SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2011

SHCC Meeting Minutes – March 2011


Meeting Minutes – March 2, 2011

(Approved April 6, 2011)

The regular  monthly meeting of the Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011, at 7:02 P.M., in the meeting room of the Sprague Branch Library, the Chair Cabot Nelson conducting and the Secretary, Philip Carlson being present.  Trustees present:  Pattie DeNunzio, Grace Sperry, Michael G. Kavanagh, Russ Callister, Annalisa Holcombe, Lynne Olsen, Rawlins Young, Scott Kisling, Amy Barry, Carlyle Harris, David Mulder, Laurie Bray, Robin Bastar, Benny Keele, Jason Bradley, Dolores Donohoo, Sheila O’Driscoll, Jim Brown, Elaine Brown, Travis Pearce and Sarah Carlson.  Excused Trustees: Judi Short, Sally Barraclough and Christopher Thomas.  Absent Trustees: Ruth Price, Barbara Green and Derek Payne.  The minutes of the last meeting having been read individually were approved without objection.  Officers’ Reports were given by Chairman Cabot Nelson, Secretary Philip Carlson and Treasurer Robin Bastar.  Public Comments included Neil Howard at the end of the meeting.

Committee Reports were given by Amy Barry for LU&Z, Lynne Olsen for POST, Rawlins Young for Transportation, Carlyle Harris for CERT, Philip Carlson for PFDC and Cabot Nelson and Amy Barry for W&I.

A presentation about the Fairmont Tennis Court Community Garden was made by Heidi Spence.

A presentation about a Sugar House Business District Map was made by Laurie Bray.

A presentation about Redevelopment Agency Projects was made by Edward Butterfield.

A presentation about the Sugar House Apartment and Retail Building at the Sugar House Loop (1100 E. 2100 S.) was made by Craig Mecham.  There was an opportunity for public comment on the project followed by Trustee discussion.

Monthly Presentations were made for the Fire Department by Mark Morger, Crime Update by Detective Boelter and the Business Spotlight by Greyson Tipping of Homestead Suites (introduction by Michael G. Kavanagh).

The meeting adjourned.

Landon Clark
[email protected]