SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2003

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2003


March 7, 2003


From Sugar House




Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Philip Carlson, Alice Edvalson, Deedra Hansen-Lambert, Michael G. Kavanagh, Julie Nitzkowski, Claudia O’Grady, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Martin Smith, Grace Sperry, Gina Thompson, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (18)

Trustees Excused

Chris Bowler, Dolores Donohoo, Susan Petheram

City/State Representatives

Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library, Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office, Janice Lew, Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning, Dale Lambert, SLC Council (5)


Tom Nitzkowski, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Melissa Lichtenstein, Don Zarkou, Michael Lane, Carrie Fances, Tina Rowell, Joseph Z. Buffington II, Neil Stewart, Kitty Stewart, Jacob Reeves, Phil Blomquist, Janet Howe, Richard Howe, Claudia Pack, Emil Kmet, Maureen Simes, Lavena M. Smith, Tom Judd (20)TOTAL ATTENDING (43)

Meeting Minutes

The meeting began at 7:00 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. A correction in the minutes for February was noted, the petition of Paddington Campos expires in 2004 instead of 2003 as had been indicated in the February meeting. Ray Pugsley noted that he should have been excused for the January meeting. The minutes approved with these corrections.

Treasurer’s Report

Dolores Donohoo was excused but she reported no activity during the month of February.

Chair Report

Helen noted an increase in graffiti in the neighborhood and encouraged people to report it. Helen noted several public hearings coming up, including: 1) A Planning Commission hearing regarding the zoning ordinance relating to restaurant use definitions and options for shared and off-site parking for the CN, CB, and CS zones, 2) A Board of Adjustment hearing for a request by Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream to expand and modify their building at 850 East 2100 South, 3) A SLC Land Use Appeals Board hearing regarding two utility buildings for water fluoridation equipment at 1285 East 2700 South and 1907 East 2700 South. Helen also reported: 1) The SLC Planning and Zoning Division is proposing changes to the Historic Preservation Overlay District Ordinance, 2) The Smith’s Food and Drug Store’s request for a conditional use permit for redevelopment of the site located at 2135 South 900 East was denied by the SLC Planning Commission, 3) The SLC Planning Commission will be discussing the Highland Dental Plaza at their March 12 meeting, 4) The Sugar House Central Business District maintenance shed in Fairmont Park is scheduled to be demolished shortly. A new shed will be built on Simpson Ave. between Fire Station No. 3 and Deseret Industries. Helen also noted that the SLC Planning Commission will be holding a briefing on the Westminster Small Area Master Plan. Helen always has printed information available at each meeting regarding the Chair Report.

Public Input

Kitty Stewart – Kitty complained about the information that was reported in the paper regarding the water rates, feeling that it was very difficult to understand. She wondered who is going to pay for the water for the golf courses and the plants on Main Street. Tina Rowell, representing the Merchant’s Association, was concerned about the decision on the Smith’s store and was concerned about Smith’s closing the store and leaving a mess. She also noted that the Merchants need more volunteers to help with the 4th of July street festival in Sugar House. Maureen Simes – representing the Elm neighborhood, feels that the needs and feelings of the immediate neighborhood were not considered in the decisions that were made regarding the Smith’s Food proposal. She would like to take anyone on a tour of the neighborhood to show them what they feel are the problems. Tom Judd – felt that people do not walk to businesses in the area and feels that the emphasis on “Walkable Community” issues for the Smith’s proposal is not realistic. He feels that Smith’s is not a business that people walk to and feels that the council doesn’t listen to the neighborhood. Lavena Smith – she expressed a shame of the community council because of the decisions made about Smith’s. She doesn’t feel we are listening to them.

QWest Communication Facility at 21st South and Foothill Drive

Ralph Vigil was not available for the presentation.

Utah Heritage Foundation – Historic Tour Information

They have asked to be rescheduled for the April meeting.

Telecommunication facility – 675 E. 21st So. – Jacob Reeves

– Jacob represents T-Mobil, formerly Voicesteam. He presented a proposal for antennae that would be 10 ft. above the roof on the buildings in the 7/21 Plaza. A motion was made and seconded that we approve the request. Grace Sperry asked who they pay for the use of this space. Jacob indicated that they pay the owner of the buildings. A question was asked, how the antennae affect the little homes in the area. Jacob said there was no effect and that there have been complaints from persons who are not getting good reception because of no antennae. He has made this presentation to the Liberty-Wells Community Council and they have approved the request. Rawlins Young said that when the building was approved, it was done with a conditional use. He is concerned about a shadow that may be cast. Jacob noted that they are required to have a setback of the antennae so it won’t create a shadow. Voting on the motion was 14 in favor, 2 opposed, 0 abstaining.

Police Update

– Joyce Cheney, of the Mobile Watch program, reported in the absence of Kim Guess. Joyce noted that crime has been on the increase in the area. A printed crime report was available which included tips on recognizing suspicious circumstances and possible crimes involving persons, vehicles and property. It is hoped that this information will help in reducing the amount of criminal activity in our neighborhoods. Joyce noted a gang related shooting at the Training Table but indicated that none of the Training Table people were the involved. She also noted the increase of graffiti in the area and encouraged us to report it, indicating that the graffiti is usually removed within a few days of it being reported. There have been several robberies in the area including the Maverick and Tesoro gas stations. No arrests made been made and Police feel the robbers are armed. There have been 30 burglaries and most have been homes where there was easy entry. The business robberies involved persons mostly looking for computer equipment. There have been 19 cars actually stolen and 72 car prowls in 1 month. Joyce encouraged everyone to do things that will cut down the crime. She also expressed a real need for volunteers to work with the Mobil Watch program. She said that Kim Guess, from the Police Department will be at our meetings periodically, but the Mobil Watch people will be used more for these meetings. Tina Rowell suggested having a competition to get the kids to do some art on designated walls. Helen assigned Ray Pugsley to work with Tina to see the possibility of doing something with an art project.

Mayor’s Office update – Barry Esham

Barry suggested that Ray and Tina contact the City youth program at the Mayor’s office regarding the youth art program. Barry said that things are kind of quiet at the Mayor’s office right now and he didn’t have anything much to report. Tina Rowell asked about the possibility of having some sort of shuttle into the Sugar House Park and the Business District for the 4th celebration, as the traffic during that activity is almost impossible to deal with.

City Council Update – Dale Lambert

The rezoning of the Sugar House Business District is before the council. They have had one work session and it has been sent back to the Planning Department for some additional information. He feels there will be some changes but feels the recommendation to limit the height of future development on the Irving Schoolhouse block to 50 ft. will probably be approved and the recommendations for the Elm Ave. area will probably be approved as recommended. He feels the plan will be adopted even though there is some resistance. Dale feels that the City is paying more attention to master plans. Some council members have some reservations because they feel it is too complicated and wonder how many businesses would comply if they were built today. There is some concern whether it should go as far as 7th East. The $100,000 from the Olympic money that is tagged for Neighborhood Legacy projects is for the purchase of land, public art projects or something of long lasting value. The RDA has been in a sort of holding pattern in our area. Dale is pressing for long term projects for our area. Tina Rowell asked about using these funds to help build a storage facility for things like the Santa House and other things used in Sugar House area for special occasions. The Acadia Heights area has a proposal for a large development in the foothills. Dale is concerned because it is located in a watershed area and could have an impact on sewers etc. Ruth Price had a questioned about the Olympic money being used for acquiring property for a park and what Dale meant by a buffer. Helen noted that the area around 3350 So. Highland Drive is being looked at as a possible location for a Home Depot. Helen also noted that Trustee, Claudia O’Grady, is going to be on the Police Review Board.

Planning Department Update – Melissa Anderson

Melissa indicated that the RDA applications were due Monday. CDBG applications were submitted for the second phase of the lighting and paving projects for the business district as well as for the business district historic survey. The mayor has suggested $12,000 for the latter. The rules for the NEA design competition will be published on the City’s web site and this will start the competition. The competition will be going on during spring and summer months. Ballet West is hoping to begin construction on their facility this spring. Several questions were asked about the Smith’s proposal. Melissa explained that the request was denied by the Planning Commission and is dead unless Smith’s goes through the appeal process. Melissa is hoping to have an open house for the Sugar House Business District small area master plan sometime in the latter part of April. Melissa explained that the business district is close to being “maxed” out with traffic. There is a need to shift to a more pedestrian orientation and mixed use. Melissa explained what would be involved in the process for this plan. She will want a committee to work with her on this plan and wants representatives with various interests. Helen explained the public art proposals that have been submitted for the Sugar House Business District funded by the $50,000 from the RDA funds. The artists that have submitted the proposals are local people.

UP&L Substation Information – Greg Rutledge

Greg was unable to attend. Helen informed us that Trustee, Susan Petheram had a new baby girl – congratulations!

PUD/Flag Lot update – Gayen Wharton

Gayen feels the Westminster Small Area Master Plan will help us get some of the things done that are needed in this area. She noted that we as trustees, supported the revised ordinance for PUD/Flag lots but had given some suggestions and concerns. At a meeting that Gayen attended, our concerns were expressed and the new planning director gave some suggestions to help us. The new director seemed to be very understanding of what the fabric of our community is. Gayen reported that the Utah Symphony will not be playing in Sugar House Park for the 4th of July celebration and that the Park Authority is looking for someone else to perform. This celebration is getting so big that we need help from the City and the State in order to keep it going. They are looking at places to handle more people for the fireworks. A motion that the Sugar House Community Council send a letter indicating our support for the Merchants Association and the Sugar House Park Authority in their efforts for the 4th of July celebration. Voting was 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention. Gayen will write a draft of the letter for this. Emil Kmet of the Millcreek Planning Commission was here to answer questions regarding the development on 33rd and Highland. It was also noted that a Wal-Mart is being planned for 13th South and 3rd West.

Committee Reports

– Housing – Claudia O’Grady and Gina Thompson are currently the only members and they are looking for others to work with them. They are working with some of the City departments and are looking at the housing availability and other housing options in our area. They would like to be included in discussions of any unit legalizations we have. They will be looking at some procedures for housing issues. Activities – The Activities committee will meet at 6 PM the first Wednesday of the month. They are going to pursue a 150-year commemorative pin. They are looking for a vendor to do it. They would like to have it ready for the 4th of July this year. Su is looking at a t-shirt design for the opening of the skate park in Fairmont Park. They are also trying to plan some activities leading up to the sesquicentennial celebration in 2004. Grace Sperry presented an overriding goal for the trees in Fairmont Park and pointed out information that could be important in looking at the trees as part of the Fairmont Park Master Plan. There is a need for help with funding for the master plan for Fairmont Park.

Petition Renewal

Ruth Price presented her petition as trustee for renewal. A motion was made to accept the renewal with unanimous approval. Ronald Weber also presented a petition for being a trustee. At the present time, his neighborhood (Westminster) has a maximum number of trustees. The Executive Committee will need to look at this request at the next executive meeting to see what can be done to accommodate his request.


Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]