SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2000


Trustees: Helen Peters, Alice Edvalson, Ray Pugsley, Lynne Olson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Gayen Wharton, Rich Bennett, Rawlins Young, Robert Marsh, Cheri Carleson, Ty McCartney, Judy Short, Tiffany Starbuck, Ruth Price (14)ExcusedCity/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Bill Allayaud, Linda Ward, B. Kirkwood, Cody Lougy, Nelson Knight, Jim Lewis, Diane Olsen (8) Others: Kevin Adams, Dorothy Slaugh, David Henshaw, Edward Glashien, Ed Schreiner, Roger Black, Jason Terry, James T. Workman, Agnes Greenhall, Dorothy Bintz, Thomas Bintz, Karin Whitlock, Charlene Allert, Diane Taylor, Beverly Takos, Gary Kendall, Doug Larson, Marxo Vega, Jerry Schmidt, Milton Braselton William Jensen, Kyuhong Cho, Chris Dayton, Susan Petheram, Monty Thurber, Kern Weaver (26) Total – 48 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ty McCartney. Minutes of the April meeting were approved Chair Report: Ty indicated he had a copy of the neighborhood cleanup schedule if anyone needed to know the dates for their area. There have been some changes in the requirements for the pickup this year so be sure and note those changes when putting trash out for pickup. The installation of sound walls along I-80 has been postponed by a vote of the citizens due to the number of questions regarding these walls. Questions can be directed to Dan Bergenthal at 535-7106. A petition from Senator Paula Julander to place the fluoridation of water on the next voting ballet was circulated for those interested in signing it. Bill Wright, the head of the SLC Planning Dept. has been replaced by Stephen Goldsmith. The Mayor will sign the Hidden Hollow Conservation Easement on May 9 at·l:30 PM at Hidden Hollow. Treasurers Report: Treasurer, Dolores Donohoo Wl1S not present so there was no report. Public Input: Jerry Schmidt living at 2603 Elizabeth St. spoke against the fluoridation of the water and also registered a complaint with the truck traffic on Elizabeth St. He also asked if there was a restriction on how many cars are allowed to park on the street for a residential home. Diane Taylor living at 2011 Imperial registered a complaint with the students from Highland High damaging shrubs etc. by the bus stops along 21st So. Karen Whitlock living at 1526 Ramona Ave. complained about the Highland High students speeding in their neighborhood and was also concerned with the alternative students attending Garfield School. Cheri Carlson living at 2163 So. Wellington St. ask if the sound reflection to the North side of the proposed sound walls in 1-80 had been considered. Lynne Olson asked if there was a tax exempt number that could be used to buy supplies for cleaning debris in Hidden Hollow. Ty will check on this.Hollywood Traffic Update: Dorothy Slaugh described what has been done and what is currently being done in an effort to reduce and slow the traffic on Hollywood Ave. between 9th and 11th East. She thanked those that have been involved in helping with this issue including the SLC Police, the SHCC trustees, and the Mayor’s office. This street is posted for NO TRUCKS, but there are still a lot of trucks using this street to avoid 21st So. The residents on this street have a committee that has been working with the city and a plan was submitted to the city last Aug. There was no response from the Transportation Dept. until this year when Mayor Anderson put pressure on the Transportation Dept. to do something. At the present time, the Transportation Dept. is working with the committee and they are surveying the neighborhood to determine if the majority of them approve of the plan. The proposed plan calls for a pie shaped island at the 9th East intersection, a circle at the 10th East intersection and “bulb outs” at the McClelland intersections. They are also proposing that McClelland St. be blocked off at the point North of 2lst So. where the business district and residential area meet. If the majority of residents approve of the plan, the city will begin testing these proposals. Crime Update: Linda Ward of the SLC Police Dept. reported on several robberies that have occurred in the area including Godfather’s Pizza, a cleaners on Parleys Way, and the 7 – 11 on Highland Dr. She indicated that the burglary on Stratford where an officer was shot has resulted in clearing up a lot of other problems in that area. She indicated that Brian Johnson is a new officer in our area replacing Ron Bruno. He can be reached at 799-3336. Linda reported a man in a white truck that is in the area saying that he is a painter and looking for work painting  He wants to look around and while he is doing this, he is stealing things. She cautioned everyone to be aware of this scam. She again cautioned people to keep houses and garages locked when not home and when working out in the yard. There have been a lot of problems reported at 1996/98 McClelland. It was suggested that people not give money to the panhandlers that have started working in the Sugar House area. They have found this to be a very productive area and are moving into this area more and more. Public Utilities – Sewer Information: Jim Lewis of the SLC Public Utilities Dept. presented information on proposed increases in sewer fees and proposed upgrades to the sewer system. Because of the expansion and growth of SLC, the waste water treatment plant has seen a substantial increase in the quantity of organic loading. In the past five years, the loading has doubled, and if trends continue, the plant will reach its capacity in approximately two years. The city is in hopes that a change in the way sewer charges are billed may encourage conservation and, hopefully, control and/or reduce the wastewater strength. It is estimated that $57 million needs to be spent on capital improvements and are proposing a change in the sewer-rate structure and an increase in the sewer rates to cover these costs. The rate structure would have different rates for different types of customersSO that those discharging more waste will be charged more. It is expected that the rate increase will not effect most residential customers. A public hearing will be heard with the SLC Council on June 6 or you can call the Public Utilities at 483-6900 for more information. Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud of the Planning Dept. reported that the Redman project has been submitted to the Planning Dept. The Sugar House Master Plan re-write is winding down and a draft for review is expected in the near future. The legal suit with Walgreen’s is proceeding and there was nothing significant to report on that. Bill announced that he will be leaving the Salt Lake City are for new employment. This will be a great loss to Salt Lake City and especially to the Sugar House area. Bill has been very involved and very supportive of the goals of the Sugar House area and will be missed greatly. He was given a big round of applause for all his contributions in our area. Proposed Demolition of Homes at 2021 and 2021 1/2 So. 10th East: David Henshaw and Bill Jensen presented a proposal for expansion of parking facilities for theLifestyles 2000 fitness center located at 1033 East 21s1 So. There is currently a problem with patrons of this facility parking in the residentiaarea and the owner of the facility is desirous of creating more parking in an effort to eliminate the parking in the residential area. At the present time, the building code requires 59 parking stalls for a business with the number of sq. ft. that this facility has. They currently have 65 stalls. They presented two proposals. The first would demolish the homes at 2021 and 2021 1/2 So. 10th East and expand the current parking to 89 parking stalls. ‘This plan would also include an increase of landscaped area from 7% to 12%. The second plan would also demolish the next home North of the other two. This plan would provide 106 parking stalls and would provide 10% landscaped area. The discussion included the desire of the community to provide more single family homes and not destroy any. There was also a big concern with a further encroachment of the business community into the residential community. The motion was made that we oppose the demolition of any of these homes. The voting was 8 in favor. 1 opposed, and 2 abstaining. There will be a public hearing on this issue May 10 at 3:00 PM at the city/county building. Granite Block Mini Master Plan Update: The U of U students presented their final plan for the Granite block. The students included: Kyuhong Cho, Chris Dayton, Susan Petheram, Monty Thurber, and Kern Weaver. The goal of their plan was to 1) increase residential presence, 2) make the area more pedestrian and transit oriented, 3) control the development, and 4) preserve the character of the area. They also presented some historical information on this area. Their presentation was very professionally done and well received by those in attendance. The information they have prepared will be helpful in the future as changes are proposed for that area. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]