SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2001

Sugar House Community Council Meeting

WEDNESDAY May 2, 2001PLACE:          SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East                NEW MEETING ROOMTIME: 7:00 PM PRIOR TO COUNCIL MEETING:6:00 – 7:00       Inaugural Sugar House Historical Meeting                       EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND – TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:10       Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval                        Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:20       Public Input7:20 – 7:30       County Council Update – Joe Hatch7:30 – 7:40       Senate Bill 258 Update – Gene Davis    Raising the amount of money in the State Risk Pool 7:40 – 7:50       Police Update7:50 – 7:55       Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:55 – 8:10       Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson8:10 – 8:15       Sugar House Historical Update – Susan Petheram8:15 – 8:30       School Closure Comments – Wanda Gayle8:30 – 8:45       CHIPs Presentation – Nano Podolsky8:45 – 9:00       Proposed Pet Store/Clinic/Kennell at old Wild Oats on 7th E/ Freeway exit – Heather Franc9:00 – 9:15       Organizational Issues                                    Trustee Issues                                    Introduction of new trustees – Jared                                       Fredrick, Justin Jones, Todd Slack, E.                                       Paddington Campos, Julie Nitzkowski9:15 – 9:45       Unit Legalization Discussion9:45                 Adjourn FUTURE MEETINGS:                      June Agenda Deadline – May 18, 2001 – Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1664            SHCC Executive Meeting – May 21, 2001 – 7:00 PM -Contact Alice for place            SHCC Trustee Review of Master Plan – May 31 7 – 9 PM- Sprague Library                SEE FLYER ON BACK OF THIS AGENDA            Next Community Council Meeting – June 6, 2001 – 7:00 PM- Sprague Library            Trustee Summer Social – June 12 – 6:00 PM THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library          NOTE: WE ARE BACK AT THE LIBRARY Questions: Call            Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181                         Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170                        Vice Chair Su Armitage – 487-2321                        Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663                        Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352                        Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153                        Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:                                      SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMINUTES FOR May 2, 2001 Trustees:  Alice Edvalson, Rawlins Young, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Lynne Olson, Kevan Adams, Justin Jones, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Gary Bengtzen, E. Paddington Campos, Judi Short, Gayen Wharton, Helen Peters, Tiffany Starbuck, Gene Davis, Rich Bennett, Susan Petheram (18)  Excused:  Fred Conlon, Jared Fredrick, Dolores Donohoo City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Dan Bergenthal, SLC Transportation Dept.; Diane Olsen, Officer Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police Dept.; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Joe Hatch, SL County Council; Roger Thompson, City Council (10) Others: Greg Whisenant, Jean Foulks, Marie Klaassens, Jeff Marble, Hara Foulks, Peggy Johnson, Reva Servoss, Ella Olsen, Charlene Allert, Keri Epperson, Jim Phelan, Derek Payne, Ashley Ashton, Suzi Haynes Whesenant, Beth Bowman, Tom Nitzkowski, Mike Holman, Roger Black, Lyn Williams, Karin Whitlock, Edward Glashien, Nano Podolsky, Sandra Clark, Susan Horman, Dave Horman, John Sabodski, Theresa Sabodski, Agnes Greenhall, Melissa Lichtenstein, Wanda Gayle, Dale Urvan, Ron Hopkins, Claudia Pack, Milton Braselton (34) Total Attending – 62 Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley.  The minutes were approved with the addition of Su Armitage to the list of trustees present.  Trustee Justin Jones commented that the total number of trustees voting on issues was not the same on all issues being voted on. It was noted that some trustees come late and leave early and some do not vote at all, thus the difference in the numbers voting. CHAIR REPORT: Chair, Ray Pugsley reported that trustee Dorothy Tuddenham had passed away.  A flower arrangement was sent from the trustees.  It was suggested that a tree be planted in Hidden Hollow in her memory as well.  A collection was taken to cover the cost of these, and those desiring to signed a card. Ray reported that the gates in Fairmont Park are being locked by the Transportation Dept. instead of the Police Dept. because the Transportation Dept. is more consistently available to assure they are locked at the appropriate times.  Our July meeting falls on the 4th of July and trustees were asked what they suggested we do about the meeting.  A motion was made that we not meet with the voting 4 in favor, 10 opposed and 2 abstaining.  Another motion was made that we meet on July 10 since that is the closest date available at the library. The voting on this was 9 in favor, 1 opposed, and 4 abstaining. As a result, our July meeting will be held at the Sprague Library on Tuesday, July 10. Ray read a flyer regarding a Preparedness Fair to be held May 19 from 2 – 6 PM at 1889 So. 17th East.  Everyone is invited to attend. Ray reminded trustees that elections for Council officers will be held again in October and encouraged all trustees to consider running for an executive position. The Mayor is encouraging us to have some kind of activity in connection with the Olympics.  It was suggested that we could have something at Sugar House Park since that will be a park and ride spot.  It was suggested that we should attempt to get the Olympic torch run to come through Sugar House. The activities committee will work on suggestions for an activity. Julie Nitzkowski will chair this committee. The Mayor and other city representatives will meet with our community from 6 – 7 PM prior to our June Meeting on June 6. Everyone is encouraged to come early and meet with the Mayor. TREASURER’S REPORT:            April 17 Statement – no activity – balance – $1,915.57 COUNTY COUNCIL UPDATE:            Joe Hatch, representative from Dist., 1 which covers North of 21st So. and West of 18th East, indicated that the boundaries of the districts could change when the census figures are completed. He now has 15 community councils in his district. Joe encouraged anyone with comments or questions to contact his office at 468-2930. He said the County Council is currently working on budget issues. This district has a lot of Senior Centers and Arts facilities and funding for all of these could be impacted by not enough money. The swimming pool being built at Fairmont Park was funded by the ZAP (Zoo, Arts, Parks) tax. There have been disputes between the architect and the contractors that have slowed the progress on the pool.  If you have questions concerning the pool, call Leslie Reberg at 468-3617. Lynne Olson asked about possible funding for the Parleys Trail tunnel under I-215. Joe said they are looking at grant monies or some other funding to work with this. A lot of money has been funded and spent on building facilities but none has been allocated for maintenance of these facilities. City Councilman Roger Thompson asked if the Steiner Ice Sheet was in financial because of the budget shortfall. Joe didn’t think it was; he thought funds had been dedicated for that. The County Council meets every Tues. at 10 AM as the Committee of the Whole. They reconvene as the County Council at 4 PM. You can find the agenda for these meetings on the Internet, at           PUBLIC INPUT:            Greg Whisenant indicated that he has various crime report information that is available via E-mail.  If you want to receive this information, go to or contact Greg at [email protected] .            Jean Foulks and Marie Klaassens reported that there are increased parking problems at 15th East and 20th South by the new donut shop (the old Herzog station). They feel the businesses located there are way to big for the available parking. There are only 21 parking places including 2 handicapped. Both Jean and Marie live close to this area and report that diesel trucks park in front of their homes and leave their trucks running while they go to the donut shop. Barry Esham suggested the possibility of creating a residential permit parking area or possibly getting the employees of these businesses to park some other place. SENATE BILL 258 UPDATE:            Senator (and trustee) Gene Davis indicated that this bill was prompted by the recent death and injury of Highland High students returning from a school activity. This would modify provisions of the State Immunity Law by increasing damage caps and modifying distribution of those payments when multiple persons are injured. The bill did not pass in the recent legislative session. It is possible it could be revisited in a special session. Gene suggested we contact our representatives expressing our desires. Questions can be addressed to the Governor’s office at 538-1000. A motion was made that we send a letter in support of this bill.  The voting was 12 in favor, 2 opposed, 3 abstaining. The families of two students involved in this accident at Highland High were in attendance at the meeting, Dave & Susan Horman and John and Theresa Sabodski. POLICE REPORT:            Diane Olsen reported that Linda Ward has been reassigned to another area and that she is being replaced by Officer Brendon Kirkwood (249-3258). Diane indicated that the Police Dept. is not working with Gary Whisenant and the reports he is making available via E-mail or his web site. They have looked at what he has done and, at least initially, feel that what he has done seems to be ok. Diane reported that there has not been quite as much crime activity in Fairmont Park, but it is getting really bad in Sugar House Park. MAYOR’S OFFICE UPDATE:           There will be another Saturday Morning With the Mayor on May 5 from 10 – noon at Einsteins Bagels on South Temple & E St. Barry again encouraged everyone to come early to our June meeting to meet with the Mayor and his staff. Barry expressed appreciation to Charlene Allert for her help in preparing the minutes and agenda for mailing this past month. Barry indicated that the street closure from Wilmington to 21st South has been approved for the 4th of July celebration. It was not approved for the block North of 21st South. Barry indicated that the cottage in Fairmont Park may be used for a youth center. PLANNING DEPARTMENT UPDATE:            Melissa Anderson of the Planning Dept. introduced Dan Bergenthal of the Transportation Dept. who presented proposed new street signage that has been designed for use in the downtown area and also in the Sugar House area if we want it. After much discussion, a motion was made that we keep our own concrete Sugar House signs and that we keep the existing Sugar House motif and colors (purple & gold). After much more discussion, this motion was rescinded. Another motion was made that we use the proposed signage from the city but that we keep the cement markers designating the Sugar House Business District boundaries. Voting on this motion was 14 in favor, 3 opposed, and 2 abstaining. SUGAR HOUSE HISTORICAL UPDATE:            Susan Petheram reported on the first meeting of the Historical Society held prior to this meeting tonight.  There was a good turnout. The Historical Society is being created in an effort to preserve the great store of history of the Sugar House area and make it available to the public. They have received a grant to do an oral history project and are interested in persons who grew up in the Sugar House area and are still living. If anyone knows of such persons, please contact Susan at 467-7657. They are looking for a place to house the Historical Society. If anyone knows of anyone who has a building they would be willing to donate for this purpose please contact Susan. The next meeting will be June 19 at 6 PM at the Sprague Library. SCHOOL CLOSURE COMMENTS:            Wanda Gayle, Dale Urvan, and Sandy Clark spoke representing the general public regarding the closing of schools. According to their report, it is felt that the promises made in 1999 when the school bond election was passed have not been kept. It is felt that the SLC School Board told the public that the Eastside schools would be retrofitted or rebuilt, but not closed. The Board feels they need to close three schools in order to save money. It is felt by this group that closing the three schools would save less than 1% of the current annual budget for operational costs. The Board uses only the neighborhood population in evaluating schools for closure. This does not take into consideration the School Choice laws enacted in 1993 which allows parents to be able to choose the best school for their children, regardless of boundaries. It is felt that at least some of the schools considered for closure have plenty of students to maintain them. Many comments were made regarding the major negative impact on neighborhoods when schools are closed. City Councilman, Roger Thompson said that the City Council would work with the school board in an effort to try to keep the schools open so as not to hurt the neighborhood, but the school board would not listen to them. They are afraid that it may be too late to prevent the closing of the three schools now, but are interested in finding what we can do to stop this from happening in the future. It was suggested that we all need to put pressure on the School Board to take a re-vote on this closure issue. Call Dale Urvan at 536-4145 or see The final report is due on June 3. CHIPS PRESENTATION:            CHIPS stands for Children’s Health Insurance Program. Nano Podolsky from the School District indicated that there will be persons canvassing the neighborhoods in an effort to make everyone aware of the availability of the program. This program is for working families that have children under age 19, earn too much for Medicaid, cannot afford health insurance, and the child must be a US Citizen or Resident Alien. If you know of anyone who could benefit from this program or have questions, call Nano at 578-8244. PROPOSED PET STORE/CLINIC/KENNEL AT THE OLD WILD OATS ON 7TH EAST & FREEWAY EXIT:            Melissa Anderson from the Planning Dept. talked about some of the types of businesses that are allowed in a Commercial/Neighborhood (C/N) zone and in a Commercial/Business (C/B) zone and discussed some of the issues we need to consider regarding this request since it would require a zone change from Commercial/Neighborhood to Commercial/Business. Melissa indicated that the Planning Dept. has not received a request for this proposal. Since Heather Franc did not come to the meeting, we will assume she has dropped her plans unless we hear from her again. ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES:            The following new trustees introduced themselves: Justin Jones, Paddy Campos, and Julie Nitzkowsky. UNIT LEGALIZATION DISCUSSION:            Sheila O’Driscoll from the Land Use sub-committee indicated she did not feel that they were prepared to direct this discussion yet. She still needs to talk with Larry Butcher, the SLC Zoning Administrator to answer some questions the sub-committee has. She suggested we postpone this discussion until a later time and in the meantime, encouraged trustees to read the handout that was given to us a couple of months ago and also to call Sheila with any specific questions they might have.            Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM


Landon Clark
[email protected]