SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 1999


May 5, 1999

Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Su Armitage, Judi Short, Sheila O’Driscoll, Ray Pugsley, Cheri Carleson, John Richards, Dolores Donohoo, Ruth Robbins, Sandy Hiskey, Rich Bennett, Del Brewster (15) Excused: NONECity/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Kathy Daly, Dan Andrus, Carina Elsenboch (4) Others: Cynthia Proctor, Carol Smith, Janet Hopkins, Ron Hopkins, Travis Hopkins, Ty S. McCartney, Ruth Price, Joel B. Shapiro, Kevan Adams, Larry Bailey, Agnes Greenhall, Claudia Pack, Josh Garcia, John Hopkins, Tamera Baggett, Aaron Sewell, Stephanie Ennis, Melissa Lichtenstein, Glenn Nelson, Bob Neff, Myron Richardson, Amy Price (22) Total· 41 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the April meeting were approved. Chair Report: Helen reported that the Eagle Scout project to plant trees in the parking strip on 13th East between the freeway and 27th So. was very successful. She indicated that if there were others interested in doing a similar project they should contact the SLC Urban Forester. Helen reminded us of the “big” city garbage pickup that is beginning in various areas of the city and encouraged us to comply with the guidelines that have been set for this pickup. There has been a lot of abuse of this privilege in the past. She also indicated that there is a city ordinance that prohibits persons letting their weeds exceed 6″ high and if there are areas that have this problem, call 535-6444 to report. Su Armitage has acquired maps of the city outlining the boundaries of the community councils and neighborhood councils.  Helen indicted she has been informed of a new community council that has been organized that has overlapping boundaries with the Sugar House Community council. The question was asked as to how persons living in this new council area were notified of this organization because those in attendance at the meeting were not aware of this action. The question was also asked about those who lived in the overlapping areas and which council the city would recognize them as living in. There were no answers to these questions, but Helen said she would raise these questions with Barry Esham, our contact with the Mayor’s office. Helen reported that the KOPE Kids are still pursuing their effort to build a tunnel under 13th East to connect the Hidden Hollow area with Sugar House Park. Helen indicated that we have received a petition from a group of neighbors living on 17th East between 17th So. and 21st So. asking that something be done to calm the traffic in that area. They would like to ask that the speed be lowered from 30 to 25 MPH and that a 4 way stop be placed at Garfield and 17th East. Other calming measures would be welcomed as well. 13th East Tree Planting Project: Ty McCartney introduced Josh Garcia who was responsible for the planting of the trees on 13th East. This was his Eagle Scout project. Josh had a poster with pictures taken on the previous Sat. when the trees were planted. With the help of many, they were able to plant 29 trees in about 50 minutes. It was suggested that there should be trees planted down the middle of 13th East in this same area. The motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved that the Sugar House Community Council contribute the cost of the first tree for such a project. Public Input: John Hopkins living at 1960 So. 17th East spoke regarding the petition that had been presented to us. He indicated that some time ago a child had been killed at 17th East and Ramona Ave. and again asked our support in getting some kind of traffic calming measures in this area. Del Brewster of the Chamber of Commerce said that they would be asking again this year for contributions for Christmas decorations in the Sugar House area. It was indicated that there will be a lot more businesses in the area by the end of the year and would hope they would be willing to contribute to this cause. It was also noted that there would be a much larger area to decorate for the holiday season. New Trustee Petition: Ty McCartney presented a petition to become a trustee in the Sugar House Community Council representing the Forest Dale neighborhood. This petition was unanimously accepted. Traffic Sub-Committee Report: Rawlins Young reported that the sub-committee has been working with the Master Plan section on traffic. The traffic sub-committee meets the Sat. after the community council meeting at 9:00 AM at the Sprague Library. Communication Antenna – 8th East and 21st So.: Glenn Nelson presented a proposal for installation of antennas on the top of the US West building at this address. He indicated that because of the size and placement of the antenna, they would not be visible from the street level unless one was a considerable distance from the building and specifically looking for them. A motion was made that we support this request. The voting was unanimous with the exception of three abstaining. SLC/County Health Dept. “Lead Free Kids” Program: Carena Elsinbach explained the reasons for their program indicating that the older homes in our area were generally all painted with paint that did contain lead. This can cause lead poisoning especially with children that chew on or otherwise become contaminated with it. She indicated that all paint was free of the lead by 1978 and that many were starting to eliminate it by the 1950’s, but prior to that all paint contained the lead. She especially cautioned against the disturbing of the old paint during remodeling projects. It is better to paint over it than to try to get rid of it. She indicated they have programs available to test children to determine if they have been affected by the lead. Fire Dept. Update: Dan Andrus of the Fire Dept. indicated that there is information regarding Y2K concerns on their web page for those interested. You could also call the Fire Dept. for information regarding Y2K concerns. He said the Fire Dept. is planning a CERT Activity for the night of Dec. 31 to provide training for the CERT volunteers. They do not expect any real emergencies to occur but feel this could be a great opportunity for some training. Crime Prevention Update: Dorothy Tuddenham reported that the National Night Against Crime will not be held as a community activity in Fairmont Park this year as has been done the past couple of years. We are being encouraged to do it as a small neighborhood activity as was done some years ago. This will be the First Tuesday of August. There were some who expressed a desire to do it at Fairmont Park again. Ty McCartney offered to check into the possibility of doing that.Planned Unit Development – 1936 So. 17th East: Bob Neff and Larry Bailey presented preliminary plans for a development at this address. This would sub-divide the existing lot into 4 lots. A private driveway would be created on the South side of the property. A concern was raised of adequate access for Fire and emergency equipment. We were assured that the Fire Dept. had approved of the plan. Ron Hopkins who lives at 1950 So. 17th East raised a concern with the drainage from the property. We were assured that this would be taken care of appropriately. He was also concerned with the street on the South of the property because that would be right outside of his bedroom window. He was concerned with what kind of fence or sound barrier would be used to protect his privacy. Helen asked that the developer work out more of the details in this area and that trustee, Sheila O’Driscoll meet with the neighbors to work out any other concerns they might have and report back at our meeting in June. Other questions they need to address include specifics of subdividing the lot, the percent of the property that would be landscaped, and the preservation of the mature trees on the property. Library Expansion: Myron Richardson, Architect from Brixon and Christopher, and Kathy Daly of the Sprague library presented the plans for the new expansion of the Sprague Library. This will be to the East and South of the present building and will be mostly underground. The addition will include a meeting room that will accommodate 200 persons, office space, and restroom facilities. The current room in the basement will become the children’s library. Access to the new addition will be from the East or from the current elevators. Construction is scheduled to begin sometime this fall and be completed in approximately one year. Our community council meetings will need to be held somewhere else during the construction period. Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud of the Planning Dept. reported that they have been working with Westminster College on a new Master Plan. He indicated that Mecham is still looking at another smaller plan for the gully on 13th East. The Planning Dept. is still working on the revision of the Sugar House master plan. He reported that the Hidden Hollow Preservation Easement is still being reviewed. Bill reported on a Planners Conference he had attended in Seattle. He said there are a lot of innovative things being done in the Seattle area both in the downtown area and in the outlying areas. He was very excited about some of the things he had both seen and learned and is anxious to share this information with the rest of the Planning Dept. Allen Park Presentation: Amy Price of the Allen family told us about of the history of this area. The family first moved into this area in the early 30’s. Emigration creek runs through this property. The family has created somewhat of a nature preserve in the area with many birds and other wild life present there. Deer have been seen in the area on occasion. The family has made a great effort to preserve this area as a natural habitat for wild birds and animals. The main house is located in the middle near the entrance to the park. Family members still live in this home. Other buildings in the park are rental units and are rented to other than family members. There have been 4 generations of the family that have lived in the park. Persons interested in learning more about this area could contact the family at 485-0560. Adjourned at  9:15 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]