SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1996


March 6, 1996

 Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Marv Tuddenham, Mary Carlson, Everett Joyce, B. L. Smith, Ana Facelli, Julie Anna Facelli, Scott Konopasek, Ray Pugsley, Sandy Hiskey, Russ Terry, Katie Eskelson, Liani Pearce, Sam Piazza, Cheri Carleson, Rich Bennett, Tree Brown Hayes, Brad Slaugh, Julina Parker, J. Havey, Susan Green, Barbara Eubanks, Kathy Daly, Dorothy Tuddenham, Tom Judd, Mary Lu Judd, Judi Short, Mitchell K. Menlove, Coleen Menlove, Lynne Olson, Donna H. Rigby, Florence Halliday, Kathy Tyler, Blair Tyler, Peter Cobabe”Mieke Nielson, Chase Wickersheem, Theo Hathus Excused: Dolores Donohoo, Jan Haug, Ruth Robbins Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the February meeting were approved. City Council Update: None Mayors Report: Mayor Corradini indicated she meets once a month with the chairmen of all community councils in an effort to better communicate with the general public. The community action teams are another effort that has been set up to better work with the communities. Veronica Crandall is the Dist. 7 representative to the Mayor’s office. The Mayor reported that the stop light at 15th East and 21st South has been put on hold until more information can be obtained. She indicated that a lot of the traffic problems in the city are the result of poor driving habits. The city is trying to do a public service program to re-educate people about better driving habits. The Mayor said that representatives from the city went to Atlanta to learn from them about preparing for the Olympics. The most significant item they learned was, What do we want our city to be like and look like in 20-30 years-then – Use the Olympics to help us get there. We need to use private and federal funds to make this happen. Washington is very cooperative in working with us to make Utah a showcase of the US for the Olympics. Regarding traffic problems, 80% of the state population live between Ogden and Provo. The Federal Transportation Dept. has plans to help in our transportation problems and are working with our State Transportation Dept.. Hotel space is another issue that will need to be addressed. Hotel space is hard to get even now. The Mayor is hoping to get some of our police officers to Atlanta to learn how to best deal with problems associated with the large crowds during the Olympics. Our Olympic facilities are almost all completed now so most of the remaining years we can concentrate on other areas that will improve our city. We need all residents to look at their own neighborhood and see what we want to do to make our neighborhoods better. The city is hoping to make money available for community councils to use in improving the neighborhoods. A question was asked regarding Light Rail. Mayor Corradini explained that Light Rail is a part of an integrated bus system. She explained that adding more busses would not get persons to the destination faster since it would still take the same amount of time to drive from, for example, the Sandy area to downtown. It would only mean the wait may not be quite as long. The light rail would actually get to the destination many times faster. The light rail system could move many more people in a much shorter time and would free up more buses and drivers to serve other areas that would connect with the light rail system. Other spurs would later be built that would connect major points such as the U of U and the airport with the North/South line. A group of students from Beacon Heights Elementary School presented a packet of letters to the Mayor asking for her support in their efforts in Hidden Hollow. The Mayor indicated she was in support of the KOPE Kids and the Hidden Hollow efforts. A question was asked regarding the power lines that are being installed along 21st South. She said that ideally, we want to bury power lines, but that there are problems that need to be overcome and the city is working on these. Mayor Corradini also indicated that the Mobil Watch program is a high priority and she recognized it as being very successful. She spoke of the Futures Commission that has been set up to assist the city in planning for the future and indicated she is very interested in having public participation in the future planning process. A motion was made, seconded, and approved that we send a letter to Ted Wilson, Chairman of the Futures Commission, requesting that Rawlins Young, our Community Council Chairman be invited to be a member of this commission. Beacon Heights/Hawthorne School Presentation: Chase Wickersheem and Peter Cobabe described some of the problems in the area of Hidden Hollow, including trash, pollution, graffiti, drugs, and gangs. The KOPE KIDS from these schools are trying to improve this area. Mieke Nielson described what they want to do with the CDBG grant money they have applied for. They want to add security lighting in the area, add a drip irrigation system to water the plants, and plant additional trees, shrubs, and perennials. She also explained that they have studied the Master Plan for the Sugar House Business District and they had a model on display suggesting ideas of buildings that could be put on that block that would comply with the zoning ordinance for this area. These students are asking the Community Council to support their request for CDBG grant money. The community council has already sent a letter to the CDBG committee in support of this request. The city will hold a hearing to present the CDBG requests. Citizens need to show their support of these requests by attending the hearing or contacting the city council expressing support. Committee Reports: Boys Girls Club: Veronica Crandall reported there will be a meeting to discuss further issues on March 14 from 6 – 8 at the Sprague library. There are still questions on the property lines. There is a survey being done to resolve these questions. Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham reported that the word is out to “Go to Salt Lake to do crime, they don’t put you in jail.” She asked that we send letters to the Sheriff and county commission indicating our support of more jail space. Homes or businesses that would like to have a security check should contact B. L. Smith at 799-3680. Dorothy indicated that the “Happy Camper Death Squad” that has been in our area has moved, but they are not aware where they have gone. The Confetti business is still creating problems. She said that persons who have automatic garage door openers should have the code changed periodically because there is now a device available that will allow criminals to intercept the signal and get the code. B. L. ask the KOPE KIDS to follow up on why lights have not been installed in Hidden Hollow. Lynne Olson indicated that part of the funding to do this has been set aside from previous grant money, but they are waiting for additional funds from this year’s request in order to have sufficient to complete the lighting. They have asked the businesses adjacent to the Hollow to install lighting on their business. The McIntyre and Free properties have done so, but others have not. A comment was made that we need to do something to punish curfew violations. SL Community Action Report: Postponed until next month. Parks and Recreation – Cheri Carlson reported that this year’s 4th of July fireworks in Sugar House Park may include a concert by the Utah Symphony. The first step in the creation of the new ball field in Sugar House Park will be moving the trees. New park authority board members are Terry Green, Clark Nielsen, and Gerry Tully. PCE contamination tests are still being conducted in the area around Sugar House Park. They still have been unable to determine where these contaminates are coming from. Dr. Meldon Muir would be willing to come to our next meeting to report in this issue. The Proposal for Tanner Park is now in the hands of the Deputy Director of the Planning Dept. They will be looking at all the alternatives in an effort to resolve the problems with this request. Traffic:­Rich Bennett reported that the traffic light on 15th East and 21 st South has been put on hold pending more information. The majority that attended the meeting regarding this issue were against the light. Those living farthest North on 15th East are opposed to the light, but it appears that those living closer to 21st South are in favor of it. At least one traffic study shows that most of the traffic is those living in the 15th East area. Traffic tickets have been mostly issued to residents of the 15th East area. There will be a lot of development going on in this area in the next 6 months that will have an impact on the traffic. We will spend a major part of the next council meeting addressing traffic issues. There will be a display of the traffic master plan in the library for all to view prior to next month’s meeting. Housing, Land Use, Zoning – None.Are Sugar House Neighborhoods at Risk: Rawlins Young described factors that cause neighborhoods to deteriorate. He presented handout material showing where poverty areas are, what causes them, and how they are changing.Veronica Crandall announced a workshop on gang issues scheduled for April 11 from 6-8 at Highland High and a Pep Rally focusing on gang issues scheduled for May 10 from 6-8 at Highland High. Meeting adjourned approximately 9: 10 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]