SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 1999


March 3, 1999

  Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Su Armitage, Judi Short, Doris Williams, Sheila O’Driscoll, Ray Pugsley, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling, Cheri Carleson, Philip Carlson (13) Excused: Ruth Robbins City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Dan Andrus, Phil Carrol, Suzanne Weaver, Ron Bruno (7) Others: Ken Wheadon, Kathy Wheadon, Christine Winslow, Erin Smithee, Katrina Smithee, Donna Mirabelli, Melissa Lichtenstein, Mikola Hlady, Lindsay Ploeger, Lynne Olson, Jody Hadfield, Stephanie Ennis, Joshua Garcia, Ty McCartney, V. Hlady, Janes Gonzales, Claudia J. Pack, Thomas Home, Steve Scott, Matt Parr, Ron Reavely, David Wagner (22) Total – 42 Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the February meeting were approved. Chair Report: Helen passed on miscellaneous information on various upcoming activities. Helen indicated that there are openings on several of the city’s boards. These included: CAP Board – 1 opening from any district except dist. 7, Community Development Advisory Board – 1 opening from dist. 7, Civilian Review Board – 2 openings from any dist., Recreation Advisory Board – 2 openings from dist. 6 and any district, Transportation Advisory Board – 1 opening from any dist. Helen reported that she had met with a David Larimer who lives in Portland and is donating the bridge in the Hidden Hollow area. He is especially interested in maintaining historic values in the Sugar House area and gave Helen some documents of historical value~ Helen indicated that the April meeting will devote at least 1 hour to traffic issues. We will be inviting representatives from the city and others interested in these issues. She encouraged all in attendance to return and participate in that discussion. Treasurers Report: No Activity during the past month. Public Input: Donna Mirabelli of 232l So. 17th East reported that there were some downed US West wires in Sugar House Park on the East side, North of I-80 and South of Highland High. She asked if anyone knew anything about them. We will see that the proper authorities are notified of this problem. Matt Parr of 2l65 Crystal Ave. ask about the process of getting street lighting on residential streets. Rawlins gave him information and an application with this information. Cross Walk across Highland Drive in front of Library: Tom Judd had inquired regarding this issue at the last meeting and has been doing some investigating of that issue. A motion was made that we start a petition to request another cross walk at this location. The motion passed with 9 in favor and 1 opposing. A petition was circulated during the meeting. There will also be a petition available at the library for interested persons to sign. Police Report: Officer Bruno responded to questions regarding problems with the restrooms in Sugar House Park and miscellaneous problems in Fairmont Park. The fence between the park and I-80 is in need of repair as well as inadequate lighting in some places. He indicated that the restrooms are closed in the winter time but indicated that they are working on these problems. He indicated that there have been some arrests made in Fairmont Park. He indicated that any help we can give the police in these areas would be appreciated. It was also reported that the cars parked on the Herzog station lot have been removed and the owner is cooperating with this problem. 13th East/Wilmington Crossing: The KOPE Kids and Lynne Olson made a presentation of suggestions for a crossing from the West side of 13th East to the East side at approximately Wilmington Ave. This is of interest to the kids because they have played a special part in the Hidden Hollow area for many years and they realize there is no way for people to safely cross from Hidden Hollow over into Sugar House Park. They suggested three possibilities: l) a crosswalk, 2) a tunnel under 13th East, 3)a sky walk over 13th East. They suggest that a crosswalk is more dangerous than the other alternatives. A skywalk would cost more and would block the view between Hidden Hollow and Sugar House Park as well as cause an interruption of traffic during construction. A tunnel could possibly present flooding problems and would need lots of lighting. The kids are suggesting a tunnel as the best solution to this problem. A motion was made that we support the KOPE Kids in getting something done to provide a grade separated crossing across 13th East at Wilmington Ave. Discussion suggested a possibility of locating the tunnel along Parley’s creek. The voting was unanimous with 11 in favor and none opposed. A poll of the audience showed a unanimous approval as well. Vision for Sugar House Survey: Su Armitage presented a survey to help us better understand what the Sugar House residents would like to see for our area in the future and what the major concerns of the neighbors are. Su asked those in attendance to fill out the survey and turn it in or bring it to the next meeting. Copies of this survey are being distributed by trustees as well. It is our hope that we will get a good response from this survey so we can better address issues of concern in the future. Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud reported that the issue of flag lots and planned unit developments has been assigned to a staff person, Ray McCandless, to start looking at. The Commercial Business/Neighborhood Commercial zoning issues have been delayed a bit to allow the city to work more with some of the small businesses. The last day for RDA requests was last Monday. Two requests in our area are from Woodbury and their proposal for parking associated with the Redman building and from Mecham associated with the walkway between the proposed Park View Plaza II building down to Hidden Hollow. Bill reported that the Sugar House Master plan process is continuing and they are currently looking at the housing issues. The Planning Dept. is working with Woodbury on their proposed plans for the Redman bldg. There is a lot needed to do what they would like with this project. Bill reported that the proposedFairmont Pool bid came in at 1.7 million over the proposed budget. As a result, they have redesigned the building in an effort to reduce the cost. Changes include less glass on the outside of the building and more cinder block. The original wing design on the roof will be eliminated with a flat roof instead. The inside will be much the same. The spa and Jacuzzi will be eliminated unless a donor can be found that would fund them. They have downgraded the mechanical design with less acoustic design for a savings of $600,000. The county would like to break ground for this facility in May. The extensive changes in the plans could possibly require the plan to go back to the Planning Commission for approval. Bill assured us that the plans still provided a fun and modem look for the pool. There were some objections to not coming back to the community council with the revised plans. There were objections to the non-historical design. The question was also asked how this would affect a future proposal for housing on the block to the North as has been suggested in the Master Plan. How would it affect the view etc. Bill reported that Mecham has revised their plans for the Park View Plaza II building again and want to go back to the Planning Commission the 1st of April. They have compressed the building a bit more from North to South. The setback is narrower, from 124 ft. down to 120 Ft. The height is still the same.  Our concerns still remain about the same as they have been with previous proposals.  Zone Change for Reavely Engineers at 1515 So. 11thEast:  Ron Reavely and David Wagner presented their plans for a small parcel of land East of the alley behind their current property. They would like to build a small storage shed and add additional parking. This small lot is zoned residential and the rest of their property is zoned residential/business. They own the small lot. There was a concern for the feelings of the adjacent neighbor. We were assured that he was in favor of the proposal. The motion was made that we recommend approval contingent on a letter from the neighbor, Ryan Miller, of his approval. The voting was 5 in favor, 4 opposed, 3 abstaining. Hidden Hollow Landscape: MGB & A have met with Fred Babcock to discuss the interface between Hidden Hollow and the Park View Plaza II proposal. A contract has been awarded for the landscaping of Hidden Hollow. The grading on the South side has already started. The North side of the bridge will need to be built up to match the South side. There are concerns that access through the Park View Plaza II area down into Hidden Hollow doesn’t meet trail criteria for a main entrance into the Hollow. The proposed stairway is only 8 ft. wide with walls on both sides. This is not wide enough to meet the criteria. SLC Transportation Advisory Board Discussion: Phil Carrol, from the avenues area and Suzanne Weaver, our representative on this board, explained a bit about the purpose of this board and the kinds of issues they deal with. Their mission statement is, “The Transportation Advisory Board exists to provide informed citizen and community input, guidance, direction, and recommendations to the Transportation Division, Mayor, City Council, and other city boards and commissions regarding transportation decisions and issues that affect neighborhoods and Salt Lake City as a whole.” Phil talked about some the things that have been done in the avenues area regarding traffic problems. He indicated the design of the street should reflect the use of the street. They continue to maintain that “traffic calming” does not deal with volume, only speed. Miscellaneous Bits of Information: Doris Williams indicated that another CERT training class was going to begin soon and those interested should contact those doing the training. Su Armitage handed out copies of an article from Time magazine regarding a planned development in California that is entitled: “Back to the Garden: A Suburban Dream”. Kathy Daly told us that the plans for the expansion of the Sprague Library are in the design/drawing phase. Plans are to break ground in early fall and it is expected to be a 9-12 month project. She also indicated it will probably mean that we will need to find another place for our meetings at that time. A question was also asked about the status of plans for the I-80 project and its impact on the Driggs Ave. neighborhood. Those neighbors are very concerned of what this will mean for their homes. Agenda items SLC Public Utilities Dept. Information and Proposed New Credit Union Bldg. were pulled from the agenda prior to the meeting. Adjourned at 9:45 PM.   

Landon Clark
[email protected]