SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1997


May 2, 1997

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes for May 7, 1997 Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young, Rich Bennett, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Ivana Thomas, Sheila O’Driscoll, Judi Short, Doris Williams, Sam Piazza, Ruth Robbins, Julina P. Parker, Elizabeth Brayman, Sandy Hiskey (15) Excused – Tree Brown Hayes, Dorothy Tuddenham (2) City Representatives: Veronica Crandall, Helen Peters, Everett Joyce, Diane Stover, Michele Rendon- VanRoosendaal, R. Fred Ross, Keith Christensen, Kathy Daly, Mayor Deedee Corradini, Sally Patrick, Suzanne Grey (11) Others: Lynne Olson, Agnes Greenhall, Barbara Clarke, Herb Clarke, Gene VanRoosendaal, Carrie Dickson, Derek Payne, David Wagner, Brent Hasty, Richard Mendenhall, Chris Edwards, Deva Cantrell, Randal Dalton, Cheri Piefke, Grace Sperry, Suzanne Weaver, Ed Sperry, Claudia Pack, June Sabodski, Bruce Alder, Max Williams, Babs DeLay, Brenda Milne (23) Total-49 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. Scott introduced the executive committee. The minutes for the April meeting were approved. Chair Report: The executive meeting scheduled for this coming Sat. has been canceled due to several conflicts. There is a traffic calming workshop this coming Sat. AM. There is information regarding the I-15 construction on the table. The Planning Commission will address the East/West transit corridor,Reavely Engineering, and the Hygiea development at the May 15 meeting. Kathryn Sheehan (535-7936) is looking for alley cleanup projects. There will be a party sponsored by the Hawthorne School Hidden Hollow group to celebrate the new benches they were instrumental in putting in place. This will be Wed. May 28 from 12:00 noon to 1 :00 PM. A document describing a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program is available for review and comment for those interested. The deadline for Capital Improvement applications is Sept. 5. A trustee petition renewal has been received from Dolores A. Donohoo of the Beacon Heights neighborhood and Sheila O’Driscoll of the Dilworth neighborhood. Both were accepted. There will be a brainstorming meeting for the Trails system tomorrow night at 7:00 PM at the Forest Dale Club house. Scott made a very favorable reported on a meeting he attended regarding the Youth City Government program. We have been notified that Sam Piazza has resigned as our representative on the Community Action Program (CAP) board. We need a volunteer to replace him in this position. Treasurers Report: Cheri indicated we still have a balance of $1,400 in our account with no activity during the past month. She made a motion that we allocate $100 annually to cover miscellaneous supplies such as postage, copies, etc. with an accounting of the detail that is spent. The motion was approved. Mayor’s Office Report: Mayor Deedee Corradini reported briefly on the Youth City Government program. She indicated it is bringing very positive results. She indicated there is going to be a “Bike To Work” activity on May 16. Anyone wishing to participate should meet the Mayor at Liberty Park at 7:00 AM and they will bike from there to the City/County Bldg. where there will be some refreshments and activities. She reported on some of the development activities that are going on in the city. She said there is going to be no more serious development east of 2nd East. In connection with the I-15 project, the viaducts will be shortened to where the railroads now are. The railroads are going away. There will be an intermodal hub at 6th West and 2nd So., which all the modes of public transportation will use. Amtrak and Greyhound will also be based there. Light rail will come into town up Main Street to So. Temple then to the Delta Center. The East/West line will come from the airport, behind Pioneer Park to South of the park then East to the “U”. The 9th So. off ramp will be shortened which should help bring the two neighborhoods on either side of that back together. There is 44 acres of Union Pacific land that will be used to create facilities for the housing of the media for the Olympics. After the Olympics, this will be used for housing, with part of it low income. The city is looking at ways to best preserve the D&RG and Union Pacific terminals. The city is placing a lot of emphasis on historic preservation. There is a major effort being made to preserve the historic facades of the buildings along Main St.. The Mayor responded to several questions from the audience. School Board Update: No report. City Council Update: Councilman Keith Christensen reported that the City Council is considering the area around the 9th South off-ramp for RDA funding. He also encouraged everyone to be sensitive to neighborhood traffic and not use neighborhood streets when they should be using the main collector roads. When it is necessary to use the neighborhood streets, we need to SLOW DOWN!. Keith responded to questions from the audience. Crime Report: Diane Stover reported that Shane Jones has retired now and Michelle Rendon-VanRoosendaal has replaced him. Officer Fred Ross reported that the Bike Patrol received $6500 raised by the Sugar House businesses to purchase the uniforms, bikes, and other supplies needed for that program. There will be 5 on the Bike Patrol to begin with and an additional 2 when school lets out. He reported that crime in the Sugar House area was down 45% in the last month. Unit Legalization: The person requesting the Unit Legalization for 1998 So. McClelland St. did not show up for the meeting. Parleys Crossing Update: Bruce Alder and Carrie Dickson reported on the project they are working on which is an effort to create a bike/hike trail that will cross under the I-80 freeway at the mouth of Parleys Canyon. This trail will not be open to any motorized vehicles. The trail will connect with the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. Conditional Use Permit: Reavely Engineering, represented by David Wagner presented a request to remove the house on their property at 11th East and Kensington Ave. The house is now being used for storage by their business. Trustee, Sam Piazza had arranged a meeting with the neighbors the night before to review this proposal. The consensus of the neighbors was very favorable to this proposal. Dave showed plans for an addition to their present business. Sam made a motion that we accept the proposal as presented. Doris Williams seconded it. Discussion was in favor of the proposal. Those voting in favor of the proposal: Sam Piazza, Dolores Donohoo, Doris Williams, Sandy Hiskey, Julina Parker, Alice Edvalson, Judi Short. Those opposed: Ivana Thomas, Rawlins Young. Those abstaining: Rich Bennett, Cheri Carleson. Hygiea Development Update: Richard Mendenhall showed the latest plans for this part of the block. The hotel has been moved back next to Hidden Hollow, but has been moved l0 ft. to the North from a previous plan. The landscaped area along 21st So. has increased as well as landscaped areas in the parking area. Richard addressed questions from the audience regarding the design. Judi Short reported that the Planning Commission is beginning to see some of the detailed building design for the McIntyre part of this development. Sandy Hiskey made a motion that we accept the footprint of the hotel, restaurant, etc. of the Hygiea part of the development as it has been presented to us. Dolores Donohoo seconded it. A motion was made to amend the motion to include the same sensitive issues that were included with the motion last month on the McIntyre development. Everyone agreed that the motion should read: We recommend to the city that they accept the plan as it has been presented to us tonight with a request to the planning staff that they be especially sensitive to issues relating to: 1) transit issues, 2) pedestrian access, 3) bicycle access, 4) shared parking. Those voting in favor: Alice Edvalson, Ivana Thomas, Dolores Donohoo, Rich Bennett, Sandy Hiskey, Julina Parker, Cheri Carleson. Those opposed: None. Those abstaining: Rawlins Young, Judi Short. Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 10:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]