SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2011

SHCC Meeting Minutes – May 2011


Meeting Minutes – May 6, 2011

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Sugar House Community Council was held on Wednesday, May 6, 2011, at 7:02 P.M., in the meeting room of the Sprague Branch Library, Chairman Cabot Nelson in the Chair and Secretary, Philip Carlson being present.  Trustees in Attendance:  Jim Brown, Elaine Brown, Michael G. Kavanagh, Grace Sperry, Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young, Christopher Thomas, Larry Migliaccio, Robin Bastar, Sarah Carlson, Pattie DeNunzio, Lynne Olsen, Laurie Bray, Judi Short, Dolores Donohoo, Annalisa Holcolmbe, Derek Payne, Sally Barraclough, Ron Molen, Travis Pearce, Sheila O’Driscoll, Dave Mulder.  Trustees Excused:  Amy Barry, Carlyle Harris, Russ Callister, Benny Keele, Sandra Walsh. Trustees Absent: Ruth Price, Jason Bradley, Barbara Green.

The minutes were approved without amendment.  During the Secretary’s report, by Philip Carlson, trustee petitions were approved, without objection, for Topher Horman and Russell Callister.

The Treasurer’s report, by Robin Bastar, indicated a balance of $2,577.46.

The Chair’s report, by Cabot Nelson, included short presentations by Laurie Bray on the SHBD Map Project, and Analisa Holcombe on Westminster’s Sugar House Summit Project.

The Fire Department gave a monthly presentation after the Chair Report.

Committee Reports:  LU&Z by Judi Short, POST by Lynne Olsen, Transportation by Larry Migliaccio, Finance by Sarah Carlson, W&I by Cabot Nelson, Affordable Housing by Pattie DeNunzio.  During Committee Reports Motions by the Finance Committee and Cabot Nelson were addressed as follows.

Finance moved the following Budget which was APPROVED:
Arts & Cultural        = $200
Affordable Housing  = $ 50
CERT                    = $ 50
Executive               = $260
Finance                 = $ 50
Historical               = $ 50
LU&Z                    = $ 50
POST                   = $100
PFDC                   = $ 50
Sustainability         = $ 50
Transportation        = $ 50
W&I                      =$432
Total        =  $1,342

Finance moved a new charter:  “The Budget & Finance Committee will be composed of three or 5 SHCC Trustees, Dolores Donohoo, Robin Bastar, Sarah Carlson, Christopher Thomas and Cabot Nelson.  Our mission is to : determine an annual budget for ratification by the Board, and to support and further the mission of the Sugar House Community Council”  The motion FAILED 10-11

Cabot Nelson moved disbandment of individual committees (passed = disbanded):
FAILED         = Arts and Cultural
PASSED        = Membership (disbanded)
PASSED        = SH Development (disbanded)
PASSED        = SH Master Plan (disbanded)
FAILED         = SH Business District
PASSED        = Activities (disbanded)

SLC Redevelopment Agency Updates for Sugar House were presented by D. J. Baxter.

A presentation for Caregiver Connection was given by Clara McClane.

Monthly Presentations were given by:  Heidie Spence for the Sugar House Community Garden,  Chad Lott for b space SALON with introduction by Our Own Michael G. Kavanagh, Soren Simonsen for the City Council, Shawn McDonough for the Mayor’s Office.
Adjourned:  21:02

Approved June 1, 2011

Landon Clark
[email protected]