SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2001


DATE:              WEDNESDAY March 7, 2001PLACE:            FOREST DALE CLUB HOUSE – 2375 SO. 900 EASTTIME:                7:00 PM Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting AGENDA 7:00 – 7:10         Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval                        Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:15        Public Input7:15 – 7:30         Organizational Issues                                    Trustee Issues                                   Introduction of new trustees – Kevan Adams,                                        Gary Bengtzen, Fred Conlon, Jared Fredrick,                                       Justin Jones, Todd Slack, E. Paddington Campos,
Jefferson Burgess, Julie Nitzkowski7:30 – 7:40         Voice Stream Wireless Antennae – 22nd East 27th So. on                                    telephone pole in residential back yard – Rock Schutjer7:40 – 7:55         Proposal for Chevron Station at 21st So. and 13th East 7:55 – 8:05         Unit Legalization Ordinance Update – Greg Mikalash8:05 – 8:15         Youth City Government Report – Monica Shelton8:15 – 8:25         Mayors Open Space Advisory Committee Report – Jeff Salt8:25 – 8:35         Legislature Update – Ty McCartney8:35 – 8:40         8:40 – 8:45         Sugar House Historical Report – Susan Petheram8:45 – 8:55         Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson8:55                  Adjourn FUTURE MEETINGS:                 April Agenda Deadline – March 16, 2001 –                         Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1664           SHCC Executive Meeting – March 19, 2001 – 7:00 PM –                        Contact Alice for place            Next Community Council Meeting – April 4, 2001 – 7:00 PM THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM Questions: Call  Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181                         Vice Chair Su Armitage – 487-2321                        Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170                        Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663                       Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352                        Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on: *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the Internet or are no longer interested in receiving them pleasecall Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************
SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMINUTES FOR March 7, 2001 (Corrected) Trustees:  Alice Edvalson, Rawlins Young, Ruth Price, Rich Bennett, Fred Conlon, Ray Pugsley, Gayen Wharton, Lynne Olson, Kevan Adams, Todd Slack, Justin Jones, Dorothy Tuddenham, Jared Fredrick, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Gary Bengtzen, Jefferson Burgess, Gene Davis, Ty McCartney, E. Paddington Campos, Su Armitage  (21)  Excused:  Tiffany Starbuck, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, Greg Mikolash, SLC Planning Dept.; Diane Olsen, Officer Scott Peck, SLC Police Dept.; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Jeff Salt, Mayor’s Open Space Advisory Committee; Monica Shelton, Youth City Government (8) Others: Jerry Schmidt, Beverly Takos, Tom Nitzkowski, Edward Glashien, Susan Petheram, David Kohmann, Cloyd Jennings, Karin Whitlock, Pat Nielson, Milton Braselton, Reva Servoss, Ashley Ashten, Bill Servoss, Sherry Baranowski, Kathy Campbell, Ron Hopkins, Janet Hopkins, Bruce-Dort Sigvardt, Jeff Adams, Tom Para, Heather Tritten, Melissa Lichtenstein, Brett Palmer, James Ewell, Matt Schutjer, Rock Schutjer,  (26) Total Attending – 54 Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley.  The minutes were approved. There was no Treasurer’s report since Doloreswas unable to attend the meeting. CHAIR REPORT: Chair, Ray Pugsley indicated that Hawthorne and Beacon Heights Elementary Schools are among those considered for closing. Questions concerning the closing of the schools can be directed to Kathy Black or Janice Clemmer at 578-8599. The City is still looking at the possibilities for a skateboard park in Fairmont Park. The City Parks and Recreation Dept. is not in favor of closing the SE Corner parking lot and they are looking at placing the skateboard park at the old swimming pool. If anyone has comments regarding this issue, please call Barry Esham at 535-7971. The SLC Police officers working in the area are in favor of the SE Corner parking lot because of the many problems they are having in that area. The Police are encouraging anyone seeing inappropriate activity in the area to contact them as quickly as possible. They would also like to hear comments on keeping the gate to the 9th East parking lot locked. Ray read information regarding a Governor’s program to help young people to learn important values called “Light the Fire Within”. This program is associated with the Olympics. If anyone has comments or input regarding “flag” lots, call Doug Wheelwright in the Planning Dept. (535-7282). Ray noted that the Walgreen’s construction is getting ready to start. The area is fenced off and businesses have all vacated. We will see demolition begin soon. Helen Peters indicated that Ballet West is still negotiating with the RDA on their proposed development on Wilmington Ave. Ray read a notice from Highland High for a night for parents with information on the Internet & Pornography. This will be held March 22 from 7 – 8 PM in the auditorium. The City Library also has a brochure available, titled “Child Safety on the Internet.” There will be open houses for a review of the new Sugar House Master Plan in the Highland High library on Mar. 29 from 7-9 PM, Mar. 30 from 7-9 PM, and on Mar. 31 from 2-4 PM. Everyone is invited to attend. PUBLIC INPUT:            Gene Davis asked if the proposed street connection between Wilmington and Sugarmont is still in the new master plan. He suggests that we should look for other routes between 13th East and 9th East because of the congestion and impact on the neighborhood that will probably be created by the new swimming pool, the new 24 Hour Fitness and other activities in that area.            Melissa Lichtenstein asked about the status of the proposed transitional home on 9th East. Ray indicated the Planning Dept. is still working on the zone change required for this.            A question was asked why 9th East had been changed down to one lane from South Temple to 13th South. It was explained that this is an experimental effort to calm the traffic and was done in response to a citizens’ petition to make it safer for those living along 9th East. It is anticipated that this will be extended South at least to 21st South when the resurfacing is done in that area.            Jerry Schmidt indicated that the city has been looking at changes to the left turn light at 27th So. and Highland drive but found that the current panel will not allow the necessary changes. When they look at putting in a new pole Jerry asked that they consider widening the intersection to accommodate trucks. Jerry also asked us to invite Kevin Young to the April meeting to discuss this.           A question was asked where everyone is going to park once the Fairmont Pool is opened. It was indicated that the parking area next to it would be opened back up again and possibly additional parking would be put where the tennis courts are. The City is waiting to see what the parking demands are actually going to be.            There was a question asked regarding the Bailey development at 1948 So. 1700 East. There has apparently been a petition to change the buffer along the fence line. The neighbors are not happy with that and want the buffer to remain what was originally agreed upon.            A question was asked regarding the closing of schools on the East side. This, along with the high cost of housing in this area does not encourage young families to move into the area. It was wondered if the community was doing anything to solve this problem. It was noted that the Unit Legalization issue only adds to that problem because many of the older homes have been converted into apartments leaving only small homes with not enough space for larger families. Legislature Update:           Senator Gene Davis and Representative Ty McCartney reported that the session that has just concluded was both interesting and exciting. Public education and higher education got a lot of attention. A 4% increase in the tuition for higher education was passed and there was a 13% increase in the budget for public education. They are going to make more block grants available for use in the public schools. There was a bill passed that would allow mothers to be able to release infants for adoption without signatures. There has been a change in the graduated driver license laws for young drivers. They are a bit more lenient than first proposed. The Questar bill that was passed last year was repealed. The Legislature passed an appropriation of $200,000 for the Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) Program. This bill was sponsored by Ty McCartney. They feel that the ethics and hate crime bills will probably be addressed again in the special session. Any comments or questions on any legislature issues can be addressed to Senator Gene Davis at 538-1035, E-mail[email protected] or to Representative Ty McCartney at 631-1515, [email protected] . Police Report:           Officer Scott Peck who works with Highland High indicated he and James Ewell who is also working with him would welcome any comments or concerns regarding problems at Highland. They can be reached at 484-4343 X195.  Diane Olsen indicated that car prowls in the area are out of control. There have been 52 in 1 month. She again encouraged people to leave their cars locked and not leave things inside that attract break-ins. She indicated they are working on problems in the Windsor Circle area where there was recently a shooting. Library Report:            Kathy Daly reported that the opening celebration for the new addition will be held on April 21 at 10:30 AM and invited everyone to attend. She also indicated that we can begin holding our community council meetings back there beginning with our next meeting.  Sugar House has received national attention due to articles written by Kathy in the Journal of Public Libraries. Organizational Issues:           We received a petition for a new trustee from Susan Petheram living in the Fairmont neighborhood. The motion was made to accept her and was unanimously approved. Ray asked that prospective trustees submit their petitions before the 3rd Monday of the month, to give the Executive Committee time to review the petition prior to the council meeting. Other business and introductions from the new trustees was postponed again because of the shortness of time. Voice Stream Wireless Antennae:            Matt and Rock Schutjer presented a proposal to mount a wireless antenna on an existing utility pole in the back yard at 2267 East 27th South. There would be compensation made for space on the pole and for the utility box on the ground. A motion was made to approve the request. Voting was 13 in favor, 1 opposed, 6 abstaining. Chevron Station at 21st South & 13th East Proposal:            Dave Kohmann and Jeff Adams presented a proposal for a new building at this location. The proposal would have the new building located on the existing vacant lot to the West of the current car wash, facing 13th East with the car wash in the rear of the building and the pumps and parking in front. They indicated that the City would vacate the alley between the vacant lot and the Redman building. The Chevron people said they would deed their share of the vacated alley plus 6 additional feet to Woodbury for the Redman development. They also need to acquire land on the South from Woodbury for the new car wash. Rawlins Young recommended that the alley not be vacated and that it remain a public right of way. A motion was made to end the discussion on this issue with voting 11 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 abstaining. A motion was then made to accept the proposal with the voting 8 in favor, 6 opposed and 4 abstaining. Unit Legalization Ordinance Update:            Greg Mikolash from the Planning Dept. handed out a document that gave general information and steps required for legalizing excess dwelling units on a property. It is necessary to have all dwelling units on a property legally recognized by the city. In most cases building permits for modifications may not be issued until all units have been legalized. This is also an important issue when homes are sold. The Unit Legalization process may also be triggered if neighbors file a complaint, for instance, about too many cars parked at an apartment/house. Unit legalizations are reviewed by the Community Council before being approved by the City. Questions can be directed to Greg at 535-7752. Youth City Government Report:            Monica Shelton reported that Youth City Government is an exciting opportunity for high school students throughout Salt Lake City to make a difference in their community. This program is in all the city schools, both public and private. They have been involved in the design of the Jordan Skateboard Park and would like to be involved in the design of the proposed one for Fairmont Park. They are also concerned about transportation and they discuss important issues like race, culture, and class. Questions or comments can be address to Monica Shelton at 535-7917 or[email protected] . Mayor’s Open Space Advisory Committee (MOSAC) Report:            Jeff Salt indicated that the Open Space Master Plan is available at the City. This committee has been actively meeting for 13 months now under the direction of the Mayor. They are looking at open space issues throughout the city. This is a citizen, volunteer committee and they are looking for new members from all parts of the city and persons with varied interests.  MOSAC meets at the City/County Building on the 4th Wed. of each month at 5:30 PM. Merchants 4th of July Street Festival:            Fred Conlon reported that this festival is being planned for the 4th of July from 9 AM – 5 PM. Highland Drive will be closed from Wilmington to 21st South. There will be booths of all sorts with displays and vendors participating. There will be entertainment of different types including performers from Ballet West. Fred asked the community council for two letters, one in support of the street closure, and the second in support of the activity. A motion was made that we send the two letters and that we support a booth to inform people of the activities of the Sugar House Community Council. The voting was 16 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining. Sugar House Historical Report:            Susan Petheram reported on efforts to create a Sugar House Historical Society. She said the mission would be to serve as a central resource for history and preservation in the Sugar House community. The society would act to protect and promote the rich history of Sugar House and the aspects that give the community its unique character. Many people have done research on the Sugar House area over the years and the goal of this Historical Society would be to bring these efforts together under a collective roof and make the information available to the whole community. Susan listed several steps necessary to organize such an effort and encouraged those present to give what help they can and get involved in this effort. Contact Susan at 467-7657, [email protected] Planning Dept. Update:            Melissa Anderson of the Planning Dept. handed out flyers with information on the open houses for the review of the new Sugar House Master Plan (see information above). She explained a bit about what was happening on the Bailey property (see question in Public Comments). A motion was made that we send a letter to the City to reinforce our desire that the original proposed set back buffer be maintained as it was originally approved by us. The voting was 14 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]