SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1994

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1994


May 4, 1994

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by SHCC Chairman Roger Miller.

Present: Roger Miller, Jerry Romero, Alice Edvalson, Martel Steckler, Gary Bengtzen, Wade Jones, Judi Short, Kaye Terry, Mary Carlson, Sanford Steinberg, Barbara Kleiner, Wes Groesbeck, Don Gray, Richard J. Turpin, Arthur Steinberg, Richard Lauritzen, Randall Ridd, Ian Haug, Craig Bohn, Ronald Snarr, Ruth Robbins, Rich Bennett, Sid Baucom, Everett Joyce, Del Brewster, Rawlins Young, Lynne Olson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Pamela Grimes, Miriam Murphy, Dottie Bintz, Wayne Halverson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Lynn H. Chatwin, Mary Lu E. Judd, LaMar V. Carter, Leslie Hoodes, Mr. & Mrs. James R. Powell, Mark S. Fetzer, Sharon Ashcraft, SheilaO’DIiscoll, Brian Bellamy

Excused: Gene Davis

Approval of Minutes: Dorothy Tuddenham made the motion to accept the minutes from the March 2, 1994 meeting. Motion was seconded by Miriam Murphy and approved.

Trustee Petitions; A petition for a new trustee was received from Dolores A. Donohoo from the Dilworth neighborhood. The motion was made, seconded, and approved that she be accepted. Renewal petitions were received for Roger Miller and Judi Short.  Ruth Robbins indicated the date on her petition should have been Feb. 2 1992. Roger Miller read a letter from Dave Buhler asking for a release as a Vice Chairman of the Council because he is running for the State Senate this next election. He wants to remain as a trustee at least until he sees the results of the election.

Unit Legalization: • Don Grey asked permission to legalize the home at 2298 So. 9th East as a 4 plex. In the process of selling the home, he found it was not recorded as a 4 plex. Roger has looked at the home and found everything in order. Don has not yet received the signature from one neighbor. The owner lives out of the area and is not in a physical condition to give it. Roger will chec with the city to determine if we can approve the petition without that one signature. Miriam made the motion, seconded by Craig Bohn, that we give Roger the authority to approve the petition pending the city’s ok. Don’s address/phone is: 4665 Bonner Circle/262-o51S.

Mary Carlson: Mary reported that Lorraine Miller, owner of Cactus and Tropicals in the Sugar House area has been selected as the National Small Business Person of the year.  Mary suggested we send her a letter of congratulations.

Elections for Vice Chairman: Since John Mannos has moved from the area and the resignation of Dave Buhler, there are now 2 openings for Vice Chairman. Candidates are Sharon Ashcraft, Rich Bennett, Craig Bohn, and Jim Powell. Trustees in attendance were asked to vote for two persons. Election results: Jim Powell (2nd Vice Chair), Sharon Ashcraft (3rd Vice Chair.

Death of Former Trustee: . We have been informed of the death of Madalyn Curtis; a former trustee from the Garfield area. Her funeral will be held May 5, at noon at the Sugar House LDS Ward.

Irving Court Development Presentation: Randall Ridd, represented the developers (Irving Court Limited Development). They are working With the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) for funding. Randall indicated they have until the 12th of May to determine if their proposal is viable. Their plan would save the basic structure and theme. If their plan will not work, another developer will be chosen to completely demolish the structure. They are now in the final stages of developing the conceptual design. A lot of questions have been raised concerning saving the auditorium. They feel it is not viable to try to save it. Their plan is to save the East main entrance and West c1assroom areas that face 21st South. They will develop a multi family residence for up to 200 families. The main entrance   would become the main office, meeting room, and club house area. The class room area would be turned into housing with approx. 18 residential units. Other buildings would be built on the site with the main theme carried throughout. The existing parking structure would be demolished. These plans are still in a very conceptual form. The architects showed various drawings of some of the proposed plans. They also showed slides of other developments they have done to show the quality of their work. It is anticipated the apartments would rent for $500+ for 1 bedroom . The units would be mostly 1 and 2 bedroom. There are a total of 5.45 acres available. The 1 bedroom units would be approximately 600 sq. ft and approximately 1000 sq. ft. for the 2 bedroom. The general feeling of those in attendance was very positive. Miriam Murphy made a motion that the council approve the conceptual design as it has been described to us. Motion was seconde4 by Dorothy Tuddenham and approved.

Sugar House Master Plan: Everett Joyce from the Salt Lake Planning office indicated the update of the Economic and Urban Design portion of the Sugar House Master Plan should be completed in the next 6 months or less. Wikstrom & Associates has been chosen to do the update. A community meeting is planned for mid July to talk about the development plans. Traffic problems in the area are one of the major concerns of everyone.

Westminster Parking Area: A revised letter has been written to the college detailing the neighbor’s concerns and the concessions the college are willing to make and indicating the council’s approval of the project contingent on their compliance in moving the parking terrace back an additioIlll1 40 feet and the closure of the 12th .East entrance. After the trustees bad an opportunity to read the letter, Martel Steckler requested the last paragraph be amended to further re­emphasize the conditions upon which the Community Council would approve the project. The neighbors were encouraged to attend the Planning Commission meeting on May 19th (451 S. State St. Room 126, 5:00 pm) where this issue will be discussed. Rawlins Young made a motion, seconded by Martel Steckler that the Sugar House Community Council petition the Salt Lake City Corporation to do a mini traffic study of the neighborhood traffic in the Westminster/12th East/Irving

area. The motion passed.·           i

Community Survey: Alice Edvalson indicated the community survey has been completed and Earl Jackson of the USU Extension Service will meet with us on May 24 to discuss the results. We will meet on the 24th at 6:00 pm at the Sprague Library. After this meeting, we will still need to manually tabulate the comments and other miscellaneous responses.

Zoning Report: Judi Short and Rawlins Young are co-chairs of a committee to review the zoning changes. Anyone interested in working with them in the review of these changes n~ to make their interest known. Rawlins suggest that Everett Joyce might be willing to take the committee on a tour of the, areas in question so they could actually see the effect the changes would make.

Tax Exempt Status: Rawlins Young indicated that we need to complete the application to make the Community Council a tax exempt organization. Jim Powell made the motion, seconded by: Roger Miller that the executive committee pursue the application to allow the council to become a tax exempt organization. Motion passed. .

Community Action Plan: Wes Groesbeck presented some concerns regarding environmental issues. He is concerned that plans for development in the community are not in tune with good environmental practices. He challenged the Sugar House Community Council to be the first community in Utah to design a sustainable community. He presented some conditions of a sustainable community which included, “Sustainable means using methods, systems and materials that won’t deplete resources or harm natural cycles. II He feels the Irving proposal could contribute to this kind of an environment.

Crime Report: Pam Grimes indicated that the kind of community Wes was talking about is very consistent with good crime prevention principals. She works with several committees that are looking at improving our communities and they are continually looking at ways to get more money to improve out neighborhoods. She reported that there is a lot of support for crime prevention programs such as the Neighborhood Watch programs. She has participated in some 250-300 large area crime prevention meetings, some 700 block meetings, and completed over 1,000 security checks. Pam reported that Office Joe Clark has had surgery and may not be available in the Sugar House office for about 6 weeks.

Night Out Against Crime: Dorothy· Tuddenham reminded: the trustees that they are responsible for organizing smaller neighborhood parties to celebrate the NatioIlll1 Night Out Against Crime on August 2. The purpose of these activities is to strengthen our neighborhoods and to send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back against crime.

KOPE Kids: Lynne Olson reported the KOPE Kids worked together to clean .up trash and graffiti in the area of Hidden Hollow to celebrate “Earth Day” . They have been informed that the CDBG committee has increased the amount of money for their grant from $4,000 to $10,000. Lynne also introduced a new program called the “Urban Tree House”. This is a neighborhood area designated as a safe place in the neighborhood where young people can come for various activities. The suggested place for this in our area is Fairmont Park, North of the pond. Lynne asked permission to work with the SHCC Parks Committee to establish this program. The motion was made and seconded to support this activity. The motion passed.

Hillside Park: Roger Miller reported on the progress of the Hillside Park. The date for the creation of this park is May 14th. In the spirit of an old-fashioned bam raising, the neighbors in this area are going to build this park in a day. This is a community effort including the Redeemer Lutheran Church, Highland LDS stake, Sons of the Utah Pioneers, area service clubs and merchants, with th~ Sugar House Community Council as general sponsor.

Meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]