SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1995


May 3, 1995

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Leland Myers, Susan Greene, Becky Nielsen, Jan Haug, Thomas Wolle, Lezlee Beeton Gorey, Charles Bellamey, Nathan Garcia, Tyler Pettit, Cheri Carleson, Wayne Halverson, Jeff Chapman, Katie Eskelson, Marcus Barney, Rich Bennett, Ruth Robbins, Brad Robbins, Russ Terry, Afton Kyriopoulos, Judi Short, Everett Joyce, Carl Curtis, Don DeLaMare, Kathy Daly, Tree Brown Hayes, Barbara Kleiner, Sharon Ashcraft, Marv Tuddenham, Dorothy Tuddenham, Dolores Donohoo, Charles T. Bintz, Ben Page, Josh Record, Jesse Avery, Craig Reid, Justin Reeves, Sheila O’Driscoll, Helen Kunze, Roger Miller Excused: Allen Johnson Guests: Scout Troop 76 and Scout Troop 11. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the March meeting were approved. Crime Report: B. L. Smith reported 2 arrests for burglaries have been made at Sterling Furniture and 2 at Deseret Industries in the past month. Three arrests have been made for armed robberies in the area. One arrest was made for a car prowl and 1 arrest made at Highland High School for gang related activity. The police are looking for white Toyota Celica with 2 dents, a sun roof, and a male Asian driver who has been involved with several burglaries in the area. If anyone has seen this vehicle, please call the police and get the license number if possible. B. L. had copies of a brochure with information on Home Repair scams and one on resources for homeless persons. B. L. reported on the graffiti paint-out activities that are being held on May 6 and 13th. Jan Haug reported there have been 8 burglaries in a month’s time in the Roselyn Heights area. These are occurring between 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon. The suspect is described as 30-35 with long blond hair and driving a maroon 1980 Pontiac. B. L. also reported he will be teaching a class on how to identify forged information. The class will be Tues. May 30 at the Sprague Library. Election for new Vice Chair: Elections were opened for a new Vice Chair to replace Rawlins. Candidates were: Sharon Ashcraft, David Halling, Scott Kisling, and Leland Myers. The polls were opened until the end of the meeting at which time Sharon Ashcraft was declared the new Vice Chair. Park and Recreation Report:Roger Miller announced a cleanup at the Hillcrest Park on Sat. May 6 from 7:00 AM to noon. Rawlins submitted copies of a parks survey and asked those present to fill it out and send it back to the Parks Dept. Traffic Report: Jan Haug reported the city is wanting to make the intersection at 23rd East and 21st So. be made a square intersection and eliminate the yield lane. The cul-de-sac at Laurelhurst and 25th East is still being worked on. The stop signs have been installed along 15th East as was explained at the last meeting. The one way is in effect now on Parkway East of Highland Drive and tickets have been given to offenders. The traffic problems have already decreased much in that area. There are still traffic problems on Hollywood Ave. between 9th and 11th East. Commercial trucks are still using this street instead of 21st South even though the street is posted as NO TRUCKS!. Susan Greene will get a phone number of the appropriate person to contact with this problem.

Water Dept. Presentation: The Water Dept. representative did not show up at the meeting as indicated they would. A question was asked about the increase in water rates for the summer. Leland Myers indicated they would only decrease if the water usage decreases. If usage stays the same, the bills will increase. Rawlins reported that the EP A and State of Utah have given some information regarding the well-water testing that was done in July of 1989. At time, the synthetic chemical, “PCE”, was discovered in a well located at approximately 1700 East and 2300 South, just outside the boundary of Sugar House Park. This well is not currently being used to provide drinking water, but the city is treating it to bring it up to drinking water standards. Another well in the Country Club area used for irrigation was also found to have the chemical. This water is safe to use for irrigation purposes. During the week of May 15, the city will be further sampling and analyzing shallow groundwater in these areas in an effort to determine the source of this contamination. Persons living in that area may be asked to allow testing on their property. Unit Legalization’s: – 2487 So. 700 East -Rod Brown presented a proposal for a community based transitional program for troubled kids to be housed at that address. He indicated the home would house 8-12 boys at a time and range from ages 10-17. These would be boys that have had status or misdemeanor offenses. He assured the group would have 24 hour supervision. The staff would be permanent residents at the home. He felt there should be no negative impact on the neighborhood nor the traffic in the area. The organization providing this service is a non-profit organization. There is a hearing scheduled asking for a conditional use permit. Gene Davis questioned the number of these types of facilities in this general area. He felt there were already enough in that area. A motion was made that the SHCC recommend that the Planning Commission decision be delayed until the surrounding areas, including Fairmont and Nibley Park neighborhoods, have been given adequate information regarding this facility, the relative density of such group homes in the area, and references from the applicant and that the neighborhood be given opportunities to express their feelings. The motion was seconded and passed with 10 in favor and 2 opposed. 1004 East 1700 South -Lezlee Gorey asked for approval for legalization of a basement apartment at this address. She indicated it has been used as an apartment since 1957 and it has separate meters. All the neighbors have not signed approving this action. It was suggested that the trustees living in this area check out the home and give comments to the Land Use committee for their consideration. No further action was taken on this request at this time. SLACC: Rawlins reported that SLACC has been a non-profit organization in the state of Utah since 1976 and has received funding for their own staff The City Council has now chosen to have this funding administered by the Mayors Community Affairs Dept. instead of SLACC. Trustee Petitions: Trustee petitions were received and approved for: Russ Terry from the Forest Dale neighborhood, and Cheri Carleson from the Sugar House Park neighborhood. Miscellaneous Business: Rawlins reported that Utah Legal Services sponsors a Neighborhood Attorney Program that helps to deal with undesirable properties in the area. He also indicated that UTA would like to make a presentation at a future meeting of the SHCC to share their plans for the future. Rawlins is also desirous of having Brent Wilde from the city make a presentation on the role of the community councils in administering the new zoning ordinances. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 P.M.

Landon Clark
[email protected]