they take these people include Moab, Dead Horse Point, Arches, Mexican Hat, Monument Valley, and to hear the Tabernacle Choir. The committee thought the facilities we have would be a big drawing card, but they have been most impressed with number of children we have. The goal of the Olympics is to encourage young people to excellence. A question was asked about the impact on the U of U. Craig indicated there would be no impact academically on the U. There may some adjustment of quarters around the 2 weeks when the Olympics are in progress. During the Olympic period, the athletes will stay in the University housing. The University is planning to rebuild their housing prior to that time to better accommodate them as well as students. A question was asked about the transportation problems. He indicated transportation to all events would be by buses, visitors as well as athletes. The price of the tickets will include the cost of bus transportation. There are still questions where an ice rink will be built. The U is interested in having it on their campus, the mayor wants it downtown, West Valley City would like it, as well as the Mayor of Provo would like it in Provo. The committee feels it would be best to have it close to the athletes. A question was ask regarding the cost and the fact that most other areas have lost money on the games. Craig indicated most of the other areas had to build much more facilities etc. than we will. Most of the facilities and services are already in place here. They feel we will make money on the tax dollars spent by visitors. This tax money would be shared among all communities in the state. They are anticipating this will amount to some $130,000,000. Officer Joe Clark suggested that the council send a letter of thanks to Pam Grimes for her many years of service to our community. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to do that. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM. . 7·. ~

Landon Clark
[email protected]