SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1997


March 5, 1997

Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling. Rawlins Young, Rich Bennett, Sandy Hiskey, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Ivana Thomas, John Richards, Sheila O’Driscoll, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Tree Brown Hayes, Allen Johnson, Elizabeth Braymen(15) Excused· Julina Parker, Ruth Robbins (2) City Representatives: Veronica Crandall, Kathy Daly, Diane Stover, Officer R. Fred Ross, John Hiskey, Danny Walz, Darline Robles, Helen Peters, Richard Turpin, John Swain, Everett Joyce, Kathy Black (12) Others: Christie N. Corbin, Coleen Menlove, Lynn Olson, Bruce G. Mars, Lew Swain” Mark Hurlock, Susan Ranck, Larry Turner, Michael Markowski, Jacquie Markowski, Suzanne Weaver, Patty Fabert, Paul Johnston, Jacquelyn Havey, Derek Payne, Greg Anderson, Paul Crabtree, Mike Glauser, Robert A. Baird, David Elggren, Richard Mendenhall, Louis W. Owen, Larry Turner, Greg Anderson, Fred Babcock (25)        Total· 52Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. The minutes for the February meeting were approved. The petition for renewal of trustee, Alice Edvalson, was presented for information. Scott asked all trustees to make an effort to get their petition updated when it has expired. This is a good opportunity to get out and meet new neighbors. Scott reported that the chairman of all the community councils in the city met at Tom Rogan’s home on the Avenues. They discussed issues that cross council boundaries. Traffic is the biggest issue at the present time. Scott indicated that the presentation on the development at Discriminator Music would not take place tonight as the developer is still working on plans to include suggestions made when he met with the executive committee a couple of weeks ago.Treasurers Report: Cheri indicated we still have a balance of $1,400 in our account with no activity during the past month. Crime Report -Dorothy Tuddenham reported that she has a copy of the video “Stranger Smart” that is available to borrow. Diane Stover indicated that the Neighborhood Matching Grant requests are due by May 1st. She also indicated the COP office has a lot of videos that are available for those interested to use them. Diane asked if the statistics that she presents each month are useful and asked for any feedback regarding them. It was suggested that the statistics should include districts 5, 6, and 7. Diane said that the statistics are about the same as they were last month. The “National Night Out Against Crime” is scheduled for the first Tues. in Aug. They are planning to have a community wide celebration this year, using Sugar House as the big “kick off” party for the whole city. She said the next business community meeting will be held March 19th at the library. There will be a representative from the RDA talk to them. Officer Fred Ross said that UDOT will be talking to the business community at their April meeting. He is still working on the bike patrol for the Sugar House Business District. Mayor’s Office Report: Veronica Crandall, representing the mayor’s office, introduced John Hiskey who is representing the Director of Public Services. John spoke concerning the Dilworth School issue. He indicated he is not interested in an exchange of park property for a parking lot. He indicated the city is taking a more serious look at traffic calming methods. They are going to create a traffic calming coordinator to work with the community councils in an effort to try to resolve some of the traffic problems. He also indicated that an ordinance is going to the city council to set up a traffic advisory committee. School Board Update:  The school board was represented by SLC Supt. of Schools, Darlene Robles and Board Member, Kathy Black. Kathy indicated some of the issues they are presently concerned with include, 1) the Transpec Contract, whether they should renew the contract with them, 2) the arrangements with Steiner Swim Center, 3) the English as Second Language (ELS) program,4) shared projects with the city, and 5) the Dilworth School parking issue. She encouraged anyone that had questions or comments on any of these issues to call the school board. Larry Turner presented proposed plans for the Dilworth School parking. The plans indicate parking south of the school. This will be a swap of equal land with land to the back of the school. There will be space for 20 parking stalls. The South East Neighborhood Council voted to approve this plan. Trustee, Sheila O’Driscoll expressed appreciation for the new plan. Unit Legalization: Greg Anderson, owner of property at 1983-1985 1/2 So. 7th East presented a request to legalize a home that has contained 3 apartments for about 12 years. There are also 2 other smaller buildings that are 2 additional apartments on the adjacent property. There were concerns about the space allowed for 3 apartments in the single house. There is not adequate parking on the lot where the house is for the 3 apartments. The parking for all 5 apartments is on the adjacent lot. A motion was made and seconded to approve a request for 2 apartments in the house. There was some discussion suggesting that we not approve the motion because we didn’t know how he would deal with the issue as a duplex. A neighbor spoke in favor of the proposal as he didn’t feel there were any problems with it and because of the length of time it had been used as a triplex. The vote was 4 in favor, 6 against, 2 abstaining. Proposed design for landscaped area at 21st So. and 23rd East: John Swain from the SLC Parks Dept. explained the proposed design for that intersection. A community group has been organized to erect a “Monument to History” to celebrate the spirit of pioneering. The monument will be an enhancement to the city project as proposed for this intersection. The monument will be a statue of Parley P. Pratt, the original owner and developer of the land. The statue will be mounted on a six -sided granite base. Each side of the base will contain a bronze plaque that depicts historical facts about the area. A prominent local sculptor is going to be selected to create the statue. Two possible candidates mentioned were Ed Fraughton and Blair Buswell. Funding for the monument will come from private funds. The funds for the landscaping of the area will come from the Federal Highway money. The street improvements along 21st South are scheduled to begin in the spring and will take 7-8 months. It will take about 1 year to complete the monument. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to support the art project A question was asked about how the Sugar House Community Council works and how trustees are chosen. Chairman Scott Kisling explained briefly the purpose of the council and how trustees are chosen.McIntyre/Hygiea Development Update: Lou Swain, representing the Boyer Company showed a history of plans that have been presented for the McIntyre property. He explained the current plan that will be presented at the Planning Commission public hearing tomorrow night. Fred Babcock showed some elevation sketches that helped to visualize better what is being proposed. Fred has been involved with the design of Exchange Place, Trolley Square, the Brigham Street apartments that are now under construction and the Huntsman Hotel. The proposed plans call for 143,000 sq. ft of retail and 33,000 sq. ft of office space. The general feel of those present was that much favorable progress has been made and that with some few additional considerations, the plans look much better. Richard Mendenhall presented the current plan for the Hygeia property. This has been changed back to the hotel back closer to the creek as it was originally. Scott Kisling read a list of comments from the previous Saturday’s presentation of the plans. These included 1) The pedestrian circulation must be designed so the shopper is drawn to explore all areas of the block, 2) Strong visual elements need to draw pedestrians into the area from other areas outside the block, 3) A need to link 1100 East to 1300 East, 4) there needs to be a reduction of retail space and footprint, 5) still need to have a parking structure to cut down the amount of surface parking, 6) extending the number of uses of each element, 7) a desire for an amphitheater, 8) incorporating parallel parking on Highland Drive and Wilmington as well as 21st So., possibly “back-in diagonal parking, 9) include UTA in discussions so transportation needs can be coordinated 10) willing to vacate Elizabeth Street if there were written assurances that a corresponding amount of land be acquired for public use. In summary, the community desires a successful, high-density, mixed-use development of this block so that our open space and public amenities are maintained and enhance. We offer suggestions on pedestrian circulation, density, parking and UTA accessibility to maximize the economic potential while minimizing the footprint of commercial space. The community wants a viable and lively business area on this block, and is pleased with the progress to date. This project is important to the neighborhood because of its size and the number of years we will live near it. We hope to be able to work on this block, relax on it, and eat meals there. It deserves to be that successful. Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]