SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2002


WEDNESDAY May 1, 2002



PLACE:            SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:10         Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Chair                        Report, Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:20         Public Input7:20 – 7:30         Organizational Issues                          Olympic Pins                          Tote Bags                          SHCC Purpose Statement Update7:30 – 7:35         Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:35 – 7:40         Police Update – Diane Olsen & Brendon Kirkwood7:40 – 7:50         Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson7:50 – 8:10         Recommendation of the Zoning Evaluation Study                         for the area bounded by 9th East/McClelland & 21st                       South/Sugarmont – Melissa Anderson8:10 – 8:25         Ballet West Update – Melissa Anderson8:25 – 8:45         Proposed Planned Unit Development with intent to                        demolish 3 houses & replace with 6 houses –                        1850 East 1700 South – Bob Guyt8:45 – 9:00         Committee Report on proposed development at 2816 So.                       Highland Drive – Helen Peters9:00                  Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS:Westminster Neighborhood Small Area Master Plan Public Workshop –             May 8, 2002, 5:30 – 8:30 PM Nunemaker Place, 1700 So. 1300 E.                                                            Westminister CollegeJune Agenda Deadline – May 17, 2002 – Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – May 20, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Contact Alice for                                                                                                placeNext Community Council Meeting – June 5, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Sprague Library             THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library   Questions: Call      Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708            Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340            Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352            Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153            Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  or hhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************
Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for May 1, 2002 Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Gary Bengtzen, Rich Bennett, Chris Bowler, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (18) Trustees Excused: Justin Jones, Ty McCartney  City/State Representatives: Debbie Gabrenas, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Diane Olsen, Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police; Dale Lambert, City Council Dist. 7 (5) Others:  Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Melissa Lichtenstein, Charles Moore, April Larsen, Tom Crismon, Cindy Cromer, Tom Nitzkowski, Gina Thompson, Bill Cervoss, Craig Fuller, Sherry Baranowski, Kathy Campbell, Frank Pignanelli, Dallis Nordstrom, Agnes Greenhall, Cindy Sadler, Roma Morris, Larry C. Naylor, Bob Terreyear, Dottie Bintz, Tom Bintz, Boris Kurz, Brooke Crismon, Scott Olcott (25)Total Attending: 48 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. The minutes from the April meeting were approved.  CHAIR REPORT:Ray reported that the Mayor was concerned with the illegal employees who were arrested at the airport. Most of them have been deported and/or released. The Mayor asked the help of the citizens to help out the families of these people. He is asking, 1) that we use a family support system, 2) that we create activities that will bring families together, and 3) that we provide opportunities to help them better their situation. If anyone could get involved and help, contact Archie Archuleta at 535-7704. The annual Ride To Work is scheduled for May 16 at 6:30 AM from Liberty Park to the City-County Building. A Spring Fiesta will be held May 18 10 AM – 6 PM at the Northwest Recreation Center on 13th West and 3rd North. Proceeds will go to Youth scholarships. For more information contact Dan at 538-0208. There is some low-cost housing available at 3%. Contact LuAnn Clark at 535-6136. The City clean-up pickup has started and is moving from east to west. You will be notified prior to the dates for your area. There will be a July 4th Street Fair in the Sugar House area again this year. Ray asked if we wanted to sponsor a booth again this year and circulated a sign up sheet for volunteers to set up and staff the booth. We need at least 2 people for each hour in order to sponsor a booth. Ray asked if we wanted to have our July meeting on the 3rd of July. A motion was made and approved to meet as usual on the 3rd. The Westminster Small Area Master Plan will hold a workshop on May 8 from 5:30 – 8:30 PM at Nunemaker Place on the Westminster College Campus. TREASURER’S REPORT:There has been no change since last month leaving a balance of $6,222.68. PUBLIC INPUT:Boris Kurz chair from the East Liberty Park Community Council reported that they are trying to get trees planted in the median on 7th East from 9th to 13th South and asked our support in this project. They have found that UDOT has found some money that could be available for funding the project. The project will cost $400,000 and $80,000 needs to come from the City. The median is already in place in this area. It is hoped that the median and trees could eventually be extended from South Temple to Nibley Park. A motion was made that we send a letter of support to the East Liberty Park Community Council and the City Council and donate $500 toward this project. After considerable discussion a vote was taken to end the debate and was defeated so the debate continued. Kevan Adams was concerned about spending money when it is out of our boundaries. Judi Short said that we would be asking others to do the same in support of us when we extend this into our area. The Sugar House Master Plan supports the boulevard idea for 7th East, and the Westminster Small Area Master Plan is also looking at this issue. There was a concern about spending this money when we are not sure the project will be approved. The motion was amended to read “that we offer $500 for the project when it comes to pass”. The voting was 13 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstaining.Alice Edvalson made a motion that we donate $250 to the Sugar House Merchants Association to help with the 4th of July celebration. Voting was 13 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining.Lynne Olson thanked Helen Peters, Su Armitage, Julie Nitzkowski, and Ed Glashien for coming out to set up the Water Conservation Fair at Hidden Hollow last month. She also thanked Sterling Furniture, Sundance Outlet Store, Lyn’s Nail Salon and Sugar Post Pottery for donating merchandise for a fund-raising auction and drawing. There will be another fair in June. She also thanked Jeff Woodbury of Woodbury Corp. for installing a staircase from the Woodmen Building on 13th East down to Hidden Hollow and she indicated she has seen people using it.Frank Pignanelli, representing Utahn’s for Radioactive Waste Control, reported on a petition that is being circulated to place an initiative on the November ballot regarding the storage of radioactive waste in the State. The initiative calls for a ban on high level waste and a much larger fee imposed on low level waste. The fee would be used for, 1) a cleanup fund, 2) Tooele County, 3) Education, 4) a basic human needs endowment. Ray recognized a group of Boy Scouts attending the meeting from Troop 6552 representing the Wilford area. He also recognized City Councilman Dale Lambert. Dale reported that the City Council has approved $330,00 for the proposed skateboard park and improvements in Fairmont Park and they also approved the Small Area Master Plan for the Sugar House Central Business District. ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES:OLYMPIC PINS:The Olympic pins have all been sold and all money has been collected making a profit of $4,343.79 for the community councilTOTE BAGS:There are still 10 tote bags left. There is still $55 yet to collect from trustees who have taken them to sell. If we could collect this money and sell the remaining bags, we could realize a profit of $307.30. These are very nice dark blue bags with the Sugar House Community Council logo and web addresses printed on the side.  These are available for a $5 donation to the Community Council.  Anyone interested please call Alice at 485-1663.SHCC PURPOSE STATEMENT:Kevan Adams found that we can add the two additional statements to our Articles of Incorporation and file the updated document with the State and they would review it. If there were any problems with it, they would notify us. The motion was made that we accept these amendments to the purpose statement in the Articles of Incorporation and submit the revised document to the State. Rawlins Young still questions the impact this could have on a future desire to obtain the 501(c)(3) status. Chris Bowler and Scott Kisling also expressed some concern. The voting was 8 in favor, 6 opposed, 2 abstaining. It was noted that this kind of motion needed a 2/3 majority so the motion failed. The motion was then made to add the additional purpose statements to the by-laws, but the motion was withdrawn with unanimous approval. MAYOR’S OFFICE UPDATE: Barry Esham is out of town so no update. POLICE UPDATE:Brandon Kirkwood reported that the Police were very much in support of the skateboard park. He again encouraged us to keep using Fairmont Park because the more that people use the park for legitimate activities, the less undesirable activities there are. He indicated that burglaries are up again and cautioned everyone to keep garages and doors locked. PLANNING DEPT. UPDATE – Melissa Anderson:Melissa encouraged those in the Westminster neighborhood to get involved with the Small Area Master Plan process.  ZONING EVALUATION STUDY – Melissa Anderson:Melissa reported on the evaluation that has been done on the area bounded by 9th East/McClelland & 21st South/Sugarmont, behind the Sugar House Business zone on 21st South. This area is currently zoned RMF 35 and institutional. The desire is to preserve the small single-family neighborhood south of Elm. They are recommending that the businesses along 9th East between Elm and Sugarmont be zoned CN, the area north of Elm between Lincoln and 10th East be zoned RB, the area east of the businesses on 9th to the existing business area on McClelland, including the south/west corner of 10th East/Elm and from Elm to Sugarmont be zoned R1-5000. The area on the east of that to McClelland would be zoned SHBD-mixed use for live work or town house development. Melissa asked for a letter from us stating our feelings on this recommendation. A motion was made that we support the proposal and that we include the comments from the discussion in the letter. Discussion included, 1) Kevan Adams feels that this supports our purpose to maintain the neighborhoods. Ruth Price said it is a harsh down-zone which would limit any growth in the future. A vote to end debate was 13 in favor, 3 opposed, 0 abstaining. Voting on the motion was 14 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstaining. BALLET WEST UPDATE – Melissa Anderson:The developers are asking for a temporary construction easement and amendment to the conservation easement for the small area of Hidden Hollow at the north/west corner of the proposed project to allow for the construction of the wall of the new building in that area. In order to do this, the benefits for the community and Hidden Hollow must be spelled out prior to construction.  It is agreed that the project will restore and enhance the area following construction. Plants must be replaced and there must be no net loss of trees. The trees may be replanted or replaced. The sidewalk must be replaced. There have been several items identified that will be done in addition, including additional signage leading to the Hollow. Lynne Olson indicated that the Ballet West has worked very carefully with the Hidden Hollow Management Committee to make sure there would be no problems. A motion was made and approved to extend the discussion for 5 minutes. The landscape will be inventoried prior to construction to know what is currently there. Rawlins Young is concerned that they are building right to the property line and that the building is so large. He indicated that this is all City (RDA) property and is concerned that this project may not be in line with RDA principles. Lynne indicated that the developers are providing educational opportunities for the school children to teach them what is involved in building a building such as this. This proposal will be presented to the Planning Commission May 16 at 5:50 PM in Room 126 of the City-County Bldg. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT – 1850 East 1700 South – Scott Olcott:This proposal involves 3 lots with the intent to demolish 3 houses and replace them with 2 facing 17th South and an additional 3 behind. There is a possibility that they would also acquire a part of the adjoining property to the east and add an additional 2 on that lot. The homes would be 1 1/2 story buildings. A letter was presented from 7 surrounding neighbors in support of this proposal. Tom Nitzkowski stated that he had looked at this property and that it was a very big area and is currently being under utilized. An adjacent neighbor indicated that they were thrilled with what was being proposed. Sherry Baranowski feels that the residents around this property know nothing about this. The people in the Bonneville area to the north of 17th South know nothing of this and feel that notification should be given to all residents in the area. Sheila O’Driscoll expressed concern with this type of development being pursued in this area again. There have been at least two other such developments that have been approved in this general area and there have been problems with each of them. For instance, the developers have said they are going to live in the project, and then they move away. Another problem is that the neighbors are not all informed of the proposal. Increasing the number of homes in this area also increases the traffic. In the past, the developers have not dealt with the long term issues. Sheila felt that the public process needs to be improved. Chris Bowler asked what information had been given to those persons who signed the letter of approval and was told that they received the same packet of information that had been given to us. Gayen Wharton is concerned with all the deep lots in the whole Sugar House area, and asked, Do we want to continue this type of development or do we want to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood? Scott Kisling indicated that our Master Plan is not in favor of the flag lot type of development. Rawlins Young opposed flag lot development, saying that “infill becomes the character of the neighborhood rather than the single family character as it has been.” This is eliminating open space and the City is not providing other open space to compensate for this loss. Kevan Adams said that developing housing like this would support more families that would help our school-closing problem. Su Armitage feels the houses are too close and that the developers tell us one thing and then do something else. The property owners have owned this property since the 1979. A motion was made that we state to the City that we have heard this proposal and identify all the issues that have been raised. Scott Kisling feels that we need to have an approval or non-approval vote. Ruth Price felt that not enough issues had been noted from the property owners and adjacent owners. She was also concerned with the suggestion to add a public street because that would be taking private property. Correction:Ruth Price said the May minutes did not accurately reflect her comments during the Crismon PUD discussion. Voting on the motion was 5 in favor, 11 opposed, 1 abstaining. Another motion was made that we do not support this development because of our general principals regarding preservation of neighborhood housing. We ask the City to look, in detail, into the problems of infill regarding accumulating lots and PUD’s in existing neighborhoods. Voting was 10 in favor, 6 opposed, 1 abstaining. Another motion was made that we write a letter to the City noting all the issues that have been raised relating to PUD-type development. Voting was 15 in favor, 0 opposing, 1 abstaining. REPORT ON PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AT 2816 SO. HIGHLAND DRIVE – Helen Peters:Helen Peters reported that a meeting was held at her home and that all trustees had been notified of the meeting. They found that the 2 lots involved with this proposal were separate properties and unless they could be joined, they could not build a building of this size. There were also questions regarding whether they would meet the demolition requirements. Charles Moore, the Realtor, thanked Helen for working with him and indicated he would continue looking into their options. The meeting adjourned at 9:26 PM. 

Landon Clark
[email protected]