SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2005

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2005


March 2, 2005


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Mark Holland, Cabot Nelson, Tina Otteson, Su Armitage, Sarah Carlson, Lynne Olson, Judi Short, Janice Anderl, Derek Payne, Russell Callister, Barbara Smith, Rawlins Young, Ray Pugsley, David Lawver, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, David Mulder, Grace Sperry (21)

Trustees Excused

Bill Hable, Julie Nitzkowski, Dolores Donohoo, Michael G. Kavanagh (4)

City/State Representatives

JR Smith, SLCPD; Janeel Ericksen, SLCPD; Dale Lambert, SLC Council; Barry Eshem, SLC Community Affairs (4)


Beverly Miller, Lex Hemphill, Kathy Wheadon, Beth Bowman, Dennis Guysell (5) (Others not listed)

Meeting minutes

Call to order at 7:05pm, Mark Holland, conducting. Minutes of the last meeting were amended to excuse Ray Pugsley and Dolores Donohoo. Ray Pugsley moved to approve these minutes with a second from Judi Short. Approved 13-0-0.

Chair Announcements

There will be a hearing with the SLC Planning Commission tomorrow regarding the Redmond Building at 1240 E 2100 S which seeks to allow 6 commercial units, 8 residential units and onsite parking. Also, the SLC Planning Commission will discuss zoning amendments for department stores in various commercial zoning. This might be applicable to SHCC. Qwest Communication & SLC utilities want a portion of 1235 E 3300 S Canal to allow utility space. The SHCC received a petition for Art Haddow of 1190 E 2700 S #3, in the Forest Dale neighborhood. He is a resident of Colonial Pines Condominium. He was also the founder and chair of Imperial Community Council (now a part of Canyon Rim Community Council) and currently owns Premier Van Lines. Grace Sperry moved to accept the petition with Susan Petheram seconding, 15-0-0.

Treasurer Report

Dolores Donohoo was not present.

Public Input

None. Lynne Olson distributed handouts mentioning a transportation meeting to be held on March 9 regarding The Year 2040 plan.

Crime Update

Janeel Eriksen–who succeeded Alicia Orgill–is stepping aside to have Officer JR Smith represent the SLPD. JR Smith noted that crime numbers numbers have dropped. The SLPD knew that the SHCC wanted a traffic count of Highland Drive. From a count taken on Feb 28, the SLPD counted 7700 vehicles. In other concerns, there was a drive-by shooting, but this was only considered such because of a shell casing found. A sexual assault that occured last month was between acquaintences. In fact, in most cases of home invasion, the owners know the perpetrators. Still, JR Smith reminded the SHCC to only let those whom you know in your house. He related a story from South Salt Lake. The crime number reduction of 50% was most likely due to neighborhood watch programs. Also, truancy sweeps reduce the burglary rate by 20%. Russell Callister asked about panhandlers laws. JR Smith conceded that the city won’t prosecute, but he recommended that if you are approached, give a sign to reject–such as a hand up–then walk away. JR Smith’s phone number is 799-4640. You can also call Janeel at 799-4632.

City Council update

Dale Lambert spoke aobut RDA concerns from the state legislature, primarily the opponents of RDAs. The bill would exclude RDA funds on the soccer stadium, but stadium in on the backburner. Expansion of Salt Palace is a priority, as the retentions of the Outdoor Retailers and others are contingient on its expansion. Legislature took off the restaurant tax. There were other budgetary details. In Sugar House, the monument will take another year or two. The Olympic legacy project will be used on Fairmont and SH parks. Ray Pugsley inquired why the budgets are cut for mobile watch. Dale Lambert continued with an RDA clarification. The legislative proposal would gut much of the RDA, not just the ShopKo concern where private land was taken for commercial use.

Mayor’s Office report

Barry Eshem of SLC was in Annette Daley’s and Gwen Springmeyer’s stead. There was nothing to announce without them.

Clean Cities Utah

Beverly Miller, the agency’s director, addressed the SHCC. Her salary comes from Utah Energy office. The office has focused for 10 years on alternative fuels, such as natural gas, ethanol or biodiesel. Beverly provided handouts. Biodiesel is typically blended to regular diesel fuel. Her office also studies fuel efficiency and gas-electric hybrid cars. She is also concerned about the new Huntsman administration’s energy policy, which so far has emphasized more extraction than conservation.

Land Use and Zoning Committee

By Helen Peters. 1) Barry Eshem of SLPD presented “CPTED”, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. He provided a handout. The topic was prompted by discussion on the email forum. 2) Primer for openspace: a handout presented info about a community development program. There was petition to Utah’s federal delegation to maintain Mt. Olivet’s open space, not let it be developed. Per its original charter, it would be under federal jurisdiction, not subject to city regulations. 3) Sugar House Business District zoning update: This handout presented the fundamental disagreements, zoning conditions, process, etc., at issue with the rezoning effort. Fellow committee participats Derek Payne and Susan Petheram presented a map of the SHBD. In one page of the SHBD rezone handout, there was an “buy-out” for residential development where a developer can donate to a housing fund rather than provide the residential space. Sarah Carlson asked about the “buy out” for the residential issue. The SHCC values 24/7 living. Helen assumed that earmarked funds would remain for SHBD area. The committee formally asked the SHCC to accept what was presented and the language. Susan Petheram’s and Derek Payne’s comments included housing. Ruth Price has concerns for her neighborhood. She said that it is misleading to claim that the community has been consulted. She hasn’t been consulted. She consulted with the chair, the city, and Westminster regarding her property’s disposition. She would vote against. She wasn’t allowed to be involved. Rawlins Young opined that the strategy is same as downtown, where you get a bonus for height, but the entire period in east downtown has not developed anything in connection with the commercial development. Sugar House has blocks for industrial use (trains in coal yards). We can’t have a street oriented development with no streets. Ruth Price moved that no letter to be sent until the meeting with Helen, with a second by Russell Callister. Motion passed 13-1-3.

Featured Sugar House Business

In a change of order in the agenda due to loss of time, Grace Sperry was asked to present the SH business spotlight, George Karahalios of GP studios, located at 2700 South and Highland Drive. George specializes in portraits, executive portraits, and was especially honored by the 2002 Olympics and the work he did for several of the receptions for Olympic officials and dignitaries.

Transportation Committee Report

By Grace Sperry. In the 2nd of 2 meetings, few residents of Highland Drive were in attendence. City government was there, including Dan Berganthal. There was a concern that packing two lanes of traffic into one would slow traffic and create bumper-to-bumper. Discrepancies in traffic count data with one conclusion that the restriping would be as successful on Highland as on 900 East. Grace pointed out that no study has been done on exactly what would happen. Rehash on idling, slow traffic, etc. Why should we do this for the very few bicycles that use Highland? One study was done at 8am on Sunday, obviously a poor sample, hardly representative.

There were more agenda adjustments to affecting the Parley’s Trail presentation, the CIP presentation, the discussion on Emerson & Wasatch Hollow, and new business.

Parley’s Trail

By Lynne Olson: Lynne introduced Lex Hemphill. They presented a large map of trails, distributed handouts, and explained each.

Dicussions about the Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Presented by Kathy Wheadon, chair of CIP board. She can be contacted at 635-4888. Of the city budget, the city council allocates 9% into CIP allocation to improve infrastructure, etc. The city budget includes all funds, taxes, permits. Of $21 million, $7.5 million was appropriated this year. The CIP board takes requests from the city departments and public and meets with those applicants. The board ranks and evaluates the requests and makes recommendations to the Mayor. The CIP board does not set policy. Helen Peters added that public art is funded by this board, too. Sherry Collins of SLC can take the applications. She can be reached at 535-6150. Tina Otteson offered to find deadlines, information, etc., about the CIP board

Emerson & Wasatch Hollow discussion

Mark Holland gave a brief background. Annette Daley had called Mark about the boundary overlaps. This concern also affected the previous SHCC chair, Helen Peters. Beth Bowman, chair of the Wasatch Hollow Community Association, and Dennis Guysell, chair of East Central CC, were both in attendance and briefly made comments and answered questions. A while ago, Bonneville was adamant to be removed from SHCC. Cabot Nelson pointed out his concerns as secretary where he’d have to explain this confusing status for prospective trustees. Dennis Guysell of ECCC wanted to know how the whole thing happened (planning districts). Rawlins Young explained that the SHCC was in line with the original commercial area. He opined that planning commission are grown up people. They can decide where the boundaries should go. Helen Peters: Nevertheless, the abmiguity remains. The function of a trustee is different than merely a member of the board. Beth Bowman: Wastach Hollow would not get the representation it deserves and needs if it were a part of SHCC. Rawlins Young continued that the change of the bylaws was a prelude to amending the articles of incorporation. Something is wrong with the mayor.


Returning to the Highland Drive restriping, Grace Sperry moved to ask for 6 months study, seconded by Janice Anderl. Grace’s additional comments in opposition to the restriping. Rex Sears said that it is inappropriate as we wanted to bring it up in April. Ray: Only those who voted against it could change their vote. It will remain tabled.


Adjourned at 10:32pm

Amendments, from April 6, 2005: Dan Bergenthal was not in attendance. Strike the comparison of Highland Drive and 9th East. Others in attendance: Bryan Case, Brad Bartholomew, Lex Hemphill, Jennie Thueson, Eric Schoenbaum, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Emil Kmet, Mike Kats, Melissa Lichtenstein, Ranae Pierce, Cindy Cromer, Beth Bowman, Dennis Guy-Sell, Glen Decker, Dennis Glass, Tom Nitzkowski, Jaelene V. Mytrup, Matt Sibul, Lucy Truitt.

Landon Clark
[email protected]