SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2002


WEDNESDAY March 6, 2002



PLACE:            SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:05         Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Chair Report,                         Treasurers Report7:05 – 7:10         Public Input7:10 – 7:15         Organizational Issues                          Olympic Pins                          Tote Bags                          SHCC Purpose Statement Update7:15 – 7:20         Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:20 – 7:25         Police Update7:25 – 7:35         Dilworth School Update – Kathy Black7:35 – 7:40         Smith’s Food Update – Helen Peters7:40 – 8:00        Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson                          Westminster Small Area Master Plan Planning Process8:00 – 8:10         Center City School Report (Charter School on Redwood Rd.)                                                                       Nancy Winitsky8:10 – 8:30         Emigration Creek Update – Ray McCandless                        SHCC Trails Committee Report & Recommendation8:30 – 8:35         ECHO Rebuttal on Emigration Creek Update8:35 – 8:50         Zone Change from RB to CN at 2816 So. Highland Drive                        with intent to build a Service Station/Restaurant                                                Charles Moore, Spectra Construction8:50 – 9:10         Ballet West Proposal – Mike Vela HKS Architects 9:10                  Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS:April Agenda Deadline – March 15, 2002 –                                    Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – March 18, 2002 – 7:00 PM –                                    Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – April 3, 2002 – 7:00 PM –                                    Sprague Library             THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library   Questions: Call      Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708            Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340           Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352            Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153            Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them pleasecall Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************______________________________________________________________________________________Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for March 6, 2002 Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Gary Bengtzen, Rich Bennett, Philip Carlson, Alice Edvalson, Paul Jackson, Justin Jones, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Claudia O’Grady, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Todd Slack, Martin Smith, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (22)Trustees Excused: Paddington Campos, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling, Tiffany StarbuckCity/State Representatives: Debbie Gabrenas, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, Ray McCandless, SLC Planning Dept.; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Diane Olsen, Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police; Kathy Black, SLC School Board (7)Others:  Milton Braselton, Amy Price, Barbara Green, Ron Weber, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Chris Bowler, Jenifer Johnson, Tina Rowell, Tom Judd, Gina Thompson, Melissa Lichtenstein, Bob Guyt, Edward Glashien, Gary Findlay, Brooke Crismon, Reva Servoss, Bill Servoss, Marion Cook, John Hansen, H. M. Hart, Joe Edman, Charles Moore, Russ Naylor, Glen Decker, Mark St. Andre, Vince Rampton, Jan Striefel, Mike Vela, Heather Randall, Susan Crook, Johann Jacobs, Richard Lane, Jared ???, Mark Vlasic (35)Total Attending: 64 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. The minutes from the February meeting were approved with the addition of Tiffany Starbuck to the trustees that were excused. Chair Report:Ray reported there will be an open house for the review and public comment for the SLC Bike Plan at the Forest Dale Golf Club House on Thursday, March 21 from 4-7 PM.  The plan can be viewed at the web site.Ray also reported that Al Woodruff passed away last month.  Al had been a very active volunteer in the Highland Park neighborhood.Ray encouraged everyone to get involved in the political caucuses that will be held on March 25.  The Paralympics will begin with the torch run and the opening ceremonies on Thursday.  There is a need for volunteers to help the City with stuffing the envelopes for the mailing of our agenda and minutes. Anyone willing to help please contact Barry Esham at 535-7971. Ray also thanked Lynne Olson for doing the minutes for the March meeting in Alice’s absence and welcomed Alice back following surgery. Public Input:Tina Rowell from Jack’s Drum & Guitar Shop on Highland Drive said that the 4th of July celebration is being planned again for this summer and asked for volunteers to help both prior and during the event.  Anyone interested can contact her at the drum shop or Lynn Rassmussen at SL Pizza & Pasta, or Barbara Green at Smith-Crown on 11th East. She reported that the Sugar House Merchants Association is also making an effort to get artists to exhibit their work and musicians to perform outdoors on the sidewalks into the Sugar House Business area. Organizational Issues:Olympic Pins – This has been a very successful fund raising project for our community council.  There are very few pins left (less than 6).Tote Bags – There are still a few of the tote bags left.  These are very nice dark blue bags with the Sugar House Community Council logo and web addresses printed on the side.  These are available for a $5 donation to the community council.  Anyone interested please call Alice at 485-1663. SHCC Purpose Statement – Kevan Adams, representing the By-Laws committee has been working on this for several months and presented the proposed changes to Article III of our Articles of Incorporation (which contain the objects, purposes and scope of the community council) and the proposed changes to our Mission Statement.  A motion was made that we accept the proposed changes. During the discussion, Rawlins Young stated that we shouldn’t change the Articles of Incorporation since that is the document that was submitted to the State as part of our non-profit corporation application and should not be changed. He is suggesting that the changes be incorporated into our by-laws. Helen suggested that we look at how we would do that and moved that we amend the motion to accept the proposed mission statement and look at how we can incorporate the changes to the purpose statement into the by-laws. The voting was 14 in favor, 0 opposed, 4 abstaining. The proposed mission statement states: “The mission of the Sugar House Community Council is to involve citizens in identifying issues, plans, and projects that enhance the beauty, safety, vibrancy, and human-scale character of Sugar House neighborhoods, businesses, and historical and natural resources.  The council sponsors, supports, and provides a voice on such issues to governing bodies, public and private service agencies, the community at large and any other organization or individual that may directly affect the vitality of the Sugar House area and its residents.” Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham reported “THE OLYMPICS ARE OVER!!!” The Mayor’s office is now trying to get back in the swing of “normal” things.  There will be a Saturday Morning With The Mayor on March 30 at 511 West 200 South. Helen Peters asked Barry to check on the street lights that are still out under the overpass at Highland Drive and I-80. Su Armitage thanked Barry for his help with those people that had a broken water main recently. She asked about the downtown activities that the Mayor is trying to keep going. Barry said the City is working on having ongoing activities downtown each weekend. Justin Jones asked if there was a schedule for these activities. Barry said the City is working on that too. If anyone has comments or questions regarding these activities, they can contact Barry at [email protected]  Police Update – Diane OlsenDiane reported that the crime reports that they usually have available at our meetings are now available on a web site ( She indicated that the crime in our area is not getting worse, but not any better either. The police were very pleased with the lack of crime or problems during the Olympics. They were expecting and ready for the worse and it just didn’t happen. Visiting Boy Scout Troops:Boy Scout Troop 172 from the Highland area and Troop 62 from the Forest Dale area were in attendance working on their merit badge for community government. Dilworth School Update – Kathy BlackKathy reported that the School Board met last night. Discussions included the closure of Lowell and Rosslyn Heights Elementary schools. Washington Elementary school will continue its Open classroom program, Hawthorne Elementary will carry the ELP (Extended Learning) program, Ensign Elementary will continue with the C & A lab. The decision was made that Dilworth Elementary will be torn down and rebuilt in the present location. Students will move to Rosslyn Heights school during the construction. The Jewish Community Center has been looking at purchasing the Douglas School. The Children’s Behavior Therapy Unit (CBTU) is proposed to go to the Rosslyn Heights School. Rawlins Young suggested that there be more community oriented facilities at the Dilworth School when it is rebuilt. He is also concerned with the reuse of the Lowell and Rosslyn Heights schools. Kathy said they will be used (at least for awhile) to house students whose schools are being rebuilt. Rawlins also asked that the neighbors of both of those schools be involved in any reuse of those buildings. Kevan Adams asked about future plans for Highland Park Elementary. Kathy said that is way down the line for any changes. Sheila O’Driscoll asked about dates for the rebuild for Dilworth. Kathy said they haven’t even looked at drawings yet. They are looking at the boundaries now. The architect will be Layton and they are meeting with them now. Smith’s Update – Helen PetersA meeting was held on Feb. 23 to discuss this issue. The decision was made at the meeting that the community council should re-affirm the design as described in our Master Plan and as required by the Sugar House Business District zone, which would require the building be fronted, at least in part, on 21st South with the parking to the back. The SLC Planning Dept. has taken this same position. As of this date, Smith’s has not come back to the City with any further request so it was felt that no further action on our part is needed at this time. Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson:In April Melissa will be evaluating the zoning in the business district. She is also looking at a new lighting design for the neighborhoods and will present her findings at our April meeting. She has submitted five applications for RDA funding: 1) replace all the brick pavers within the Sugar House RDA project area, 2) replace streetlights in the Sugar House RDA Project area, 3) investigate alternatives for a pedestrian/bicycle crossing of 13th East, 4) the improvement and restoration of the Sugar House Monument and plaza, 5) technical assistance for the Sugar House Business District Small Area Plan.Lynne Olson made a motion that we send a letter to the City Council in support our CDBG applications. The motion was amended to also include two additional projects that had been recommended by the Mayor, 1) the skate board park in Fairmont Park, 2) the extension of Parley’s Trail through the Sugar House area. Voting was 17 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstaining.Mark Vlasic and Jan Striefel of Landmark Design explained the process that will be used for the Westminster neighborhood Small Area Master Plan. The area for this plan will include 17th to 21st South and 7th to 13th East. This plan will allow a closer look at the neighborhoods in the areas of urban design characteristics, preservation of the housing stock, traffic, parking, mobility, and will also look at the closing of McClelland St. north of 21st South or other alternatives. The planning process is anticipated to take approximately 6 months and will include workshops and public meetings. Representatives from the neighborhoods, business and Westminster College are needed to be a part of this process. A public meeting is planned for April 11, 7-9 PM at the Sugar House Boys & Girls Club. Anyone interested is invited to attend this meeting. Rawlins suggested that those involved with the 9th East and Hollywood traffic committees be included. Center City School Report – Nancy WinitskyThis is a public charter school located at 55 N. Redwood Road (1755 W. North Temple). They are a service/cooperative based learning school and are open to any students (grades 7-9) in Utah. Their mission is: To provide best practices in secondary education for a diverse student community to prepare young adults for successful and happy lives, and to share best practices in secondary education with other schools.” For more information call (801)596-8489. Emigration Creek Update – Ray McCandless, SLC PlanningThe SLC Open Space Master Plan was updated in 1992. A petition has been received from a group of citizens, Emigration Creek Homeowners and Occupants (ECHO) that is asking the City to amend this plan by removing the Emigration Trail from the plan. This request was presented to the Planning Commission, but due to recent addition of some of the commissioners and their lack of understanding of this issue, they asked that another hearing be scheduled and that additional information be given them prior to that time and that there be a public hearing scheduled for the next review. Following the hearing with the Planning Commission, this issue will also be presented to the City Council where another public hearing will be held. It was pointed out that there is a distinction between the “corridor” as described in the plan and a “trail” that was not specifically defined in the plan. Lynne Olson summarized the issues raised by the ECHO group and the discussion from a meeting of the SHCC Trails sub-committee that was held on Feb. 25. The recommendation from the sub-committee is: “That we affirm that Emigration Creek corridor as identified in the Open Space Plan is an open space corridor; that an official planning process should take place; and that another map should be drawn that identifies a route where the trail is feasible.” Vince Rampton, the attorney for ECHO, again stated the desire of their petition to remove the Emigration Trail from the plan. A motion was made that we accept the recommendation of the trails sub-committee. Discussion included the rights of property owners, the difficulty of a trail in some areas of the creek, and the desirability of a trail in other places. Due to the length of the discussion, a motion was made to extend the discussion for 5 more minutes and was passed. Finally a motion was made to end the debate with a vote of 12 in favor, 5 opposed, and 2 abstaining. The vote on the original motion to accept the recommendation of the trails sub-committee was 15 in favor, 1 opposed, and 3 abstaining. Zone Change from RB to CN at 2816 So. Highland Drive – Charles MooreMr. Moore, the Realtor, and Russ Naylor, the architect for this proposal, indicated they wanted to build a restaurant and gas station at this location. John Arrington, the current property owner, was not present. The zone change is needed in order to have a drive-thru for the restaurant. The ingress/egress would be on Highland Drive. At the present time there are two homes located on this property, both have been rental property but one of the renters has just recently moved. The property has been allowed to deteriorate over the past several years. There was a lot of concern with the traffic problems that would be created with this kind of activity on this already busy intersection. The developers felt that the CN zone would be a good buffer between the surrounding residential and adjoining commercial business. Jan Striefel, who owns a business nearby felt that the RB zone should be kept and that the homes should be fixed up and made into some nice small business that would have a low level of traffic. A motion was made that we reject the proposal with voting 16 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining. Ballet West Proposal – Mike Vela & Susan CrookMike explained the site design for a new rehearsal facility and conservatory for Ballet West on Wilmington Ave. south of Hidden Hollow. There would be an underground parking under the western part of the main building that would provide parking for 75 cars. The service and mechanical would also be contained in the underground area. The building would be made of glass and cast in place concrete and some of the glass windows would have a curtain with designs representing the kind of activity that is going on in the building. Susan explained the landscape design. They indicated that a model of the building is going to be available in the next week or so and they would arrange to have it on display at the library. The general feel of those in attendance is that this will be a wonderful addition to the business district. The motion was made that we give them a vote of confidence in the plan as presented to us so they can move ahead in the process of presenting the plan to the Planning Commission. There was much more discussion on the details of the building. A motion was made and approved that we continue the discussion for another five minutes. The initial motion to give them a vote of confidence was approved with 14 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstaining. At the end of the meeting Ruth Price wanted to go on record saying that she objected to the fact that a certain City map that was used here at this meeting had not been available at the sub-committee meeting and had been taken away before the end of this meeting. Paddington Campos also wanted it on record that he did not recall making a statement that was attributed to him in the Trails committee minutes. The meeting adjourned at 10:00. 

Landon Clark
[email protected]