SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2010

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2010


March 3, 2010

~ Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes – March 3, 2010 ~Trustees Present – Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Jason Bradley, Laurie Bray, Jim Brown, Russ Callister, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Greg Carter, Pattie DeNunzio, Barbara Green, Mallie Jowell, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Larry Migliaccio, Cabot Nelson, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Susie Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Ed Sperry, Grace Sperry, Christopher Thomas and Rawlins Young.

Trustees Absent Excused – Sally Barraclough, Elaine Brown, Dolores Donohoo, Dave Mulder and Derek Payne

Others Present – Jaelene Y. Myrup, Betty A. Long, Travis Pearce and Melissa Lichtenstein 

Call to Order – Philip Carlson, Chair 7:01pmApproval of Minutes – Philip Carlson’s motion to approve minutes passed unanimously. 

Public Comments – none. Officer Reports 

  • Chair – If any trustee wants to attend Mayor’s breakfast talk to Philip.  Grace Sperry’s motion to approve Sandra Walsh’s petition for the Nibley Park neighborhood passed unanimously.
  • Vice Chair’s – We have revised the petition format.  If you are interested in passing a petition to someone ask Amy for the most up to date version.
  • Treasurer’s Report – Dolores Donohoo is not present.  No change in balance over last month.

Committee Reports – View committee reports on


  • Parks, Open Space & Trails – SLC Public Utilities posted findings for study on City Creek riparian corridor. Consultants for Parley’s Historic Nature Park have completed their work and will present the study to the public March 18th, 4:30-6:00 pm at the city/council building.  Imperial Neighborhood park project has received their 501©3 nonprofit status and is collecting used books for a fundraiser.  A new project being discussed is the issue of public access points through the Sugar House Business District to encourage more walkability, especially through Hidden Hollow.

  • Land Use & Zoning – The petition for Texas St rezone from institutional to residential was approved by planning commission. Lake St petition was postponed at request of petitioner so they could speak once again to the neighbors.  Alcohol normalization was created with conditions, to get more information see the LUZ committee report.  RDA will possibly announce on March 9th about Wilmington Ave project.  No new info on Redmond Bldg or Chik-Fil-A proposed projects.  Planning division open house on March 18th.
  • Transportation – Attended the Sugar House Summit to address the problem of walkability due to the 10 block layout. Encourage everyone to send walkability suggestions to the Mayor.

  • Website/Technology – Cabot Nelson’s motion “per a motion adopted in the April, 2009, SHCC meeting, we move to continue the web-hosting budget of no more than $10 per month to the Website/Internet Committee for hosting a website, payable either monthly or up to 12 months in advance” passes unanimously.

  • Bylaws – Nothing beyond motion at end of meeting.

  • Sustainability – Urban Village is sponsoring a new sharing back yards program launched in the Salt Lake Valley.  Go to our committee report for more information.

  • Historical – Received instruction from the State Archives about best practices to digitize historical documents to help committee meet their goal to digitize people’s personal collections (newspapers, pictures, etc) of Sugar House.

Monthly Presentations 

  • Police Report – Detective Cryder 801-799- 3669 –  Crime is down across the board and very low for Sugar House.  Update on I-80 overpass vandalism and transient issue meeting with UDOT to show them the problems and are recommending design changes to eliminate access for transients, drugs and graffiti.  Fusion bike squad is paying special attention to Sugar House Park.
  • Mayor’s Office Report – Shawn McDonough 801-535-6338 [email protected] .  One on one meetings with Mayor will be March 17th, please call early to try and schedule a meeting on  March 8th, 535-7704.  April 3rd from 9-11 am is the first Saturday one on one meeting, reserve meetings March 24th at 8:00am.  Save the date for Celebrate the City to raise funds for preservation of city properties at Fisher Mansion May 14-15th.  SLC was named best city in America for commuters.  SLC will soon be setting up 20 additional glass recycling sites throughout the city.
  • City Council Update – Soren Simonsen – Soren is not present.
  • Sprague Library Update – Adriane Juarez – Upcoming events – Adriane is not present.
  • Sugar House Merchants’ Report – Barbara Green – Celebrating July Arts festival on July 5th this year.  If you want information on booths contact Gene at Fairmont Aquatic Center.  Creating a website with help of Laurie Bray to create more dynamic website to link to individual stores.  Trying to find creative ways to help people find more parking in Sugar House.
  • Business Spotlight – Michael G. Kavanagh introduces Leslie Fiet from MINI-CUPCAKES 1751 So. 1100 E.  Mini’s is the first cupcake shop to open in Utah and recently open their Sugar House store in July.  They are the only shop that bake from scratch, and is very committed to buying local ingredients to create healthy products and strongly support community activities. Philip Carlson announced the resignation of Pat Denslow-Kilroy and Mallie Jowell.  Judi Short’s motion to approve Carlyle Harris’s petition for the Beacon Heights neighborhood passed unanimously.
  • Special Presentations – State Senator Gene Davis – State Senator Davis is not present.

Bylaws Amendment – Section 5.2.1 Election Procedures:After amendment, the Bylaws Committee motion “5.  Candidates will have their name listed on the ballot if submitted to the Chair of the Election Committee by 5:00 p.m. two (2) Wednesdays prior to the Annual Meeting of the SHCC.  Write-in candidates are permissible.  7.  For those Trustees not able to be present at the Annual Meeting, absentee ballots will be available upon request from the Chair of the Election Committee or the Secretary, beginning two (2) Mondays before the Annual Meeting.  Ballots must be returned to the Chair of the Election Committee or the Secretary in a sealed and signed across the flap of the envelope or via electronic means before the beginning of the Annual Meeting.  Only official ballots will be counted.  Absentee ballot envelopes will only be opened and ballot added to other ballots unopened by the Election Committee and only during the count of the ballots.” Passes 26-1.

Ray Pugsley’s motion to adjourn passed unanimously. 

Adjournment 9:02 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]