SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1998


March 4, 1998

Trustees: Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Sandy Hiskey, Sheila O’Driscoll, John Richards, Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo, Tree Brown Hayes, Judi Short, Dorothy Tuddenham , Jan Haug (12)          Excused: Julina P. Parker, Rich Bennett, Doris Williams, Rich Bennett, Helen Peters, Scott Kisling (6)City/State Representatives: Pauline Zvonkovic, Kathy Daly, Bill Allayaud, Kyle R. Jones, Diane Stover, Kelly Nye , Keith Christensen, Dan Andrews, Officer Fred Ross (9) Others: Valerie Kreipl, Sarah McGarvill, Shelly Powell, Hank Bradbury, Barb Christmas, Wayne Halverson, Sarah Carlson, Philip Carlson, Janet Hopkins, Ron Hopkins, John Hopkins, John Witzel, Alma Franz, Carol Swenson, Dan Andrus, Doug Muir, Stephen Morgan, Tony Grant, Hazel Bailey, James Staker, Blake Westenskow, Joy W. Johansen, Leslie James Sterlr, Denise Johanson, Blaine Dickerson, Lysia Hand, Jacquelyn Havey, Jann Witherspoon, Agnes Greenhall , Lynne Olson, Louis Ulrich(31) Total-52 Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Vice Chair Rawlins Young. The minutes for the February meeting were approved with 1 correction, Ron Love was listed in attendance with both the City/State Representatives and Others. He should have only been with the City/State Representatives. This making a total of 20 Others and overall total of 42. Chair Report: Rawlins explained the Neighborhood and Trustee Allocation document for trustee review and approval for the meeting in April. City Council Report: Keith Christensen reported that the City Council had the presentation for the Hidden Hollow Conservation Easement and felt that the council pretty much was in favor of the proposal. He reported on the findings of the council during their trip to Japan for the Olympics, stating that he felt comfortable with the facilities that we have here for the activities. He indicated that the opening and closing ceremonies will be held in Rice Stadium at the “U” and the ice skating competition will be held at the Delta Center. They have not yet determined where the awards ceremonies will be held. He stated that Frank Joklic, head of the Olympic committee, has stated that “we will spend no more than we take in”.  Keith sees Salt Lake City playing a public service role for the Olympics. He stated that we are getting federal funding for highways that we would not be getting if we were not having the Olympics. Treasurers Report: The bank balance is$2,237.39. Fire Dept. Survey: Dan Andrews of the Fire Dept. handed out a survey for those in attendance to fill out. The survey will help the Fire Dept. understand the citizen’s knowledge of Fire Dept. services. Crime Report: Officer Fred Ross indicated that the crime statistics will be presented once a quarter in the future. Detective Kelly Nye reported there have been some problems with burglaries in some of the churches in the North East side. Much damage is being done. The police have some good ideas of some of the suspects. She stressed the importance of being able to give a good description of a person who is involved with criminal activity. She indicated that burglaries in the area have been a bit lower than the national average. Westminster College Update: Steve Morgan reported that the weather has created some problems that have been hard to deal with in the construction area of the new parking structure on the North side. The new residence hall on the South side is beginning to show some progress with the footings almost completed. Both the parking structure and this first residence hall need to be completed by July of this year. The wall on the South side will also be completed by July. Hidden Hollow Conservation Easement Presentation: Lynne Olson reported that the sub-committee working on the preservation of Hidden Hollow is recommending a conservation easement as the best way to preserve this area as a natural area permanently. She said this area is public land and the RDA is putting a lot of money into the preservation of it. A master plan has been completed for this area. Bill Allayaud indicated that there were 3alternatives that were looked at to preserve this area. One was using the current zoning, which is open space. This could allow things that are not compatible with the goals that have been outlined for this area, that of keeping it as a natural area. The second was a Low Lands or Wet Lands Overlay. The third was a Conservation Easement. He explained that a conservation easement applies to the land and not the owner and tends to hold up in court better than other methods of preserving the area. A motion was made and unanimously approved that: “the Sugar House Community Council petition Salt Lake City to place a conservation easement over the master-planned area of Hidden Hollow and that the existing sub-committee be empowered to draft the wording of the conservation easement and that the Sugar House Community Council review, approve and recommend the easement to the city. Driggs Ave. Neighborhood Report: Valerie Kreiple, representing the Driggs Ave. neighborhood reported they had first gotten together to try to do something about the noise level in the area. This lead to discussions with UDOT and I-80 and issues concerning the reconstruction of I-80 and especially the affect it could have on their homes. They feel they are not getting answers from UDOT to questions regarding the impact on their homes. There is a lot of concern from this neighborhood as well as the community as to what could happen to these homes when the I-80 project begins. They are also concerned about the lack of cleanup along the freeway in this area. The neighborhood has had one meeting at which representatives from the city and UDOT were present and another is scheduled for March 26. Unit Legalization – 3122 So. Lincoln St.:  Denise Johanson presented a request for a unit legalization of the duplex at this address. She indicated that the city had it designated as a duplex until the zone changes were made at which time it was not listed as a duplex. Each unit has its own driveway and entrance. Trustee Doris Williams, who lives in this area, talked to several of the homeowners bordering this property and all felt fine about this being a duplex . A motion was made to approve this request and was approved with 8 in favor and 1 abstaining.Planned Unit Development -1935 So. 17th East: Tony Grant described a proposed layout of a planned unit development at this address. There were many questions and concerns raised including: 1) would garbage pickup be by the city or a private concern, 2) neighbors wanted the wall but others didn’t like it. Some felt it made it look like a gated community which some don’t like. It was felt by others that this would not look like a gated community. Trustee, Sheila O’Driscoll, who lives in this area spoke in favor of what was being presented. Because of the questions that were not answered no action was taken. It was felt that the developer could start the process for the planned unit development and bring more detailed plans for our next meeting. 13th East Office building: The plans for this proposed building are going to the Planning Commission on April 23rd. The plans are suppose to be ready to present to the community council at the April meeting. They have changed from previously presented plans. The new plans fit within the current zoning and other ordinances. Fairmont Park Swimming Pool: Louis Ulrich of FFKR Architects described what the proposed pool would be like. It would contain a lap pool as well as recreational pools. These are two different types of pools. There are a proposed 150 parking stalls. The proposal calls for 3.75 acres for the building, parking, and landscape. There were 7 different proposed sites for the pool that have been looked at. A) on the current pool parking lot, which would take away some of the current soccer fields, B) where the pool currently is and a bit to the East of it, which would take way part of a soccer field and would be rather hidden at the back side of the park, C) about where the pool currently is, but extending further to the North, which would be hard to get to, would take out some of the existing large trees, and would remove an existing basketball court, D) a smaller building where the current one is, which would eliminate some of the proposed facilities. It would just be a lap pool. E) South of the parking area on Sugarmont Drive, more in the middle of the park, which would eliminate the green space that is currently there, but would allow the area of the existing pool to be made into green space. F) East of the parking on Sugarmont Drive and close to the road extending further back into the park. This option does not allow for the desired amount of parking and takes away existing green space, but does allow the old pool area to become green space. G) Similar location as F, but not extending as far back into the park, but more along the road. This would allow for the desired parking. This also takes away green space in this area of the park, but allows the old pool area to become green space. Option G is the favored option of the sub-committee. A poll of those in attendance showed that 1 favored option B, 16 favored option G, 9 favored not building it in the park at all. The sub-committee is still meeting to work out more details. An update will be given at the next meeting. Adjourned at 9:50 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]