SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1993

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1993


May 5, 1993

Present: Hope Hilton, Miriam Murphy, Pam Grimes, Mark Fetzer, Dale Chalmers, Jerry B. Romero, Richard Lauritzen, Rich Bennett, Steve Lester, Ned Stephenson, Jim Jensen, Roger Hazlund,Tom Ellison, Russ and Mari Jacobs, Darcie Winegar, John and Marghie Mannos, Roger Miller, Gary Thorup, Diana Hart, Judi Short, Anne Menzies, Brian Bintz, Gene Davis, Jan Haug, Sgt. A. Healey, Charles Bintz, Nancy Boskoff Excused: Ruth Robbins, Rawlins Young, Don Hale, Dorothy TuddenhamApproval of minutes-Moved by Jerry Romero, Seconded by John Mannos and unanimously approved Irving Update-Steve Lester reported that the Beacon Heights and Indian Hill students were doing little about fund raising for this project until negotiations are completed. The original buyer dropped out but a local developer is negotiating. Parleys Way Fire Station-Nancy Boskoff, from the Arts Council, reported that l% of a public building’s construction cost can be used for a work of art. They will place a l2′ high work of art of a fireman climbing a ladder outside the fire department. It will be of natural rust. They would like someone from Sugar House to sit in on their Arts Council. Boys and Girls Club-Jim Jensen, the Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake, explained that they are planning on expanding Sugar House’s Boys and Girls Club by 5000 square feet. They will build west toward the tennis courts. Parking will be increased and enhanced. I-15 Expansion-Hope Hilton reported that this expansion will take place from 3300 South to l0200 South. The expansion will widen the I-l5 Freeway to five lanes in each direction. Hope encouraged support of this. Parleys Nature Park-There will be a special tour on Thursday, June 3 at 9:00 a.m. All Sugar House Community Council is invited. Ruth Robbins sent a request that volunteers are needed on May l5 at 9:00 a.m. to help clean up Parleys Nature Park. Neighborhood Police Station-Pam Grimes said that there would be a small neighborhood station housed in the old Post Office. A Policeman will man phones for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evenings. They would like some residential volunteers to help in the office 2-4 hours per week. They are looking for donations of office furniture. This will open in about 2 weeks. Pam suggested the Council write letters to the Chief of Police and Mayor saying this is a good idea. Parkway Telephone Update-Gary Thorup talked to US West at the request of Mr. Hendriks and neighbors disturbed by stranded people wanting to use their phones. US West will put a phone in on Driggs Avenue which will be accessible and easily seen by those exiting the freeway. There will be no charge for service but will need an electrical line and someone to pay for that electricity. Miriam Murphy will pay if the cost is only a few dollars a month. Regency Update-Gary said that the Board of Adjustments denied variances to the Regency Corporation. Ned Stephenson said the Board did not feel that the access issues were well addressed. The Board suggested that: 1, Regency Corp. approach K-Mart and work with them on access and development on K-Mart’s site. He said the K-Mart manager supports the development because it would be an advantage to his store. They have been put in touch with K-Mart people and will discuss pedestrian walkways and vehicle access and 2, The Board asked Jess Agraz to complete a design of the K-Mart and Wilshire and Parley’s Way intersection. Ned said that would be completed within a few days and will be available to anyone. They have had no dialogue with SL GYffiDastics. SL GYffiDastics would like to expand. The Regency Corp will try for the variances June 1. Ned’s phone number is 485-7770 SL Tennis Club-TomEllison and Roger Hazlund said that the Tennis Club want to provide a bubble over 5 courts for winter play. They need the SHCC recommendation for the Planning Commission Meeting June 3. Gene Davis wants input from the neighborhood. Roger Miller asked about clean up of the premises on the east of the building. Tom Ellison pledged that the site would be cleaned up. Diana Hart moved that Mr. Ellison bring back neighborhood input and then return to our June Meeting for further action. Steve Lester seconded. This passed unanimously. Westminster College Update-John Mannos asked Westminster to return with ideas of another site for the parking terrace other than on 12th East. They have not responded. He draft a letter from the SHCC to Westminster asking them to notify us should any site be considered for the Parking Terrace and bring it to June’s meeting. Apartment Legalization – #1. Wendy James of 533 Driggs Ave. lives in one part of her duplex. It has not been legalized even though she bought it as a duplex in 1978. She has 4 off street parking spots and the zoning is R2. Gene Davis made a motion to legalize this duplex. Miriam seconded. She had met all the prerequisites. The vote was unanimously in favor. #2. Darcie Winegar with property at 2439 Highland Dr. is ready to sell her triplex. It was bought as a duplex with an office in the basement. In 1979 the basement was turned into another unit. There is one off street parking spot. Russ Jacobs a neighbor owns property across the street and says the parking is a big problem. Roger Miller said this is an historical home and its integrity needs to be preserved. Steve Lester moved that we deny her request to make this duplex into a triplex. John Mannos seconded the motion. Darcie said it would be difficult for them to meet the mortgage if they had only 2 units instead of three. The vote was 7-4 in favor of the motion. Officer Healey addressed illegal parking questions. Sidewalks-JanHaug said that last year she came and complained about the walking route to Rosslyn Heights not being safe due to walls illegally built on the public right of way. She said this year a couple more properties built walls illegally and this makes it even more dangerous for the children. She asked for support to attempt to remove walls that are on city property. Rich Bennett so moved. Steve Lester seconded. This motion passed unanimously. Mannos moved we adjournLester seconded.

Landon Clark
[email protected]