SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1996


May 1, 1996

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Sandy Hiskey, Cheri Carleson, Rich Bennett, Julina Parker, Jaccquelyn Havey, Susan Green, Kathy Daly, Dorothy Tuddenham, Dolores A. Donohoo, Scott Kisling, Veronica Crandall, Ruth A. Robbins, Joe Clark, Judi Short, Marvin Stewart, Louis W. Owen, Del Brewster, Katina Ventura, Bernie Garcia, Tilly Garcia, Doris Williams, Everett Joyce, Dick Turpin Excused: Tree Brown Hayes Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the April meeting were approved. Rawlins asked all present to introduce themselves in a effort to become better acquainted with those attending our meetings. Rawlins announced a Land Use sub-committee meeting to be held May 15 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM at the Highland High School Library. This will include: 1) a parking lot expansion by Highland Dental Plaza at 1955 So. 1300 East, 2) proposed group home at 2529 Stratford Ave., 3) proposed drive thru window at Yanni’s Greek Express at Highland Drive and 1300 East, 4) expansion at the Chevron Station at 1280 Ea. 2100 So., 5) request to use “Hardie Board” lapped siding instead of stucco on the Irving Schoolhouse at 1179 East 2100 So., and 6) informational presentation on proposed commercial development of the McIntyre Center. Rawlins indicated a detailed agenda would be mailed to each trustee and encouraged all trustees to plan on attending this meeting. Trustee Petitions: A new trustee petition has been received from Doris Williams from the Nibley neighborhood Doris was accepted by a unanimous vote of the trustees present. Committee Reports: Crime Report – Dorothy Tuddenham reminded us of the Sugar House community “Pep Rally” to be held on May 10 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM at the Highland High School Auditorium. She told us that we need to report problems in our neighborhoods so they can be noted in the records and so appropriate action can be taken. She reminded us that the “National Night Out Against Crime” will be held on Tues. Aug. 6th and encouraged all trustees to begin plans for neighborhood activities in their area. Dorothy reported that graffiti is still a problem in the area and there is a real need for persons or organizations to get involved with the “Adopt a Block” or “Adopt a Spot” programs. Katina Ventura reported on the continuing problem of juvenile crime, indicating there are only 96 beds for juvenile offenders in SL County and there are hundreds of offenders. She encouraged us to contact the County Commissioners to encourage them to do all possible to provide more facilities to house these offending juveniles. She encouraged us all to get involved with youth problems. Veronica Crandall reported that the next Gang Awareness workshop will be held Oct. 3. Veronica also reported that Michaelangelos Restaurant in Sugar House (across from the old Post Office) has applied for a license to serve wine. The state law will not allow this because it is within 600 feet of the library (the crosswalk in front of the library providing the access). A solution would be to remove the crosswalk thus eliminating the access to the library within the specified distance. The businesses in the area have given approval for this (98%). A motion was made to support this action as well as writing a letter to the Mayor’s office requesting their help in working with UDOT to find an appropriate place on 13th East for a crosswalk between the shopping center and Sugar House Park. There was much discussion regarding this issue, including: 1) if state law prohibits the crosswalk in front of the library, the same would apply with a crosswalk across 13th East to Sugar House Park since there are restaurants in that area that would like to serve wine, 2) a desire to change the law instead of elimination of the crosswalk. Because of the concerns raised, the motion was withdrawn. A second motion was made that we send a letter to UDOT with a copy to the Mayor and the City Council requesting their help in getting a traffic signal and crosswalk on the comer ofWi1mington Ave. and 13th East. The motion passed with I-no, 2-abstaining, 8-in favor. Parks Recreation: Cheri Carleson reported on the Park Authority meeting indicating there are three new Trustees (including a new Chair). They are especially concerned with safety issues in the park since recent criminal activities in the park. The Park Authority has been approached for permission to use the park for a three-day Polynesian Festival in August. This is being carefully reviewed for its impact on the park and park users. US West has petitioned the Authority for a right-of-way to install a service box on park property. This is

being considered. A sub-committee will be created to do a 5-year and 10-year Master Plan for the park. The Authority has approved the continued trimming of pine trees for crime prevention measures. There was some concern that the cutting of branches on the East side of the pond will disturb the duck nesting habitat there. The new Chairman has invited all of us to become personally involved with the Park, especially volunteer efforts to keep the park clean and safe. To volunteer, call the park staff at 483-5473 or the Park Authority at 322-0591. Cheri also reported that the results of the PCE testing of the well water by the City-County Health Dept. are not available yet. She also reported on the problems caused by dirty gutter water being discharged directly into the city’s urban streams. If anyone is interested in these issues, contact Cherie. Traffic: – Rich Bennett reported that a letter was sent to the Mayor’s office regarding the proposed traffic signal at 21st So. and 15th East. as per the motion made at our last meeting. The next meeting of the Coalition for Livable Streets (CLS) will be May 4 at 9:00 AM in the basement of the Sprague Library. Plans are to organize objectives for future meetings. The desire of this group is to address traffic concerns for all neighborhoods in our area and work with the city in finding solutions to problems. Structure of City Government: Rawlins handed out charts describing the organization structure of Salt Lake City Corporation which included the structure of various depts. in the city and the names of persons responsible for those depts. Next month he will expand on this information. Future development of the Sugar House Business District: Everett Joyce presented a handout describing the recommendations that have been made for the business district as well as a map detailing the areas involved. This includes recommendations for the 21st So./11th East area, retail opportunities, office opportunities, hotel opportunities, and residential opportunities. These recommendations are in compliance with the Sugar House Master Plan and the Sugar House Business District Strategies and Recommendations Plan. Del Brewster asked Everett if he would consider making a designated business district in the area bounded by 1-80, Hollywood Ave, 7th East, 13th East. This would allow certain restrictions to be enforced, such as the city ordinance which prohibits rollerblading and skateboarding in a business district. The same could be done in the Brickyard and Foothill Village areas. Many other questions were asked regarding various issues in the business district. Everett Joyce of the Planning Dept. and Dick Turpin of the RDA addressed these questions. Meeting adjourned approximately 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]