SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1994

SHCC Meeting Minutes – November 1994


November 2, 1994


Present:  Jerry Romero, Alice Edvalson, Allen Johnson, Claudia Bellamy, Brian Bellamy, Roselyn Kirk, Kraig Erickson, Richard Mendenhall, Rich Bennett, Arleen Summerhays, Boyd Summerhays, Marvin Tuddenham, Dorothy Tuddenham, Mark S. Fetzer, Leland J. Myers, Richard M. Smiley, Rob Barney, Stephen Weight, Roger Miller, John Thomas, Ned Stephenson, Lynn Woodbury, Wendy Merrill, Kirk Merrill, Rawlins Young, Keith Christensen, Dave Buhler, Mary Carlson, Wes Groesbeck, Roger Rabet, Bob Adams, Kate Deiss, Scott L. Kisling, Richard J. Turpin, Gene Davis, Sheila O’Driscoll, ,Ruth A. Robbins, Russen Naylor, Chris Sel, John Thackeray, Armand Johansen, Everett Joyce, Lynne Olson.Excused: James Lund, Judi Short, Sharon Ashcraft, Doloros Donohoo, Craig Bohn Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Jerry Romero. Minutes of October meeting were approved. Boy Scout Stephen Waite, who is who is working on a merit badge, was welcomed to the meeting. Candidates for the upcoming elections were welcomed.Jerry explained the proposed new committee structure. All trustees received information on these committees a week ago and were requested to volunteer for the committee they desired to serve on. It is planned that all committees will meet on a regular monthly basis, suggested for the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at Highland High School. Jerry expressed several things he desires to accomplish during the next year. Among those, he mentioned the active involvement of all trustees in at least one of the general committees, and the need to have a recreation center in the Sugar House area. Several upcoming meetings were announced including CDAC, SLACC, and the Downtown Traffic Master Plan Reviews. Persons needing further information on these meetings should contact Jerry. Keith Christensen reported that the RDA has reviewed the revised Master Plan for the Sugar House Business District as presented by Wikstrom and Associates. There may still need to be some work done on it, but overall it was good. The next day, Thackeray/Johansen filed a plan for the new development on the McIntyre Center property. Overall it was not much different from what had been presented previously. In light of the rewrite of the Business District Master Plan, the council voted to place a moratorium on any building on this block and the block adjacent on the left. The council felt the master plan needs to be completed before anything else is done in this area. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposal to modify restrictions on future planned unit development was presented to the City Council. This was defeated because of some of the implications with the re-zoning. This will stop the development that was planned at Irving.  The development at Irving will now have to be re-looked at. The council voted to change the Hillside Development Ordinance from 40% to 30%. The City Council is going to have a retreat with SLACC in an effort to better determine what the role of SLACC really is. Keith asked the SHCC to give him suggestions on what we feel SLACC should be doing to help us.Parsons/Brinkerhoff made a presentation on a brief overview of improvements that need to be made on the I-15 access to the downtown Salt Lake City area. This plan addressed the problems of traffic congestion as well as the deteriorated condition of the road and overpasses. This freeway is about 30 years old and was not designed for the high volumes of traffic that are present today. The presentation began at the 90th South intersection and continued to the downtown area. There will be more information on this effort in the future.The following candidates for the upcoming election were given an opportunity to introduce themselves: Senate Dist. 1 ­Richard Smiley, Senate Dist. 7 – Bob Adams and Dave Buhler, Representative Dist. 31 – Brian Belamy and Mary Carlson, Representative Dist. 30 – Gene Davis is running unopposed and relinquished his time due to the late hour. Dorothy Tuddenham reported that the Sugar House Police Sub-Station bas moved to the upstairs, back area in the old post office building. She indicated that Officer Pam Grimes would appreciate support for the open container ordinance. She also indicated that Lynn Chatwin has been working with the Albertson’s store on 17th So. and,9th East to make available a spray paint for the removal of graffiti. Trustee Wendy Merrill made a presentation on a traffic problem at the intersection at Foothill Drive and Laurelhurst Drive. She presented a petition signed by the area neighborhood and ask that the SHCC write a letter. of support addressed to the Traffic Dept and the Mayor’s office. Dave Buhler made a motion that we support the neighborhood in this action. The motion was seconded and approved. Dick Turpin indicated that the RDA is trying to acquire old abandoned service stations and turn them into multi-family housing. They are also looking at the old Anderson Lumber area. In order to build multi-family housing on these sites, the new zoning must allow for that type of development. There were some questions about possible BPA problems with these sites. Some suggested sites in our area included 17th So. & 5th East, 27th So. & Highland Drive, 21st So.·& 21st East, and just South of 17th So. on 11th East.Everett Joyce showed. a map of the Sugar House area and described the new zoning in this area. He indicated that anyone who had comments regarding the· zoning must submit them to him so he can get them to the- Planning Commission by this next week. Woodbury and Eastland/Regency Development again presented their plans in hopes of getting an approval from the SHCC. ·They met with the neighborhood and have worked out most of the previous problems. Since they were not listed on the agenda for this meeting, it was felt unfair to take a vote on this development as some of the trustees in that area were not present at the meeting. It was agreed that they be included as number one on the December agenda and call for a vote -of approval at the December meeting. Thackeray/Johansen again presented their plans for the McIntyre Center property. They indicated that Gart Bro. Sporting Goods is planning to rebuild their store. The plan included a restaurant in the West corner of their building – facing Hidden Hollow. A new electronics store, Future Shop, wants to build a large store to the south of Gart Bros. facing Wilmington.  Gart and Future Shop want to get started building soon after the first of the year. Other plans include a restaurant and video store on 11th East and 21st South. They indicated the police sub-station has agreed to stay where they are in the old post office building, but could be moved to another location on the ground level if they want to. Because- of the action taken at the City Council the night before, no action was taken on this plan. Motion made to adjourn at 9:00 P.M.
Landon Clark
[email protected]